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Kinetis Microcontrollers Knowledge Base


        IAR使用过程中有一点不太方便的是:当我们打开一个工程之后,如果再直接双击其他eww文件试图打开另外的工程,那么原来的工程就会被覆盖。解决这个问题的方法是:        1. 双击FileTypesMan.exe(该软件见附件,32位系统请解压filetypesman_x86.zip文件,64位系统请解压filetypesman_x64.zip文件)。打开该软件之后,找到.eww 格式并单击一下,显示界面如下图所示:             2. 双击open 所在行,对此条目进行更改,将Command-Line 中的内容:C:\PROGRA~2\IARSYS~1\EMBEDD~1.0\common\bin\IarIdePm.exe "%1" 先复制出来,Default Action 不选,Disable勾选,如下图所示:       3.在FileTypesMan界面的下方区域点击右键,选择New Action,如下图所示:            4.新建action 如下图所示,Action Name和Menu Caption 可随便命名,Command-Line 将上一步复制的内容粘贴过来即可。Default Action 勾选,Disable不选。          5. 最后配置如下图所示:       经过以上简单设置之后,就可以通过直接双击eww文件打开多个工程了。                  Original Attachment has been moved to: Original Attachment has been moved to:
Test Environment: FRDM-KL43Z Rev. A MCUXpresso IDE v10.2.0 MCUXpresso SDK for FRDM-KL43Z V2.4.1(2018-06-18) Create new project in MCUXpresso IDE select [New project...], there will pop the SDK Wizard panel, then select [frdmkl43z]: Then, click [Next] will enter into [Configure the project] panel, we can set the [Project name] and select [flexio_i2s] in [driver]: Click [Finish], the new project was created. In general, the project is based on [hello_world] project with board default console available. In [Project Explorer], we could find the <fsl_flexio_i2s.c> & <fsl_flexio_i2s.h> & <fsl_flexio.c> & <fsl_flexio.h> files in drivers folder: Edit the code The application note AN5397 detailed introduce how FlexIO emulate I2S bus communication. The MCUXpresso SDK <flexio_i2s> driver using the AN5397 showed second solution to use two timers and two shifters. Please check here to get more detailed info. The I2S signal was below, we need to use four FlexIO pins to provide: BCLK, Fss, TxData & RxData. In <pin_mux.c> file, it need to config pin function, we use PTD7 pin provide I2S BCLK clock; PTD6 pin as I2S Frame_sync pin; PTD5 pin as Tx data pin; PTD6 pin as Rx data pin; In <frdmkl43z_flexio_i2s_interrupt_tx.c>,  config flexio_i2s and config the audio frame format: Please check attached source code for the detailed project info. Test result From the actual measured I2S signal, it shows the 8 bytes was sent out:
Download Kinetis M bare-metal drivers and software examples installation file. Changes in 4.1.6 : Modified FreeRTOS kernel to disable all interrupts prior entry to critical section and enable all interrupts upon exiting from critical section. This kernel behavior is compatible with standard FreeRTOS port to the ARM Cortex-M0 core. All freertos_cfg header files updated to reflect kernel change. Updated PLL_Disable macro and Quad Timer driver. Added UART_SetBaudRate macro. Removed RCM_ClrResetFlags macro. Fixed issue of generating callback events after conversion for these ADC channels with interrupt disabled.
Abstract MK60 is a popular MCU in Kinetis K family. NXP has prepared some kinds of bootloader for TWR-K60D100. But as we all know, MCUBoot2.0.0 is the most update bootloader for Kinetis family. It is a configurable flash programming utility that operates over a serial connection on Kinetis MCUs. It enables quick and easy programming of Kinetis MCUs through the entire product life cycle, including application development, final product manufacturing, and beyond. But sinceTWR-K60D100 is a relatively old platform compare to K22 and K64/K65/K66, MCUBoot2.0.0 did not add MK60 to its target board. If customer don’t like those old bootloader, they have to port it by themselves. This article tries to guide user to port MCUBoot to TWR-K60D100 base on Chapter 10 in Kinetis Bootloader v2.0.0 Reference Manual. This time we use KDS. Software requirement: Kinetis Design Studio 3.2 MCUBootloader 2.0.0 (KBoot 2.0.0) MCUXpresso Config Tools v4.0 SDK_2.2_TWR-K60D100M Porting flow Step 1: First I copy NXP_Kinetis_Bootloader_2_0_0\targets\MK64F12 to NXP_Kinetis_Bootloader_2_0_0\targets\MK60D100. The reason I select MK64 is more likely to MK60 than other target, especially in clock distribution, system integration module and signal multiplexing. In mk60d100\src directory, rename the following files: clock_config_mk64f12.c —> clock_config_mk60d100.c hardware_init_mk64f12.c —> hardware_init _ mk60d100.c memory_map_mk64f12.c —> memory_map _ mk60d100.c peripherals_ mk64f12.c —> peripherals _ mk60d100.c Then copy system_MK60D10.c and system_MK60D10.h from SDK_2.2_TWR-K60D100M to mk60d100\src\startup, copy startup_MK60D10.S from SDK_2.2_TWR-K60D100M to mk60d100\src\startup\gcc. Step 3: Then I copy \src\platform\devices\MK64F12 to \src\platform\devices\mk60d100, copy SDK_2.2_TWR-K60D100M\devices\MK60D10\fsl_device_registers.h, MK60D10.h, and MK60D10_features.h to this new directory. Step 4: Open the KDS project in MK60D100 and replace above old file with new file. After that, I change some setting. Figure 1. Target Processor change   K64 has hardware FPU, but K60D100 hasn’t. So, Float ABI must be changed to software. There is a C/C++ preprocessor define that is used by the bootloader source to configure the bootloader based on the target MCU. This define must be updated to reference the correct set of device-specific header files. Figure 2. Preprocessor change   As to the link file, it needn’t to be change. We can use K64’s link file. TWR-K60D100 use an old version PE debugger. So, the debugger setting must be changed. Figure 3. Debug setting Step 5: MK60’s clock distribution structure is different with MK64. We must modify this part. As it is very complex, use MCUXpresso Config Tools to generate this config code is a sensible choice. Open the tools and step clock structure as below: Figure 4. clock setting After that, generate the code and save them to \src\platform\devices\mk60d100. Since MCUBoot2.0.0 is not base on SDK2.x, we must copy some related driver file from SDK2.x package, include fsl_smc.c, fsl_smc.h, fsl_rtc.c, fsl_rtc.h. Then add them to project. In clock_config_mk60d100.c line 168, the code is clock_mode_switch(s_currentClockMode, kClockMode_FEI_48MHz); Replace it with:      BOARD_BootClockUSB(); // this function was generated by MCUXpresso Config Tool Then add the head file of “clock_config.h”.   Step 6: TWR-K60D100 use UART5 as the debug UART port. Please refer to for detail. MCUBootloader2.0.0 do not support UART5. User must add its code in pinmux_utility_common.c.   Step 7: Modify usb_clock_init() in hardware_init_MK60D100.c as below bool usb_clock_init(void) {    SIM->SCGC4 &= ~SIM_SCGC4_USBOTG_MASK;      SIM->CLKDIV2 = (uint32_t)0x00L;    SIM->SOPT2 |= SIM_SOPT2_USBSRC_MASK | SIM_SOPT2_PLLFLLSEL(0x01);     //k60 PLLFLLSEL change from 3 to 1      SIM->SCGC4 |= SIM_SCGC4_USBOTG_MASK;   //   USB0->CLK_RECOVER_IRC_EN = 0x03; //   USB0->CLK_RECOVER_CTRL |= USB_CLK_RECOVER_CTRL_CLOCK_RECOVER_EN_MASK;   //   USB0->CLK_RECOVER_CTRL |= 0x20;      return true; }   Modify memory_map_MK60D100.c as below: memory_map_entry_t g_memoryMap[] = {    { 0x00000000, 0x0007ffff, kMemoryIsExecutable, &g_flashMemoryInterface },   // Flash array (512KB)    { 0x1fff0000, 0x2000ffff, kMemoryIsExecutable, &g_normalMemoryInterface }, // SRAM (256KB) { 0x40000000, 0x4007ffff, kMemoryNotExecutable, &g_deviceMemoryInterface }, // AIPS peripherals      { 0x400ff000, 0x400fffff, kMemoryNotExecutable, &g_deviceMemoryInterface }, // GPIO    { 0xe0000000, 0xe00fffff, kMemoryNotExecutable, &g_deviceMemoryInterface }, // M4 private peripherals    { 0 }                 // Terminator };   Modify bl_uart_irq_config_common.c as below: void UART_SetSystemIRQ(uint32_t instance, PeripheralSystemIRQSetting set) {    switch (instance)    {        case 0: #if (FSL_FEATURE_SOC_UART_COUNT > 1)        case 1: #endif // #if (FSL_FEATURE_SOC_UART_COUNT > 1) #if (FSL_FEATURE_SOC_UART_COUNT > 2)        case 2: #endif // #if (FSL_FEATURE_SOC_UART_COUNT > 2) #if (FSL_FEATURE_SOC_UART_COUNT > 3)        case 3: #endif // #if (FSL_FEATURE_SOC_UART_COUNT > 3) #if (FSL_FEATURE_SOC_UART_COUNT > 4)        case 4: #endif // #if (FSL_FEATURE_SOC_UART_COUNT > 4) #if (FSL_FEATURE_SOC_UART_COUNT > 5)          // add UART5 support        case 5: #endif // #if (FSL_FEATURE_SOC_UART_COUNT > 5)              if (set == kPeripheralEnableIRQ)            {                NVIC_EnableIRQ(uart_irqs[instance]);            }            else            {                NVIC_DisableIRQ(uart_irqs[instance]);            }            break;    } }   In target_config.h, modify kMaxCoreClock value to 100.   Step 8: After all of the above work, compile the project and download to TWR-K60D100 board. You’ll find KinetisFlashTool.exe can recognize the device by UART. If you establish a Tower system with TWR-SER board, KinetisFlashTool can also recognize the device by USB.   Conclusion: K60 is the base of many Kinetis K series MCU, include K10, K20, K61, K70. If you want to port MCUBoot2.0.0 to these MCU, you just want to update the clock_config file.
In this document we are going to see how to use the attached code which implements the configuration of the FRDM-KL25 board as a USB HOST interfacing with a Numeric Keyboard and a 16x2 LCD. The project is compiled in the CodeWarrior IDE using Processor Expert and the Components to support the USB module of the USB Stack 4.1.1. How to add the Processor Expert USB components. The instructions to install the USB components to use them with Processor Expert are in the documentation of the USB Stack 4.1.1; here you can see the steps as well: Download the USB Stack 4.1.1 from the Freescale’s Website (USB Stack 4.1.1) Run the .exe file and install it in the default location. Open CodeWarrior and select Import Components in the Processor Expert button in menu bar. An Open windows will pop up, there you need to go to the path: <install folder>\Freescale USB Stack v4.1.1\ProcessorExpert\Components. To have the complete components and support for the USB module add each PEupd file repeating this step. Close CodeWarrior and open it again to ensure correct installation of the components. Check that the new components are available in the Components Library. About this Project. This project is based in the example code for Processor Expert in the USB Stack 4.1.1 USB_HID_MOUSE_HOST_MKL25Z128_PEx which implements the use of the FRDM-BOARD KL25 and a HID Mouse Device to interface with. In this project the HID Device is a Numeric Keyboard and the HOST Device (FRDM-KL25) is handling the data and printing them in a 16x2 LCD used in 8 bits mode (The LCDHTA component used here was created by Erich Styger; find the component an all the information about it here: and say Thank you Erich: “Thank you Erich”). Here you can find a video of the implementation of this application: HID HOST WITH FRDM-KL25 The hardware components are: FRMD-KL25 Rev.E Adafruit Prototype Shield v.5 LCD JHD-162A Numeric USB Keyboard (Product Name: Numpad i110, Model No. GK-100010) USB _host Inside the project you can see there is a folder called USB_Host an it contains two important folders with source files: App_keyboard: Contains the specific function for the Keyboard configuration: in use, attached detached, callbacks and more; contain how to handle the data coming from the device. The function process_kdb_buffer is where the data is transmitted to the LCD and use it for the application. Classes: contain the necessary function to handle a hid as the device. Handle all the functions necessary for the USB protocol. Note: The usb_classes.c and usb_classes.h files are generated by processor expert. I attach these two files as well to have a reference how these files must look like. This is because sometimes during the code generation process Processor Expert erases part of the code. I hope this project is useful for you. Best Regards, Adrian.
Abstract         Kinetis M series MCU is Freescale’s Metrology microcontrollers based on ARM Cortex M0+ cores. The SPI module of KM provides for full-duplex, synchronous, serial communication between the MCU and peripheral devices, it also has programmable 8 or 16 bit data transmission length, 64bit FIFO mode for data transfers, DMA transmit and receive features, single wire bidirectional mode, etc. This document is mainly use the KM34Z256VLQ7 SPI module realize the erase, program and read operation in external flash MX25L6404EM2I, it also gives sample code of the detail command external flash operation, and at last, print the testing code via UART. 1.SPI pin assignment and basic code (1) SPI pin assignment SPI signal Pin name Description SPI_SS PTD1 Slave select SPI_SCK PTD2 SPI serial clock SPI_MOSI PTD3 Master data out, slave data in SPI_MISO PTD4 Master data in, slave data out External flash MX25L6404EM2I circuit: (2) SPI initialization   SPI initialization configuration the SPI pin, SPI module baud, master or slave mode, module enable, etc. the code just as following: SIM_SCGC4 |= SIM_SCGC4_SPI0_MASK|SIM_SCGC4_SPI1_MASK;                             SIM_SCGC5 |= SIM_SCGC5_PORTD_MASK; void serial_flash_init(void) {     PORTD_PCR1 &= ~PORT_PCR_MUX_MASK;            PORTD_PCR1 |= PORT_PCR_MUX(1) |0X03;                                           //Use PTD1 as SPI0_SS  // configure it as the GPIO     PORTD_PCR2 &= ~PORT_PCR_MUX_MASK;     PORTD_PCR2 |= PORT_PCR_MUX(3) |0X03;                                           //Use PTD2 as SPI0_SCK     PORTD_PCR3 &= ~PORT_PCR_MUX_MASK;     PORTD_PCR3 |= PORT_PCR_MUX(3) |0X03;                                           //Use PTD3 as SPI0_MOSI      PORTD_PCR4 &= ~PORT_PCR_MUX_MASK;     PORTD_PCR4 = PORT_PCR_MUX(3) |0X03;                                            //Use PTD4 as SPI0_MISO     GPIOD_PDDR |=  0X02; // SS pin output     GPIOD_PDOR |=  0X02; //  SS pin high     SPI0_C1 |= SPI_C1_MSTR_MASK; // SPI0 master mode                             SPI0_BR = 0x43;  //SPPR = 4, SPR = 3, bps div = (SPPR+1)*2^(SPR+1) = 80, baudrate= 24Mhz/80=300khz     SPI0_C1 |= SPI_C1_SSOE_MASK;                              SPI0_C1 &= (~SPI_C1_CPHA_MASK);  // clock polarity     SPI0_C1 &= (~SPI_C1_CPOL_MASK);  //clock phase     SPI0_C1 &= (~SPI_C1_LSBFE_MASK);  // LSB:most significant     SPI0_C1 &= (~SPI_C1_SPIE_MASK);                  //Disable RX interrrupt      SPI0_C1 &= (~SPI_C1_SPTIE_MASK);         //Disable the transmit interrupt     SPI0_C2 |= SPI_C2_MODFEN_MASK;             SPI0_C1 |= SPI_C1_SPE_MASK;  // enable SPI module } (3) One byte transfer code uint8 hal_spi_transfer_one_byte(uint8 v) {    int dummy =0;    char buff=0;    while ((SPI0_S & SPI_S_SPTEF_MASK) == 0)  // wait for transmit buffer empty    {                 dummy++;     }    dummy = SPI0_S;    SPI0_DL = v;   // send one byte to transmit buffer    while ((SPI0_S & SPI_S_SPRF_MASK) == 0); // wait ready buffer full    buff = SPI0_DL;  // read one received byte    return buff;         // return the received byte   } 3 Code realization for external flash operation command     At first, refer to the external flash program / erase flow, then I will give the according command code realization one by one. Take flash sector erase flow as an example, the according code is : void hal_spi_dev_flash_erase_sector(uint8 addr) { write_enable();      // WREN command spi_wait(WEL);     // RDSR command and wait WEL=1 hal_spi_transfe_start();    // enable CS pin , CS=0 hal_spi_transfer_one_byte(CMD_SECTOR_ERASE);   // erase one sector (4KByte)command hal_spi_transfer_one_byte(addr>>16);  // address hal_spi_transfer_one_byte(addr>>8); hal_spi_transfer_one_byte(addr>>0); hal_spi_transfe_stop();  // disable CS pin, CS=1 spi_wait(WIP);    // RDSR command and wait WIP=0;   } (1)Write enable (WREN) command : 0X06 static void write_enable(void) {     hal_spi_transfe_start();  // enable CS pin , CS=0     hal_spi_transfer_one_byte(CMD_WRITE_EN);  // Send WREN command     hal_spi_transfe_stop();  // disable CS pin, CS=1   } (2)Read status register (RDSR) sequence: 0X05 static void spi_wait(uint8 CMD) { if(CMD == WEL) while(get_sr()&0x02 != 0x02); // wait until WEL bit =1 else if(CMD == WIP) while(get_sr()&0x01 != 0x00); // wait until WIP bit =0 } static uint8 get_sr(void) {     uint8 v;     hal_spi_transfe_start(); // enable CS pin , CS=0     hal_spi_transfer_one_byte(CMD_GET_SR);  // Send RDSR command     v = hal_spi_transfer_one_byte(0x00); // read states register data     hal_spi_transfe_stop();    // disable CS pin, CS=1     return v;   } (3) Sector erase (SE) sequence: 0X20 hal_spi_transfe_start();    // enable CS pin , CS=0 hal_spi_transfer_one_byte(CMD_SECTOR_ERASE);   // erase one sector (4KByte)command hal_spi_transfer_one_byte(addr>>16);  // address hal_spi_transfer_one_byte(addr>>8); hal_spi_transfer_one_byte(addr>>0);   hal_spi_transfe_stop();  // disable CS pin, CS=1 (4) Page program (PP) sequence : 0x02 #define PAGE_SIZE 256       hal_spi_transfe_start();// enable CS pin , CS=0 hal_spi_transfer_one_byte(CMD_PROGRAM); //send flash program command hal_spi_transfer_one_byte(addr>>16); // flash page base address hal_spi_transfer_one_byte(addr>>8); hal_spi_transfer_one_byte(addr>>0); for(i=0;i<(PAGE_SIZE-1);i++) // send program data to the flash page hal_spi_transfer_one_byte(buf[i]); hal_spi_transfer_one_byte(buf[i]);   hal_spi_transfe_stop();// disable CS pin, CS=1 (5) Read at higher Speed(FAST_READ) Sequence: 0X0B void hal_spi_dev_flash_read_page(uint8 addr, char *buf) { int i; hal_spi_transfe_start();  // enable CS pin , CS=0 hal_spi_transfer_one_byte(CMD_READ); // read command hal_spi_transfer_one_byte(addr>>16);  // base address hal_spi_transfer_one_byte(addr>>8); hal_spi_transfer_one_byte(addr>>0); hal_spi_transfer_one_byte(0x00); // dummy byte for(i=0;i<(PAGE_SIZE-1);i++)    // read data back from the flash buf[i] = hal_spi_transfer_one_byte(0x00); buf[i] = hal_spi_transfer_one_byte(0x00); hal_spi_transfe_stop();  // disable CS pin, CS=1   } 4 Experimental result The test code function is to realize one sector (4KB) erasing, then read one page (256Byte) and print it out, after that, program one page , read and print it out to check the data. (1)The main function code is : static char buf[256]; int i; serial_flash_init();  // SPI initialization hal_spi_dev_flash_erase_sector(0); // erase one sector(4KByte) printf("reading page...\n"); hal_spi_dev_flash_read_page(0,buf); // read one page(256Byte) print_buf(buf,PAGE_SIZE);  // print the read data out printf("programing a page...\n"); for(i=0;i<256;i++) buf[i] = i;     // define the data which will write to the flash hal_spi_dev_flash_program_page(0,buf); // write 256BYTE to the flash page0 printf("clearing buffer..\n"); for(i=0;i<256;i++)    // clear buff buf[i] = 0; printf("reading page...\n"); hal_spi_dev_flash_read_page(0,buf); // read the page0 data out print_buf(buf,PAGE_SIZE);  // print the read data out   printf("demo end.\n"); (2) print test data reading page... 0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,  0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,  0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,  0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,  0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,  0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,  0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,  0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,  0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,  0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,  0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,  0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,  0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,  0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,  0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,  0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,  0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,  0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,  0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,  0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,  0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,  0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,  0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,  0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,  0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,  0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,  0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,  0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,  0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,  0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,  0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,  0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,  0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,  0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,  0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,  0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,  0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,  0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,  0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,  0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,  0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,  0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,  0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,  0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,  0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,  0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,  0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,  0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,  0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,  0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,  0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,  0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,  0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,  0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,  0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,  0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,  0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,  0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,  0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,  0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,  0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,  0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,  0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,  0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,  programing a page... clearing buffer.. reading page... 0x0,0x1,0x2,0x3,  0x4,0x5,0x6,0x7,  0x8,0x9,0xA,0xB,  0xC,0xD,0xE,0xF,  0x10,0x11,0x12,0x13,  0x14,0x15,0x16,0x17,  0x18,0x19,0x1A,0x1B,  0x1C,0x1D,0x1E,0x1F,  0x20,0x21,0x22,0x23,  0x24,0x25,0x26,0x27,  0x28,0x29,0x2A,0x2B,  0x2C,0x2D,0x2E,0x2F,  0x30,0x31,0x32,0x33,  0x34,0x35,0x36,0x37,  0x38,0x39,0x3A,0x3B,  0x3C,0x3D,0x3E,0x3F,  0x40,0x41,0x42,0x43,  0x44,0x45,0x46,0x47,  0x48,0x49,0x4A,0x4B,  0x4C,0x4D,0x4E,0x4F,  0x50,0x51,0x52,0x53,  0x54,0x55,0x56,0x57,  0x58,0x59,0x5A,0x5B,  0x5C,0x5D,0x5E,0x5F,  0x60,0x61,0x62,0x63,  0x64,0x65,0x66,0x67,  0x68,0x69,0x6A,0x6B,  0x6C,0x6D,0x6E,0x6F,  0x70,0x71,0x72,0x73,  0x74,0x75,0x76,0x77,  0x78,0x79,0x7A,0x7B,  0x7C,0x7D,0x7E,0x7F,  0x80,0x81,0x82,0x83,  0x84,0x85,0x86,0x87,  0x88,0x89,0x8A,0x8B,  0x8C,0x8D,0x8E,0x8F,  0x90,0x91,0x92,0x93,  0x94,0x95,0x96,0x97,  0x98,0x99,0x9A,0x9B,  0x9C,0x9D,0x9E,0x9F,  0xA0,0xA1,0xA2,0xA3,  0xA4,0xA5,0xA6,0xA7,  0xA8,0xA9,0xAA,0xAB,  0xAC,0xAD,0xAE,0xAF,  0xB0,0xB1,0xB2,0xB3,  0xB4,0xB5,0xB6,0xB7,  0xB8,0xB9,0xBA,0xBB,  0xBC,0xBD,0xBE,0xBF,  0xC0,0xC1,0xC2,0xC3,  0xC4,0xC5,0xC6,0xC7,  0xC8,0xC9,0xCA,0xCB,  0xCC,0xCD,0xCE,0xCF,  0xD0,0xD1,0xD2,0xD3,  0xD4,0xD5,0xD6,0xD7,  0xD8,0xD9,0xDA,0xDB,  0xDC,0xDD,0xDE,0xDF,  0xE0,0xE1,0xE2,0xE3,  0xE4,0xE5,0xE6,0xE7,  0xE8,0xE9,0xEA,0xEB,  0xEC,0xED,0xEE,0xEF,  0xF0,0xF1,0xF2,0xF3,  0xF4,0xF5,0xF6,0xF7,  0xF8,0xF9,0xFA,0xFB,  0xFC,0xFD,0xFE,0xFF,    demo end From the print data, we can find the code can realize flash sector erasing , flash program and flash data read out, and the test result is correct. The following wave is the page read data out after flash page program. The attachment is the testing code.
MAPS-KS22 Board Introduction: MAPS boards are localization evaluation boards for Chinese customers. The MAPS boards are suitable for NXP MCU product, with low coat, more flexibility and easy-copy features, which matching with local customer requirements and better for learning and product evaluation. MAPS board includes four parts board, which are MCU Board, Peripheral Board, Application Board & Socket Board. The naming of MAPS are using the four-part board initial letter. MCU board is NXP Kinetis MCU based evaluation main board with chip related special module interface/device, such as graphic LCD/ENET interface and etc. The MCU board fan out all MCU pins as test points for measuring. The MCU board also provide two 32-pin socket to connect external peripheral board or application board. Peripheral Board collects more general device into one board and using two 32-pin socket connects with MCU board. The MAPS-Dock is the first peripheral board, which with below configuration: Micor-SD card slot; six touch pads; USB FS interface; IrDA transceiver; one SPI Interface (SPI-Flash); two UART interface; four buttons; one I2S interface (audio codec); one CAN interface; two potentionmeter; one DAC output interface; 128x64 monochrome LCD; one 5-way button. It also with SWD debugger on board and USB CDC virtual COM. Application Board designed for special applications, such as motor control, IOT, Smart Home, Wireless Charger and etc. Socket Board provides interface for FreeDOM boards/Arduino boards/Customer defined boards. MAPS-KS22 board MCU board for KS22 chip evaluation. KS22 MCU is based on the ARM® Cortex®-M4 core with 120MHz MCUs with FPU, offering full-speed USB 2.0 OTG, in addition to other features like USB crystal-less functionality. MAPS-KS22 oobe demo porting process MAPS-KS22 oobe demo is based KSDK V1.0, which will show Freescale LOGO on the SPI color LCD and meanwhile use FlexIO I2S to play an audio on microphone. Step1: visit Kinetis Expert website ( to download MAPS-KS22 KSDK V2.0 software: Step2: download [Kinetis SDK Project Generator Tool] from below link and generate oobe demo project based on MAPS-KS22 SDK V2.0 software: Step 3: After that, open the oobe project, which located at default path: C:\Freescale\SDK_2.0_MAPS-KS22\boards\mapsks22\user_apps\oobe\iar The default project is based on <hello-world> demo, it need to add LED control code. Those part of code could be found at <main.c> file and related pin muxing code at <pin_mux.c> file. Step 4: Modify ili9341 related driver: For the oobe project with two major functions, the first one is to display Freescale LOGO at LCD. The MAPS-KS22 board graphic LCD is using ili9341 TFT LCD driver with SPI interface with KS22 chip. The previous oobe project is using GPIO pins emulate SPI communication, we will make the similar application with KSDK V2.0 driver. Most modification based on the GPIO pins control. Please check below code at <ili9341.h> file, which call KSDK V2.0 GPIO driver: #define ILI9341_CS_HIGH()       GPIO_SetPinsOutput(BOARD_LCD_CS_GPIO, 1U << BOARD_LCD_CS_PIN) #define ILI9341_CS_LOW()        GPIO_ClearPinsOutput(BOARD_LCD_CS_GPIO, 1U << BOARD_LCD_CS_PIN) #define ILI9341_CLK_HIGH()      GPIO_SetPinsOutput(BOARD_LCD_CLK_GPIO, 1U << BOARD_LCD_CLK_PIN)  #define ILI9341_CLK_LOW()       GPIO_ClearPinsOutput(BOARD_LCD_CLK_GPIO, 1U << BOARD_LCD_CLK_PIN) #define ILI9341_MOSI_HIGH()     GPIO_SetPinsOutput(BOARD_LCD_MOSI_GPIO, 1U << BOARD_LCD_MOSI_PIN) #define ILI9341_MOSI_LOW()      GPIO_ClearPinsOutput(BOARD_LCD_MOSI_GPIO, 1U << BOARD_LCD_MOSI_PIN)      #define ILI9341_MISO_HIGH()     GPIO_SetPinsOutput(BOARD_LCD_MISO_GPIO, 1U << BOARD_LCD_MISO_PIN) #define ILI9341_MISO_LOW()      GPIO_ClearPinsOutput(BOARD_LCD_MISO_GPIO, 1U << BOARD_LCD_MISO_PIN) And it also need to add ili9341 control pin muxing initialization code at <pin_mux.c> file. Step 5: We could modify the Freescale logo with new NXP logo, which could using [Embedded GUI Conversion Utility3.0] tool. This tool could be downloaded from below link:  The conversion result of the graphic data is 16-bit array, which need be transfer to 8-bit array. After that, compile and download the image to the board, it with below result: Step 6: The oobe demo provide another function to play music with MAPS-DOCK board WM8960 codec chip, then using headphone will hear the sound. For the KS22 with FlexIO module, the demo will use FlexIO emulating I2S bus to transfer data to WM8960 codec chip. About I2S bus MCLK clock source, the MAPS-KS22 provide two selection, one is using TPM1_CH1 pin, the other one is using I2S0_MCLK pin with JP5 jumper selection. In oobe demo, we use TPM1_CH1 pin to generate 12MHz MCLK clock with TPM module output compare mode. Related code, please refer below tpm_init_output_compare() function at <main.c> file: //enable clock gating of tpm1 CLOCK_EnableClock(kCLOCK_Tpm1); //set TMP output compare mode TPM_SetupOutputCompare(BOARD_TPM_BASEADDR, BOARD_TPM_CHANNEL, kTPM_ToggleOnMatch, 1U); BOARD_TPM_BASEADDR->MOD = 0x1; TPM_StartTimer(BOARD_TPM_BASEADDR, kTPM_SystemClock);   //TPM counter increments on every TPM counter clock Step 7: WM8960 is a stereo CODEC chip provide I2C port for chip configuration. There need to initialization the WM8960 chip before using it with related driver <wm8960.c> & <wm8960.h> files. The MAPS-KS22 board using LPI2C0 module connects with WM8960 chip, so there need to port using LPI2C driver of KSDK V2.0 and modify the WM8960 driver related. The LPI2C module initialization code located at <main.c> with lpi2c_master_init() function. The WM8960 driver major modification with WOLFSON_WriteReg() function at <wm8960.c> file, calling the LPI2C driver of KSDK V2.0 with below code:  wolfson_status_t WOLFSON_WriteReg(uint8_t reg, uint16_t val) {       uint8_t cmd,buff;        status_t ret;        cmd = (reg << 1) | ((val >> 😎 & 0x0001);    // register address        buff = val & 0xFF;     //data        reg_cache[reg] = val;      // copy data to cache         uint8_t data[2];         data[0] = cmd;         data[1] = buff;         //start lpi2c tx operation                   ret = LPI2C_MasterStart(LPI2C0, WM8960_I2C_ADDR, kLPI2C_Write);           // send two data with register address and related value          ret = LPI2C_MasterSend(LPI2C0, data, 2);                //stop lpi2c tx operation                  ret = LPI2C_MasterStop(LPI2C0);               if(ret != kStatus_Success)          {  return kStatus_WOLFSON_I2CFail;  }          return kStatus_WOLFSON_Success; } After WM8960 chip driver modification, there could call related driver to initialize WM8960 chip and configure the communication interface with I2S bus. Following steps focus on how to transfer data to WM8960 codec with I2S bus. Step 8:  The FlexIO modul will simulate I2S bus call FlexIO_I2S_MasterInit() function in <main.c> file to initialize FlexIO module as I2S master. There using FXIO0_D4 pin as I2S bit clock pin, using FXIO0_D5 pin as I2S Transmit pin and using FXIO0_D6 pin as I2S Transmit Frame Sync pin. KSDK V2.0 provide FlexIO for I2S driver located at <fsl_flexio_i2s.h> file. Step 9: There will call eDMA with FlexIO module to reduce the core work load during the I2S data transfer. It will initialize the eDMA & DMAMUX modules for FlexIO. Related code located at <main.c> file with ConfigDMAforFlexIOI2STX() function: void ConfigDMAforFlexIOI2STX(void) { EDMA_GetDefaultConfig(&dmaConfig); EDMA_Init(EXAMPLE_DMA, &dmaConfig); EDMA_CreateHandle(&dmaHandle, EXAMPLE_DMA, EXAMPLE_CHANNEL); DMAMUX_Init(DMAMUX0); DMAMUX_SetSource(DMAMUX0, EXAMPLE_CHANNEL, EXAMPLE_DMA_SOURCE); DMAMUX_EnableChannel(DMAMUX0, EXAMPLE_CHANNEL); }    Step 10: KSDK V2.0 software provides FlexIO I2S eDMA driver located at <fsl_flexio_i2s_edma.c> file, with below codes to initialize FlexIO I2S master DMA handler and to configure the sample rate & audio data format to be transferred: FLEXIO_I2S_TransferTxCreateHandleEDMA(&base, &txHandle, callback, NULL, &dmaHandle); FLEXIO_I2S_TransferSetFormatEDMA(&base, &txHandle, &format, 48000000); Step 11: After above preparation, following action will start to transfer music data to WM8960 codec with below code. When the music data transfer finished, the callback function will be called to start next round data transferred. Then we could hear the sound with endless loop. static void callback(FLEXIO_I2S_Type *i2sBase, flexio_i2s_edma_handle_t *handle, status_t status, void *userData) {   // Initiate FlexIO I2S transfer again after previous transfer finished  FLEXIO_I2S_TransferSendEDMA(&base, &txHandle, &xfer); } About more detailed oobe demo software info, please check attached file. The default oobe demo located path is: C:\Freescale\SDK_2.0_MAPS-KS22\boards\mapsks22\user_apps\oobe
This document shows the implementation of the infrared on the UART0 using the FRDM-KE02Z platform. The FRDM-KE02Z platform is a developing platform for rapid prototyping. The board has a MKE02Z64VQH2 MCU a Kinetis E series MCU which is the first 5-Volt MCU built on the ARM Cortex-M0+ core. You can check the evaluation board in the Freescale’s webpage (FRDM-KE02Z: Kinetis E Series Freedom Development Platform) The Freedom Board has a lot of great features and one of this is an IrDA transmitter and receiver on it. Check this out! One of the features of the MCU is that the UART0 module can implement Infrared functions just following some tricks (MCU-magic tricks). According to the Reference Manual (Document Number: MKE02Z64M20SF0RM) this tricks are:      UART0_TX modulation: UART0_TX output can be modulated by FTM0 channel 0 PWM output      UART0_RX Tag: UART0_RX input can be tagged to FTM0 channel 1 or filtered by ACMP0 module For this example we are going to use the ACMP0 module to implement the UART0_RX functionality. Note1: The Core is configured to run at the maximum frequency: 20 Mhz Note2: Refer to the reference manual document for more information about the registers. Configuring the FTM0. The next lines show the configuration of the FTM0; the module is configured with a Frequency of 38 KHz which is the ideal frequency for an infrared led. The FTM0_CH0 is in Edge_Aligned PWM mode (EPWM).           #define IR_FREQUENCY       38000 //hz      #define FTM0_CLOCK                BUS_CLK_HZ      #define FTM0_MOD_VALUE            FTM0_CLOCK/IR_FREQUENCY      #define FTM0_C0V_VALUE            FTM0_MOD_VALUE/2      void FTM0CH0_Init( void )      {        SIM_SCGC |= SIM_SCGC_FTM0_MASK;             // Init FTM0 to PWM output,frequency is 38khz        FTM0_MOD= FTM0_MOD_VALUE;        FTM0_C0SC = 0x28;        FTM0_C0V = FTM0_C0V_VALUE;        FTM0_SC = 0x08; // bus clock divide by 2      } With this we accomplish the UART0_TX modulation through a PWM on the FTM0_CH0. Configuring the ACMP0. The configuration of the ACMP0 is using a DAC and allowing the ACMP0 can be driven by an analog input.      void ACMP_Init ( void )      {        SIM_SCGC |= SIM_SCGC_ACMP0_MASK;        ACMP0_C1 |= ACMP_C1_DACEN_MASK |                   ACMP_C1_DACREF_MASK|                   ACMP_C1_DACVAL(21);    // enable DAC        ACMP0_C0 |= ACMP_C0_ACPSEL(0x03)|                            ACMP_C0_ACNSEL(0x01);        ACMP0_C2 |= ACMP_C2_ACIPE(0x02);  // enable ACMP1 connect to PIN        ACMP0_CS |= ACMP_CS_ACE_MASK;     // enable ACMP                } With this we have now implemented the UART0_RX.     IrDA initialization. Now the important thing is to initialize the UART0 to work together with these tricks and implement the irDA functions. Basically we initialize the UART0 like when we use normal serial communication (this is not the topic of this post, refer to the project to see the UART_init function) and we write to the most important registers:         SIM_SOPT |= SIM_SOPT_RXDFE_MASK; UART0_RX input signal is filtered by ACMP, then injected to UART0.      SIM_SOPT |= SIM_SOPT_TXDME_MASK; UART0_TX output is modulated by FTM0 channel 0 before mapped to pinout. The configuration is as follows:      void IrDA_Init( void )      { // initialize UART0, 2400 baudrate        UART_init(UART0_BASE_PTR,BUS_CLK_HZ/1000,2400);                  // clear RDRF flag        UART0_S1 |= UART_S1_RDRF_MASK;                  // initialize FTM0CH1 as 38k PWM output        FTM0CH0_Init();                      // enable ACMP        ACMP_Init(); SIM_SOPT |= SIM_SOPT_RXDFE_MASK;  //UART0_RX input signal is filtered by ACMP, then injected to UART0.        UART0_S2 &= ~UART_S2_RXINV_MASK;  //inverse data input SIM_SOPT |= SIM_SOPT_TXDME_MASK;  //UART0_TX output is modulated by FTM0 channel 0 before mapped to pinout.      } With the irDA initialization we got the infrared features on the UART0. Philosophy of the Example In the attachments of this post you can find the example which shows the use of these functions in a basic application; the project was compiled in CodeWarrior 10.6 and the philosophy is: I hope that the information presented on this document could be useful for you. Thank you! Best Regards!
Using five channels from FTM2 module of the KE02 microcontroller included on the FRDM-KE02Z board for controlling a robotic arm powered by five servomotors. Each servomotor is controlled by a couple of buttons of a matrix keyboard, which is connected to eigth GPIOs. Interrupts are not used in this example. The code was generated and compiled on CodeWarrior for Microcontrollers v10.5.
Hi All, Embedded systems industry are tending to optimized their products to offers a better performance in power management, aiming for longer battery life, using low-power modes in the application without reducing functionality. With this in mind, it arises a requirement in these compact devices, power supply monitor. This document will include a brief description of some features available in different power modes of the Kinetis family and it will focus on how we can implement these features, using KSDK 2.0, to monitor power supply voltage and detect when this voltage has fallen at determined value. This document is based MCU K21 but the same principles can be applied to any Kinetis K and L family. It will use KDS 3.2 as IDE and TWR-K21F120M evaluation board as target.   Hope you can find it useful Best Regards Jorge Alcala
The DOC introduces the nano-edge placement  feature for KV4x family, it gives the application for the nano-edge placement feature, in other words, it's target is to increase the PWM signal resolution. It gives the example code and PWM waveform for the nano-edge placement feature.
作者 Sam Wang & River Liang 在RISC架构的MCU中,通常是加载-存储(Load and Store)的操作机制,而这种方式不能提供传统8bit架构MCU的直接位操作内存和地址空间。为此飞思卡尔在M0+系列MCU上集成了BME(Bit Manipulation Engine)位操作引擎功能,例如KE和KL系列里都带有BME,它从硬件上提供了对外设地址空间用读-修改-写的操作方式来实现位操作。         使用BME能够降低总线的占用率和CPU执行时间,这些效果都能够降低系统的功耗。另外使用相比于用C语言实现相同功能的代码,使用BME能够更节省代码空间。这些可以参照         BME功能支持访问从0x4000_0000开始的,大小为512K的地址空间,并把它映射成从0x4400_0000到0x5fff_ffff的内存空间。         好了,长话短说。下面转入正题,我们应该如何使用BME来进行位操作,并达到节省代码空间、提高效率的效果。 一、写操作方式,对定义内容用写的方式来实现与、或、异或、位域插入功能 1:BME的&操作可以一次对IO的几个bit清0     //     0x21<<26 | addr (A0~A19) //GPIOA_PDOR   地址为   400F_F000 #define GPIOA_AND *((volatile unsigned char *) (0x44000000+0xFF000)) 例: GPIOA_AND=0xaa; #define GPIOA_AND_I *((volatile unsigned int *) (0x44000000+0xFF000)) 例: GPIOA_AND_I=0x55aa; 实际上命令是将400f_f000的内容与目标数进行&运算。修改volatile unsigned char, volatile unsigned int, volatile unsigned long来实现BME的所谓8,16,32位操作.下面命令相同。 2:BME的|操作可以一次对IO的几个bit置1     //       0x22<<26 | addr (A0~A19) #define GPIOA_OR *((volatile unsigned char *) (0x48000000+0xFF000)) 例: GPIOA_OR=0xaa; #define GPIOA_OR_I *((volatile unsigned int *) (0x48000000+0xFF000)) 例: GPIOA_OR_I=0x55aa; 实际上命令是将400f_f000的内容与目标数进行|运算。 3: BME的^操作          //     0x23<<26 | addr (A0~A19) #define GPIOA_XOR *((volatile unsigned char *) (0x4C000000+0xFF000)) 例:GPIOA_XOR=0xaa; #define GPIOA_XOR_I *((volatile unsigned int *) (0x4C000000+0xFF000)) 例: GPIOA_XOR_=0x55aa; 上面3个例子讲解了一般的与、或、异或等常用操作,下面来点复杂一点的。                                                                                           4: BME的位域插入操作BFI(Bit Field Insert)//   (5<<28) | (bit<<23) | (width<<19) | addr (A0~A18) #define BME_BFI_ADDR (ADDR, BIT, WIDTH)   (*(volatile uint32_t *) (((uint32_t) ADDR) | (1<<28) | (BIT<<23) | (WIDTH<<19))) 在这里bit是插入的位置,表示被操作目标的最低位开始被操作,Width这里是插入的数据长度 例:BME_BFI_ADDR(&ADC0_CFG1, 0x05, 0x01) = 0x40; 结果是将寄存器ADC0_CFG1从bit5开始,用0x40的bit5来替换ADC0_CFG1的bit5,0x40的bit6来替换ADC0_CFG1的bit6,调用该命令后,寄存器ADC0_CFG1_ADIV = 2 相当于执行了mask = ((1 << (w+1)) - 1) << b;                          //等一系列位操作。                             (ADC0_CFG1 & ~mask) | (0x40 & mask); 使用BFI功能需要注意的是,操作地址是A0到A18,而GPIO寄存器的A0到A19是从FF000开始,因此会有1bit 的地址冲突。为此,在使用BFI操作GPIO的寄存器时,使用的是内存映射出来的地址空间,此时GPIO的起始地址将为F000,如果还使用原来的地址,命令将会无效。之前提到的AND、OR、XOR操作,对于GPIO地址空间在FF000还是F000都适用 #define BME_BFI_GPIOA (BIT, WIDTH)        (*(volatile uint32_t *) ((uint32_t) (5<<28) | (BIT<<23) | (WIDTH<<19) | 0xF000)) 例:BME_BFI_GPIOA(0,3) = 0x0a; 结果是GPIO_PDOR从bit0开始,一共4位被1010替换了。 二、读操作方式 5, BME的读操作使某位置1, Load-and-Set 1 Bit// #define PTA1_SET   (void) (*((volatile unsigned char *) (0x4C000000+ (1<<21) + 0xF000))) #define PTA1_SET_I   (void) (*((volatile unsigned int *) (0x4C000000+ (1<<21) + 0xF000))) 例: PTA1_SET;   //效果是GPIOA1高电平         LAS1      第1位    GPIOA_PDOR地址的A0-A15 6, BME的读操作使某位清0, Load-and-Clear 1 Bit #define PTA2_CLR   (void) (*((volatile unsigned char *) (0x48000000 + (2<<21) + 0xF000))) #define PTA2_CLR_I   (void) (*((volatile unsigned int *) (0x48000000 + (2<<21) + 0xF000))) 例: PTA2_CLR;     //效果是GPIOA2低电平        LAC1      第2位     GPIOA_PDOR地址的A0-A15 7, BME同时提取多个bit,Unsigned Bit Field Extract 前8位内                     //UBFX      第1位开始       取1+1位   GPIOA_PDOR地址的A0-A18 #define PTA_OUT    *((volatile unsigned char *) (0x50000000+ (1<<23) + (1<<19) + 0xF000)) 前16位内                   //UBFX      第1位开始       取1+1位   GPIOA_PDOR地址的A0-A18 #define PTA_OUT_I    *((volatile unsigned int *) (0x50000000+ (1<<23) + (1<<19) + 0xF000)) 例: 初始值GPIO_PDOR = 0x3a;   //            11_1010   temp = PTA_OUT; //                    此时temp = 0x01 例: 初始值GPIO_PDOR = 0x35;   //            11_0101   temp = PTA_OUT; //                    此时temp = 0x02 该宏定义UBFX功能是将GPIO_PDOR从bit1开始提取1+1位,并以bit1为最低位赋值到目标变量。          需要注意的是UBFX与BFI一样操作的都是映射内存空间,用来操作GPIO时要以F000为起始地址。         BME执行的是读-修改-写操作,而我们很多寄存器有些位是w1c,也就是所谓的write-1-clear,写1清0的工作方式。使用BME时就需要特别注意和小心了,否则会出现很多不可预料的后果。               如果一个寄存器中有多个连续的W1C位,我们就不要使用LAS1来对寄存器写1清0了,因为在LAS1这个操作中,其中有一步操作是将数据读回(在reference manual中有read data return to core一说)。这一步会将原本不需要清0的位给清了。         下面介绍这个情况的实验。 在我们M0+的PWM模块中,寄存器TPM0_STATUS所有有效位都为w1c,我们模拟一个情景: 系统48MHz,TPM时钟128分频,TPM0定时中断计数器最大值为37499,并使能溢出中断。 通道0设置为output compare模式的match output low,比较值为10000,不触发中断。 通道1设置为output compare模式的match output high,比较值为20000,不触发中断。 上面的设置可以使我们每50ms进入一次中断,需要我们在中断服务程序中清中断标志。 TPM0_STATUS 地址为 0x4003_8050 中断函数中设置断点观察TPM0_STATUS的值,为1_0000_0011 B #define TPM0_STATUS_LAS1   (void) (*((volatile unsigned int *) (0x4C000000| (1<<21) | 0x38050))) 中断程序中用TPM0_STSTUS_LAS1将bit1置1清0,得到的结果是TPM0_STATUS = 0,使用LAS1作用在该寄存器的其他位结果都一样。将其他不需要改动的位都清0了。     我们换种方式。 #define TPM0_ STSTUS_BFI *((volatile unsigned int *) (0x50000000 | (0<<23) | (8<<19) | 0x38050)) =0x001 中断里用BFI去修改该连续的w1c位,从bit0开始,长度为8+1位,执行TPM0_STSTUS_BFI后bit8和bit2仍为1, bit0已经被清0了。这确实是我们想要的效果。         此后我们遇上一个寄存器有多个连续w1c时,可以使用BFI的方式来改写寄存器w1c位的值,而位判断则采用UBFX的方式来提取该位域。 下面是针对比较器的CMP0_SCR寄存器操作的例程. CMP0_SCR是8bit的寄存器bit1和bit2是w1c #define CMP_SCR_CFR_CLR *((volatile unsigned char *) (0x50000000+ (1<<23) + (1<<19) + 0x73003)) =4 #define CMP_SCR_CFF_CLR *((volatile unsigned char *) (0x50000000 + (1<<23) + (1<<19) +0x73003)) =2              //           BFI                    第一位开始   1+1位          2对应bit2bit1为01          4对应bit2bit1为10 #define CMP_SCR_CFR    *((volatile unsigned char *) (0x50000000 + (2<<23) + (0<<19) + 0x73003)) #define CMP_SCR_CFF    *((volatile unsigned char *) (0x50000000 + (1<<23) + (0<<19) + 0x73003))             //            UBFX                分别是提取bit2和bit1的值 void CMP_Change(void) { If (CMP_SCR_CFR) { CMP_SCR_CFR_CLR; }                   If (CMP_SCR_CFF) { CMP_SCR_CFF_CLR; } }         总结,BME功能可以有效提高M0+的位操作性能并减少代码占用空间,但用于处理w1c位时要特别小心,总的来说BME是个好东西,在内核资源紧张的时候可以给用户提供一个精简代码的手段。
ROM Bootloader KL43 chip with Kinetis Bootloader residing in the on on-chip read-only memory (ROM), can interface with USB, I2C, SPI, and LPUART peripherals in slave mode and respond to the commands sent by a master (or host) communicating on one of those ports. When KL43 chip with a blank flash, the Kinetis bootloader will execute automatically. Once the flash is programmed, the value of the FOPT field at Flash address0x40D will determine if the device boots the ROM bootloader or the user application in flash. The FTFA_FOPT [BOOTSRC_SEL] will select if boot from customer application (Flash) or boot from ROM bootloader. For example:       When Flash address 0x40D value is 0xFF, boot source is ROM bootloader;       When Flash address 0x40D value is 0x3D, boot source is Flash (Customer application). There with hardware pin(/BOOTCFG0) to control if boot from user application or ROM bootloader with FTFA_FOPT[BOOTPIN_OPT] bit . When FTFA_FOPT[BOOTPIN_OPT]  = 0, it forces boot from ROM if /BOOTCFG0 pin set to 0. blhost utility application The blhost utility is an example host program used to interface with devices running the Kinetis bootloader. The blhost application is released as part of Kinetis bootloader release package available on . The blhost application default located at C:\Freescale\FSL_Kinetis_Bootloader_1_1_0\bin\win folder. About how to use blhost application, please check KBLHOSTUG document for more detailed info. Call Rom Bootloader from customer application In general, if customer application was programmed, the boot option should be change to Boot from Flash. If customer want to call the ROM bootloader during the application running, customer can refer below example. Set a signal for application code to call the ROM bootloader, such as press a button. In this demo, we use FRDM-KL43Z board SW3 (PTC3) to call the ROM bootloader. //Initalize PTEC3 as GPIO button PORT_Init (PORTC, PORT_MODULE_BUTTON_MODE, PIN_3, 0, NULL); GPIO_Init (GPIOC, GPIO_PIN_INPUT, PIN_3); The bootloader entry point for customer application to call the ROM bootloader.  //prototype of the entry point definition void run_bootloader(void * arg); //Variables uint32_t runBootloaderAddress; void (*runBootloader)(void * arg);   // Read the function address from the ROM API tree. runBootloaderAddress = **(uint32_t **)(0x1c00001c); runBootloader = (void (*)(void * arg))runBootloaderAddress; in <main.c> routine to call the ROM bootloader:   while (1)   {     if ((GPIOC_PDIR & (1 << 3)) == 0)     {       // Start the bootloader. runBootloader(NULL);     }   } Press SW3 button of FRDM-KL43Z board will call ROM bootloader.  Customer could continue to debug the code until the ROM bootloader be called. If customer debug into the runBootloader(NULL) function, there will stop at fixed address: 0x1C00_00C0. In fact, during call the ROM bootloader function , there will setting some parameters and then reset the KL43. When KL43 back from reset, it will boot from ROM bootloader. That reset will cause debugger disconnect with the KL43 product. More detailed info, please check attached demo code. BTW: The demo project is [frdm_led_test] inside of KL43 baremetal sample code, which could be downloaded from here.
Project USB: Connecting USB to CAN with K20   In this project, the internal CAN Controller of the K20 is used to monitor the CAN bus. The connection to the PC is realized by the internal USB Controller. The USB stack is implemented as HID device especially for the K20.   The software runs on a self made hardware board. The connection to CAN is visualized with a Qt program, running on every Win7 PC.   Result: Original Attachment has been moved to:
New 32-bit MCUs designed to transform consumer and industrial applications currently using legacy 8- and 16-bit architectures SAN ANTONIO, Jun 19, 2012 (BUSINESS WIRE) -- Freescale Semiconductor FSL +0.80% is now offering alpha samples of its Kinetis L series, the industry's first microcontrollers (MCUs) built on the  ARM(R) Cortex(TM)-M0+ processor. Kinetis L series devices are on display this week at the Freescale        Technology Forum (FTF) Americas and were demonstrated during the event's opening keynote address. As machine-to-machine communication expands and network connectivity  becomes ubiquitous, many of today's standalone, entry-level applications will require more intelligence and functionality. With the Kinetis  L series , Freescale provides the ideal opportunity for users of legacy 8- and 16-bit architectures to migrate to 32-bit platforms and bring additional intelligence to everyday devices without increasing power  consumption and cost or sacrificing space. Applications, such as small  appliances, gaming accessories, portable medical systems, audio systems, smart meters, lighting and power control, can now leverage 32-bit capabilities and the scalability needed to expand future product lines -- all at 8- and 16-bit price and power consumption levels. "In our view, 8- and 16-bit development has reached the end of the road. Those architectures simply can't keep up as the Internet of Things gains traction," said Geoff Lees, vice president and general manager of Freescale's Industrial & Multi-Market MCU business. "Kinetis L series MCUs are ideal for the new wave of connected applications, combining the required energy efficiency, low price, development ease and small  footprint with the enhanced performance, peripherals, enablement and scalability of the Kinetis 32-bit portfolio." Extreme energy efficiency The ARM Cortex-M0+ processor consumes approximately one-third of the energy of any 8- or 16-bit processor available today, while delivering  between two to 40 times more performance. The Kinetis L series supplements the energy efficiency of the core with the latest in  low-power MCU platform design, operating modes and energy-saving peripherals. The result is an MCU that consumes just 50 uA/MHz* in very-low-power run (VLPR) mode and can rapidly wake from a reduced power state, process data and return to sleep, extending application battery life. These advantages are demonstrated in the FTF demo, which compares the energy-efficiency characteristics of the Kinetis L series against solutions from Freescale competitors in a CoreMark benchmark analysis.        The Kinetis L series is also part of the Freescale Energy-Efficient Solutions program. Kinetis L series energy-saving peripherals do more with less power by maintaining functionality even when the MCU is in deep sleep modes. In traditional MCUs, the main clock and processor core must be activated to perform even trivial tasks such as sending or receiving data, capturing or generating waveforms or sampling analog signals. Kinetis L series peripherals are able to perform these functions without involving the core or main system, drastically reducing power consumption and improving battery life. Built using Freescale's innovative, award-winning flash memory technology, the Kinetis L series offers the industry's lowest-power flash memory implementation. This improves upon the conventional silicon-based charge storage approach by creating nano-scale silicon islands to store charge instead of using continuous film, improving the flash memory's immunity to typical sources of data loss. "The Internet of Things needs very low-cost, low-power processors that        can deliver good performance," said Tom R. Halfhill, a senior analyst        with The Linley Group and senior editor of Microprocessor Report. "As  the first 32-bit microcontrollers to use ARM's Cortex-M0+ processor core, Freescale's Kinetis L-series MCUs will bring the energy efficiency and prices typically associated with 8- and 16-bit MCUs to a broad range of consumer and industrial applications." Development simplicity The Kinetis L series addresses the ease-of-use requirement critical for entry-level developers through innovations including: -- The Freescale Freedom development platform, a small, low-power, cost-efficient evaluation and development system for quick application prototyping and demonstration. It combines an industry-standard form factor with a rich set of third-party expansion board options. An integrated USB debug interface offers an easy-to-use mass-storage device mode flash programmer, a virtual serial port and classic programming and run-control capabilities. -- Processor Expert software, a GUI-based, device-aware software generation tool that eliminates the need to write peripheral start-up code or device drivers. Helps developers easily migrate from 8- and 16-bit to 32-bit solutions by simplifying the software architecture and  dramatically reducing application development time. --  The Kinetis MCU Solution Advisor, a web-based application with an interactive MCU product selector that helps identify the best-suited MCU by applying dynamic filters based on operating characteristics, packaging options, memory configuration and peripheral hardware library. Integration and scalability Each Kinetis L series family includes scalable flash memory options, pin-counts and analog, communication, timing and control peripherals, providing easy migration paths for end product line expansion. Features common to the Kinetis L series families include: --         48 MHz ARM Cortex-M0+ core --         High-speed 12/16-bit analog-to-digital converters --         12-bit digital-to-analog converters --         High-speed analog comparators --         Low-power touch sensing with wake-up on touch from reduced power states --         Powerful timers for a broad range of applications including motor control The first three Kinetis L series families: --         Kinetis L0 family -- the entry point into the Kinetis L series. Includes eight to 32 KB of flash memory and ultra-small 4mm x 4mm QFN packages. Pin-compatible with the Freescale 8-bit S08P family. Software- and tool-compatible with all other Kinetis L series families. --         Kinetis L1 family -- with 32 to 256 KB of flash memory and  additional communications and analog peripheral options. Compatible with the Kinetis K10 family. --         Kinetis L2 family -- adds USB 2.0 full-speed host/device/OTG. Compatible with the Kinetis K20 family. The Kinetis L series is pin- and software-compatible with the Kinetis  K series (built on the ARM Cortex-M4 processor), providing a migration path to DSP performance and advanced feature integration. Availability and pricing Kinetis L series alpha samples are available now, with broad market sample and tool availability planned for Q3. Pricing starts at a suggested resale price of 49 cents (USD) in 10,000-unit quantities. The Freescale Freedom development platform is planned for Q3 availability at  a suggested resale price of $12.95 (USD). For more information about Kinetis L series MCUs, visit    . *Typical current at 25C, 3V supply, for Very Low Power Run at 4MHz core  frequency, 1MHz bus frequency running code from flash with all peripherals off. About the Freescale Technology Forum Created to drive innovation and collaboration, the Freescale Technology Forum (FTF) has become one of the developer events of the year for the embedded systems industry. The Forum has drawn more than 48,000 attendees at FTF events worldwide since its inception in 2005. Our annual flagship event, FTF Americas, takes place June 18-21, 2012, in San Antonio, Texas. About Freescale Semiconductor Freescale Semiconductor  FSL +0.80% is a global leader in embedded processing solutions, providing industry leading products that are advancing the automotive, consumer, industrial and networking markets. From microprocessors and microcontrollers to sensors, analog integrated  circuits and connectivity -- our technologies are the foundation for the innovations that make our world greener, safer, healthier and more connected. Some of our key applications and end-markets include automotive safety, hybrid and all-electric vehicles, next generation wireless infrastructure, smart energy management, portable medical  devices, consumer appliances and smart mobile devices. The company is  based in Austin, Texas, and has design, research and development,        manufacturing and sales operations around the world. Freescale, the Freescale logo, Energy Efficient Solutions logo, Kinetis  and Processor Expert are trademarks of Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.,  Reg. U.S. Pat. & Tm. Off. ARM is the registered trademark of ARM  Limited. Cortex is the trademark of ARM Limited. All other product or  service names are the property of their respective owners. (C) 2012   Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Photos/Multimedia Gallery Available: SOURCE: Freescale Semiconductor
I created this spreadsheet from the data in the user manual. Exported here as Microsoft Excel but I encourage folks to use the link below to Google Docs. Useful when documenting how pins will be used. Highlight the intended alternate function of a pin. Use commenting to resolve issues when collaborating with others. Add notes to better describe how a pin is used for a particular application. K64 Pins Template - Google Sheets
Hi everyone! I have made a simple touch sensing demo for KL25z Freedom board for fast user friendly test using MSD bootloader (default combined application in Open SDA when you receive the Freedom - Mass Storage Device and serial port). Demo changes the brightness of red led populated on the board and communicate with FreeMaster visualization tool over embedded virtual serial port of Open SDA connection. Touch sensing application is controlled by TSS (touch sensing softwere). For more information about touch sensing and download of TSS go to The visualization output has 2 separate scope windows: one showing signals captured from electrodes of slider another one showing position of finger on a slider The operation is really simple, just drag and drop the attached *.s19 file into your device using MSD bootloader (as other precompiled projects for Freedom board) open the *.pmp file that is associated with FreeMASTER, choose the correct COM port at speed of 38400 kbps and start communication The demo was made in CodeWarrior 10.4 using TSS library 3.0.1 in Processor Expert tool, source code can be provided if there will be an interest. There is no need to configure MAP file for FreeMaster communication, application uses so called TSA table - it is position independent this way. If you are not familiar with FreeMASTER or not have it installed in your PC - go to to read more and download the free installer, install it and you are good to run the demo. There are two independent snapshots below, showing the response to my finger movement along the slider Enjoy! and keep in touch
Hey there Kinetis lovers!  We in the Systems Engineering team for Kinetis Microcontrollers see all kinds of situations that customers get into, and none can be particularly troubling like how the reset pin is handled.  The purpose of this document is to provide a list of Frequency Asked Questions (FAQ) that we get here in the Kinetis Systems Engineering department.  This is intended to be a living list and as such, may in no way be complete.  However we hope that you will find the below questions and answers useful.   Q:  Do I need to connect the reset signal to be able to debug a Kinetis device?   This is a commonly asked question. Strictly speaking, you do not need to connect the device reset line of a Kinetis device to the debug connector to be able to debug. The debug port MDM-AP register allows the processor to be held in reset by means of setting the System Reset Request bit using just the SWD_CLK and SWD_DIO lines.   However, before deciding to omit the reset line from your debug connector you should give some careful thought to how this may impact the ability to program and debug the device in certain scenarios. Does the debugger/flash programmer or external debug pod require the reset pin? It may be that the specific tool you are using only supports resetting the device by means of the reset line and does not offer the ability to reset the device by means of the MDM-AP. Have you changed the default function of the debug signals? You may need to use the SWD_CLK and/or the SWD_DIO signals for some other function in your application. This is especially true in low pin count packages. Once the function is changed (by means of the PORTx_PCRy registers) you will no longer have access to the MDM-AP via those signals. If you do not have access to the reset signal then you have no way of preventing the core from executing the code that will disable the SWD function of the pins. So you will not be able to re-program the device. In order to prevent this type of situation you need to either: Setup your code to change the function of the SWD pins several seconds after reset is released so that the debugger can halt the core before this happens. Put some kind of “backdoor” mechanism in your code that does not re-program the SWD function, or re-enables the SWD function, on these pins. For example, a specific character sequence sent via a UART or SPI interface.   Some Kinetis devices allow the reset function of the reset pin to be disabled. In this case you can only use the SWD signals as a means of resetting the device via the MDM-AP. If you change the SWD pin function in addition to disabling the reset pin then you must provide a backdoor means of re-enabling the SWD function if you want to be able to reprogram the device.
The following document explains how to load an encrypted image using the MCUBoot in the K64. Download the SDK for the K64, be sure that the MCU boot feature is selected:   For the example, I’m going to use gpio_led_output. To prepare the example to work with the bootloader, you would need to do the following steps: In properties / C/C++ Build / MCU settings set the start of the flash to the 0xa000, this to preserve the bootloader section:   Generate the binary for the image to load.   Write BCA Create the BCA, this field is to manage the different features of the bootloader. To generated this, the KinetisFlashTool can be used, you can find it in the following link. In this options you need to add the tag, the peripheral used to communicate and a timeout to have a time frame to call again the bootloader without need to call it from your application. Click OK and save the BCA to the image.     The bootloader can be found in the SDK examples: In the bootloader_config.h, change the BL_FEATURE_ENCRYPTION_KEY_ADDRESS for outside the code you would load, in this case, I'm going to use the 0xF000: #define BL_FEATURE_ENCRYPTION_KEY_ADDRESS 0xf000 // NOTE: this address must be 4-byte aligned. After this, load the firmware to the MCU. For the next steps we will need to generate the secure file: Generate the AES 128 key using the elftosb Command: elftosb.exe -V -d -f kinetis -n 1 – K 128 -o SBKEK.key Create the SB image from the binary, Use option -k to pass the key generated before Use option -f to define the device. Device must be kinetis to be able to use a 128 AES key Use option -c to load the bd file. (see attached) Use option -o to define the output Command: elftosb.exe -V -d -f kinetis -c (bd file path) -k (key path) -o (output path).sb2 (image path)   Now we will load the image using the blhost: Erase the memory section to load the program and reset the device  Command: blhost.exe -p COMx – flash-erase-region 0xa000 0x10000 Program AES key, same as generated in the previous step. Load it to the memory section previously defined in the  BL_FEATURE_ENCRYPTION_KEY_ADDRESS and confirm that the key was loaded correctly: Command: blhost.exe -p COMx – write-memory 0xF000 “{{key generated}}” Command: blhost.exe -p COMx –read-memory 0xF000 16   Load the SB file Command: blhost.exe -p COMx – receive-sb-file (path encrypted sb file) After a reset the application should run correctly.                