Nandflash migration boot problem
I work on a custom Imx6 board :
* Model : MCIMX6Q7CVT08AD
We have a full Yocto bsp made for this board with barebox.
We have recently updated the Nandflash, but the system isn't booting anymore.
The new Nand :MT29F8G08ABACAWP-IT:C
Micron explains how to migrate from one to another on their web site specifying the power cycle is different. I am having a hard time understanding which part of my bsp i should update,
Could you help me about it ?
Best regards,

Hi Jean
for writing new nand image kobs-ng tool is used.
It can be used with Mfg Tool (script mfgtool2-yocto-mx-sabresd-nand.vbs)
i.MX Series Manufacturing Toolkit for Linux 4.1.15_2.1.0 Release
or using steps from third parties, like:
VAR-SOM-MX6 NAND Flash Burning - Variscite Wiki
Booting from NAND flash on i.MX6-based platforms - DAVE Developer's Wiki
kobs-ng automatically extracts necessary parameters from nand_ids.c file
nand_ids.c\nand\mtd\drivers - linux-imx - i.MX Linux kernel
For explanation of new nand "power cycle" suggest to apply to micron tech support:
Best regards
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Hello Igor,
Thank you for this fast answer, i will look into the flash tool and update it according to what you said.
Kind regards,
it did not workout very well :
My current bsp uses Barebox but mfgtool doesn't seem to be compatible with it and flashes U-Boot.
The flash hangs at "Jumping to OS"
I have tried to update the "sb_loader" in our custom flashing tool, but nothing changed,

unfortunately nxp does not support barebox, suggested to use
official nxp linux described on
i.MX Software and Development Tools | NXP
Best regards