Hi @sbabu
Can you provide more details please.
Which linux distribution are you using?
Are you getting a HardFault when trying to access the address?
Are you using MCUXpresso IDE? Is it a custom project?
Best Regards, Miguel.
Hi @sbabu
The i.MXRT crossover MCUs are not made to run linux, so we do not support this type of questions.
However I can recommend you to look into this post.
Also, verify what are you trying to do on the PIT address and if the module's clock is enabled, if the clock is not enabled this can cause the MCU to get a hardfault.
Best Regards, Miguel.
Hi @sbabu
I'm glad you have your project working.
You can see the PIT driver example on the SDK.
It uses the next formula to calculate the value:
count = us*clockFreqInHz / 1000000
and the value is written on the register:
base->CHANNEL[channel].LDVAL = count - 1U;
I recommend you to look into the SDK example.
Best Regards, Miguel.