I have searched a lot but I did not find a good answer if it is possible to store code of FreeRTOS on the Cortex-M4 internal memory TCM_L and TCM_H together.
So my question is, is it possible to store code on both memory areas without splitting them in the tcm.ld memory definition file? Can I use them as one memory area? In FreeRTOS I can define a .text area which is mapped to a defined memory area of the tcm.ld file.
Does this cause failures if instructions are stored over the area of TCM_L and TCM_H?
Thanks in advance for your reply.
Hi Andreas:
TCM_L is on Code Bus, to Flash and to Code SRAM
TCM_H is on System Bus, to stack SRAM and to Periperals.
I think it is not good to store FreeRTOS code on both memory areas.
Hi Daniel,
thanks for the quick response.
Do you mean it is not a good idea to store them on both memory maps because of unpredictable processor behaviour?
Or do you have other Concerns?
Best Regards,