CST using

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CST using

Contributor II

Hello @Yuri Muhin,

Thanks for the reply to the previous question. Well, I have a doubt about the Private Keys generated with the CST.

After the PKI tree generation, I am not able to view the private keys generated by me. It says to enter the password. But even after entering the password present in the key_pass.txt file  It says password was incorrect.

Correct me if I am wrong . How can I view the keys generated by the CST. I followed the steps present in the CST user guide and generated the HAB4 PKI tree.

Please let me know the solution for the same.


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1 Reply

NXP Employee
NXP Employee



   Perhaps the issue is because of different line endings format between Windows

and Linux text file. Try using Linux editor.


[imx6] Cannot open key file when CST tool generate csf data.  

Have a great day,





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