Kinetis Microcontrollers Knowledge Base

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Kinetis Microcontrollers Knowledge Base


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First let us see the clock tree: Core clock up to 112M, Bus clock up to 56M, Flash clock up to 28M. Clock can been from: System OSC、Slow IRC 、Fast IRC and System PLL 1. OSC SCG_SOSCCFG 2. PLL configuration formula: SPLL_CLK = (VCO_CLK)/2 VCO_CLK = SOSC_CLK/(PREDIV + 1) *(MULT + 16)  3. SCG_SPLLCSR void SystemClockInit(void) { SCG->SOSCCFG = 0x3C; SCG->SOSCCSR |= 1<<0; /* SOSCEN=1 enable SOSC clock */ /*wait clock active*/ while((SCG->SOSCCSR & SCG_SOSCCSR_SOSCVLD_MASK) == 0); SCG->SPLLCSR &= ~(0x1<<0) ; /* SPLLEN=0: disable PLL*/ SCG->SPLLCFG &= ~(0x7<<8); /* PREDIV=0: 1 */ SCG->SPLLCFG |= 0xCU<<16; /* MULT=12: 28   PLL VCO = 8/1*(12+16) = 224M */ SCG->SPLLCSR |= 0x1<<0; /* SPLLEN=1: enable PLL */ /* wait PLL active*/ while((SCG->SPLLCSR & SCG_SPLLCSR_SPLLVLD_MASK) == 0); SCG->RCCR |= SCG_RCCR_DIVCORE(0); /* DIVCORE=0: 1, CORE/SYS_CLK  112MHz */ SCG->RCCR |= SCG_RCCR_DIVBUS(1); /* DIVBUS=1: 2, BUS_CLK  56MHz */ SCG->RCCR |= SCG_RCCR_DIVSLOW(3); /* DIVSLOW=2: 4   FLASH_CLK  is 28MHz */ SCG->RCCR &= 0xFEFFFFFF; /* Initially set to SIRC so that LSB could be set as '0' */ SCG->RCCR |= SCG_RCCR_SCS(6); /* SCS=6: system clock System PLL */ }
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There is new amazing feature in FreeMaster ver 1.4 ( ) - you can do the debugging and visualization of your application in FreeMASTER without adding any code in there (you do not need a serial driver of any kind to achieve the connection), just using the communication plug-in to OSDA embedded in new version of Freemaster connected instead of the debugger from IDE. The driverless use of Freemaster use is easy to use, just open the FreeMaster, assuming you have your own application, without any Freemaster driver in it. Load the application into flash memory of the KL device and close debugging session from IDE. Open FreeMaster and  go to Project/Options/Comm, use setup from picture below Choose Plug-in - use the FreeMASTER BDM Communication Plug-in, hit configure and take P&E Kinetis. you can test the connection there too. The next step is to go to Options/MAP files, navigate to *.ELF file of your project and set file format to ELF/DWARF (I have chosen .elf from some usb demo project just to show the way how to do so) well, the connection is established, now there is need to choose variables for display and visualization. Go to project/Variables and choose variables you want to follow (hit Generate.. to do so, list of variables available in your project will appear and you can choose the desired one and hit generate - it will check and generate the variable connection, you can do it for single variable, array or more variables - it is intuitive ) When desired variables are generated, close the dialog. You can make a scope or add variables to watch. To add variable to variable watch window click by right mouse button in watch area go to watch properties, Watch tab and hit Add---->> to add it between watched wariables and hit OK and value appears in the Variable Watch window. To create scope, go to project tree window and use right mouse button on NewProject, choose Create Scope... In scope properties chose the name for this scope and go to  Setup tab. You can add your variable to the scope here by choosing in drop down menu Hit OK and start the session (Ctrl+K) or hitting Stop icon in the menu, the variable is displayed in the window. The value in my case stays 0 however displays correctly... Pavel
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Share some information on how to use micro-trace buffer.
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Hello Kinetis fans, This time I bring to you a document which explains what is and how to configure channel linking feature which is present in the Enhanced Direct Memory Access (eDMA). If you are interested in the scatter/gather feature, please take a look into the document What is and how to configure the eDMA scatter/gather feature. I hope you find this document useful. Best regards, Earl Orlando Ramírez-Sánchez Technical Support Engineer NXP Semiconductors
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Trimming internal reference clock of ICS (internal clock source) module using OSDA connection Pavel Šádek, Rožnov, Czech Republic   Simple apps does not require crystal driven clock precision. Internal reference clock based timing of MCU can be used instead.   Manufacturing process yealds to frequency deviation, that is why all MCU devices are factory programmed with a trim value in a reserved memory location. This value is uploaded to the ICS_C3 register and ICS_C4[SCFTRIM] during any reset initialization. For finer precision, trim the internal oscillator in the application and set ICS_C4[SCFTRIM] accordingly.   The TRIM bits effect the ICSOUT frequency if the ICS is in FLL engaged internal (FEI), FLL bypassed internal (FBI), or FLL bypassed internal low power (FBILP) mode.   The internal reference clock can be trimmed also in program time of the device to any value between 31.25 and 39.062kHz, this allows also achieving exotic bus frequencies.  The value applied in Processor Expert does not propagate into Pemicro connection manager. No matter if Processor expert is used or not , we need to configure it it by ourselves in connection of OSDA (same for debugging or programming). So this is a guide how to do so.   In the program initialization we need to initialize the ICS_C3 register and ICS_C4[SCFTRIM]. It can be done siply this way:   /* System clock initialization */   if ( *((uint8_t*) 0x03FFU) != 0xFFU) {     ICS_C3 = *((uint8_t*) 0x03FFU);     ICS_C4 = (ICS_C4 & 0xFEU) | ((*((uint8_t*) 0x03FEU)) & 0x01U);   }   Then hit   flag, choose debug configuration and you will see configuration of your connectons, I have here only OSDA for my Kinetis E Freedom board (it is similar across families of Kinetis, ColdFire or S08 just connection would be SWD, Jtag or BDM) You will get new window   Choose „Advanced Programming Options“ button     Enable calculating of Trim value and programming into Flash location. If the TRIM frequency is different from default, check the box to use custom one in valid range – the one you(or Processor Expert) have used for your timing calculations. Hit DONE and your effort is done!   Next, when you will launch debugging session by hitting bug on button these values will be applied.   My RESULT:   ICS_C3 was trimmed to value of 0x57 for 39.062kHz and 0x9B for 31.250kHz for my Kinetis E Freedom board. Precision is better then 1% in room temp. This is ok for serial comunication without need of crystal for example. Note: Values out from my discovered range of 0x57 – 0x9B leads to frequencies that are out of specification of ICS and should not be used for this exact device.  The limits will be slightly different for every single device.
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  对于 Kinetis 芯片来说,发生在工程师调试,小批及量产阶段都经常发生的一个问题就是Kinetis Lock(锁住),尤其是在刚用这个芯片设计及小批的客户身上,这个错误几乎都会遇 到。附件中的文档将对这个问题作出详细的讨论。
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When using ADCs it is not enough to just configure the module, add a clock signal, apply the Nyquist criteria and hope for the best, because normally that is just not enough. Even if we use the best software configuration, sampling rate, conversion time, etc; we might end up with noisy conversions, and worst of all a low ENOB figure which sums up in a lousy, low resolution ADC application. To complement the software end you need to follow some basic hardware design rules, some of them might seem logical, other might even weird or excessive however they are the key to a successful conversion, I took the time to compile a short list of effective design best practices trying to cover the basics of ADC design. If you think I missed something feel free to comment and ask for more information. Ground Isolation Because ground is the power return for all digital circuits and analog circuits, one of the most basic design philosophies is to isolate digital and analog grounds. If the grounds are not isolated, the return from the analog circuitry will flow through the analog ground impedance and the digital ground current will flow through the analog ground, usually the digital ground current is typically much greater than the analog ground current.  As the frequency of digital circuits increases, the noise generated on the ground increases dramatically. CMOS logic families are of the saturating type; this means the logic transitions cause large transient currents on the power supply and ground. CMOS outputs connect the power to ground through a low impedance channel during the logic transitions. Digital logic waveforms are rectangular waves which imply many higher frequency harmonic components are induced by high speed transmission lines and clock signals.                              Figure 1: Typical mixed signal circuit grounding                              Figure 2: Isolated mixed signal circuit grounding Inductive decoupling Another potential problem is the coupling of signal from one circuit to another via mutual inductance and it does not matter if you think the signals are too weak to have a real effect, the amount of coupling will depend on the strength of the interference, the mutual inductance, the area enclosed by the signal loop (which is basically an antenna), and the frequency. It will also depend primarily on the physical proximity of the loops, as well as the permeability of the material. This inductive coupling is also known as crosstalk in data lines.                               Figure 3: Coupling induced noise It may seem logical to use a single trace as the return path for the two sources (dotted lines). However, this would cause the return currents for both signals to flow through the same impedance, in addition; it will maximize the area of the interference loops and increase the mutual inductance by moving the loops close together. This will increase the mutual noise inductance and the coupling between the circuits. Routing the traces in the manner shown below minimizes the area enclosed by the loops and separates the return paths, thus separating the circuits and, in turn, minimizing the mutual noise inductance.                               Figure 4: Inductance decoupling layout Power supply decoupling The idea after power decoupling is to create a low noise environment for the analog circuitry to operate. In any given circuit the power supply pin is really in series with the output, therefore, any high frequency energy on the power line will couple to the output directly, which makes it necessary to keep this high frequency energy from entering the analog circuitry. This is done by using a small capacitor to short the high frequency signals away from the chip to the circuit’s ground line. A disadvantage of high frequency decoupling is it makes a circuit more prone to low frequency noise however it is easily solved by adding a larger capacitor. Optimal power supply decoupling A large electrolytic capacitor (10 μF – 100 μF) no more than 2 in. away from the chip. A small capacitor (0.01 μF – 0.1 μF) as close to the power pins of the chip as possible. A small ferrite bead in series with the supply pin (Optional).                               Figure 5: Power supply decoupling layout Treat signal lines as transmission lines Although signal coupling can be minimized it cannot be avoided, the best approach to effectively counteract its effects on signal lines is to channel it into a conductor of our choice, in this case the circuit’s ground is the best choice to channel the effects of inductive coupling; we can accomplish this by routing ground lines along signal lines as close as manufacturing capabilities allow. An very effective way to accomplish this is routing signals in triplets, these works for both digital and analog signals.The advantages of doing so are an improved immunity not only to inductive coupling but also immunity to external noise. Optimal routing: Routing in “triplets” (S-G-S) provide good signal coupling with relatively low impact on routing density Ground trace needs to be connected to the ground pins on the source and destination devices for the signal traces Spacing should be as close as manufacturing will allow                               Figure 6: Transmission line routing Signal acquisition circuit To improve noise immunity an external RC acquisition circuit can be added to the ADC input, it consists of a resistor in series with the ADC input and a capacitor going from the input to the circuit’s ground as the figure below shows:                                                             Figure 7: ADC with an external acquisition circuit The external RC circuit values depend on the internal characteristics and configuration of the ADC you use, such as the availability of an internal gain amplifier or the ADC’s architecture; the equation and circuit shown here represents a simplified form of ADC used in Freescale devices. The equivalent sampling resistance RSH is represented by total serial resistance connected between sampling capacitance and analog input pin (sampling switch, multiplexor switches etc.). The sampling capacitance CSH is represented by total parallel capacitance. For example in a case of Freescale SAR ADC equivalent sampling capacitance contains bank of capacitances. The equation shown how to calculate the value of the input resistor based on the values of both the input and sample and hold circuit. It must be noted the mentioned figures could have an alternate designation in any given datasheet; the ones mentioned here are specific to Kinetis devices: TAQ=      Acquisition time (.5/ADC clock) CIN=       Input capacitance (33pF min) CSH=      Sample & Hold circuit capacitance ( CDAIN in datasheet) VIN=       Input voltage level VCSH0= Initial voltage across S&H circuit (0V) VSFR=    Full scale voltage (VDDA) N=           bit resolution Note:  Special care must be taken when performing the calculation since a deviation from the correct values will result in a significant conversion error due to signal distortion.
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You can put the code directory in the SDK_2.6.0_FRDM-K64F\boards\frdmk64f to use. 1、Introduction As is known to all, we use debugger to download the program or debug the device. FRDMK64 have the opsenSDA interface on the board, so wo do not need other’s debugger. But if we want to design a board without debugger but can download the program, we can use the bootloader. The bootloader is a small program designed to update the program with the interface such as UART,I2C,SPI and so on. This document will describe a simple bootloader based on the FRDMK64F.The board uses SD card to update the application. User can put the binary file into the card. When the card insert to the board ,the board will update the application automatically. The bootloader code and application code are all provided so that you can test it on your own board.   2、Bootloader’s implementation   The schematic for SD card is shown below. The board uses SDHC module to communicate with SD card.                                                  Figure 1.Schematic for SD card   We use the 2.6.0 version of FRDM-K64F’s SDK.You can download the SDK in our website. The link is “”. The bootloader uses SDHC and fafts file system. So we should add files to support it.                   Figure 2.The support file   In main code, the program will wait until the card has inserted. Then it will find the file named “a000.bin” in sd card to update the application. If the file do not exist, the board will directly execute the application. If there is no application, the program will end. The following code shows how the program wait for inserting sd card. It will also check if the address has the application’s address.                      Figure 3.The code -- wait for inserting card   The following code shows how the program opens the binary file. If sd card doesn’t have the file, the program will go to the application. Figure 4.Open the binary file   If the program opens the file normally, the update will begin. It will erase 200k’s space from 0xa000. You can adjust it according to your project. Now I will explain update’s method in detail. Our data is written to the buffer called “rBUff”. The buffer size is 4K. Before write data to it, it is cleared.  Please note that when we erase or program the flash, we should disable all interrupts and when the operations finish we should enable the interrupts.  The file size will decide which way to write the data to flash.  1、If the size < 4k ,we just read the file’s data to buffer and judge if its size aligned with 8 byte. If not , we increase the size of “readSize” to read more data in our data buffer called “rBuffer”. The more data we read is just 0.    2、If the size > 4K, we use “remainSize” to record how much data is left. We read 4k each time until its size is smaller than 4k and then repeat step 1. When finish the operation at a  time, we should clear the buffer and increase the sector numer to prepare the next transmission. Figure 5.Write flash operation code   The way to clear the space is shown in the figure. It will initialize the flash and erase the given size from the given address.  “SectorNum” is used to show which sector to erase. Figure 6.Erase operation code   The following figure shows how to write the data to flash.              Figure 7.Program operation code    Before we go to the application, we should modify the configuration we did in the bootloader.     Close the systick, clear its value.     Set the VTOR to default value.     Our bootloader runs in PEE mode. So we should change it to FEI mode.     Disable the all pins. You should disable the global interrupt when run these codes. And don’t forget to enable the global interrupt. Figure 8.Deinitalization code   Then we can go to the application. Figure 9.Go to Application   3、Memory relocation The FRDMK64 has the 1M flash, from 0x00000000 to 0x00100000.As shown in figure 10,we use the 0xa000 as the application’s start address.            Figure 10.The memory map   Now, I will show you how to modify the link file for user application in different IDE. In IAR                                    Figure 11.IAR’s ICF In MDK Figure 12.MDK’s SCF   In MCUXpresso Figure 13.MCUXpresso’s flash configuration 4、Run the demo 1) Download the bootloader first. 2) Prepare a user application program. We use the “led blinky” as an example. 3) Modify the Link file. 4) Generate the binary file with your IDE, please name it as “a000.bin”. 5) Put it into the sd card like figure 5. Figure 14.SD card’s content        6) Insert the card. And power on. Wait for a moment, the application will execute automatically. 5、Reference 1) Kinetis MCU的bootloader解决方案 2) KEA128_can_bootloader
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The Freescale Freedom development platform is a low-cost evaluation and development platform featuring Freescale's newest ARM® Cortex™-M0+ based Kinetis KL25Z MCUs NEW! Quick Start Guide Features: KL25Z128VLK4--Cortex-M0+ MCU with:   - 128KB flash, 16KB SRAM - Up to 48MHz operation  - USB full-speed controller OpenSDA--sophisticated USB debug interface Tri-color LED Capacitive touch "slider" Freescale MMA8451Q accelerometer Flexible power supply options   - Power from either on-board USB connector - Coin cell battery holder (optional population option)  - 5V-9V Vin from optional IO header - 5V provided to optional IO header - 3.3V to or from optional IO header Reset button Expansion IO form factor accepts peripherals designed for Arduino™-compatible hardware
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Hey there Kinetis lovers!  We in the Systems Engineering team for Kinetis Microcontrollers see all kinds of situations that customers get into, and none can be particularly troubling like how the reset pin is handled.  The purpose of this document is to provide a list of Frequency Asked Questions (FAQ) that we get here in the Kinetis Systems Engineering department.  This is intended to be a living list and as such, may in no way be complete.  However we hope that you will find the below questions and answers useful.   Q:  Do I need to connect the reset signal to be able to debug a Kinetis device?   This is a commonly asked question. Strictly speaking, you do not need to connect the device reset line of a Kinetis device to the debug connector to be able to debug. The debug port MDM-AP register allows the processor to be held in reset by means of setting the System Reset Request bit using just the SWD_CLK and SWD_DIO lines.   However, before deciding to omit the reset line from your debug connector you should give some careful thought to how this may impact the ability to program and debug the device in certain scenarios. Does the debugger/flash programmer or external debug pod require the reset pin? It may be that the specific tool you are using only supports resetting the device by means of the reset line and does not offer the ability to reset the device by means of the MDM-AP. Have you changed the default function of the debug signals? You may need to use the SWD_CLK and/or the SWD_DIO signals for some other function in your application. This is especially true in low pin count packages. Once the function is changed (by means of the PORTx_PCRy registers) you will no longer have access to the MDM-AP via those signals. If you do not have access to the reset signal then you have no way of preventing the core from executing the code that will disable the SWD function of the pins. So you will not be able to re-program the device. In order to prevent this type of situation you need to either: Setup your code to change the function of the SWD pins several seconds after reset is released so that the debugger can halt the core before this happens. Put some kind of “backdoor” mechanism in your code that does not re-program the SWD function, or re-enables the SWD function, on these pins. For example, a specific character sequence sent via a UART or SPI interface.   Some Kinetis devices allow the reset function of the reset pin to be disabled. In this case you can only use the SWD signals as a means of resetting the device via the MDM-AP. If you change the SWD pin function in addition to disabling the reset pin then you must provide a backdoor means of re-enabling the SWD function if you want to be able to reprogram the device.
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Hi Community members! Here you can find the source code of the MSD Host Bootloader implemented on the AN4368 document using the TWR-K70F120M and CodeWarrior 10.6 and a document that describes the migration process of the original source code for the TWR-K60N512 to a TWR-K70F120M and the steps to use the application. Attached you will find a image.s19 file created to be used with the bootloader application as an example. :smileyinfo: This document and code are intended to demonstrate the use of the AN4368 source code on a 120 MHz device and CodeWarrior 10.6 but is not replacing the work done on the application note. I hope this can be helpful for you! Best Regards, Adrian :smileyplus: If it was useful for you do not forget to click on the Like button. It would be nice!
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     我想“超频”这个词估计大家都不会陌生,很多玩计算机的都会尝试去把自己电脑的CPU超频玩一些高端大型游戏(咳咳,当然玩的high的时候别忘了小心你的主板别烧了),而对我们这些搞嵌入式的人们来说,估计就只能用这样的情怀去折磨MCU了(当然前提得是有PLL或者FLL的MCU)。      在超频之前首先需要澄清几个概念,我们通常所说的主频一般是指内核时钟或者系统时钟(即core_clk或system_clk)。而对K60来说,其内部还有总线时钟(Bus_clk)、外部总线时钟(FlexBus_clk)、flash时钟(Flash_clk),而这几个时钟互相关联且每个都是有其频率限制的(如下图1所示),所以当我们要超频内核时钟的时候还不得不考虑其他时钟承受极限(姑且用这个词吧)。在我们用MCG模块内部的PLL将输入时钟超频到200MHz作为MCGOUTCLK输出的时候还需要一道关卡(如下图2),也就是说虽然这几个时钟属于同宗(都来自MCGOUTCLK),但是也可以通过不同的分频器(OUTDIV[1:4])约束不同的时钟范围,这里想起一个形象的例子。MCGOUTCLK就类似以前的官家大老爷,娶了四房姨太太(OUTDIV[1:4]),分别生了四个少爷(即core_clk、Bus_clk、FlexBus_clk和Flash_clk),每个少爷都是老爷的儿子,不过在家中地位却是由姨太太的排序决定的,其中大房的大少爷(core_clk)地位最高(频率范围最大),四房的小少爷(flash_clk)地位最低(频率范围最小),不过他们的地位最高也不会超过老爷(其他clk<=MCGOUTCLK),呵呵,有点意思~ 图1 图2      经过上面的分析之后,就可以开始着手超频了。经过验证,其实系统频率超不上去就是“小少爷”(flash_clk)拖了后腿,当我们将MCGOUTCLK超到200MHz的时候,OUTDIV1的分频可以设置为1分频,保证内核频率为200MHz,但却要同时保证其他几个时钟不要超过太多,尤其是Flash_clk的限制要严格(建议不要超过30MHz,小少爷有些“娇气”),因为flash_clk过高就代表取指令的频率过高,指令出错就会造成系统程序跑飞。     说到这里,可能有些人会质疑,把主频超的那么高,但取指令的速度上不去有个啥用,岂不是颇有些大马拉小车的感觉吗,其实不然,这里我说两点。一个是通过RAM调试或者将函数声明成RAM执行函数的时候是可以加快执行速度的,另一个就是当做一些数学运算的时候作用就很明显了,因为一般可能会单纯用到CPU内部的ALU和寄存器组,后者数据访问多一些(注意Cortex-M4是哈佛结构,数据与指令总线独立的),自然其运算速度就上去了,所以还是好处多多的。      当然飞思卡尔本身是不建议超频的,数据手册上给出的极限值都是在保证系统可靠性和稳定性的前提下测试出来的,再往上就不敢保证了(跟你的硬件电路设计能力有一定关系),正所谓“超频有风险,用时需谨慎啊”,呵呵,所以我们大多数的应用还是老老实实的按照“规矩”来吧。不过这里需要提的一点是,每家厂商一般会为超频留有余地(为了满足一些客户的超频需要,哎,不容易啊),至于这个余地是多少,不同的半导体厂商也会有不同的标准。对我来说,记得那是2008年的第一场雪,比往年来的稍晚了些…(没收住,开始整词儿了,呵呵),那一年我第一次接触飞思卡尔的9S12 16位的单片机(MC9S12DG128,哎,搞过智能车的都懂的),额定主频是25MHz,我把它超到40MHz,后来又换成了MC9S12XS128,额定主频是40MHz,我又把它超到80MHz(有点超频强迫症了,呵呵),一直到如今的ARM K60,额定主频为100MHz(VLQ100),所以。。。咳咳。。。很自然的我就把它超到200MHz,再往上我就没有测试了,因为基本也用不到那么高的频率,还是要掌握好这个“度”的,想过把超频的瘾的可以试试看,呵呵~
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The SPI bus has the capability of addressing multiple slave devices by a single master. The Kinetis L series of devices feature either an 8-bit or 16-bit capable SPI module; however, there is only one dedicated CS/SS signal per instance of the module. Of course this signal is muxed to a few pin locations on the device. Unfortunately, there are not that many pins with the CS/SS muxing and they are most likely they are not near to each other physically. A solution to this issue is to use GPIO as CS/SS lines. This way you can take advantage of the SPI bus protocol and the Kinetis L series IOPORT interface (also known as FGPIO on Kinetis L). The Cortex-M0+ allows accesses to the IOPORT to occur in parallel with any instruction fetches; therefore, these accesses will complete in a single cycle. Core vs. SPI I'm sure many who have tried to use GPIO as CS/SS have written code similar to this pseudo code, I know I have: while(1) {      set_cs_low;      send_byte;      set_cs_high; } Logically this makes sense, but on an oscilloscope you will see the GPIO CS/SS line toggling at irregular intervals and out of sync with the SPI transfers. This is due to the nature of the 'send_byte' function or instruction. Simply transmitting a data packet will not prevent the core from waiting for the transmission to complete. The core will move on from writing data to the SPI data register, and execute the next instruction. If you have a core operating at 48 MHz and you are performing, at most depending on instance, 24 MHz SPI transfers the core will always move onto the next instruction before the data has left the module. The code must either implement a delay or wait for the transmission to complete. Incorporating an accurate delay can be tricky and can be interrupted by any interrupts occurring during the delay process. A more robust solution is to wait for the transmission to complete. However, there appears to be no Transmit Complete Flag (TCF) in the L-Series SPI module. The Solution Fortunately, there is a way to wait for transmit complete. Software must wait for the SPI read buffer full flag (SPRF) to be set in the SPI status register (SPIx_S) after writing data to the SPI data register (SPIx_D) . When the SPRF bit is set, software must read the SPIx_D. This procedure will ensure that the core does not move onto GPIO toggling, or other instructions, until the data has left the SPI module. The following function demonstrates how to write the above procedure in C using SPI0 and PTD0 as the CS/SS line: uint8_t SPI_send(uint8_t spiWrite) {     uint8_t spiRead;                        //Variable for storing SPI data     FGPIOD_PCOR |= (1 << 0);                //Toggle CS/SS line low     while(!(SPI0_S & SPI_S_SPTEF_MASK))     {         __asm("NOP");     }                                       //Wait for SPI transmit empty flag to set     SPI0_D = spiWrite;                            //Write data to SPI     while(!(SPI0_S & SPI_S_SPRF_MASK))     {         __asm("NOP");     }                                       //Wait for receive flag to set     spiRead = SPI0_D;                       //Read the SPI data register     FGPIOD_PSOR |= (1 << 0);                //Toggle CS/SS line high     return spiRead; } Please note that the GPIO CS/SS toggling need not be in the function. It should work just as well if the GPIO CS/SS toggles occur before and after the function is call, just remove the FGPIO instructions from the function and place them outside. I hope this document proves useful to those of you designing multiple slave SPI buses around Kinetis L series parts.
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Here you will find both the code and project files for the ADC project. This project configures the ADC to perform single conversions, by default this is performed using a 16 bit configuration. The code uses ADC0, channel 12, once the conversion is finished it is displayed at the serial terminal. Code: #include "mbed.h" AnalogIn AnIn(A0); DigitalOut led(LED1); Serial pc(USBTX,USBRX); float x; int main() {     pc.printf(" ADC demo code\r\n");     while (1)     {;     pc.printf("ADC0_Ch12=(%d)\r\n", x);     wait(.2);     } }
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Abstract         Kinetis M series MCU is Freescale’s Metrology microcontrollers based on ARM Cortex M0+ cores. The SPI module of KM provides for full-duplex, synchronous, serial communication between the MCU and peripheral devices, it also has programmable 8 or 16 bit data transmission length, 64bit FIFO mode for data transfers, DMA transmit and receive features, single wire bidirectional mode, etc. This document is mainly use the KM34Z256VLQ7 SPI module realize the erase, program and read operation in external flash MX25L6404EM2I, it also gives sample code of the detail command external flash operation, and at last, print the testing code via UART. 1.SPI pin assignment and basic code (1) SPI pin assignment SPI signal Pin name Description SPI_SS PTD1 Slave select SPI_SCK PTD2 SPI serial clock SPI_MOSI PTD3 Master data out, slave data in SPI_MISO PTD4 Master data in, slave data out External flash MX25L6404EM2I circuit: (2) SPI initialization   SPI initialization configuration the SPI pin, SPI module baud, master or slave mode, module enable, etc. the code just as following: SIM_SCGC4 |= SIM_SCGC4_SPI0_MASK|SIM_SCGC4_SPI1_MASK;                             SIM_SCGC5 |= SIM_SCGC5_PORTD_MASK; void serial_flash_init(void) {     PORTD_PCR1 &= ~PORT_PCR_MUX_MASK;            PORTD_PCR1 |= PORT_PCR_MUX(1) |0X03;                                           //Use PTD1 as SPI0_SS  // configure it as the GPIO     PORTD_PCR2 &= ~PORT_PCR_MUX_MASK;     PORTD_PCR2 |= PORT_PCR_MUX(3) |0X03;                                           //Use PTD2 as SPI0_SCK     PORTD_PCR3 &= ~PORT_PCR_MUX_MASK;     PORTD_PCR3 |= PORT_PCR_MUX(3) |0X03;                                           //Use PTD3 as SPI0_MOSI      PORTD_PCR4 &= ~PORT_PCR_MUX_MASK;     PORTD_PCR4 = PORT_PCR_MUX(3) |0X03;                                            //Use PTD4 as SPI0_MISO     GPIOD_PDDR |=  0X02; // SS pin output     GPIOD_PDOR |=  0X02; //  SS pin high     SPI0_C1 |= SPI_C1_MSTR_MASK; // SPI0 master mode                             SPI0_BR = 0x43;  //SPPR = 4, SPR = 3, bps div = (SPPR+1)*2^(SPR+1) = 80, baudrate= 24Mhz/80=300khz     SPI0_C1 |= SPI_C1_SSOE_MASK;                              SPI0_C1 &= (~SPI_C1_CPHA_MASK);  // clock polarity     SPI0_C1 &= (~SPI_C1_CPOL_MASK);  //clock phase     SPI0_C1 &= (~SPI_C1_LSBFE_MASK);  // LSB:most significant     SPI0_C1 &= (~SPI_C1_SPIE_MASK);                  //Disable RX interrrupt      SPI0_C1 &= (~SPI_C1_SPTIE_MASK);         //Disable the transmit interrupt     SPI0_C2 |= SPI_C2_MODFEN_MASK;             SPI0_C1 |= SPI_C1_SPE_MASK;  // enable SPI module } (3) One byte transfer code uint8 hal_spi_transfer_one_byte(uint8 v) {    int dummy =0;    char buff=0;    while ((SPI0_S & SPI_S_SPTEF_MASK) == 0)  // wait for transmit buffer empty    {                 dummy++;     }    dummy = SPI0_S;    SPI0_DL = v;   // send one byte to transmit buffer    while ((SPI0_S & SPI_S_SPRF_MASK) == 0); // wait ready buffer full    buff = SPI0_DL;  // read one received byte    return buff;         // return the received byte   } 3 Code realization for external flash operation command     At first, refer to the external flash program / erase flow, then I will give the according command code realization one by one. Take flash sector erase flow as an example, the according code is : void hal_spi_dev_flash_erase_sector(uint8 addr) { write_enable();      // WREN command spi_wait(WEL);     // RDSR command and wait WEL=1 hal_spi_transfe_start();    // enable CS pin , CS=0 hal_spi_transfer_one_byte(CMD_SECTOR_ERASE);   // erase one sector (4KByte)command hal_spi_transfer_one_byte(addr>>16);  // address hal_spi_transfer_one_byte(addr>>8); hal_spi_transfer_one_byte(addr>>0); hal_spi_transfe_stop();  // disable CS pin, CS=1 spi_wait(WIP);    // RDSR command and wait WIP=0;   } (1)Write enable (WREN) command : 0X06 static void write_enable(void) {     hal_spi_transfe_start();  // enable CS pin , CS=0     hal_spi_transfer_one_byte(CMD_WRITE_EN);  // Send WREN command     hal_spi_transfe_stop();  // disable CS pin, CS=1   } (2)Read status register (RDSR) sequence: 0X05 static void spi_wait(uint8 CMD) { if(CMD == WEL) while(get_sr()&0x02 != 0x02); // wait until WEL bit =1 else if(CMD == WIP) while(get_sr()&0x01 != 0x00); // wait until WIP bit =0 } static uint8 get_sr(void) {     uint8 v;     hal_spi_transfe_start(); // enable CS pin , CS=0     hal_spi_transfer_one_byte(CMD_GET_SR);  // Send RDSR command     v = hal_spi_transfer_one_byte(0x00); // read states register data     hal_spi_transfe_stop();    // disable CS pin, CS=1     return v;   } (3) Sector erase (SE) sequence: 0X20 hal_spi_transfe_start();    // enable CS pin , CS=0 hal_spi_transfer_one_byte(CMD_SECTOR_ERASE);   // erase one sector (4KByte)command hal_spi_transfer_one_byte(addr>>16);  // address hal_spi_transfer_one_byte(addr>>8); hal_spi_transfer_one_byte(addr>>0);   hal_spi_transfe_stop();  // disable CS pin, CS=1 (4) Page program (PP) sequence : 0x02 #define PAGE_SIZE 256       hal_spi_transfe_start();// enable CS pin , CS=0 hal_spi_transfer_one_byte(CMD_PROGRAM); //send flash program command hal_spi_transfer_one_byte(addr>>16); // flash page base address hal_spi_transfer_one_byte(addr>>8); hal_spi_transfer_one_byte(addr>>0); for(i=0;i<(PAGE_SIZE-1);i++) // send program data to the flash page hal_spi_transfer_one_byte(buf[i]); hal_spi_transfer_one_byte(buf[i]);   hal_spi_transfe_stop();// disable CS pin, CS=1 (5) Read at higher Speed(FAST_READ) Sequence: 0X0B void hal_spi_dev_flash_read_page(uint8 addr, char *buf) { int i; hal_spi_transfe_start();  // enable CS pin , CS=0 hal_spi_transfer_one_byte(CMD_READ); // read command hal_spi_transfer_one_byte(addr>>16);  // base address hal_spi_transfer_one_byte(addr>>8); hal_spi_transfer_one_byte(addr>>0); hal_spi_transfer_one_byte(0x00); // dummy byte for(i=0;i<(PAGE_SIZE-1);i++)    // read data back from the flash buf[i] = hal_spi_transfer_one_byte(0x00); buf[i] = hal_spi_transfer_one_byte(0x00); hal_spi_transfe_stop();  // disable CS pin, CS=1   } 4 Experimental result The test code function is to realize one sector (4KB) erasing, then read one page (256Byte) and print it out, after that, program one page , read and print it out to check the data. (1)The main function code is : static char buf[256]; int i; serial_flash_init();  // SPI initialization hal_spi_dev_flash_erase_sector(0); // erase one sector(4KByte) printf("reading page...\n"); hal_spi_dev_flash_read_page(0,buf); // read one page(256Byte) print_buf(buf,PAGE_SIZE);  // print the read data out printf("programing a page...\n"); for(i=0;i<256;i++) buf[i] = i;     // define the data which will write to the flash hal_spi_dev_flash_program_page(0,buf); // write 256BYTE to the flash page0 printf("clearing buffer..\n"); for(i=0;i<256;i++)    // clear buff buf[i] = 0; printf("reading page...\n"); hal_spi_dev_flash_read_page(0,buf); // read the page0 data out print_buf(buf,PAGE_SIZE);  // print the read data out   printf("demo end.\n"); (2) print test data reading page... 0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,  0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,  0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,  0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,  0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,  0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,  0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,  0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,  0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,  0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,  0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,  0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,  0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,  0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,  0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,  0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,  0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,  0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,  0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,  0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,  0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,  0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,  0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,  0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,  0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,  0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,  0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,  0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,  0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,  0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,  0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,  0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,  0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,  0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,  0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,  0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,  0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,  0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,  0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,  0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,  0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,  0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,  0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,  0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,  0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,  0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,  0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,  0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,  0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,  0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,  0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,  0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,  0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,  0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,  0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,  0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,  0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,  0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,  0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,  0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,  0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,  0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,  0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,  0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,  programing a page... clearing buffer.. reading page... 0x0,0x1,0x2,0x3,  0x4,0x5,0x6,0x7,  0x8,0x9,0xA,0xB,  0xC,0xD,0xE,0xF,  0x10,0x11,0x12,0x13,  0x14,0x15,0x16,0x17,  0x18,0x19,0x1A,0x1B,  0x1C,0x1D,0x1E,0x1F,  0x20,0x21,0x22,0x23,  0x24,0x25,0x26,0x27,  0x28,0x29,0x2A,0x2B,  0x2C,0x2D,0x2E,0x2F,  0x30,0x31,0x32,0x33,  0x34,0x35,0x36,0x37,  0x38,0x39,0x3A,0x3B,  0x3C,0x3D,0x3E,0x3F,  0x40,0x41,0x42,0x43,  0x44,0x45,0x46,0x47,  0x48,0x49,0x4A,0x4B,  0x4C,0x4D,0x4E,0x4F,  0x50,0x51,0x52,0x53,  0x54,0x55,0x56,0x57,  0x58,0x59,0x5A,0x5B,  0x5C,0x5D,0x5E,0x5F,  0x60,0x61,0x62,0x63,  0x64,0x65,0x66,0x67,  0x68,0x69,0x6A,0x6B,  0x6C,0x6D,0x6E,0x6F,  0x70,0x71,0x72,0x73,  0x74,0x75,0x76,0x77,  0x78,0x79,0x7A,0x7B,  0x7C,0x7D,0x7E,0x7F,  0x80,0x81,0x82,0x83,  0x84,0x85,0x86,0x87,  0x88,0x89,0x8A,0x8B,  0x8C,0x8D,0x8E,0x8F,  0x90,0x91,0x92,0x93,  0x94,0x95,0x96,0x97,  0x98,0x99,0x9A,0x9B,  0x9C,0x9D,0x9E,0x9F,  0xA0,0xA1,0xA2,0xA3,  0xA4,0xA5,0xA6,0xA7,  0xA8,0xA9,0xAA,0xAB,  0xAC,0xAD,0xAE,0xAF,  0xB0,0xB1,0xB2,0xB3,  0xB4,0xB5,0xB6,0xB7,  0xB8,0xB9,0xBA,0xBB,  0xBC,0xBD,0xBE,0xBF,  0xC0,0xC1,0xC2,0xC3,  0xC4,0xC5,0xC6,0xC7,  0xC8,0xC9,0xCA,0xCB,  0xCC,0xCD,0xCE,0xCF,  0xD0,0xD1,0xD2,0xD3,  0xD4,0xD5,0xD6,0xD7,  0xD8,0xD9,0xDA,0xDB,  0xDC,0xDD,0xDE,0xDF,  0xE0,0xE1,0xE2,0xE3,  0xE4,0xE5,0xE6,0xE7,  0xE8,0xE9,0xEA,0xEB,  0xEC,0xED,0xEE,0xEF,  0xF0,0xF1,0xF2,0xF3,  0xF4,0xF5,0xF6,0xF7,  0xF8,0xF9,0xFA,0xFB,  0xFC,0xFD,0xFE,0xFF,    demo end From the print data, we can find the code can realize flash sector erasing , flash program and flash data read out, and the test result is correct. The following wave is the page read data out after flash page program. The attachment is the testing code.
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The 5V Kinetis E series MCUs are designed to maintain high robustness for complex electrical noise environments and high-reliability applications. Kinetis EA series MCUs using the same architecture with automotive level operation temperature range, are various used for auto body electrical application. There was a reality customer requirement to let KEA core running the application (light a LED) within 20ms from power up. It need to know the whole startup processing for KE/KEA product. Please check below picture to get more info about boot sequence: During the power up phase, after VDD rising to VPOR voltage threshold, there with about 15us delay before internal IRC start oscillating. T2 interval is FLL acquisition time to make FLL generating clock. The Reset_b pin is released and then the system is released from reset. After that, the NVM starts internal initialization. Flash Controller is released from reset and begins initialization operations while the core is still halted before the flash initialization completes. When the flash Initialization completes (16 μs) , the core sets up the stack, program counter (PC), and link register (LR). The processor reads the start SP (SP_main) from vector-table offset 0. The core reads the start PC from vector-table offset 4. LR is set to 0xFFFF_FFFF. The CPU begin to execute the first instruction. Overview the whole power up processing, FLL acquisition time is the longest time interval almost 1ms, then following power up time about 0.1ms (using 17KV/sec VDD ramp-up slew rate). There seems a lot of time left to run the chip initialization code and application code. Customer requirement (power up to light a led within 20ms) should be matched without any problem. While, during customer test, there seems it need to take more than 30ms to find the LED be lighten after power up. In order to check the issue, we get the customer test code and find there with below clock initialization code: void Clk_Init() {                 ICS_C1|=ICS_C1_IRCLKEN_MASK; /* Enable the internal reference clock*/                 ICS_C3= 0x90;                                    /* Reference clock frequency = 31.25 KHz*/                       while(!(ICS_S & ICS_S_LOCK_MASK));  /* Wait for FLL lock, now running at 40 MHz (1280 * 31.25Khz) */                                               ICS_C2|=ICS_C2_BDIV(1)  ;                    /*BDIV=2, Bus clock = 20 MHz*/                 ICS_S |= ICS_S_LOCK_MASK ;              /* Clear Loss of lock sticky bit */      } We do a test to check the Clk_init() function execution time and find it will take almost 25ms. We toggle a GPIO pin and almost 25ms for checking ICS status register [LOCK] be asserted. KE/KEA product using ICS module as clock source, which default mode is FEI. In general, during the chip initialization, using ICS status register [LOCK] bit to check if the FLL cock is stable or not. From KE/KEA product datasheet, the Max. FLL acquisition time is 2ms. Why the ICS_S[LOCK] bit be asserted need take more than 25ms? After double check with ICS IP owner, we get below info: The FLL_S[LOCK] bit act as “LOCK detection”, the LOCK bit will be set if FLL clock frequency stays within the tolerance 6% for 20ms~30ms. After acquisition time (max. 2ms) FLL achieved clock accuracy as same as LOCK bit be asserted. After ICS configuration modified, customer can call a 2ms delay routine to make sure FLL acquisition clock successfully before executing the application code. 
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Recently I did a porting based on AN4370SW for a customer to support TWR-K20D72M, and with some modification in source code, header file and link file as well, it works well as expected. The following simple describes what I have done: 1.Copy the project file folder for K20D50M "AN4370SW\Source\Device\app\dfu_bootloader\iar_ew\kinetis_k20" and rename is as "kinetis_k20d70m" 2.Change the target settings as well as the flash loader. 3. Replace the header file for K20D50M and include it in derivative.h. The header file for K20D72M can be found from KINETIS_72MHz_SRC( 4.Modify the interrupt table in cstartup_M.s, which is more likely a K60's vertor table. 5.Search the code related with the macro "MCU_MK20D5", and add similar code snippet for K20D72M , You may easily find them by search the keyword "MCU_MK20D7". That code parts include initialization for MCG, and PIT0 and USB interrupt enablements, some definition in bootloader.h . 6. Copy the link file from K20D50M, and modify the PFLASH size,SRAM size and DFLASH size as shown below: Perform MassErase before programming . and then you may press the SW1 on TWR-K20D72M to select which mode to enter after download the application firmware: pressing SW1 to enter bootloader mode and releasing it to enter application mode. 7. Build image for this DFU bootloader. Actually the bareboard projects in KINETIS_72MHz_SRC can be used for that purpose, and only link file needs some modification to put the image starting from 0xA000, since exception table redirection has already been done in these projects. after that, user needs change some settings in the CW projects to use the new link file: and generate S19 file as the output as well as the map file: after compiling , you will have a xxx.afx.s19 file, but that is not the final format, we still need to transform it to bin format, and it can be done by a small tool in "C:\Program Files\Freescale\CW MCU v10.3\MCU\prog" There are some settings for this tool to transform the S19 file, by clicking Burner->Burner Dialog, you will see some option views, please set them as below: Referring to the above figure, maybe you would wonder how to set up the Origin and Length field, actually Origin is the value where the image starts from just as the link file specified , and Length is calculated by the results from the map file. Please refer to the following figure for details. 0x3550 = 0x1c90 + 0x18c0. I also attached the burner's configuration file and image link file as well as the image for reference. Please copy the link file in "KINETIS_72MHz_SRC\build\cw\linker_files". Please kindly refer to the attachment for more details. Hope that helps, B.R Kan
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CONVOCATORIA Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Convoca al primer concurso de proyectos “Kinetis L MCU Challenge México” “Kinetis L MCU Challenge México” es una competencia de proyectos tecnológicos basado en la herramienta de desarrollo Kinetis Freedom en la cual el participante construye una aplicación alineada a una de las futuras tres tendencias Salud y Seguridad, Efecto Net o Going Green. Los proyectos finalistas serán presentados durante la final del Freescale Cup 2013 el día 7 de Diciembre, a las 9:00hrs en el Centro de Congresos del Tecnológico de Monterrey Campus Guadalajara.  Si resultas ganador, viajarás con todos los gastos pagados al Freescale Technology Forum (FTF) en Dallas, Texas. ¿Cómo puedo participar? Regístrate en Kinetis Challenge antes del 15 de Noviembre de 2013 Crea una aplicación utilizando la herramienta de desarrollo Freedom (en caso de no contar con ella, puedes adquirirla a través de Element 14 (entrega al siguiente día laborable), Mouser (entrega en 4 semanas), o Digikey (entrega de 3 a 5 días hábiles) . Tienes hasta el 15 de Noviembre para subir la información de tu aplicación a la comunidad de Freescale (es necesario hacer log in con tu cuenta en😞 Nombre de la aplicación 1 párrafo descriptivo de la aplicación Un video descriptivo de hasta 2 minutos El código fuente en formato .zip Subir el proyecto como documento en la sección de Kinetis Microcontrollers en el siguiente formato: El proyecto deberá contener el tag: "Kinetis L MCU Challenge México" para ser identificado como proyecto participante del concurso. Freescale seleccionará 10 proyectos finalistas basándose en los criterios descritos en la convocatoria. Éstos se presentarán en el evento Freescale Cup 2013 el próximo 7 de Diciembre de 2013. Para conocer a los finalistas ingresa aquí. El proyecto ganador, será elegido durante el evento Freescale Cup 2013 por los asistentes al evento, a través de la comunidad Freescale y redes sociales, basándose en los criterios descritos en la convocatoria. El anuncio del proyecto ganador y la entrega de certificados será el  día del evento. La elección del ganador está en tus manos, sigue las instrucciones aquí. ¡Descubre quién es el ganador aquí! Links de interés: Acerca de Otros Recursos Registro Freedom Development Platform Ejemplos de proyectos con Kinetis FRDM-KL25Z Compra de FRDM-KL25Z en Element14 Kinetis L Microcontrollers Compra de FRDM-KL25Z en Mouser Freescale Cup 2013 Compra de FRDM-KL25Z en Digikey FTF Americas 2014 Cómo subir tu proyecto
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Overview          KBOOT v2.0 had been released in the Q2 of the 2016 and it has a lot of new features versus the previous version. For instance, the USB peripheral can work as Mass Storage Class device mode now, not just only supports the HID interface. And in following, USB MSD Bootloader implementation will be illustrated. Preparation FRDM-K64F board Fig1 FRDM-K64F KBOOT v2.0 downloading: KBOOT v2.0 IDE: IAR v7.50 Application demo: KSDK v2.0   Flash-resident bootloader           The K64_120 doesn’t contain the ROM-based bootloader, so the flash-resident bootloader need to be programmed in the K64 and the flash-resident bootloader can be used to download and program an initial application image into a blank area on the flash, and to later update the application.         I. Open the the bootloader project, for instance, using the IAR and select the freedom_bootloader demo         The Fig 2 illustrates the bootloader project for K64 which resides in ~\NXP_Kinetis_Bootloader_2_0_0\NXP_Kinetis_Bootloade r_2_0_0\targets\MK64F12. Fig 2      II. After compiles the demo, then clicks the  button to program the demo to the K64 Linker file modification       According to the freedom_bootloader demo, the vector table relocation address of the application demo has been adapted to the 0xa000 (Table 1), however the default start address of the application is 0x0000_0000. So it’s necessary to modify the linker file to fit the freedom_bootloader and the Table 2 illustrates what the modifications are.                                                     Table 1 // The bootloader will check this address for the application vector table upon startup. #if !defined(BL_APP_VECTOR_TABLE_ADDRESS) #define BL_APP_VECTOR_TABLE_ADDRESS 0xa000 #endif                                                   Table 2 define symbol __ram_vector_table_size__ = isdefinedsymbol(__ram_vector_table__) ? 0x00000400 : 0; define symbol __ram_vector_table_offset__ = isdefinedsymbol(__ram_vector_table__) ? 0x000003FF : 0; //define symbol m_interrupts_start       = 0x00000000; //define symbol m_interrupts_end         = 0x000003FF; define symbol m_interrupts_start       = 0x0000a000; define symbol m_interrupts_end         = 0x0000a3FF; //define symbol m_flash_config_start     = 0x00000400; //define symbol m_flash_config_end       = 0x0000040F; define symbol m_flash_config_start     = 0x0000a400; define symbol m_flash_config_end       = 0x0000a40F; //define symbol m_text_start             = 0x00000410; define symbol m_text_start             = 0x0000a410; define symbol m_text_end               = 0x000FFFFF; define symbol m_interrupts_ram_start   = 0x1FFF0000; define symbol m_interrupts_ram_end     = 0x1FFF0000 + __ram_vector_table_offset__; define symbol m_data_start             = m_interrupts_ram_start + __ram_vector_table_size__; define symbol m_data_end               = 0x1FFFFFFF; define symbol m_data_2_start           = 0x20000000; define symbol m_data_2_end             = 0x2002FFFF; /* Sizes */ if (isdefinedsymbol(__stack_size__)) {   define symbol __size_cstack__        = __stack_size__; } else {   define symbol __size_cstack__        = 0x0400; } if (isdefinedsymbol(__heap_size__)) {   define symbol __size_heap__          = __heap_size__; } else {   define symbol __size_heap__          = 0x0400; } define exported symbol __VECTOR_TABLE  = m_interrupts_start; define exported symbol __VECTOR_RAM    = isdefinedsymbol(__ram_vector_table__) ? m_interrupts_ram_start : m_interrupts_start; define exported symbol __RAM_VECTOR_TABLE_SIZE = __ram_vector_table_size__; define memory mem with size = 4G; define region m_flash_config_region = mem:[from m_flash_config_start to m_flash_config_end]; define region TEXT_region = mem:[from m_interrupts_start to m_interrupts_end]                           | mem:[from m_text_start to m_text_end]; define region DATA_region = mem:[from m_data_start to m_data_end]                           | mem:[from m_data_2_start to m_data_2_end-__size_cstack__]; define region CSTACK_region = mem:[from m_data_2_end-__size_cstack__+1 to m_data_2_end]; define region m_interrupts_ram_region = mem:[from m_interrupts_ram_start to m_interrupts_ram_end]; define block CSTACK    with alignment = 8, size = __size_cstack__   { }; define block HEAP      with alignment = 8, size = __size_heap__     { }; define block RW        { readwrite }; define block ZI        { zi }; initialize by copy { readwrite, section .textrw }; do not initialize  { section .noinit }; place at address mem: m_interrupts_start    { readonly section .intvec }; place in m_flash_config_region              { section FlashConfig }; place in TEXT_region                        { readonly }; place in DATA_region                        { block RW }; place in DATA_region                        { block ZI }; place in DATA_region                        { last block HEAP }; place in CSTACK_region                      { block CSTACK }; place in m_interrupts_ram_region            { section m_interrupts_ram }; SB file generation     I. Brief introduction of SB file         The Kinetis bootloader supports loading of the SB files. The SB file is a Freescale-defined boot file format designed to ease the boot process. The file is generated using the Freescale elftosb tool. The format supports loading of elf or srec files in a controlled manner, using boot commands such as load, jump, fill, erase, and so on. The boot commands are prescribed in the input command file (boot descriptor .bd) to the elftosb tool. The format also supports encryption of the boot image using AES-128 input key.          And right now, the USB MSD bootloader only support SB file drag and drop.    II. Generate the BIN file         After open the hello_world demo in the IAR, using project options dialog select the "Output Converter" and change the output format to "binary" for outputting .BIN format image (Fig 3). Next, build the application demo, then the .BIN file will be generated after the building completes. Fig 3      III. Create BD file There is a template BD file which resides in the ~\NXP_Kinetis_Bootloader_2_0_0\NXP_Kinetis_Bootloader_2_0_0\apps\led_demo\src. Next, adapt the BD file by referring to the Kinetis Elftosb User's Guide, the following table shows the BD file content.                                                    Table 3 sources {         # BIN File path         myBINFile = "hello_world.bin"; } section (0) {         #1. Erase the internal flash         erase 0x0000a000..0x0010000;         #2. Load BIN File to internal flash         load myBINFile > 0xa000;         #3. Reset target.         reset; }      IV.  SB file generation          After creating the BD file shown in the following figure, copy the "hello_world.bin", elftosb.exe, and the BD file into the same directory. Then, open the window with command prompt and invoke elftosb such as “elftosb –V –c –o”. The elftosb processes the file and generates an file. Elftosb also outputs the commands list as shown in Fig 4. Fig 4     V. Application code updating       Plug a USB cable from the PC to the USB connector J26 to power the board , then keep holding the button SW2 down until press and release the Reset button SW1, it can force the K64_120 enter the BOOTLOADER mode. Next, plug another USB cable from the PC to the USB connector J22 (Fig 5), the FSL Loader will come out after completes the enumeration and it will appear as a removable storage driver (Fig 6).  Copy & paste or drag & drop the to the FSL Loader drive to update the application code, and the Fig 7 illustrates the result of application code runs. Fig 5 Fig 6 Fig 7
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Hello Kinetis friends! The launch of new Kinetis devices and development tools called "Kinetis K2" brought some new K22_120 MHz devices to the K22 family portfolio. :smileyinfo: Please notice the name "Kinetis K2" only refers to the Kinetis generation, but it is not related to part number (e.g. K63/K64 are part of K2 generation). Previously existing Kinetis portfolio already had some K22_120 MHz devices, so this  caused confusion regarding the documentation, header files, features, development boards and others, because the part numbers are very similar. I created the next reference table outlining the existing K22_120 MHz parts with their corresponding files and boards. The last column is an overview of the features or peripherals that are either missing or added in each device. :smileyalert: IMPORTANT NOTES:           - I gathered and put together this information as reference, but it is not official. For the most accurate information please visit our webpage           - Header files MK22F12.h and MK22FA12.h apply for legacy K22_120 devices. However TWR-K21F120M(A) board has a K21_120 part, so use MK21F12.h or MK21FA12.h instead.      Colleague Carlos Chavez released an Engineering Bulletin (EB811) with good information related to this document: Regards! Jorge Gonzalez
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