I am trying to develop a TCP/IP application for receiving data from an external PC to the FreeRTOS on the M4 core of the iMX8QXP EVM. I am using the 2.3 SDK (SDK_2.3_MEK-MIMX8QX_M4_Beta_Linux .run) for the development. I was successfully able to run the “lwip_tcpecho” demo app from the SDK. However, it was noted that the application does not work when I have anything in the A35 core (even only U-boot). Also, in the readme for the application, it is specified as “Please note this application can't support running with Linux BSP!”.
How can I use the TCP/IP for receiving data, when I am using Linux on A35 core? What changes should I make in the current example?
Hi Ajmal
usually ethernet is used by uboot/linux so trying run them on M4
may cause conflict. One can try to disable enet from uboot/linux and
them use it for M4.
For porting one can use Porting Guide and description of ethernet driver of Linux Manual
included in linux documentation:
Best regards
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Hi igor,
Thank you for the reply.
That might solve the problem in the M4 side. But i need the M4 core to communicate with the Linux/QNX on A-35 core using socket communication(Requirement). Correct me if i am wrong, if i disable enet from uboot/linux and then use it for M4, will i be able to communicate with the A-35 core?
Is there any other method besides Messaging Unit for inter Processor communication?
Also, my final goal is to allow access to the Ethernet for A35 amd M4 core simultaneously. Is this feature possible in the i.MX8QXP MEK board? Any comments are appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
Hi Ajmal
one can look at presentation
Clusters & Infotainment: Introduction to the i.MX 8 System Controller Unit
and Linux L4.9.88 for i.MX 8QuadXPlus Beta2 ---expand-->SCFW Porting Kit
Alpha / Beta BSPs for Microprocessors|NXP
Best regards
Hi igor,
Thank you for the update.
I went through the presentation. I understood that the SCU firmware is responsible for the resource partitioning and Access control.
Just to clarify, does i.MX8QXP supports the simultaneous use of ENET in both M4 and A-35 cores?
Also, where can i get the SCU firmware API reference manual for Linux and FreeRTOS?
Hi Ajmal
I think both M4 and A-35 cores can use ENET simultaneously.
Regarding documentation, this processor is not publicly released yet so
all documentation can be obtained only through local nxp marketing office.
Best regards