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Kinetis Microcontrollers Knowledge Base


A vulnerability (CVE-2022-22819) has been identified on select NXP processors by which a malformed SB2 file header sent to the device as part of an update or recovery boot can be used to create a buffer overflow. The buffer overflow can then be used to launch various exploits. Refer to the attached bulletin for more information.   09/26/2022 - Bulletin updated to include fix datecode information. 11/01/2022 - Bulletin updated with clarification that mixed datecodes are RT600 only.    
With the merger of NXP and Freescale, the NXP USB VID/PID program, which was previously deployed on LPC Microcontrollers, has been extended to Kinetis Microcontrollers and i.MX Application Processors. The USB VID/PID Program enables NXP customers without USB-IF membership to obtain free PIDs under the NXP VID. What is USB VID/PID Program? The NXP USB VID program will allow users to apply for the NXP VID and get up to 3 FREE PIDs. For more details, please review the application form and associated FAQ below. Steps to apply for the NXP USB VID/PID Program Step 1: Fill the application form with all relevant details including contact information. Step 2: NXP will review the application and if approved, will issue you the PIDs within 4 weeks FAQ for the USB VID/PID Program Can I use this VID for any microcontroller in the NXP portfolio? >> No. This program is intended only for the Cortex M based series of LPC Microcontrollers and Kinetis Microcontrollers, and Cortex A based series of i.MX Application Processors. What are the benefits of using the NXP VID/PID Program? >> USB-IF membership not required >> Useful for low volume production runs that do not exceed 10,000 units >> Quick time to market Can I use the NXP VID and issued PID/s for USB certification? >> You may submit a product using the NXP VID and issued PID/s for compliance testing to qualify to use the Certified USB logo in conjunction with the product, but you must provide written authorization to use the VID from NXP at the time of registration of your product for USB certification. Additionally, subject to prior approval by USB-IF, you can use the NXP VID and assigned PID/s for the purpose of verifying or enabling interoperability. What are the drawbacks of using the NXP VID/PID program? >> Production run cannot exceed 10,000 units. See NXP VID application for more details. >> Up to 3 PIDs can be issued from NXP per customer. If more than 3 PIDs are needed, you have to get your own VID from >> The USB integrators list is only visible to people who are members of USB-IF. NXP has full control on selecting which products will be visible on the USB integrators list. How do I get the VID if I don't use NXP’s VID? >> You can get your own VID from Please visit Do I also get the license to use the USB-IF’s trademarked and licensed logo if I use the NXP VID? >> No. No other privileges are provided other than those listed in the NXP legal agreement. If you wish to use USB-IF’s trademarked and licensed USB logo, please follow the below steps:                 1. The company must be a USB vendor (i.e. obtain a USB vendor ID).                 2. The company must execute the USB-IF Trademark License Agreement.                 3. The product bearing the logo must successfully pass USB-IF Compliance Testing and appear on the Integrators List under that company’s name. Can I submit my product for compliance testing using the NXP VID and assigned PIDs? >> Yes, you would be able to submit your products for USB-IF certification by using the NXP VID and assigned PID. However, if the product passes the compliance test and gets certified, it will be listed under “NXP Semiconductors” in the Integrators list. Also, you will not have access to use any of the USB-IF trademarked and licensed USB logos. How long does it take to obtain the PID from NXP? >> It can take up to 4 weeks to get the PIDs from NXP once the application is submitted. Are there any restrictions on the types of devices that can be developed using the NXP issued PIDs? >> This service requireds the USB microcontroller to be NXP products. Can I choose/request for a specific PID for my application? >> No. NXP will not be able to accommodate such requests.
在电机控制,Audio等很多应用中,我们经常会用到一些常见的正余弦,矩阵变换,FFT等一些DSP函数,提到DSP库,通常会想到使用ARM 公司提供的 CMSIS 库。CMSIS 库是ARM和一些半导体厂家针对Cortex-M系列制定的一套接口标准,包括针对内核操作的CMSIS-CORE API,针对DSP应用的CMSIS-DSP Library,针对RTOS的CMSIS-RTOS API,与外设接口的CMSIS-SVD以及提供Debug访问接口的CMSIS-DAP。 其中,又以DSP应用的CMSIS-DSP 库的应用最为广泛。针对Cortex-M4中的DSP功能,CMSIS-DSP部分提供了超过60多种功能的DSP算法库,尤其是随着Cortex-M4中集成了FPU硬件单元,CMSIS-DSP 库的应用也越来越广泛。 在KEIL 和IAR中都集成了对CMSIS的支持,然而在CodeWarrior中没有直接支持CMSIS,需要用户移植到自己的CW工程中,所以就需要使用者了解CMSIS的结构,手动添加库文件和头文件,并完成一些重要的编译参数配置。特别是有些芯片支持FPU浮点运算单元,有些不支持,在配置选项上差别很大。在飞思卡尔Kinetis系列芯片中,FPU浮点运算单元也是一个可选的部件,只有在名称中带有FN和FX的芯片才支持FPU硬件浮点功能,如MK60FN1M0, MK60FX512。本文档分别介绍在使用和不使用FPU的情况下如何一步步移植CMSIS的DSP库到自己的CodeWarrior工程中。 需要注意的是 FPU 单元是指的芯片上的一个独立于 CPU 处理的浮点运算单元,整个单元在大多数厂家的芯片中都是可以被使能和关闭的。相对于芯片,编译器也设置了相应的 FPU 功能开启/关闭的选项,在编译时需要告诉编译器是否开启 FPU 功能。编译器一旦开启 FPU 功能,在处理单精度浮点运算的语句时就会用带 V-开头的汇编指令进行编译。如果编译器使能了 FPU 功能,而芯片未开启 FPU 单元,程序运行到浮点语句时就会出现异常。相反,如果编译器未使能 FPU 功能,芯片即使开启了 FPU单元,程序还是会按照未使能 FPU 的代码进行处理。在本例程中,为对比分析是否采用FPU的编译指令差别以及在板的执行效率,选用Kinetis K70FN1M为实验对象。 硬件平台:TWR-K70F120M核心板      软件环境:CodeWarrior v10.5        CMSIS版本 :V3.2 一. 准备工作: 下载CMSIS的库,当前最新的版本为V3.2,解压后名称为CMSIS-SP-00300-r3p2-00rel1,其目录结构如下图。分别包含CMSIS-DSP, CMSIS-RTOS和CMSIS-SVD的库文件。在本Cortex M4的CMSIS-DSP的应用中,真正用到的文件包括CMSIS\Include中CM4相关的头文件,CMSIS\Lib\GCC文件夹中的库文件libarm_cortexM4l_math.a(软浮点)和libarm_cortexM4lf_math.a(硬浮点),以及Device\ARM\ARMCM4\include中外设访问相关的两个头文件。 二. 不使用K70的FPU浮点运算单元,移植CMSIS的DSP库到CW的步骤;      Step 1:    新建一个Baremental的工程,选择器件器件MK70FN1M0(支持硬件FPU);     Step 2:    选择Floating Point浮点运算实现的类型,即指定编译器将C代码编译成汇编代码时使用的规则; 在Floating Point四个选项含义如下: Software选项:表示不使用FPU硬件,而是使用GCC的整数算术运算来模拟浮点运算; Handware(-mfloat –abi=hard) 选项:表示使用FPU硬件来进行浮点运算,函数的参数直接传递到FPU的寄存器(s0-d0)中; Handware(-mfloat –abi=softfp)选项:表示使用FPU硬件来进行浮点运算,但是函数的参数传递到整数寄存器(r0-r3)中,然后再传递到FPU中; Handware(-mfloat –abi=softfp –fshort -double)选项:其配置项同上,只不过使能了fshort  double功能,并且此处的double数据的宽度等同于float; 有兴趣研究各个选项意义的可以参考CW for MCU技术文档的第3章,在本例程中使用的是软浮点,所以选择Software项。需要注意的是:此配置选项仅出现支持FPU硬件单元的芯片工程中,如MK60FN1M0, MK60FX512等,否则默认没有此选项,默认为软件浮点。 Step 3:    点击“Next”进入下图,选择使用Processor Expert,点击“Finish“完成工程的建立; Step 4:    进入当前工程的文件夹,新建文件夹CMSIS,从之前在准备步骤解压的CMSIS文件包\...\CMSIS-SP-00300-r3p2-00rel1\CMSIS中拷贝Include和Lib文件夹到当前工程新建的CMSIS文件夹。另外,拷贝\...\CMSIS-SP-00300-r3p2-00rel1\Device\ARM\ARMCM4\Include中的ARMCM4.h和system_ARMCM4.h到当前工程新建的CMSIS文件夹中; Step 5:    回到CodeWarrior主界面选择新建的工程文件,F5刷新可以看到CMSIS出现在工程文件中。其中Include是CMSIS库的一些头文件,包括M0+/M3/M4的一些头文件;在Lib文件中是已经编译好的库文件,ARM文件夹是使用在KEIL IDE中的库文件,G++文件夹是使用在IAR中的库文件,而由于当前CW工程使用的GCC的编译器,所以GCC文件夹才是CW需要的,因此,为缩减工程大小可以删除ARM和G++文件夹;     Step 6:    打开工程属性框,选择Target Processor的Float ABI为No FPU; Step 7:    在GCC Complier的Defined symbols中添加编译的宏定义ARM_MATH_CM4; Step 8:    在GCC Complier的Include paths中添加CMSIS库的头文件,路径为:工程目录\CMSIS\Include; Step 9:    在GCC C Linker的Miscellaneous项的Other objects中指定使用的库文件(位于CMSIS\Lib\GCC文件夹中)。因为本例程中不使用FPU,所以选择libarm_cortexM4l_math.a,此处需要特别注意,否则编译会报错; Step 10: 在ProcessorExpert.c文件中添加代码; #include <math.h> #include "arm_math.h" #define DELTA    (0.000001f) const float32_t testRefOutput_f32 = 1.000000000; const float32_t radians=1.047197533333333; float32_t  cosOutput, sinOutput, diff; float32_t cosSquareOutput,sinSquareOutput,testOutput; int main(void) {   int m,n;   PE_low_level_init();   cosOutput = arm_cos_f32(radians); /*求正余弦*/                   sinOutput = arm_sin_f32(radians);                                 arm_mult_f32(&cosOutput, &cosOutput, &cosSquareOutput, 1); /*求积运算*/   arm_mult_f32(&sinOutput, &sinOutput, &sinSquareOutput, 1);               arm_add_f32(&cosSquareOutput, &sinSquareOutput, &testOutput, 1); /*求和运算*/   diff = fabsf(testRefOutput_f32 - testOutput);  /* 求绝对值 */                 if(diff > DELTA)   {                         while(1)                                 {                                   for(m=0;m<2000;m++)                                                 for(n=0;n<200;n++){};                                                 D7_NegVal();                                 }     }                 } Step 11:    编译并下载Debug,在  sinOutput = arm_sin_f32(radians);处设置断点,可以看到CMSIS-DSP库中的正余弦浮点数运算函数运算正常,其反汇编的得到为普通的ARM指令(FPU 单元汇编指令通常在普通指令前加字母V,仅在 FPU 功能被使能时使用),完成一个正弦计算; 至此,完成了不使用K70的FPU浮点运算单元,移植CMSIS的DSP库到CW的步骤。     三.     使用K70的FPU浮点运算单元,移植CMSIS的DSP库到Codewarrior的步骤 使用K70的FPU硬件浮点运算单元,移植CMSIS的DSP库到Codewarrior的方法有两种:一种是按照上面软浮点的方式Step By Step的建立工程,步骤和上面二的步骤基本一致,主要的两个区别在于:(1). Step 2要选择Handware(-mfloat –abi=hard) 选项,(2). Step 9 改为libarm_cortexM4lf_math.a。另外一种就是在上面工程的基础上修改配置选项。鉴于方便,本教程采用第二种方案,完成在Codewarrior中调用CMSIS的DSP库,通过K70的FPU浮点运算单元执行浮点运算,即硬浮点。 Step 1:    打开工程属性对话框,选择Target Processor的Float ABI为FPU with hard vfp passing(-mfloat –abi=hard); Step 2:    在GCC Complier的Defined symbols中添加编译的宏定义:_VFPV4; Step 3: 在GCC C Linker的Libraries项的library search path中指定链接的规则,把上面工程中默认的"${MCUToolsBaseDir}/ARM_GCC_Support/ewl/lib/armv7e-m"修改为 "${MCUToolsBaseDir}/ARM_GCC_Support/ewl/lib/armv7e-m/fpu"; Step 4:    在GCC C Linker的Miscellaneous项的Other objects中指定使用的库文件(位于CMSIS\Lib\GCC文件夹中)。因为本例程中使用FPU,所以选择libarm_cortexM4lf_math.a,此处需要特别注意,否则编译会报错; Step 5:    完成以上配置后,编译工程并下载调试(此处建议编译之前先Clean一下整个工程),同样,在  sinOutput = arm_sin_f32(radians);处设置断点,可以看到CMSIS-DSP库中的正余弦浮点数运算函数运算正常,其反汇编的得到为FPU指令(FPU指令通常是指在普通指令前加字母V,仅在 FPU功能被使能时使用),并且在Register观察窗口中也多了个FPU寄存器列表,感兴趣的读者可以对比一下和前面实验汇编出代码的差异,此处不再赘述; 至此,分别完成了使用和不适用K70的FPU浮点运算单元情况下, CMSIS的DSP库到Codewarrior的移植。在实际应用中需要用到更多的DSP函数,在项目中直接调用即可。下一步, Just Enjoy The Convenience of  The CMSIS! 有一点需要说明的是,前文中讲到使用FPU单元需要两步设置:(1). 在编译器中开启相应的 FPU 功能选项;(2). 开启芯片FPU 单元。似乎我们前面的设置是完成了第一个步骤,然而第二个步骤呢?仔细查看_arm_atart.c文件,可以发现代码_fp_init()正是完成了开启芯片FPU单元的过程,如下图,是一个条件编译函数,这也就解释了为什么在上面Step 2中定义了_VFPV4,其本质也就是使能芯片的FPU单元,其具体实现可以查看ARM手册的第74页的描述。 #ifdef   __VFPV4__        //Step 2中的宏定义                 __fp_init();      // 开启芯片的FPU单元 #endif
Hi everyone! I have made a simple touch sensing demo for KL25z Freedom board for fast user friendly test using MSD bootloader (default combined application in Open SDA when you receive the Freedom - Mass Storage Device and serial port). Demo changes the brightness of red led populated on the board and communicate with FreeMaster visualization tool over embedded virtual serial port of Open SDA connection. Touch sensing application is controlled by TSS (touch sensing softwere). For more information about touch sensing and download of TSS go to The visualization output has 2 separate scope windows: one showing signals captured from electrodes of slider another one showing position of finger on a slider The operation is really simple, just drag and drop the attached *.s19 file into your device using MSD bootloader (as other precompiled projects for Freedom board) open the *.pmp file that is associated with FreeMASTER, choose the correct COM port at speed of 38400 kbps and start communication The demo was made in CodeWarrior 10.4 using TSS library 3.0.1 in Processor Expert tool, source code can be provided if there will be an interest. There is no need to configure MAP file for FreeMaster communication, application uses so called TSA table - it is position independent this way. If you are not familiar with FreeMASTER or not have it installed in your PC - go to to read more and download the free installer, install it and you are good to run the demo. There are two independent snapshots below, showing the response to my finger movement along the slider Enjoy! and keep in touch
Symptoms As we know: Flash must be programmed after an erase operation. Violation of this rule will cause programming fail and even hardfault(when AHB reading) on Kinetis K64 parts. Customer accidently uses SDK’s API programming same sector twice(over-programming) without an erase operation. Then when perform AHB reading of this sector(include using JFLash to read this sector), an Hardfault occurs. Diagnosis K64 flash has internal ECC on each sector. When over-programming happens, ECC will be crushed and trigger Hardfault when AHB reading of this sector. Solution Using SDK API FLASH_VerifyErase to check if this sector is erased. Call FLASH_VerifyErase every time before you want to program the flash. This problem will impact all Kinetis device which has FTFE flash module.   Thanks for Alex Yang provide the material.
Introduction With the growth of the Internet of Things (IoT), more and more applications are incorporating the use of sensors while also requiring power efficiency and increased performance.  A popular interface for these sensors is the I2C protocol. The I2C bus is a great protocol that is a true multi-master protocol and allows for each bus to contain many devices.  As the performance demand of the application grows, so will the speed of the I2C bus as it will be necessary to get more data from the sensors and/or at a faster rate.  Many applications may already have a need to operate an I2C bus at 400 kHz or more.  Higher data rates means the MCU core will need to spend more time servicing the I2C transactions.  The DMA module is one good way to free up the core in order to let it tend to other aspects of the application.  This can add much needed or much desired performance to applications.  Especially applications that may be using small, power efficient, single core MCUs. It may seem like an easy, straight-forward task to add I2C reads from a sensor to an application.  However I2C is a time sensitive protocol and consequently, so is the I2C peripherals on MCUs.  It is important to understand the time requirements and how to overcome them. The recommended approach is to use DMA to transfer the received I2C data to the desired buffer in your application software.  This document is going to outline how to setup your DMA and provide an example of how to do this for a KW40 device using the Kinetis SDK version 1.3.  The KW40 is being targeted because this is a small, power efficient MCU that incorporates a radio for your wireless applications and as such, it is likely that your application could need this DMA approach.  The KSDK version 1.3 is being targeted because this version of the SDK does not currently support DMA transactions for the I2C peripheral. Understanding the Kinetis I2C peripheral module Before getting into the specifics of creating a DMA enabled I2C driver, it is important to understand some basics of the Kinetis I2C peripheral module.  This module handles a lot of the low-level timing.  However the I2C registers must be serviced in a timely manner to operate correctly.  Take the case of a master reading data from a typical I2C sensor as shown in the diagram below. In the diagram above, the red lines indicate points in the transaction where software or DMA needs to interact with the I2C peripheral to ensure the transaction happens correctly.  To begin a transaction the core must change the MST bit which puts a start bit on the bus (marked by symbol ST).  Immediately following this, the core should then also write the target slave's address (Device Address) including the read/write bit (R/W).  Once this transaction is complete, the I2C will issue an interrupt and then the core should write the register address to be read from. Upon completion of that being put on the bus, the I2C will issue another interrupt and the master should then put a repeated start (SR) on the bus as well as the slave's address again.  Now the slave will send data to the master (once the master begins the transaction by issuing a dummy read of the I2C data register).  In the standard configuration, the I2C peripheral will automatically send the NAK or AK depending on the configuration of the TXAK bit in the I2C peripheral.  Because of this automation, it is important that this bit be handled properly and is configured one frame in advance. Furthermore, to ensure that the NAK bit is sent at the appropriate time, the TXAK bit must be set when the second to last byte is received.  The timing of this configuration change is very important to ensuring that the transaction happens properly. This document will describe how to use DMA to receive the data.  The DMA will be configured before the transaction begins and will be used to receive the data from the slave.  The document will also discuss options to handle proper NAK'ing of the data to end the transaction. Writing a DMA I2C master receive function The first step in adding DMA capability to your SDK driver is to create a new receive function with an appropriate name.  For this example, the newly created receive function is named I2C_DRV_MasterReceiveDataDMA.  To create this function, the I2C_DRV_MasterReceive function (which is called for both blocking and non-blocking) was copied and then modified by removing the blocking capability of the function. Then in this function, after the dummy read of the IIC data register that triggers the reception of data, the DMA enable bit of the I2C control register is written. /*FUNCTION********************************************************************** * * Function Name : I2C_DRV_MasterReceiveDataDMA * Description   : Performs a non-blocking receive transaction on the I2C bus *                 utilizing DMA to receive the data. * *END**************************************************************************/ i2c_status_t I2C_DRV_MasterReceiveDataDMA(uint32_t instance,                                                const i2c_device_t * device,                                                const uint8_t * cmdBuff,                                                uint32_t cmdSize,                                                uint8_t * rxBuff,                                                uint32_t rxSize,                                                uint32_t timeout_ms) {     assert(instance < I2C_INSTANCE_COUNT);     assert(rxBuff);       I2C_Type * base = g_i2cBase[instance];     i2c_master_state_t * master = (i2c_master_state_t *)g_i2cStatePtr[instance];             /* Return if current instance is used */     OSA_EnterCritical(kCriticalDisableInt);         if (!master->i2cIdle)     {         OSA_ExitCritical(kCriticalDisableInt);         return kStatus_I2C_Busy;     }         master->rxBuff = rxBuff;     master->rxSize = rxSize;     master->txBuff = NULL;     master->txSize = 0;     master->status = kStatus_I2C_Success;     master->i2cIdle = false;     master->isBlocking = true;     OSA_ExitCritical(kCriticalDisableInt);             while(I2C_HAL_GetStatusFlag(base, kI2CBusBusy));     I2C_DRV_MasterSetBaudRate(instance, device);         /* Set direction to send for sending of address. */     I2C_HAL_SetDirMode(base, kI2CSend);       /* Enable i2c interrupt.*/     I2C_HAL_ClearInt(base);     I2C_HAL_SetIntCmd(base, true);       /* Generate start signal. */     I2C_HAL_SendStart(base);       /* Send out slave address. */     I2C_DRV_SendAddress(instance, device, cmdBuff, cmdSize, kI2CReceive, timeout_ms);       /* Start to receive data. */     if (master->status == kStatus_I2C_Success)     {         /* Change direction to receive. */         I2C_HAL_SetDirMode(base, kI2CReceive);                 /* Send NAK if only one byte to read. */         if (rxSize == 0x1U)         {         I2C_HAL_SendNak(base);         }         else         {         I2C_HAL_SendAck(base);         }                 /* Dummy read to trigger receive of next byte in interrupt. */         I2C_HAL_ReadByte(base);                 /* Now set the DMA bit to let the DMA take over the reception. */         I2C_C1_REG(I2C1) |= I2C_C1_DMAEN_MASK;                 /* Don't wait for the transfer to finish. Exit immediately*/     }     else if (master->status == kStatus_I2C_Timeout)     {         /* Disable interrupt. */         I2C_HAL_SetIntCmd(base, false);                 if (I2C_HAL_GetStatusFlag(base, kI2CBusBusy))         {         /* Generate stop signal. */         I2C_HAL_SendStop(base);         }                 /* Indicate I2C bus is idle. */         master->i2cIdle = true;     }         return master->status; } After writing the DMA driver, a DMA specific transfer complete function must be implemented. This is needed in order for the application software to signal to the driver structures that the transfer has been completed and the bus is now idle. In addition, the DMA enable bit needs to be cleared in order for other driver functions to be able to properly use the IIC peripheral. void I2C_DRV_CompleteTransferDMA(uint32_t instance) {     assert(instance < I2C_INSTANCE_COUNT);     I2C_Type * base = g_i2cBase[instance];     i2c_master_state_t * master = (i2c_master_state_t *)g_i2cStatePtr[instance];         I2C_C1_REG(base) &= ~(I2C_C1_DMAEN_MASK | I2C_C1_TX_MASK);     I2C_C1_REG(base) &= ~I2C_C1_MST_MASK;;        /* Indicate I2C bus is idle. */     master->i2cIdle = true; } DMA Configuration Next, the application layer needs a function to configure the DMA properly, and a DMA callback is needed to properly service the DMA interrupt that will be used as well as post a semaphore. But before diving into the specifics of that, it is important to discuss the overall strategy of using the DMA in this particular application. After every transaction, the data register must be serviced to ensure that all of the necessary data is received.  One DMA channel can easily be assigned to service this activity.  After the reception of the second to last data byte, the TXAK bit must be written with a '1' to ensure that the NAK is put on the bus at the appropriate time. This is a little trickier to do.  There are three options: A second dedicated DMA channel can be linked to write the I2C_C1 register every time the I2C_D register is serviced.  This option will require a second array to hold the appropriate values to be written to the I2C_C1 register.  The following figure illustrates this process. The second DMA channel can be linked to write the I2C_C1 register after the second to last data byte has been received.  This option would require that the primary DMA channel be set to receive two data bytes less than the total number of desired data bytes.  The primary DMA channel would also need to be re-configured to receive the last two bytes (or the application software would need to handle this).  However this could be a desirable programming path for applications that are memory constrained as it reduces the amount of memory necessary for your application. The primary DMA channel can be set to receive two data bytes less than the total number of desired data bytes and the core (application software) can handle the reception of the last two bytes.  This would be a desirable option for those looking for a simpler solution but has the drawback that in a system where the core is already handling many other tasks, there may still be issues with writing the TXAK bit on time. This example will focus on option number 1, as this is the simplest, fully automatic solution.  It could also easily be modified to fit the second option as the programmer would simply need to change the number of bytes to receive by the primary DMA and add some reconfiguration information in the interrupt to service the primary DMA channel. DMA Channel #1 The first DMA channel is configured to perform 8-bit  transfers from the I2C data register (I2C_D) to the buffer to hold the desired data.  This channel should transfer the number of desired bytes minus one.  The final byte will be received by the core.  Other DMA configuration bits that are important to set are the cycle steal bit, disable request bit, peripheral request bit (ERQ), interrupt on completion of transfer (EINT), and destination increment (DINC).  It also important to configure the link channel control to perform a link to channel LCH1 after each cycle-steal transfer and LCH1 should be configured for the channel that will transfer from memory to the I2C control register (I2C_C1).  The first DMA channel is configured as shown below. // Set Source Address (this is the UART0_D register       DMA_SAR0 = (uint32_t)&I2C_D_REG(base);             // Set BCR to know how many bytes to transfer       // Need to set to desired size minus 1 because the last will be manually       // read.        DMA_DSR_BCR0 = DMA_DSR_BCR_BCR(destArraySize - 1);             // Clear Source size and Destination size fields.        DMA_DCR0 &= ~(DMA_DCR_SSIZE_MASK                     | DMA_DCR_DSIZE_MASK                     );       // Set DMA as follows:       //     Source size is byte size       //     Destination size is byte size       //     D_REQ cleared automatically by hardware       //     Destination address will be incremented after each transfer       //     Cycle Steal mode       //     External Requests are enabled       //     Interrupts are enabled       //     Asynchronous DMA requests are enabled.       //     Linking to channel LCH1 after each cycle steal transfer       //     Set LCH1 to DMA CH 1.        DMA_DCR0 |= (DMA_DCR_SSIZE(1)             // 1 = 8-bit transfers                    | DMA_DCR_DSIZE(1)           // 1 = 8-bit transfers                    | DMA_DCR_D_REQ_MASK                    | DMA_DCR_DINC_MASK                    | DMA_DCR_CS_MASK                    | DMA_DCR_ERQ_MASK                    | DMA_DCR_EINT_MASK                    | DMA_DCR_EADREQ_MASK                    | DMA_DCR_LINKCC(2)          // Link to LCH1 after each cycle-steal transfer                    | DMA_DCR_LCH1(1)            // Link to DMA CH1                    );       // Set destination address       DMA_DAR0 = (uint32_t)destArray; DMA Channel #2 The second DMA channel, which is the linked channel, should be configured to perform 8-bit transfers that transfer data from an array in memory (titled ack_nak_array in this example) to the I2C control register (I2C_C1).  This channel should also disables requests upon completion of the entire transfer, and enable the cycle-steal mode.  In this channel, the source should be incremented (as opposed to the destination as in the first channel). This channel is configured as shown below: // Set Source Address (this is the UART0_D register       DMA_SAR1 = (uint32_t)ack_nak_array;             // Set BCR to know how many bytes to transfer       // Need to set to desired size minus 1 because the last will be manually       // read.       DMA_DSR_BCR1 = DMA_DSR_BCR_BCR(destArraySize - 1);             // Clear Source size and Destination size fields.        DMA_DCR1 &= ~(DMA_DCR_SSIZE_MASK                     | DMA_DCR_DSIZE_MASK                     );             // Set DMA as follows:       //     Source size is byte size       //     Destination size is byte size       //     D_REQ cleared automatically by hardware       //     Destination address will be incremented after each transfer       //     Cycle Steal mode       //     External Requests are disabled       //     Asynchronous DMA requests are enabled.       DMA_DCR1 |= (DMA_DCR_SSIZE(1)             // 1 = 8-bit transfers                    | DMA_DCR_DSIZE(1)           // 1 = 8-bit transfers                    | DMA_DCR_D_REQ_MASK                    | DMA_DCR_SINC_MASK                    | DMA_DCR_CS_MASK                    | DMA_DCR_EADREQ_MASK                    );             // Set destination address       DMA_DAR1 = (uint32_t)&I2C_C1_REG(base); Once the DMA channels are initialized, the only action left is to configure the interrupts, enable the channel in the DMA MUX, and create the semaphore if it has not already been created.  This is done as shown below. //Need to enable the DMA IRQ       NVIC_EnableIRQ(DMA0_IRQn);       //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////       // MUX configuration       // Enables the DMA channel and select the DMA Channel Source        DMAMUX0_CHCFG0 = DMAMUX_CHCFG_SOURCE(BOARD_I2C_DMAMUX_CHN); //DMAMUX_CHCFG_ENBL_MASK|DMAMUX_CHCFG_SOURCE(0x31); //0xb1;       DMAMUX0_CHCFG0 |= DMAMUX_CHCFG_ENBL_MASK;             /* Create semaphore */       if(semDmaReady == NULL){         semDmaReady = OSA_EXT_SemaphoreCreate(0);       } Finally, the DMA initialization function also initializes the ack_nak_array.  This is only necessary when implementing the first DMA strategy.  The second DMA strategy would only need to write a single value at the correct time.  The array initialization for strategy #1 is shown below.  Note that the values written to the array are 0xA1 plus the appropriate value of the TXAK bit.  By writing 0xA1, it is ensured that the I2C module will be enabled in master mode with the DMA enable bit set. // Initialize Ack/Nak array       // Need to initialize the Ack/Nak buffer first       for( j=0; j < destArraySize; j++)       {           if(j >= (destArraySize - 2))           {               ack_nak_array[j] = 0xA1 | I2C_C1_TXAK_MASK;           }           else           {               ack_nak_array[j] = 0xA1 & (~I2C_C1_TXAK_MASK);           }       } DMA Interrupt Handler Now a DMA interrupt handler is required.  A minimum of overhead will be required for this example as the interrupt handler simply needs to service the DONE bit and post the semaphore created in the initialization.  The DMA interrupt handler is as follows: void DMA0_IRQHandler(void) {     // Clear pending errors or the done bit     if (((DMA_DSR_BCR0 & DMA_DSR_BCR_DONE_MASK) == DMA_DSR_BCR_DONE_MASK)         | ((DMA_DSR_BCR0 & DMA_DSR_BCR_BES_MASK) == DMA_DSR_BCR_BES_MASK)         | ((DMA_DSR_BCR0 & DMA_DSR_BCR_BED_MASK) == DMA_DSR_BCR_BED_MASK)         | ((DMA_DSR_BCR0 & DMA_DSR_BCR_CE_MASK) == DMA_DSR_BCR_CE_MASK))     {         // Clear the Done MASK and set semaphore, dmaDone         DMA_DSR_BCR0 |= DMA_DSR_BCR_DONE_MASK;         //dmaDone = 1;         OSA_SemaphorePost(semDmaReady);     } } Using your newly written driver function Once all of these items have been taken care of, it is now time for the application to use the functions. It is expected that the DMA will be initialized before calling the DMA receive function.  After the first call, the DMA can be re-initialized every time or could simply be reset with the start address of the arrays and byte counter (this is the minimum of actions that must be performed).  Then the application should ensure that the transaction happened successfully.   Upon a successful call to the I2C_DRV_MasterReceiveDataDMA function, the application should wait for the semaphore to be posted.  Once the semaphore posts, the application software should wait for the Transfer Complete flag to become set.  This ensures that the application does not try to put a STOP signal on the bus before the NAK has been physically put on the bus.  If the STOP signal is attempted out of sequence, the I2C module could be put in an erroneous state and the STOP signal may not be sent.  Next, the I2C_DRV_CompleteTransferDMA function should be called to send the STOP signal and to signal to the driver structures that the bus is idle.  At this point, the I2C transaction is now fully complete and there is still one data byte that hasn't been transferred to the receive buffer.  It is the application's responsibility to perform one last read of the Data register to receive the last data byte of the transaction. /* Now initialize the DMA */    dma_init(BOARD_I2C_INSTANCE, Buffer, ack_nak_buffer, FXOS8700CQ_READ_LEN); //Init DMAMUX       returnValue = I2C_DRV_MasterReceiveDataDMA(BOARD_I2C_INSTANCE, &slave,                                                   cmdBuff, 1, Buffer, FXOS8700CQ_READ_LEN, 1000); if (returnValue != kStatus_I2C_Success)    {        return (kStatus_I2C_Fail);    } /* Wait for the DMA transaction to complete */    OSA_SemaphoreWait(semDmaReady, OSA_WAIT_FOREVER);       /* Need to wait for the transfer to complete */ for(temp=0; temp<250; temp++)     {         if(I2C_HAL_GetStatusFlag(base, kI2CTransferComplete))         {             break;         }     }       /* Now complete the transfer; this includes sending the I2C STOP signal and       clearing the DMA enable bit */    I2C_DRV_CompleteTransferDMA(BOARD_I2C_INSTANCE);       // Once the Transfer is complete, there is still one byte sitting in the Data    // register.      Buffer[11] = I2C_D_REG(g_i2cBase[BOARD_I2C_INSTANCE]); Conclusion To summarize, as consumers demand more and more power efficient technology with more and more functionality, MCU product developers need to cram more functionality in small power efficient MCUs.  Relying on DMA for basic data transfers is one good way to improve performance of smaller power efficient MCUs with a single core. This can be particularly useful in applications where an MCU needs to pull information from and I2C sensor.  To do this, there are three methods of implementing an I2C master receive function in your SDK 1.3 based application. Use two DMA channels.  The first to transfer from the I2C Data register to the destination array.  A second dedicated DMA channel can be linked to write the I2C_C1 register every time the I2C_D register is serviced. Use two DMA channels.  The first to transfer from the I2C Data register to the destination array. The second DMA channel can be linked to write the I2C_C1 register only after the second to last data byte has been received. Use a single DMA channel can be set to receive two data bytes less than the total number of desired data bytes and the core (application software) can handle the reception of the last two bytes. The recommendation of this document is to implement the first or second option as these are fully automatic options requiring the least intervention by the core.
   在培训和论坛提问中,发现用户提出的很多问题都集中在如何有效的检索到“适合的开发工具和开发资源”上。在此帖中,简单的介绍一下在飞思卡尔官方网站上查找到实用的开发资源的一些简单步骤,希望对大家有帮助。     通常学习和应用一款芯片是从选择一个评估/开发板开始的,然后安装相应的开发环境和硬件驱动、最后结合芯片Datasheet、Reference Manul、参考设计和官方例程编写程序代码完成项目开发。和其它行业一样,如今对于芯片厂商也流行提供一整套的解决方案,有现成的方案设计提供给客户,减少客户的时间成本,提高开发效率。可是在哪里能找到例程代码、参考设计、如何动手呢,对于很大部分不熟悉飞思卡尔官网的人来说,找到自己需要的资源就很困难,这里以FSL Kinetis系列芯片为例简单给大家介绍一下在飞思卡尔官网资源检索的通常步骤。     首先,进入飞思卡尔的官网, 通常大家更习惯于中文,所以点击右上角“中文”选择显示中文,如图1,以后再次进入网站时,它都会自动默认中文显示。然后选择“产品”->微控制器”可以看到里面包括飞思卡尔MCU相关的产品,早期8位/16位MCU、主要用于电机控制的DSC、Vybrid多核控制器,ColdFire架构MCU以及ARM Cortex架构的Kinetis,这里选择Kinetis ARM Cortex MCU,如图2。 图1 图2        可以看到Kinetis K系列、L系列、M系列、W系列的一些MCU,这里选择KL2,如图3,打开之后如图4可以看到很多调试仿真器、评估开发板、相关软件工具等,这里是一个资源合集。在“文档”栏目中能找到KL2X芯片的Datasheet、参考手册、应用笔记、用户指南等等;在“软件和工具”栏目中能找到KL2X系列MCU可以使用的仿真调试器、评估开发板、软件开发工具、中间件驱动程序等; 图3  图4          如前文所讲,需要先找一个硬件开发平台,于是展开“评估/开发板与系统”,可以看到很多飞思卡尔公司提供的开发板,包括FRDM-KL05Z(KL0系列MCU,不知为何放在这里)、FRDM-KL25Z(FRDM板)、TWR-KL2548M(塔形板)几个版本,这里我们选择使用最为广泛的的FRDM-KL25Z,点击进去,如图5,就能看到对应于KL25Z的Demo板相关信息和资源,在“文档”栏目里有KL25Z相关的应用说明、用户手册等等;在”下载”栏目里能找到FRDM-KL25Z开发板的电路原理图、例程代码(含Codewarrior、IAR、Keil三个版本)、开发环境搭建用到的软件以及告诉你如何安装驱动的QSG文件;在“购买/规格”栏目里能看到开发板购买的价格和途径,值得一提的是这款板不仅包括KL25Z芯片的最小系统,还板载了一个OpenSDA下载/调试器(既可以调试板载芯片,也可以引出调试其它器件),而价格只有12.95$,不到一百块人民币,可谓是超值。 图5      至此,开发的软件环境、需要准备的硬件板、原理图、驱动软件、例程源代码、DataSheet、User's Manual都知道在哪里获得了相应资源了,后续需要自己搭建环境,安装驱动,根据项目需要参照测试例程、Datasheet和User's Manual进行编程开发了。 至于其他系列的芯片Datasheet、User's Manual、例程代码、开发环境等等资源也可以按照这个步骤进行检索。另外,飞思卡尔网站对一些重要的资源还提供了快捷链接,如KL25Z开发板,K60的100M开发板: ,MQX操作系统,技术支持: 等等。     另外,大家还可以在官网上看到一些其他的技术信息,有问题也欢迎飞思卡尔官方社区community.freescale.com和EEFOCUS飞思卡尔社区 讨论和分享自己的问题和经验。
    不得不说Keil貌似是国内用户使用最多的IDE了,其被ARM收购之后,ARM嵌入了ARMCC等编译器推出了Keil MDK开发环境更是受到了广大ARM开发工程师的欢迎,庞大的用户群(很多是从当年的51等8位机直接转过来的)、简洁的管理窗口和友好的UI界面等优势都让其风靡一时,而且毕竟现在成了ARM的“亲儿子”了,其对ARM内核的产品支持还是灰常不错的。     而GCC更是大名鼎鼎,这个至今仍然在维护的GNU项目下的产物,在N多大牛的维护下不断得到优化,其强大的编译效率和跨平台能力也是广为大家所认可(Codewarrior10.x之后,针对ARM的编译器就是集成了GCC)。     而本文的目的是针对那些想从GCC平台迁移到Keil MDK平台的开发者(并不是代表ARMCC比GCC好,这里不拿这两者做对比),可能用习惯了GCC的话移植到ARMCC下会有些差别需要注意,如匿名的联合体union在ARMCC下是不支持的,要想再ARMCC下使用需要在前面添加“#pragma anon_unions”,而这种格式在GCC却是直接支持的。     而如果开发者想将原来在GCC下的工程整体迁移到Kei MDK下,如果工程里存在大量的这种定义,那人为的一条条修改绝对是一件让人抓破头皮的事,呵呵,那有没有简单的一蹴而就的方法呢?咳咳,我都这样说了那肯定就有啦,有点卖关子了,呵呵,其实很简单,我们进入到Project->Options…,设置如下图所示,即添加“--gnu”即可实现在Keil工程下使用GNU工具链GCC来编译工程C文件了,是不是有点太简单了,呵呵。     当然最后我需要提一句,这个“--gnu”是添加在C/C++这个选项卡下的,如果你最开始使用Keil重新新建的一个工程并添加了Keil自动生成的启动代码的话(startup_xxx.s)请慎用在ASM选项卡下添加“--gnu”,因为ARMCC下的汇编格式是与GCC完全不一样的,所以用GCC来编译Keil下生成的汇编是不行的,这点需要注意。
The DOC introduces the nano-edge placement  feature for KV4x family, it gives the application for the nano-edge placement feature, in other words, it's target is to increase the PWM signal resolution. It gives the example code and PWM waveform for the nano-edge placement feature.
Explore the Features of MCU-Link Pro MCU-Link Pro is the latest ARM Cortex-M series core debugger tool from NXP. Some of its features are inherited from the past LPC-LINK2. But overall it was redesigned and introduced and many new features. These additional functions make the MCU-Link Pro a very powerful debugging tool. This article will explore these features and highlight interesting and useful ones. These functions mainly include the following aspects. SWD+SWO Measurement of current and power consumption MCU-Link pro is supported by new blhost LIBUSBSIO library for windows, Ubuntu Linux and MacOS A secondary chip LPC804 on the board   SWD+SWO MCU-Link Pro support SWD only. It doesn’t support JTAG. The main controller in the board is LPC55S69. There is level shifter circuit between the port and LPC55S69. It makes the board can debug the target board work at 1.2V to 5V. It has reference voltage trace circuit which is use to trace the target board voltage. It can trace the port automatically, needn’t any settings. The MCU-Link Pro also can supply 1.8V/3.3V to target board. The maximum current is 350mA. This is done by connecting J6 and selecting by J5. The maximum speed of SWO is 9.6Mbit/s. Same as <PC-Link, MCU-Link Pro support CMSIS-DAP and Jlink firmware. These firmware are kept updating. The latest firmware of CMSIS-DAP is 2.25. If the firmware version is old, there will be a message jump out telling customer to update it when connecting to computer. We can see that the new version gives two VCOM while the original version only have one. The new VCOM use J26-4 and J26-5.   Measurement of current and power consumption MCU-Link pro provides a very interesting real-time function of current and voltage measurement. It can capture a burst of samples of target current usage, the target supply voltage, the shield current, the analog input, the debug interface reference voltage, or target power consumption at up to 100ksps. This information is displayed in a graph and can also be exported for further analysis. The average value of the collected data can also be displayed. And based on the current and voltage data, the power consumption can also be calculated and displayed in the graph. The place where the red line is drawn in the figure below is the real-time voltage at the time point of the mouse.     What's more interesting is that the energy measurement function does not need to activate the debug to capture the data, it is offline and has a separate data channel. But it can also be linked to a session if such a debug session exists. This is very useful in debugging various low-power applications. Not only can you see the power consumption change under each step of the command, but you can also check the power change rule for a long period of time when the system is running. Since there is a separate data channel, you can even debug the program in KEIL and watch the current change in MCUXpresso. The MCU Link Pro has two current measurement configurations, each with a maximum measurable current. This is to achieve maximum measurement accuracy for a variety of different objectives. There are two automatically controlled ranges in each configuration to provide greater precision. The automatic switching from low current measurement to high current measurement is completely controlled by hardware.   Each time the MCU Link Pro is powered up, the measurement circuit calibrates itself. There is no need to disconnect/reconnect the MCU Link Pro before calibration due to transistors are used to isolate the sensing circuit from the target power supply to avoid contention and to ensure a known voltage is applied to the system during calibration. At high sample rates, the MCUXpresso IDE may not capture all data, so the sample rate may need to be adjusted using the configuration options in the energy measurement configuration settings in the tool. If the target current exceeds the maximum current in the selected range, the measurement will saturate and cut off and will therefore be inaccurate. Blhost and MCU-Link Pro The most noteworthy feature of MCU Link Pro is its USB to SPI and I2C bridge functions. This enables the computer to send I2C and SPI signals directly through USB. This powerful function is not ignored by blhost. The new version of blhost can support this function and adds a new command parameter '- L'. Specifically, '- L SPI' refers to the SPI interface and '- L I2C' refers to the I2C interface. The following figure shows the test results on frdm-k64f. It can be clearly seen in the figure that the SPI interface of MCU Link Pro can communicate with mcuboot firmware on k64 and download the encryption program to flash.     In addition to KINETIS, this function is most suitable for i.mxrt600 and I mxRT500。 These two chips have serial ISP mode. User can download the program to ram through SPI or I2C port, and then directly let it run. Many users have this usage. In the previous examples in SDK, a board of twr-kv46 or twr-k65 or frdm-kl25 was required to receive command and data from UART and translate them to SPI and I2C command. Since there is no direct interface on these boards, flying wires are required, which is very troublesome. Moreover, NXP only provides firmware for these three boards. If you want to use other chips or boards, you must also transplant firmware. It's also very troublesome. But with MCU Link Pro, it's all very easy and pleasant.   LIBUSBSIO library In order to better expand the use of bridge functions, NXP has provided libusbsio library. By calling this library, you can realize the USB to SPI \ I2C \ GPIO function in your own application. I also made the upper computer tools for writing kinetis ezport and flash according to the libusbsio library provided by NXP. I introduced this point in detail in my last article. Interested friends can read my article. It is not enough to provide libraries based on windows and Linux. NXP also provides a python library. This library is based on python3 and can be installed through the following command >pip install libusbsio Its usage is not described in detail in the libusbsio documentation. Here is a general introduction. The following is an initialization procedure of libusbsio. import logging import logging.config from libusbsio import * # enable basic console logging logging.basicConfig() # load DLL from default directory sio = LIBUSBSIO(loglevel=logging.DEBUG) # the main code # calling GetNumPorts is mandatory as it also scans for all connected USBSIO devices numports = sio.GetNumPorts() print("SIO ports = %d" % numports) if numports > 0 and sio.Open(0): print("LIB version = '%s'" % sio.GetVersion()) print("SPI ports = %d" % sio.GetNumSPIPorts()) print("Max data size = %d" % sio.GetMaxDataSize()) if(sio.GetNumSPIPorts() > 0): spi = sio.SPI_Open(1000000, portNum=0, dataSize=8, preDelay=100) if spi: data, ret = spi.Transfer(spi_ssel[0], spi_ssel[1], b"Hello World") sio.Close() else: print("No USBSIO device found") ​ Line 9 is to open an instance of libusbsio library; Line 14: get the number of usbsio ports of all USB bridges; Lines 18, 19 and 20 are the read version information, the number of SPI ports and the maximum size of SPI cache; Line 22: open an SPI interface; Line 24, start transmitting data. It can be seen from the above that the use process is relatively simple. And these commands are very similar to those of the C language library.   A secondary controller LPC804 on the board There is also an lpc804 on the MCU Link Pro board. This chip is confusing here. What is it for? Its UART, SPI and I2C ports are all connected for external use. But what's the use? One conceivable application is that the UART port is connected to the newly added vcom2, and then the SPI or I2C works in the slave mode. As a listener, it monitors the SPI or I2C bus to be debugged and displays it on the computer terminal. The LPC804 debug interface is the same as the debugging port of MCU Link Pro. Maybe the board itself is a development board, so that users can develop lpc804 programs? In addition, its UART-ISP port is connected to a UART port of LPC55S69. It seems that in the future, it can communicate with each other through the new version of CMSIS-DAP firmware. Let's look forward to new ways of playing in the future.
最近,有客户反映在IAR6.6 环境中,即便在程序中配置了Kinetis的加密字段“0x40C -0x40F”,但在实际程序运行中发现这些加密位并没有被真正的写进去。现根据Colleagues的分析,结合个人的理解总结如下,描述不清楚之处希望能提出宝贵意见。 原因:新版本的IAR 6.6 为了防止用户在使用Kinetis过程中误操作导致芯片被锁死,默认将加密位Disable了,在烧录Flash的时候设了最后一道闸门,将0x40C -0x40F的值统一成0xFFFFFFFE (解密模式)。 如果要完成加密, 可以修改其Flash Loader配置。 证据:在C:\Program Files\IAR Systems\Embedded Workbench 6.5_2\arm\config\flashloader\Freescale文件夹中,查看FlashK60Dxxx128K.board文件可以看到如下描述,其中<args_doc>与</args_doc>可以理解为一些注释,需要按解决方法的步骤设置。 <args_doc>.....--enable_config_write - allow programming of 0x40C - 0x40F with user supplied data, in other case flashloader after erase of block 0 will write 0xFFFFFFFE (unsecure state).</args_doc> 解决方法: 1) 打开IAR的Options配置框,选择Debuger的Download 标签,勾选如下图所示的选项,可以看到此项目中对应的.board文件; 2) 点击edit按钮, 显示如下对话框,两处分别对应着包含不同Flash Memory的器件设备; 3) 对于不包含FlexNVM的器件,选择0x0-0xfffffff对应的条目,然后选择Edit; 4) 在下面的对话框中的extra edit 项目中填写 “--enable_config_write” , 它意味着打开了在烧录Flash的时候设置的最后一道闸门,使能了用户对加密字段“0x40C -0x40F”的配置。关于此参数选项含义,可以查看下面框中parameters description的描述。 5) 选择OK , 回到上级对话框,如下图可以看到“--enable_config_write”作为一个Extra Parameters显示出来; 6)再次选择OK,回到上层对话框。 此处不用担心OK后修改的配置会替换Flash Loader中的默认配置,因为系统会自动保存刚才的修改到一个新的board文件,并存储到当前工程的文件目录中; 7) 选择“save ”,保存; 8) 选择"OK”,然后开始下载。 9) 如果以后需要加密的时候, 可以使用新的board文件, 不需要加密的时候,选择使用IAR下面的board文件。      至此,完成整个配置过程。 关于在J_flash中选择使用加密: 1)在Jflash中选择project settings; 2)在Project settings栏选择CPU标签,勾选Device选项,并点击Freescale MKL25Z128xxx4后面的方框; 3)在如下窗口Manufacturer中选择Freescale,找到对应的Device,选择带有"allow security"的选项,就可以支持加密了。否则即便在程序中Kinetis的加密字节设置了加密,代码也不会实     际的运行。
Overview      This document describes how to use ezport module on TWR-K22F120M,  and the usage of ezport on other platforms  is similar.      The EzPort module is a serial flash programming interface that enables In-System Programming (ISP) of flash memory contents in a 32-bit general-purpose microcontroller.      The block diagram of EzPort module is as follows: Hardware environments TWR-K60D100M TWR-K22F120M TWR-SER Primary and Secondary Tower boards      Because the EzPort module is a serial flash programming interface that is compatible with a subset of the SPI format. TWR-K60D100M is used as a SPI master and TWR-K22F120M is used as a slave. The flash memory contents of TWR-K22F120M can be read/erased/programmed from TWR-K60D100M.      Connect the TWR-K60D100M and TWR-SER by two tower boards, the execution result will be outputed by uart. Step 1:TWR-K22F120M enters into EzPort mode Hardware setup:       If the TWR-K22F120M wants to enter EzPort mode, the EZP_CS pin should be asserted and then reset pin is asserted. TWR-K60D100M                         TWR-K22F120M PTC6(J11 A71)                           EZP_CS(J31 Pin9) Software setup: Open the project “ezport_test_kinetis”; Define the MACRO “ENTER_EZPORT_MODULE” in hal_config.h; Build and download the program into TWR-K60D100M, run it, then EZP_CS pin of TWR-K22F120M will be asserted. Then power-on the TWR-K22F120M. The TWR-K22F120M will enter into EzPort mode. Step 2: Use EzPort to read/erase/program the flash Hardware setup: TWR-K60D100M                         TWR-K22F120M PTD0(J11 B63)                            EZP_CS(J31 Pin9) PTD1(J11 B64)                            EZP_CLK(J31 Pin4) PTD2(J11 A76)                            EZP_DI(J31 Pin8) PTD3(J11 A77)                            EZP_DO(J31 Pin6) GND(J11 B65)                             GND(J31 Pin5) Note: TWR-K60D100M and TWR-K22F120M should have common ground. Software setup: Open the project “ezport_test_kinetis”; Undefine the MACRO “ENTER_EZPORT_MODULE” in hal_config.h, then EzPort test codes will be enabled; Build and download the program into TWR-K60D100M, run it, then the flash memory contents of TWR-K22F120M can be read/erased/programmed from TWR-K60D100M, the execution result will output to the console by uart.
One of the new features that can be found on the FRDM-K82F is the FlexIO header. It’s be specifically designed to interface with the very cost-efficient OV7670 camera, and uses 8 FlexIO lines to read data from the camera. By using the FlexIO feature, it makes it easy to connect a camera to a Kinetis MCU. A demo is included with Kinetis SDK 1.3 which streams the video data from the camera to a host computer over USB. FlexIO: The FlexIO is a highly configurable module found on select Kinetis devices which provides a wide range of functionality including: • Emulation of a variety of serial/parallel communication protocols • Flexible 16-bit timers with support for a variety of trigger, reset, enable and disable conditions • Programmable logic blocks allowing the implementation of digital logic functions on-chip and configurable interaction of internal and external modules • Programmable state machine for offloading basic system control functions from CPU All with less overhead than software bit-banging, while allowing for more flexibility than dedicated IP. Running the Demo: First you’ll need to setup the hardware. An 18 pin header needs to be installed on the *back* of the board. The camera is oriented this way to allow for use of shields on the top, even if the camera is being used. This way the functionality could be extended with WiFi or LCD shields. After the header is soldered on, plug in the camera. It will look like the following when complete: Next we need to program the K82 device with the example firmware. The software can be found in the Kinetis SDK FRDM-K82F stand-alone release, in the C:\Freescale\KSDK_1.3.0_K82\examples\frdmk82f\demo_apps\usb\device\video\flexio_ov7670 folder. Open the project, compile, and program the example specific for your compiler like done for other examples. Make sure you also compile the USB Device library as well. After programming the K82, unplug the USB cable from J5 (OpenSDA) and plug it into J11 (K82 USB). The board will enumerate as a generic USB video device called “USB VIDEO DEMO”. You can then use this device with any video capture software, like Skype or Lync.  Here's a shot of the clock in my cube: The resolution is 160*120, the video image format is RGB565. You may need to manually adjust the focus by rotating the lens on the camera. The frame rate can also be sped up by modifying line 342 in usb_descriptor.c: 5fps: 0x80,0x84,0x1E,0x00, /* Default frame interval is 5fps */ 10fps:  0x40,0x42,0x0F,0x00, 15fps:  0x2A,0x2C,0x0A,0x00, 20fps:  0x20,0xA1,0x07,0x00, The 160*120 max resolution was determined by the amount internal SRAM of the device, as there is not external RAM on the FRDM-K82F board. More Information: One of many places to buy the OV7670 camera module​ OV7670 Reference Manual​ FlexIO Overview ​ FlexIO Training presented at FTF
Table of Contents 1       Introduction 2       DMA to emulate ADC Flexible Scan. 2.1         System overview and flow diagram for Flexscan. 3       SDK implementation. 3.1         ADC configuration. 3.2         LPMTR configuration 3.3         DMA configuration 4       ADC Flex Scan mode with DMA Appendix A: Requirements Reference   1    Introduction This document describes how to combine ADC, DMA and a timer to implement a ADC Flexible storing data with SDK 2.2 and MCUXpresso IDE. In this configuration ADC measures will be stored into an internal memory buffer with DMA, which imply, no CPU. With this configuration MCU uses less resources, only using ADC and DMA (2 channels) and a timer to trigger conversions. This way, the MCU does not need to read the ADC result register, because the memory management will be done by DMA automatically.   To implement this application we will use SDK libraries, which includes ADC and DMA libraries. The timer used to trigger ADC conversion will be the LPTMR. MCUXpresso IDE will be used as development environment, please check Appendix A to look where you can download SDK libraries and IDE. The project will be created from scratch, regardless of this, MCUXpresso IDE and SDK libraries allows us to create a project with some headers and libraries in the project, if you have problems creating a new project in MCUXpresso please check Reference 4.   In this document we will use the FRDM-K64F which is an ultra-low-cost development platform, but this implementation could be easily migrated to any kinetis family that support second-generation eDMA module (enhanced Direct Memory Access).   This document is an update of the community doc: Using DMA to Emulate ADC Flexible Scan Mode with KSDK  which uses old SDK libraries.   2     DMA to emulate ADC Flexible Scan   Flexible scan implementation needs 2 types of data movement: ADC measures (from peripheral to internal memory) and ADC mux change (from internal memory to peripheral). Second one is needed to change ADC input channel and have the flexible implementation, first one save ADC measures in our internal memory.   DMA peripheral (for this MCU) includes up to 16 channels, for this application we will only use 2 channels, one for ADC measures and one for ADC muxing channel. It is important to remark that we will use the linking feature in these channels to implement the ADC changing channel automatically, later in this document it will be explain this feature.   2.1         System overview and flow diagram for Flexscan.   As already mentioned, this implementation will use one DMA channel to transfer data from ADC measures (ADC0_RA register in this case) to a memory buffer (named here as g_ADC0_resultBuffer), so follow figure shows this movement:     As you can see, ADC0_COCO (conversion complete) will be the one that request a transfer from ADC0_RA to resultBuffer. Once this transfer has completed, we need to change ADC channel, so when DMA channel 1 transfer finishes, it will indicate us to trigger the other data movement, in this case from internal buffer g_ADC_mux (that save our adc channels) to the ADC0_SC1A register that sets the ADC channel, so the following diagram shows this.     To do this, this application used a DMA feature that link DMA channels, channel-to-channel linking. So, when one DMA channel finished, the linked DMA channel will be triggered, in this case when DMA channel 1 has completed to move data from ADC measure register to internal memory then DMA channel 0 need to be triggered to change the ADC channel, so next conversion ADC would have selected other ADC channel.   Once that the ADC channels is changed (and the HW trigger happens), the COCO flag from ADC will trigger other DMA request in channel 0 and the process will start again. This flow process can be repeated as many channels as we have and as many samples as we want, for this example code we will measure 3 channels and have 4 samples, so the result buffer size is 3 × 4 = 12 (the real buffer size is 16, to demonstrate that only 12 data field parts are written).   The ADC works in hardware trigger mode, with the LPTMR timer working as the trigger source. This mean that even though DMA channel 0 changed the ADC input channel, conversion will not start until HW trigger (LPTMR) start the conversion, this mean that the flow of the program can be as follow.       In the example code provided, when DMA channel 0 has changed 3 times the ADC channel, DMA channel 1 major loop will happen, and when the sample X is the last sample (sample 4) of the last channel in muxbuffer, then Major loop in DMA channel 0 happens and the application ends (or it could start again). This mean that the application here can be shown as:             3     SDK implementation   Implementation of this code can be dived in three parts; LPTMR, ADC and DMA configuration.   3.1         ADC configuration       ADC configuration is a normal ADC config, with 12 single ended, Asynchronous clock source and Vref as reference voltage. Hardware trigger and DMA support are enable to trigger conversions with LPTMR and to be able to trigger a DMA request when COCO interrupt happen. In ADC channel configuration, it is enable Conversion completed interrupt and it is loaded the value of g_ADC_mux to channel number, this will be the first channel that LPTMR will trigger.   3.2         LPMTR configuration       LPMTR is a common configuration with LPTMR as time counter. Please notice that prescaler could be used and select a prescaler clock. To set LPTMR period it is used the macro USEC_TO_COUNT, which just take the value in microseconds and it calculate the number of ticks to count, using the source clock. Also at the end, LTPMR is configured to be used as HW trigger for ADC conversions in the SIM register.   3.3         DMA configuration     For DMAMUX configuration it is enable Channel 0 and 1 and it is selected the source trigger, DMA for channel 0 (it will be triggered with linking feature) and ADC COCO flag for channel 1 (trigger when the ADC conversion complete).     For DMA configuration, it is needed to create 2 tcd configuration, there are set in transferConfig_chx. First one defined is for DMA channel 1 (data from ADC measure to internal memory), and the second is for DMA channel 0 (data from internal memory to ADC_SC1 register to change ADC channel). Please noticed that these definitions are in bytes to transfer, so some of them are sizeof(uint16_t). Here is also the setup to link channel 1 to channel 0.       Finally, it is added the adjustment for TCD, so when DMA major loop finished in both, it will point to the start of the source and destination. Noticed that this is added just for internal memory address, this is because for the case of a peripheral (ADC in this case), pointer to address doesn’t change.   Then DMA channel 1 and LPTMR are started.   When DMA channels were initialized, their callbacks were also defined;     This flags are just used for this implementation and as reference, they can be removed if needed. After Major loop has finished, SDK implementation disable DMA transfers automatically, so noticed that the callback_1 for DMA channel 1 has a line commented, that if uncommented, this application will act as a ADC that load measurements in an internal Ring buffer Indefinitely.   4     ADC Flex Scan mode with DMA With a basic Print implementation of ADC results we can show the functionality of this example project.     There are obtained the following results,         Appendix A: Requirements Download page for MCUXpresso IDE: MCUXpresso IDE|NXP  Download page for SDK 2.x drivers: Welcome to MCUXpresso | MCUXpresso Config Tools  Go to Build an SDK, select your device and click on Specify Additional Configuration Settings, verify that you have selected KDS as toolchain and then Go to SDK Builder. Click in Download Now, accept Term and conditions and download SDK packet. Please check: Generating a downloadable MCUXpresso SDK v.2 package    References   Using DMA to Emulate ADC Flexible Scan Mode with KSDK  MCUXpresso IDE: Unified Eclipse IDE for NXPs ARM Cortex-M Microcontrollers | MCU on Eclipse  Creating New Projects using installed SDK Part Support, MCUXpresso_IDE_User_Guide.pdf  
Ezportdl:programming Kinetis EZport by MCU-Link Pro NXP launched MCU-Link Pro at the end of 2021. This is a new debugger probe that has been significantly upgraded based on mcu-link. The focus of the upgrade is to add current measurement, analog signal monitoring, USB to SPI and I2C bridge working modes, and on-board lpc804 for peripheral simulation. Among these upgrades, USB to SPI and I2C are more interesting and practical. Combining Kinetis EZport and flashloader, MCU-Link Pro can directly download programs to the target chip, instead of bridge through another board as before. This project uses the USB to SPI function of MCU-Link Pro to download programs to kinetis K series chips through EZport. In addition to the Kinetis series, many ColdFire chips of NXP also support EZport. In addition, since EZport interface protocol is compatible with SPI NOR flash, this project can also directly burn SPI NOR flash chip. This can also be used when debugging or producing i.mxRT500 and i.mxRT600. MCU Link Pro can easily use USB to SPI and I2C interfaces because NXP provides LIBUSBSIO library. Readers can download this library and related documents from NXP's official website. Here is a brief introduction. The SUB to SIO function is only an optional additional function for lpclink2 and MCU-Link Pro devices. Its main function is to provide CMSIS-DAP debugging interface for the target microcontroller, and provide virtual serial communication using USB VCOM class. The following figure is the process framework of LIBUSBSIO. As shown in the figure, LIBUSBSIO library can support SPI, I2C and GPIO.   The core of LIBUSBSIO communication is SPI_Transfer (lpc_handle hspi, spi_xfer_t * xfer) function. This function can send and receive 1024 bytes at most at one time. In addition, LIBUSBSIO library can set baud rate, clock polarity, sampling edge, and frame length. The following figure shows the output waveform captured by the logic analyzer.   Command Description WREN Write Enable WRDI Write Disable RDSR Read Status Register READ Flash Read Data SP Flash Section Program SE Flash Sector Erase BE Flash Bulk Erase RESET Reset Chip WRFCCOB Write FCCOB Registers dl Image download fw Write/read any sequence to SPI port   This project has been tested on FRDM-K64F.    Hardware connection: MCU-Link pro            FRDM-K64F J19-2        ---       R75-1(flying a line is needed) J19-3        ---       J1-8 J19-4        ---       J11-1 J19-5        ---       J1-12    Connect ground together.   Operation steps: Before power on, R75-1 should be connected to ground, then connect openSDA USB. Thus, K64 will enter EZport status. Read memory ezportdl read [address] [number]   Write enable ezportdl wren Write flash, which can write up to 1000 byte. ezportdl sp [length] [data]   Program a binary file into flash Ezportdl dl [address] [file name] [flag]  address means start address flag=0 means erase flash before programming, flag=1 means don’t erase the flash.     Project download address:  
        在我们嵌入式工程应用中,中断作为最常用的异步手段是必不可少的,而且在一个应用程序中,一个中断往往是不够用的,多个中断混合使用甚至多级中断嵌套也经常会使用到,而这样就涉及到一个中断优先级的问题。         以我们最熟悉的Cortex-M系列为例,我们知道ARM从Cortex-M系列开始引入了NVIC的概念(Nested Vectors Interrupts Controller),即嵌套向量中断控制器,以它为核心通过一张中断向量表来控制系统中断功能,NVIC可以提供以下几个功能: 1)可嵌套中断支持; 2)向量中断支持; 3)动态优先级调整支持; 4)中断可屏蔽。         抛开其他不谈,这里我们只说说中断优先级的问题。我们知道NVIC的核心工作原理即是对一张中断向量表的维护上,其中M4最多支持240+16个中断向量,M0+则最多支持32+16个中断向量,而这些中断向量默认的优先级则是向量号越小的优先级越高,即从小到大,优先级是递减的。但是我们肯定不会满足于默认的状态(人往往不满足于约束,换句俗话说就是不喜欢按套路出牌,呵呵),而NVIC则恰恰提供了这种灵活性,即支持动态优先级调整,无论是M0+还是M4除了3个中断向量之外(复位、NMI和HardFault,他们的中断优先级为负数,它们3个的优先级是最高的且不可更改),其他中断向量都是可以动态调整的。         不过需要注意的是,中断向量表的前16个为内核级中断,之后的为外部中断,而内核级中断和外部中断的优先级则是由两套不同的寄存器组来控制的,其中内核级中断由SCB_SHPRx寄存器来控制(M0+为SCB_SHPR[2:3],M4为SCB_SHPR[1:3]),外部中断则由NVIC_IPRx来控制(M0+为NVIC_IPR[0:7],M4为NVIC_IPR[0:59]),如下图所示: M0+中断优先级寄存器: M4中断优先级寄存器:         其中M4所支持的动态优先级范围为0~15(8位中只有高四位[7:4]才有效),而M0+所支持的动态优先级范围则为0~3(8位中只有高两位[7:6]才有效),而且秉承着号越小优先级越高的原则(0最高,15或3为最小),同时也间接解释了为什么复位(-3)、NMI(-2)和HardFault(-1)优先级最高的原因,很简单,人家都是负的了,谁还能比他们高,呵呵,而且这三位中复位优先级最高,NMI其次,HardFault最低(这个最低仅限于这三者)。 下面给出个ARM CMSIS库中关于M0+和M4中断优先级设置的API函数NVIC_SetPriority(IRQn_Type IRQn, uint32_t priority)实现供大家来参考: M0+: NVIC_SetPriority(IRQn_Type IRQn, uint32_t priority) {   if(IRQn < 0) {     SCB->SHP[_SHP_IDX(IRQn)] = (SCB->SHP[_SHP_IDX(IRQn)] & ~(0xFF << _BIT_SHIFT(IRQn))) |         (((priority << (8 - __NVIC_PRIO_BITS)) & 0xFF) << _BIT_SHIFT(IRQn)); }  /* set Priority for Cortex-M  System Interrupts */   else {     NVIC->IP[_IP_IDX(IRQn)] = (NVIC->IP[_IP_IDX(IRQn)] & ~(0xFF << _BIT_SHIFT(IRQn))) |         (((priority << (8 - __NVIC_PRIO_BITS)) & 0xFF) << _BIT_SHIFT(IRQn)); }   /* set Priority for device specific Interrupts  */ } M4: void NVIC_SetPriority(IRQn_Type IRQn, uint32_t priority) {   if(IRQn < 0) {     SCB->SHP[((uint32_t)(IRQn) & 0xF)-4] = ((priority << (8 - __NVIC_PRIO_BITS)) & 0xff); } /* set Priority for Cortex-M  System Interrupts */   else {     NVIC->IP[(uint32_t)(IRQn)] = ((priority << (8 - __NVIC_PRIO_BITS)) & 0xff);    }        /* set Priority for device specific Interrupts  */ }
Latest version of the AN2295 universal bootloader includes support for IAR 7.6 IDE. - added support for Kinetis E MCUs - Kinetis K,L,M,E,W,V support
Project Summary MonkeyListen uses the FRDM-K20D50 board (which has a Cortex M4 core with DSP instructions) with the FRDM-OLED shield so you can  make your very own spectrum analyzer display  The end result will be a functional DSP system that will analyze incoming audio content via an electret microphone on FRDM-OLED board and display the spectral content.   The example code will also show you how to plot time domain data (a simple audio scope!),  Frequency domain data (via an FFT) and a time-frequency plot (spectrogram).  Extra I/O are provided to hack the code and create your own DMM or oscilloscope. The FRDM-OLED shield also has an optional RS-485 interface for doing cool things like driving a DMX lighting system! Skills Developed: Spectral Analysis via FFT OLED display interfacing Electret microphone Interfacing Soldering SOIC8 and 1206 surface mount devices Cortex CMSIS DSP Library Materials: FRDM-K20D50 FRDM-OLED Development Tools Install Codewarrior 10.5 for Microcontrollers (Eclipse) Special Edition to your  machine Example Code Get the latest copy from Github Prerequisite Videos: All of the videos are organized on a Youtube playlist: H.I.T. #2: MonkeyListen - YouTube MonkeyListen WatchMe1st MonkeyListen Demo: Time Domain + FFT Mode MonkeyListen Demo: Spectrogram Mode Spectral Analysis for Embedded Systems Part 1 & Part 2 Getting Started with the ARM CMSIS DSP FFT library Introduction to Fixed Point Math for Embedded Systems Part 1, 2 and 3 The q31_t (Q.31) number format for the CMSIS DSP libraries FRDM-OLED Overview EEVblog #611 - Electret Microphone Design Loading and Configuring the MonkeyListen Example Software Step 1:  Get a FRDM-OLED      You can order raw PCBs yourself from OSHPark or your favorite PCB vendor.      The bill of materials for the FRDM-OLED is included with the build package on the FRDM-OLED page.     Please let us know if you are interested in a pre-assembled version.   If there is enough demand we will get some built via a Kickstarter campaign   Don't be afraid to build it yourself,  Soldering is fun!  There is plenty of good stuff on the web on how to do SMT soldering.   All of the parts on the board are fairly simply once you get the hang of it and everything can be hand soldered  The key is having some decent tools. Step 2: Put it Together Attach  The FRDM-OLED to the FRDM-K20D50.   The FRDM-K20D50 comes with female headers that you can solder on so the boards can be easily separated. Step 3: Download Download the example software.   The video "Loading and Configuring the MonkeyListen Example Software" will step you though downloading the program and doing some basic configuration. Step 4: Say Something Speak, Sing and Yell.... Step 5: Hack! Do something else cool.....  Make a DMM,  or an o-scope....
    作者 Shaozhong Liang     YAFFS(Yet Another Flash File System)文件系统是专门针对NAND闪存设计的嵌入式文件系统。在YAFFS中,文件是以固定大小的数据块进行存储的,块的大小可以是512字节、1024字节或者2048字节。这种实现依赖于它能够将一个数据块头和每个数据块关联起来。每个文件(包括目录)都有一个数据块头与之相对应,数据块头中保存了ECC(Error Correction Code)和文件系统的组织信息,用于错误检测和坏块处理。     YAFFS在文件进行改写时总是先写入新的数据块,然后删除旧的数据块,这样即使意外掉电,丢失的也只是这一次修改数据的最小写入单位,从而实现了掉电保护,保证了数据完整性。 YAFFS是为NAND FLASH设计的,它作了以下的假设或定义。     NAND Flash是基于块(block)的,每一个Block大小相同,由整数个chunk组成。每一个Block可单独擦除。一页(page,或chunk)为Flash的分配单元。所有的访问(读或者写)都是基于页(或chunk)的。     当对NAND Flash编程时,只有二进制中的0被编程,而1则“不关心”。比如,一个字节包含的二进制数为1010,那么当编程1001,会导致这两个数的位与操作。结果为1000.这和NOR FLASH不同。     YAFFS 分别用块号和 chunk id 标示块和 chunk 。它将空块(填满0xFF)当作空闲块或者已擦除块。这样,格式化一个YAFFS分区等价于擦除所有未损坏的块。 因此YAFFS最少需要一些函数能够擦除块,读一个页,写一个页。 1. 直接接口(Direct Interface)的相关文件     仅需要提取少量文件。使用yaffs的直接接口,你不需要所有的文件。你实际需要的文件列在下面,其余文件不需要编译。 direct/yaffsfs.c yaffs_guts.c direct/yaffscfg.c yaffs_nand.c yaffs_tagsvalidity.c yaffs_checkptrw.c yaffs_qsort.c yaffs_tagscompat.c yaffs_ecc.c yaffs_packedtags2.c 2. YAFFS  存储设备     YAFFS对文件系统上的所有内容(比如正常文件,目录,链接,设备文件等等)都统一当作文件来处理,每个文件都有一个页面专门存放文件头,文件头保存了文件的模式、所有者id、组id、长度、文件名、Parent Object ID等信息。因为需要在一页内放下这些内容,所以对文件名的长度,符号链接对象的路径名等长度都有限制。前面说到对于NAND FLASH上的每一页数据,都有额外的空间用来存储附加信息,通常NAND驱动只使用了这些空间的一部分,YAFFS正是利用了这部分空间中剩余的部分来存储文件系统相关的内容。以512+16B为一个PAGE的NAND FLASH芯片为例,Yaffs文件系统数据的存储布局如下所示: 0 to 511 数据区域 512 to 515 YAFFS TAG 516 Data status byte 517 Block status byte 坏块标志位 518 to 519 YAFFS TAG 520 to 522 后256字节数据的ECC校验结果 523 to 524 YAFFS TAG 525 to 527 前256字节数据的ECC校验结果     可以看到在这里YAFFS一共使用了8个BYTE用来存放文件系统相关的信息(yaffs_Tags)。这8个Byte的具体使用情况按顺序如下: Bits Content 20 ChunkID,该page在一个文件内的索引号,所以文件大小被限制在2^20 PAGE 即512Mb 2 2 bits serial number 10 ByteCount 该page内的有效字节数 18 ObjectID 对象ID号,用来唯一标示一个文件 12 Ecc, Yaffs_Tags本身的ECC校验和 2 Unused     其中Serial Number在文件系统创建时都为0,以后每次写具有同一ObjectID和ChunkID的page的时候都加一,因为YAFFS在更新一个PAGE的时候总是在一个新的物理Page上写入数据,再将原先的物理Page删除,所以该serial number可以在断电等特殊情况下,当新的page已经写入但老的page还没有被删除的时候用来识别正确的Page,保证数据的正确性。 ObjectID号为18bit,所以文件的总数限制在256K即26万个左右。     由于文件系统的基本组织信息保存在页面的备份空间中,因此,在文件系统加载时只需要扫描各个页面的备份空间,即可建立起整个文件系统的结构,而不需要像JFFS1/2 那样扫描整个介质,从而大大加快了文件系统的加载速度。     一个YAFFS设备是一个逻辑设备,它代表了一个物理设备的部分或整体。你可以认为它是一个Nand上的一个“分区”。比如,该分区可能覆盖整个NAND,也许只是一半,而另外一半就是另一个Yaffs_Device.它也可以用于你使用一个非flash设备(比如RAM)来测试的情况下。 一个Yaffs_Device记录了起始和结束块。通过改变它的起始和结束块,你就可以在同一个物理设备上使用不止一个的Yaffs_Device。 这里将需要你自己建立的Yaffs_Device结构的数据域列出,其他数据域由Yaffs自动创建。 int nDataBytesPerChunk     如其名,这是每一个chunk的字节数,还记得吧,在yaffs术语中,一个页就是一个chunk,因而它也是一页的字节数。它是数据字节数,即不包含OOB的数据。比如一页时2048字节+64字节的OOB,那么数值nDataBytesPerChunk为2048。 int nChunksPerBlock     物理Nand设备中每页包含的chunk(就是Nand上的页)的数目,最少是2。 int spareBytesPerChunk     空闲域(spare area)大小,比如:每个chunk(页)的OOB字节数。 int startBlock     该逻辑Yaffs_Device设备第一个块的块号(而字节地址),注意,yaffs需要第一个块是空闲的,因此你不可以设置该变量为0,如果设置为0,Yaffs会给它加1,并且会在结束块号上也加1,在你设置设备从块0开始,到最后一个块结束,这意味着yaffs试图写一个不存在的块,从而出现错误。 int endBlock     该逻辑Yaffs_Device设备的最后一个块号。如果startBlock为0,那么yaffs会使用endBlock+1,至少使startBlock+nReservedBlocks+2 int nReservedBlocks     这是YAFFS必须保留,用于垃圾回收和块错误恢复的可擦除块的数目。至少是2,但是5更好。如果你使用一个不会损坏的介质,比如RAM或者RAM盘,或者主机文件系统模拟,那么可以是2。 int nShortOpCaches     配置当前设备YAFFS Cache项的数目。0值表示不使用cache。对于大多数系统,推荐使用10到20之间的一个数值。不能大于YAFFS_MAX_SHORT_OP_CACHES定义的数值。 int useNANDECC     这是一个标志,用于指示是由yaffs执行ECC计算,还是由NAND驱动程序来执行ECC计算。(译者注:此数值取0,则使用yaffs来执行ECC计算,软件ECC计算。如果想要使用硬件ECC校验时,应该设置为1,并且在NAND驱动程序中加入硬件ECC校验的代码。) void *genericDevice     这是一个指针,它应该指向任何数据,底层NAND驱动程序需要知道以从物理设备读、写。 int isYaffs2     我们使用的是否YAFFS2版本? int inbandTags     是否为OOB区,如果不是,那么它为真,仅用于yaffs2 u32 totalBytesPerChunk     这个名字可能有点误导人,它应该等于nDataBytesPerChunk ,而非其名字暗示的nDataBytesPerChunk + spareBytesPerChunk。如果inbandTags为真,那么yaffs设置nDataBytesPerChunk,因此有足够的空闲空间存储数据,yaffs会在空闲域中正常存储。 write/readChunkWithTagsFromNAND, markNANDBlockBad queryNANDBlock 这些都是函数指针,你需要提供这些函数来给YAFFS,读写nand flash。 3.NAND Flash 访问函数 int (*writeChunkWithTagsToNAND) (struct yaffs_DeviceStruct * dev, int chunkInNAND, const u8 * data, const yaffs_ExtendedTags * tags);   dev: 要写入的yaffs_Device逻辑设备. chunkInNAND: 将chunk写入的页 Data: 指向需要写入的数据的指针 tags: 未压缩(打包)的OOB数据 Return: YAFFS_OK / YAFFS_FAIL 该函数将页(chunk)写入nand中,向nand中写入数据。数据和标签(tags)永远不应为 NULL. chunkInNand 是将要写入的页的页号,而不是需要转换的地址。 int (*readChunkWithTagsFromNAND) (struct yaffs_DeviceStruct * dev, int chunkInNAND, u8 * data, yaffs_ExtendedTags * tags);  dev: 要写入的yaffs_Device逻辑设备. chunkInNAND: 将chunk读入的页 Data: 指向需要读入的数据的缓冲区指针 tags: 指向未压缩(打包)的OOB数据的缓冲区指针 Return: YAFFS_OK / YAFFS_FAIL 该函数执行上一个函数的相反的功能,首先,读取数据和OOB字节,接着将这些输入放在一个由参数data指向的缓冲区中 int (*markNANDBlockBad) (struct yaffs_DeviceStruct * dev, int blockNo);   dev: 要写入的yaffs_Device逻辑设备. blockNo: 要标记的块. Return: YAFFS_OK / YAFFS_FAIL int (*queryNANDBlock) (struct yaffs_DeviceStruct * dev, int blockNo, yaffs_BlockState * state, u32 *sequenceNumber);   dev: 要写入的Yaffs_Device逻辑设备. blockNo: 要标记的块. state: Upon returning this should be set to the relevant state of this particular block. Sequance number: 该块的顺序号(The Sequence number),为0表示此块未使用 Return: YAFFS_OK / YAFFS_FAIL     它应检查一个块是否是有效的。如果在OOB中设置了坏块标记,那么*state应该被赋值为YAFFS_BLOCK_STATE_DEAD,*sequenceNumber赋值为0,然后返回YAFFS_FAIL。     如果该块没坏,那么应解压缩标签。标签解压缩后,若发现chunk已使用(查看tags.chunkUsed),则*sequenceNumber应赋值为tags.sequenceNumber,*state赋值为YAFFS_BLOCK_STATE_NEEDS_SCANNING,否则该块未使用,则*sequenceNumber赋值为0,*state赋值为YAFFS_BLOCK_STATE_EMPTY 4. YAFFS的缓存机制     由于NandFlash是有一定的读写次数的,所以在对一个文件进行操作的时候往往是先通过缓冲进行,对最后一次性写入NandFlash,这有效的减少了用户对NandFlash的频繁操作,延长了NandFlash的寿命。下面大致说一下YAFFS的缓存机制: 4.1.首先在yaffs_mount的时候会对yaffs_dev这个结构体进行注册,和缓冲部分相关的有: dev->nShortOpCaches//这个变量决定了有多少个缓冲,因为缓冲会大量的占用堆栈的空间,所以在yaffs不建议缓冲的数量很大,即使你填一个很大的数,系统也不会超过YAFFS_MAX_SHORT_OP_CACHES的总数。 yaffs_ChunkCache *srCache;//缓冲区的首地址,dev->srCache = YMALLOC( dev->nShortOpCaches * sizeof(yaffs_ChunkCache));下面介绍一下缓冲区这个结构体的组成: typedef struct { struct yaffs_ObjectStruct *object;//一个缓冲区对应一个文件 int chunkId; int lastUse; //通过lastUse来 int dirty; //标志了这一个缓冲区是否被使用 int nBytes; __u8 data[YAFFS_BYTES_PER_CHUNK];//数据区 } yaffs_ChunkCache; 4.2.什么时候用到缓冲区?        用到缓冲区最多的地方显而易见是对已经创建的文件进行写操作。而且是需要写的大小和512不一致的时候,这是因为如果是刚好512的话,系统会直接写入NandFlash中。对于小于512的系统首先会调用yaffs_FindChunkCache(in,chunk)这个函数来判断in这个object是否在缓冲区中存在。如果存在会调用已有缓冲区进行操作。当然如果是第一次对一个object进行操作,肯定在缓冲区中是不存在对应它的空间的,因此系统会调用yaffs_GrabChunkCache函数为此次操作分配一个缓冲区。 5. 应用层接口     YAFFS为连接的应用程序提供了一组函数。大部分跟标准C库函数,如open/close一致,只是增加了yaffs_前缀,如 yaffs_open. 这些函数定义在direct/yaffsfs.h中。     初始化yaffs来完成读写,你必须在每个你要使用的yaffs设备上调用yaffs_mount。比如yaffs_mount(”/boot”)。这可以在系统启动的时候执行,如果存在一个操作系统,那么程序需要考虑这点。在你完成使用的时候,你也需要调用yaffs_umount函数,这样yaffs就会将它需要状态写入磁盘。 如果读写文件的应用层接口已经存在,你可以根据相关的操作系统调用来封装相关的函数调用。 1 yaffs_mount( ) 功能说明:加载指定器件。 输入参数:path    要加载的器件。 输出参数:无。 返回值: 表明加载的状态。 调用的函数:yaffsfs_FindDevice( )、yaffs_GutsInitialise( )。 2 yaffs_open( ) 功能说明:按照指定方式打开文件。 输入参数:path    文件的绝对路径;           Oflag   打开的方式;           Mode    文件许可模式。 输出参数:无。 返回值:句柄。 调用的函数:yaffsfs_GetHandle( )、yaffsfs_FindDirectory( )、yaffs_MknodFile( )、yaffsfs_PutHandle( )、yaffs_ResizeFile( )、yaffsfs_FindObject( )。 3 yaffs_write( ) 功能说明:根据打开文件的句柄,从指定数组处读指定字节写入文件中。 输入参数:fd      要写入的文件的句柄;           Buf     要写入的数据的首地址;           Nbyte   要写入的字节数。 输出参数:无。 返回值: 写入了的字节数。 调用的函数:yaffs_WriteDataToFile( )、yaffsfs_GetHandlePointer( )、yaffsfs_GetHandleObject( ) 4 yaffs_read( ) 功能说明:根据打开文件的句柄,从文件中读出指定字节数据存入指定地址。 输入参数:fd       要读出的文件的句柄;           Buf      读出文件后要存入的数据的首地址;           Nbyte    要读出的字节数。 输出参数:无。 返回值: 读出了的字节数。 调用的函数:yaffs_ReadDataFromFile( )、yaffsfs_GetHandlePointer( ) 5 yaffs_close( ) 功能说明:关闭已经打开的文件句柄,yaffs 有缓冲机制,当调用yaffs_close()关闭文件之后能够保证将内容写入nandflash。 输入参数:fd    需要关闭的文件的句柄; 输出参数:无。 返回值:无。 6. YAFFS在MQX的应用案例     YAFFS提供了直接调用模式,可以方便移植到 none-OS或者light-weighted OS中。附件是将YAFFS移植到Freescale MQX实时操作系统的源代码和工程,可以在II型集中器的Demo Board上运行。     初步的测试表明YAFFS工作正常,能够完成创建目录,创建/删除文件,读/写文件操作等。 YAFFS非常适合none-OS或者是light-weighted OS,使用YAFFS需要关注的是RAM的消耗,适合小量文件(<20)。 如果不想使用MQX默认的MFS(FAT32文件系统),YAFFS可以作为一个文件系统的备选方案。
[EEPROM emulation driver for KEA128 and KEA8] software used for Kinetis EA family product (without integrated EEPROM memory), which using the sector-erasable Flash memory be used to emulate the EEPROM through EEPROM emulation software.  The software could downloaded from here: This document will interpret EEPROM emulation driver demo for KEA128 product and shows how the EEPROM emulation driver works and related API function introduction. 1> EEPROM emulation driver feature The EEPROM emulation driver for SGF/FTM flash family implements the fix-length data record scheme. Several sectors shall be involved in emulation with a round robin scheduling scheme. The EEPROM functionalities to be emulated include initializing, de-initializing, reading, writing records. The EEPROM emulation driver is more complicated than general Flash program data application with following features: User configurable emulated EEPROM size. Larger life for the flash memory used for EEPROM emulation. Unique feature of Cache Table which makes data retrieval fast. Support fix length record scheme only. Support synchronous model which can be run from both RAM and FLASH. When running from FLASH, user needs to relocate flash launch command routine to RAM to avoid Read While Write error. If any operation fails during EEPROM emulation, the driver will try to repeat that operation until successfully for several times (which is defined by user). If that operation still fails, the driver will make the related sector to DEAD to eliminate it from round robin sequence and continue other tasks without stopping driver. Concurrency support via callback. Release in C source code format. Ready-to-use demos illustrating the usage of the driver with different compilers. 2> Demo interpretation The demo routine located at default installation path: ..\\KEA EEPROM Emulation Driver\KEA_SGF180\Demos\build\TRK_KEAZ128\iar\Normal_demo folder. For the demo runs in Flash memory, avoiding Read While Write error happened, Eed_FlashLauchnCommand and g_EECallBack must be relocated to or placed in RAM when the main routine start. Then it will disable the cache and initialize Flash clock(KEA128 ICS module default clock mode is FEI, the default system/core clock is 21MHz, the Flash clock divider value set to 20 to make Flash clock to be 1MHz).   After flash clock initialized, it will initialize EEPROM configuration start address. The status of each sector with five value, which means Blanked, Alternative, Active, Dead and Invalid. The EE_ALLOTED_SECTORS macro will calculate the total number of sectors, which includes Active sectors and Alternative sectors. #define EE_ALLOTED_SECTORS              (EE_ACTIVE_SECTORS + EE_READY_SECTORS) The EE_ACTIVE_SECTORS value is 1 and EE_READY_SECTORS value is 2, so the EE_ALLOTED_SECTORS value is 3. Then there with three allotted sector, and allocated at below address:      eepromConfig.startSecAddr[0] = 0x1A00;      eepromConfig.startSecAddr[1] = 0x1C00;      eepromConfig.startSecAddr[2] = 0x1E00; After initialize start address for EEPROM configuration, following to call Eed_DeinitEeprom() function to erase all sectors used for emulation. Then it will initialize EEPROM emulation, includes to remove dead sector from EEPROM system and determine maximum valid index in array of start sector address after that; also includes initialize all sectors by erasing the “possible-error-sector”; and initialize and update cache table if enabled. It call Eed_InitAllSectors() function to initialize all sectors and allocate the current active sector to base sector. The Eed_ShiftIdxToBase() function will be called to shift the current index to base index of 0. After that, the EEPROM configuration startSecAddr array will change to :      eepromConfig.startSecAddr[0] = 0x1E00;      eepromConfig.startSecAddr[1] = 0x1A00;      eepromConfig.startSecAddr[2] = 0x1C00; The active sector start address at 0x1E00. Then it will program erase cycle value to each sector start address, the erase cycle value will occupy 4 bytes with sector start address offset 0: Then make the base sector to be active and program the active indicator at sector start address offset 8. Here the base sector start address is 0x1E00, the active indicator will be programmed at 0x1E08 with active indicator value 0x55555555: Then it will call Eed_SearchBlankSpace () function to find blank space of EEPROM system, in this demo, the blank space start address at 0x1e0c. If enable the Flash cache, the cache will be cleared and updated during EEPROM emulation initialize phase. The demo will write eight group data to EEPROM system, each group with 16 bytes data, total data number is 128 bytes. The data located at Flash start address is 0x1e0c. After each group data programming, it will following with the data ID info and program the status. With all data was written, the all 128 bytes data was programed at 0x1e00 start EEPROM sector. When the write data exceed the active EEPROM sector, the swapping will occur. The swapped EEPROM sector will record previous data and current write data. If there exist sector erase action, it will also update the erase cycle value. The data is full and the new data written will make swap happens: After swap happens: At the end of demo, it will read EEPROM data back and make sure all valid record ID are written to EEPROM emulation.