Wireless Connectivity Knowledge Base

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Wireless Connectivity Knowledge Base


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Introduction This document is a quick start guide to load a new software image in a KW36 device through FSCI (Freescale Serial Communication Interface) bootloader software. Also, it contains all the steps needed to install the software required in a Windows host to handle the FSCI communication protocol. Software Requirements IAR Embedded Workbench IDE or MCUXpresso IDE. FRDM-KW36 SDK. Hardware Requirements FRDM-KW36 board. Downloading the SDK When downloading the SDK, select your specific IDE or simply choose all toolchains as shown below. In the option "Add software component", ensure to select all middleware components as depicted below. Installing FSCI Host in Windows OS The host software for the Windows OS was designed to work in a Python environment. The following steps are to download and install the software needed to use FSCI in a Windows OS. Visit the Python web site and download the latest Python 2.7.x MSI installer package for Windows OS. Open the MSI installer package. When customizing the installation options, check "Add python.exe to Path" as shown below Complete the rest of the steps for the Python installation process. Unzip the FRDM-KW36 SDK. Depending on your Python environment architecture, copy the HSDK.dll from <SDK_root>\tools\wireless\host_sdk\sdk-python\lib\<x86_or_x64> to <Python_directory>\DLLs (default in C:\Python27\DLLs). Download and install Visual C++ Redistributable Packages for Microsoft Visual Studio 2013 depending on the Windows architecture (vcredist_x86.exe or vcredist_x64.exe) from the Microsoft web site. Download and install the Microsoft Visual C++ Compiler for Python 2.7 from the following web site. To run Python scripts from the Command Prompt of Windows, we must create a system variable named PYTHONPATH. Search “System” in the Windows browser. Go to Advanced system settings -> Environment Variables… -> System variables. Click on the “New…” button and create the PYTHONPATH variable with the following value: <SDK_root>\tools\wireless\host_sdk\hsdk-python\src. Programming the FSCI bootloader on FRDM-KW36 board Attach the FRDM-KW36 board to your PC. Drag and drop the “bootloader_fsci_frdmkw36.bin” from the previously unzipped SDK file, you can find this file in: <SDK_root>\tools\wireless\binaries to your board. Like a common USB device. Creating a binary image to reprogram the device   IAR Embedded Workbench Open the connectivity project that you want to program through the FSCI bootloader from your SDK. This example will make use of the heart rate sensor project, located at the following path: <SDK_root>\boards\frdmkw36\wireless_examples\bluetooth\hrs\freertos\iar\hrs_freertos.eww. Open the project options window (Alt+F7). In Linker -> Config window, edit the “Configuration file symbol definitions” add the “gUseBootloaderLink_d=1” linker flag as shown below. Go to the “Output Converter” window and ensure that the output file is in binary format (.bin), otherwise, deselect the “Override default” checkbox, expand the “Output format” combo box and select “Raw binary. Click the OK button. Rebuild the project. The binary will be saved at: <SDK_root>\boards\frdmkw36\wireless_examples\bluetooth\hrs\freertos\iar\debug   MCUXpresso IDE Import your FRDM-KW36 SDK to MCUXpresso. Drag and drop your SDK on the "installed SDK's" toolbar. (In this step, it is not necessary to unzip the package). Open any connectivity project that you want to program through the FSCI bootloader from your SDK. This example will make use of the heart rate sensor project. Go to Project -> Properties, a new window will appear. Then, open the C/C++ Build -> Settings -> Linker -> Miscellaneous. Press the icon below, a new window will be deployed. Add “--defsym=gUseBootloaderLink_d=1”. Click on “Apply and Close”. Build the project. Deploy the “Binaries” icon in the workspace. Click the right mouse button on the “.axf” file. Select “Binary Utilities -> Create binary” option. The binary file will be saved at “Debug” folder in the workspace with “.bin” extension. Reprogramming an FRDM-KW36 board using the FSCI bootloader The following steps are to test the FSCI bootloader in a Windows OS. Search "Command Prompt" in the Windows browser. Run the "fsci_bootloader.py" Python script. Type the “python.exe” path in the console (default C:\Python27\python.exe). Drag and drop the “fsci_bootloader.py” from: <SDK_root>\tools\wireless\host_sdk\hsdk-python\src\com\nxp\wireless_connectivity\test\bootloader on the command prompt screen. Search the COM Port of your FRDM-KW36 board and type in the console. You can find it typing ‘Device manager’ from windows home and then search it in Ports (COM & LPT) toolbar. As you can see in this example the port may change depending on each case. Search the binary image file (created in the last section). Drag and drop on the screen. Press “Enter” to start the firmware update trough FSCI bootloader. Automatically the KW36 device will trigger to run the new software. To see all your process running, you can download the ‘IoT Toolbox’ from the app store to your smartphone and connect your device with the board to verify the random data that the heart rate sensor example generates.
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Introduction This document provides guidance to load a new software image in a KW35 device through OTAP (Over The Air Programming) bootloader for KW35. This article also provides the steps needed to download and install the SDK used in the tutorial. Software Requirements IAR Embedded Workbench IDE or MCUXpresso IDE. SDK MKW36A512xxx4 RC4 or further. Hardware Requirements MKW35A512xxx4 device. KW35 Flash Memory Used for the OTAP Software Deployment The KW35 Flash is partitioned into: 2x256 KB Program Flash (P-Flash) array divided into 2 KB sectors with a flash address range from 0x0000_0000 to 0x0007_FFFF.     The statements to comprehend how the OTAP Client software and his features works are: The OTAP Client software is split into two parts, the OTAP bootloader and the OTAP client service. The OTAP bootloader verifies if there is a new image already available to reprogram the device. The OTAP client service software provides the Bluetooth LE custom services needed to communicate with the server that contains the new image file. Therefore, before to start the test, the device has been programmed twice, first with the OTAP bootloader then with the OTAP client service project. The mechanism used to have two different software in the same device is to store each one in different memory regions and this is implemented by the linker file. In the KW35 device, the bootloader application has reserved a 16KB slot of memory starting from the 0x0 address (0x0 to 0x3FFF) thus, the left memory of the first P-Flash memory bank is reserved, among other things, by the OTAP client service application.   To create a new image file for the client device, the developer needs to specify to the linker file that the code will be stored with an offset of 16KB since the first addresses are reserved for the bootloader. At connection event, the server sends all the chunks of code to the client via Bluetooth LE. The client stores the code at the second P-Flash memory bank but is not able to run yet.   When the broadcast has finished, and all chunks were sent, the OTAP bootloader detects this situation and triggers a command to reprogram the device with the new application. Due the new application was built with an offset of 16KB, the OTAP bootloader program the device starting from the 0x3FFF address and the OTAP client service application is overwritten by the new image. Then the OTAP bootloader triggers the new application, starting the execution of the code.   Software Development Kit download and install   Go to MCUXpresso web page. Log in with your registered account. Search for “MKW36A” device. Then click on the suggested processor and click on “Build MCUXpresso SDK” The next page is displayed. Select “All toolchains” in the “Toolchain / IDE” combo box and provide the name to identify the package. Click on “Add software component”, then deploy the combo box and click on “Select All” option. Save the changes. Click on “Download SDK” button and accept the license agreement. If MCUXpresso IDE is used, drag and drop the SDK zip folder in “Installed SDK’s” perspective to install the package.     Preparing the software to test the OTAP for KW35 device using IAR Embedded Workbench   This section provides the steps needed to test the OTAP software on the KW35. Program the OTAP bootloader on the KW35. 1.1 Open the OTAP_bootloader project located at the following path: <SDK_download_root>\boards\virtual-board-kw35\wireless_examples\framework\bootloader_otap\bm\iar\bootloader_otap_bm.eww     1.2 Flash the project (Ctrl + D). Stop the debug session (Ctrl + Shift + D). Program the OTAP client application on the KW35.         2.1 Open the OTAP client project located in the path below.          <SDK_download_root>\boards\frdmkw36\wireless_examples\bluetooth\otac_att\freertos\iar\otac_att_freertos.eww          2.2 Follow the steps 2 to 12 described in the “4.1. Changes Required in Project Options and Settings” section of the AN12252 “Migration Guide from               MKW36Z512xxx4 to MKW35Z512xxx4” application note.            2.3 Open the app_preinclude.h file under the source directory in the workspace. Find the “gEepromType_d” definition and update the value to                                 “gEepromDevice_InternalFlash_c” as shown below.   #define gEepromType_d gEepromDevice_InternalFlash_c‍‍‍‍‍            2.4 Save the MKW35Z512xxx4_connectivity.icf file located at:                <SDK_download_root>\middleware\wireless\framework_5.4.4\Common\devices\MKW35Z4\iar                               Into the folder of the OTAP Client ATT project:                <SDK_download_root>\boards\frdmkw36\wireless_examples\bluetooth\otac_att\freertos\iar            2.5 Open the project options window (Alt+F7). In Linker/Config window click the icon next to linker path and select the linker configuration file “MKW35Z512xxx4_connectivity.icf”. Set the "gUseInternalStorageLink_d” flag to 1.              2.6 Click the OK button in the project options window to save the new configuration.          2.7 Flash the project (Ctrl + D). Stop the debug session (Ctrl + Shift + D).    Preparing the software to test the OTAP for KW35 device using MCUXpresso IDE   This section provides the steps needed to test the OTAP software on the KW35. Program the OTAP bootloader on the KW35.          1.1 Open MCUXpresso IDE. Click on “Import SDK example(s)” option in the “Quickstart Panel” view.                        1.2 Click on virtual-board-kw35 SDK icon.          1.3 Deploy the wireless_examples\framework\bootloader_otap folders and select bm project. Click Finish button.                                                                           1.4 Select “Debug” option in the Quickstart Panel. Once the project is already loaded on the device, stop the debug session.      2. Program the OTAP client application on the KW35.          2.1 Open MCUXpresso IDE. Click on “Import SDK example(s)” option in the “Quickstart Panel” view.                          2.2 Click twice on the frdmkw36 icon.                                                                            2.3 Type “otac_att” in the examples textbox and select the freertos project at wireless_examples\bluetooth\otac_att\freertos. Finally, click on Finish button.              2.4 Follow the steps 5 to 17 described in the “5.1. Changes Required in Project Options and Settings” section of the AN12252 “Migration Guide from MKW36Z512xxx4 to MKW35Z512xxx4” application note.            2.5. Open the app_preinclude.h file under the source directory in the workspace. Find the “gEepromType_d” definition and update the value to                “gEepromDevice_InternalFlash_c” as shown below. #define gEepromType_d gEepromDevice_InternalFlash_c‍‍‍‍‍            2.6 Save the MKW35Z512xxx4_connectivity.ld file located at:                <SDK_download_root>\middleware\wireless\framework_5.4.4\Common\devices\MKW35Z4\gcc                Into the source folder in the workspace.              2.7 Open the Project/Properties window. Next, go to the MCU Linker/Managed Linker Script perspective and edit the Linker Script name to “MKW35Z512xxx4_connectivity.ld”.              2.8 Go to MCU Linker/Miscellaneous view. Press the icon below, a new window will be deployed. Add the following definition in the “Other options” box: --defsym=gUseInternalStorageLink_d=1.              2.9 Click the “Apply and Close” button in the project options window to save the new configuration.          2.10 Select “Debug” option in the Quickstart Panel. Once the project is already loaded on the device, stop the debug session.   Running OTAP demo with the IoT Toolbox App Save the S-Record file created with the steps in Appendix A or Appendix B in your smartphone at a known location. Open the IoT Toolbox App and select OTAP demo. Press “SCAN” to start scanning for a suitable advertiser. Perform a falling edge on the PTB18 in the KW35 to start advertising. Create a connection with the founded device. Press “Open” and search the S-Record file. Press “Upload” to start the transfer. Once the transfer is complete, wait a few seconds until the bootloader has finished programming the new image. The new application will start automatically.    Appendix A. Creating an S-Record image file for KW35 client using IAR Embedded Workbench Open the connectivity project that you want to program using the OTAP bootloader from your SDK. This example will make use of the glucose sensor project. <SDK_download_root>\boards\frdmkw36\wireless_examples\bluetooth\glucose_s\freertos\iar\glucose_s_freertos.eww Follow the steps 2 to 12 described in the “4.1. Changes Required in Project Options and Settings” section of the AN12252 “Migration Guide from              MKW36Z512xxx4 to MKW35Z512xxx4” application note. Save the MKW35Z512xxx4_connectivity.icf file located at: <SDK_download_root>\middleware\wireless\framework_5.4.4\Common\devices\MKW35Z4\iar                In the containing folder of your project. <SDK_download_root>\boards\frdmkw36\wireless_examples\bluetooth\glucose_s\freertos\iar Open the project options window (Alt+F7). In Linker/Config window click the icon next to linker path and select the linker configuration file MKW35Z512xxx4_connectivity.icf. Then, enable “gUseBootloaderLink_d” macro in the “Configuration file symbol definitions” textbox. Go to the “Output Converter” window. Deselect the “Override default" checkbox, expand the “Output format” combo box and select Motorola S-records format. Click OK button.                                                                                                                                           Rebuild the project. Search the S-Record file in the following path: <SDK_download_root>\boards\frdmkw36\wireless_examples\bluetooth\glucose_s\freertos\iar\debug   Appendix B. Creating an S-Record image file for KW35 client using MCUXpresso IDE Open the connectivity project that you want to program using the OTAP bootloader from MCUXpresso IDE This example will make use of the glucose sensor project Follow the steps 5 to 17 described in the “5.1. Changes Required in Project Options and Settings” section of the AN12252 “Migration Guide from MKW36Z512xxx4 to MKW35Z512xxx4” application note. Save the MKW35Z512xxx4_connectivity.ld file located at: <SDK_download_root>\middleware\wireless\framework_5.4.4\Common\devices\MKW35Z4\gcc Into the source folder in the workspace.                                                                                                                  Open the Project/Properties window. Next, go to the MCU Linker/Managed Linker Script perspective and edit the Linker Script name to “MKW35Z512xxx4_connectivity.ld”.                                                                                  Go to MCU Linker/Miscellaneous view. Press the icon below, a new window will be deployed. Add the following definition in the “Other options” box: --defsym=gUseBootloaderLink_d=1. Click the “Apply and Close” button.                              Build the project. Deploy the “Binaries” icon in the workspace. Click the right mouse button on the “.axf” file. Select “Binary Utilities/Create S-Record” option. The S-Record file will be saved at “Debug” folder in the workspace with “.s19” extension.  
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The “BeyondStudio for NXP” Integrated Development Environment (IDE) provides a platform for the development of wireless network applications to be run on NXP’s JN516x family of wireless microcontrollers. For more details and installation guide.  JN-UG-3098 (BeyondStudio for NXP Installation and User Guide). This document explains the common issues that the user will face when trying to develop a new application using BeyondStudio IDE.   First of all, be sure that you are working with the latest SDK version and application note.    Import Problems After you import some application note that you want to take as reference. 2.2 Importing a Project. BeyondStudio for NXP Installation and User Guide.     1. Wrong Path A  common issue is a user uses another path for the installation of the SDK than the default one (C:\nxp\bstudio_nxp\workspace). When trying to find the Makefile ("SDK/JN-SW-4168/Stack/Common/Build/config.mk"), the IDE uses a relative path, for that reason it assumes that the file is in the correct directory. As the path was changed, the file can’t be found.   2.Project Directory After you select the Application Note (AN) you want to import remember that there will be an option for the JN517x as most of the projects are compatible between them (Zigbee 3.0, ZigBee Link Light). Nonetheless, BeyondStudio is not compatible with the JN517x.  While importing the project you only must select the JN516x project and none of the options must not be selected.     Linking Errors Open a source file (.c) or a header file (.h),  you will notice that the IDE shows a lot of errors even though the project has not been compiled yet. The errors you are seeing is Eclipse not being able to resolve various variables and functions within the SDK. You might see some errors like: Symbol “xxx” could not be resolved for example. After starting the compilation process, look at the console log and notice that the bin file is being generated correctly. Do not try to add another file in the path and Symbols trying to avoid all those errors; the IDE will look for the includes that the project needs. If you used the default path location, it will not have any problem with the compilation. The OS_Gen, ZPS_Gen, and PDUM_Gen, for example, are all files automatically generated based on the configuration files, performing a clean will remove those files but will be created again after a new compilation. File app.zpscfg Problems Encountered The next error will appear if the Zigbee Plug-in is not installed. Follow the installation procedure for the plug-ins 1.2.3 Installing the ZigBee Plug-ins BeyondStudio for NXP Installation and User Guide. Look at the installation folder that is included in the SDK. C:\NXP\bstudio_nxp\sdk\JN-SW-41xx\Tools\Eclipse_plugins\com.nxp.sdk.update_site For a better reference the ZPS Configuration Editor provides a convenient way to set ZigBee network parameters ZigBee PRO Stack User Guide I hope it helps. Regards, Mario
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The attached PDF file contains two A3 format "posters". The first one summarize the contents of the SMP Pairing Request and SMP Pairing Response packets (BLE 4.2). It shows how are the sub-fields of these packets set and what do they represent. The second one contains a diagram which summarizes how the pairing method and it's properties are determined during the SMP Pairing procedure for both BLE Legacy Pairing (BLE4.0 and BLE 4.1) and BLE Secure Connections Pairing with ECDH (BLE 4.2). Some of the tables in the diagram are taken from the BLE Specification. If you find any errors or have any suggestions of improvement please leave a comment or send me a message. Preview:
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This Application Note provides guidance on migrating ZigBee 3.0 Base device application designed for the NXP JN516x wireless microcontrollers to the KW41Z with the help of attached PDF.
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BeeStack solutions included in BeeKit contain several low level drivers that definitely ease customer’s development phase.  Ranging from UART, SPI, NVM, I2C, among many others, these drivers could be used to interface the MW2x devices with different devices or sensors. It is also true these drivers will not support all custom applications by default, but they are conveniently provided in source code so anyone can modify them to the application’s needs. One example would be the need to use an accelerometer such as FXOS8700 or MMA8451. In this case, the default functionality of the I2C drivers might not be well-suited to work with these devices out-of-the-box. Nevertheless, this could be achieved with simple modifications to the source code. This project implements the basic I2C functionality to interface a TWR-KW24D512 board with a FXOS8700 sensor using the drivers included in Kinetis BeeStack Codebase 4.0.x solutions. The demo uses a ZigBee Home Automation GenericApp template to initialize and periodically read the accelerometer data X, Y and Z. A change in the registers read and written would be enough to use MMA8451 instead.  Following images illustrate the I2C frames obtained from the analyzer: FXOS8700 Initialization: Accelerometer X-Axis Data: Accelerometer Y-Axis Data: Accelerometer Z-Axis Data: IMPORTANT NOTE: Support of the attached project is limited. Please use this project as reference only. If it does not fulfill your requirements, you could always modify its source code to meet you application’s needs.
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This document describes how to add additional endpoints to the Router application in the AN12061-MKW41Z-AN-Zigbee-3-0-Base-Device Application Note.   The Router application's main endpoint acts as a light controlled by the On/Off cluster acting as a Server. The steps below describe how to add two new endpoints with On/Off clusters acting as clients.   Note that these changes only go as far as making the new endpoints discoverable, no functionality has been added to read inputs and transmit commands from the new endpoints. Router/app_zcl_cfg.h The first step is to add the new endpoints (Switch1, Switch2) into ZCL configuration file. /* Endpoints */ #define ROUTER_ZDO_ENDPOINT         (0) #define ROUTER_APPLICATION_ENDPOINT (1) #define ROUTER_SWITCH1_ENDPOINT     (2) #define ROUTER_SWITCH2_ENDPOINT     (3) Router/app_zps_cfg.h The second step is to update the ZigBee Configuration file to increase the simple descriptor table size from 2 to 4, as it is the number of application endpoints (3 in our case) + 1 (ZDO endpoint).  : /*****************************************************************************/ /* ZPS AF Layer Configuration Parameters */ /*****************************************************************************/ #define AF_SIMPLE_DESCRIPTOR_TABLE_SIZE 4 Router/app_zcl_globals.c The third step is to update the ZigBee cluster Configuration file to add the new endpoints (Switch1, Switch2) and their clusters to the Router application. For that one need to change the Configured endpoint from 1 to 3 and also the Endpoint Map list present as below: PUBLIC uint8 u8MaxZpsConfigEp = 3; PUBLIC uint8 au8EpMapPresent[3] = { ROUTER_APPLICATION_ENDPOINT,ROUTER_SWITCH1_ENDPOINT,ROUTER_SWITCH2_ENDPOINT }; The Switch 1 and Switch 2 contains Basic Cluster (0x0000) Server and Client, Identify Cluster (0x0003) Server and Client, OnOff Cluster (0x0006) Client, Group Cluster (0x004) Client. The clusters are added to the Input cluster list (Server side) and output cluster list (Client side) but made discoverable using DiscFlag only for the cluster list which is enabled. So, assuming you need to add OnOff cluster client, you would need to use add the cluster id (0x0006 for OnOff) into input cluster list (Server side of cluster) and output cluster list (Client side of the cluster) and make it discoverable for output cluster list as it is a client cluster. PRIVATE const uint16 s_au16Endpoint2InputClusterList[5] = { HA_BASIC_CLUSTER_ID, HA_GROUPS_CLUSTER_ID, HA_IDENTIFY_CLUSTER_ID,\ HA_ONOFF_CLUSTER_ID, HA_DEFAULT_CLUSTER_ID, }; PRIVATE const PDUM_thAPdu s_ahEndpoint2InputClusterAPdus[5] = { apduZCL, apduZCL, apduZCL, apduZCL, apduZCL, }; PRIVATE uint8 s_au8Endpoint2InputClusterDiscFlags[1] = { 0x05 }; PRIVATE const uint16 s_au16Endpoint2OutputClusterList[4] = { HA_BASIC_CLUSTER_ID, HA_GROUPS_CLUSTER_ID, HA_IDENTIFY_CLUSTER_ID,\ HA_ONOFF_CLUSTER_ID, }; PRIVATE uint8 s_au8Endpoint2OutputClusterDiscFlags[1] = { 0x0f }; PRIVATE const uint16 s_au16Endpoint3InputClusterList[5] = { HA_BASIC_CLUSTER_ID, HA_GROUPS_CLUSTER_ID, HA_IDENTIFY_CLUSTER_ID,\ HA_ONOFF_CLUSTER_ID, HA_DEFAULT_CLUSTER_ID, }; PRIVATE const PDUM_thAPdu s_ahEndpoint3InputClusterAPdus[5] = { apduZCL, apduZCL, apduZCL, apduZCL, apduZCL, }; PRIVATE uint8 s_au8Endpoint3InputClusterDiscFlags[1] = { 0x05 }; PRIVATE const uint16 s_au16Endpoint3OutputClusterList[4] = { HA_BASIC_CLUSTER_ID, HA_GROUPS_CLUSTER_ID, HA_IDENTIFY_CLUSTER_ID,\ HA_ONOFF_CLUSTER_ID, }; PRIVATE uint8 s_au8Endpoint3OutputClusterDiscFlags[1] = { 0x0f }; Now add these newly added endpoints as part of Simple Descriptor structure and initialize the structure (see the declaration of zps_tsAplAfSimpleDescCont and ZPS_tsAplAfSimpleDescriptor structures to understand how to correctly fill the various parameters) correctly as below : PUBLIC zps_tsAplAfSimpleDescCont s_asSimpleDescConts[AF_SIMPLE_DESCRIPTOR_TABLE_SIZE] = { {    {       0x0000,       0,       0,       0,       84,       84,       s_au16Endpoint0InputClusterList,       s_au16Endpoint0OutputClusterList,       s_au8Endpoint0InputClusterDiscFlags,       s_au8Endpoint0OutputClusterDiscFlags,    },    s_ahEndpoint0InputClusterAPdus,    1 }, {    {       0x0104,       0,       1,       1,       5,       4,       s_au16Endpoint1InputClusterList,       s_au16Endpoint1OutputClusterList,       s_au8Endpoint1InputClusterDiscFlags,       s_au8Endpoint1OutputClusterDiscFlags,    },    s_ahEndpoint1InputClusterAPdus,    1 }, {    {       0x0104,       0,       1,       2,       5,       4,       s_au16Endpoint2InputClusterList,       s_au16Endpoint2OutputClusterList,       s_au8Endpoint2InputClusterDiscFlags,       s_au8Endpoint2OutputClusterDiscFlags,     },     s_ahEndpoint2InputClusterAPdus,    1 }, {    {       0x0104,       0,       1,       3,       5,       4,       s_au16Endpoint3InputClusterList,       s_au16Endpoint3OutputClusterList,       s_au8Endpoint3InputClusterDiscFlags,       s_au8Endpoint3OutputClusterDiscFlags,    },    s_ahEndpoint3InputClusterAPdus,    1 }, }; Router/zcl_options.h This file is used to set the options used by the ZCL.   Number of Endpoints The number of endpoints is increased from 1 to 3: /* Number of endpoints supported by this device */ #define ZCL_NUMBER_OF_ENDPOINTS                              3   Enable Client Clusters The client cluster functionality for the new endpoints is enabled: /****************************************************************************/ /*                             Enable Cluster                               */ /*                                                                          */ /* Add the following #define's to your zcl_options.h file to enable         */ /* cluster and their client or server instances                             */ /****************************************************************************/ #define CLD_BASIC #define BASIC_SERVER #define BASIC_CLIENT #define CLD_IDENTIFY #define IDENTIFY_SERVER #define IDENTIFY_CLIENT #define CLD_GROUPS #define GROUPS_SERVER #define GROUPS_CLIENT #define CLD_ONOFF #define ONOFF_SERVER #define ONOFF_CLIENT   Router/app_zcl_task.c Base Device Data Structures The structures that store data for the new Base Devices associated with the new endpoints are created: /****************************************************************************/ /***        Exported Variables                                            ***/ /****************************************************************************/ tsZHA_BaseDevice sBaseDevice; tsZHA_BaseDevice sBaseDeviceSwitch1; tsZHA_BaseDevice sBaseDeviceSwitch2;   Register Base Device Endpoints - APP_ZCL_vInitialise() The two new Base Devices and their endpoints are registered with the stack to make them available: if (eZCL_Status != E_ZCL_SUCCESS) {           DBG_vPrintf(TRACE_ZCL, "Error: eZHA_RegisterBaseDeviceEndPoint(Light): %02x\r\n", eZCL_Status); } /* Register Switch1 EndPoint */ eZCL_Status =  eZHA_RegisterBaseDeviceEndPoint(ROUTER_SWITCH1_ENDPOINT,                                                           &APP_ZCL_cbEndpointCallback,                                                           &sBaseDeviceSwitch1); if (eZCL_Status != E_ZCL_SUCCESS) {           DBG_vPrintf(TRACE_ZCL, "Error: eZHA_RegisterBaseDeviceEndPoint(Switch1): %02x\r\n", eZCL_Status); } /* Register Switch2 EndPoint */ eZCL_Status =  eZHA_RegisterBaseDeviceEndPoint(ROUTER_SWITCH2_ENDPOINT,                                                           &APP_ZCL_cbEndpointCallback,                                                           &sBaseDeviceSwitch2); if (eZCL_Status != E_ZCL_SUCCESS) {           DBG_vPrintf(TRACE_ZCL, "Error: eZHA_RegisterBaseDeviceEndPoint(Switch2): %02x\r\n", eZCL_Status); }   Factory Reset Functionality - vHandleClusterCustomCommands() The two new Base Devices are factory reset by re-registering them when the Reset To Factory Defaults command is received by the Basic cluster server: case GENERAL_CLUSTER_ID_BASIC: {      tsCLD_BasicCallBackMessage *psCallBackMessage = (tsCLD_BasicCallBackMessage*)psEvent->uMessage.sClusterCustomMessage.pvCustomData;      if (psCallBackMessage->u8CommandId == E_CLD_BASIC_CMD_RESET_TO_FACTORY_DEFAULTS )      {           DBG_vPrintf(TRACE_ZCL, "Basic Factory Reset Received\n");           FLib_MemSet(&sBaseDevice,0,sizeof(tsZHA_BaseDevice));           APP_vZCL_DeviceSpecific_Init();           eZHA_RegisterBaseDeviceEndPoint(ROUTER_APPLICATION_ENDPOINT,                                                   &APP_ZCL_cbEndpointCallback,                                                   &sBaseDevice);           eZHA_RegisterBaseDeviceEndPoint(ROUTER_SWITCH1_ENDPOINT,                                                   &APP_ZCL_cbEndpointCallback,                                                   &sBaseDeviceSwitch1);           eZHA_RegisterBaseDeviceEndPoint(ROUTER_SWITCH2_ENDPOINT,                                                   &APP_ZCL_cbEndpointCallback,                                                   &sBaseDeviceSwitch2);      } } break;   Basic Server Cluster Data Initialisation - APP_vZCL_DeviceSpecific_Init() The default attribute values for the Basic clusters are initialized: sBaseDevice.sOnOffServerCluster.bOnOff = FALSE; FLib_MemCpy(sBaseDevice.sBasicServerCluster.au8ManufacturerName, "NXP", CLD_BAS_MANUF_NAME_SIZE); FLib_MemCpy(sBaseDevice.sBasicServerCluster.au8ModelIdentifier, "BDB-Router", CLD_BAS_MODEL_ID_SIZE); FLib_MemCpy(sBaseDevice.sBasicServerCluster.au8DateCode, "20150212", CLD_BAS_DATE_SIZE); FLib_MemCpy(sBaseDevice.sBasicServerCluster.au8SWBuildID, "1000-0001", CLD_BAS_SW_BUILD_SIZE); sBaseDeviceSwitch1.sOnOffServerCluster.bOnOff = FALSE; FLib_MemCpy(sBaseDeviceSwitch1.sBasicServerCluster.au8ManufacturerName, "NXP", CLD_BAS_MANUF_NAME_SIZE); FLib_MemCpy(sBaseDeviceSwitch1.sBasicServerCluster.au8ModelIdentifier, "BDB-Sw1", CLD_BAS_MODEL_ID_SIZE); FLib_MemCpy(sBaseDeviceSwitch1.sBasicServerCluster.au8DateCode, "20170310", CLD_BAS_DATE_SIZE); FLib_MemCpy(sBaseDeviceSwitch1.sBasicServerCluster.au8SWBuildID, "1000-0001", CLD_BAS_SW_BUILD_SIZE); sBaseDeviceSwitch2.sOnOffServerCluster.bOnOff = FALSE; FLib_MemCpy(sBaseDeviceSwitch2.sBasicServerCluster.au8ManufacturerName, "NXP", CLD_BAS_MANUF_NAME_SIZE); FLib_MemCpy(sBaseDeviceSwitch2.sBasicServerCluster.au8ModelIdentifier, "BDB-Sw2", CLD_BAS_MODEL_ID_SIZE); FLib_MemCpy(sBaseDeviceSwitch2.sBasicServerCluster.au8DateCode, "20170310", CLD_BAS_DATE_SIZE); FLib_MemCpy(sBaseDeviceSwitch2.sBasicServerCluster.au8SWBuildID, "1000-0001", CLD_BAS_SW_BUILD_SIZE);   Router/app_zcl_task.h The Base Device Data structures are made available to other modules: /****************************************************************************/ /***        Exported Variables                                            ***/ /****************************************************************************/ extern tsZHA_BaseDevice sBaseDevice; extern tsZHA_BaseDevice sBaseDeviceSwitch1; extern tsZHA_BaseDevice sBaseDeviceSwitch2;   Router/app_router_node.c Enable ZCL Event Handler - vAppHandleAfEvent() Data messages addressed to the two new endpoints are passed to the ZCL for processing: if (psZpsAfEvent->u8EndPoint == ROUTER_APPLICATION_ENDPOINT ||  psZpsAfEvent->u8EndPoint == ROUTER_SWITCH1_ENDPOINT ||  psZpsAfEvent->u8EndPoint == ROUTER_SWITCH2_ENDPOINT) {      DBG_vPrintf(TRACE_APP, "Pass to ZCL\n");      if ((psZpsAfEvent->sStackEvent.eType == ZPS_EVENT_APS_DATA_INDICATION) ||           (psZpsAfEvent->sStackEvent.eType == ZPS_EVENT_APS_INTERPAN_DATA_INDICATION))      {           APP_ZCL_vEventHandler( &psZpsAfEvent->sStackEvent);       } }
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The RF parameters for KW01 can be changed by firmware using the KW01 connectivity software. Frequency band: The operational frequency band can be changed in app_preinclude.h file stored in Source folder. You can select the operational frequency band for your application only setting "1" to the desired band and "0" for the unused bands. In the same file also the default phy mode can be selected: Center frequency, channel spacing, number of channels, bit rate, frequency deviation, filter bandwidth, and other RF parameters: Most common RF parameters can be changed in declaration of "phyPibRFConstants" on PhyPib.c file. Search for your operational band and phy mode. For example for US ISM band in phy mode 1: Then change the desired parameters. If you want to change, for example, FDev: select "Fdev_25000", then go to declaration and change it from one of the predefined list of values: Regards, Luis Burgos.
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Hello community, This time I bring to you a document which explains what are the ZigBee Test Client commands and how to use it. Before to read this guide, I widely recommend to take a look into the document Running a demo with BeeKit (802.15.4 MAC, SMAC and ZigBee BeeStack). This guide requires the BeeKit Wireless Connectivity Toolkit​ and the Test Tool for Connectivity Products applications.     I hope you find this guide useful. Enjoy this guide! Any feedback is welcome. Best regards, Earl Orlando Ramírez-Sánchez Technical Support Engineer NXP Semiconductors
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What you need: USB-KW40Z boards (at least 3 recommended) Kinetis KW40Z Connectivity Software Kinetis Protocol Analyzer Adapter Wireshark Consult the USB-KW40Z getting started guide for an in depth tutorial on how to program the boards with the sniffer software and how to install and use the Kinetis Protocol Analyzer Adapter and Wireshark. For best performance at least 3 boards are needed to continuously monitor all 3 BLE advertising channels: 37, 38 and 39. If you have more then it’s even better. Having less than 3 sniffer boards will lead to the BLE sniffer setup missing some advertising packets and connection events. If only 1 or 2 boards are present they will have to jump between the 3 advertising channels. After the initial setup is complete make sure the boards are plugged into USB ports and then start the Kinetis Protocol Analyzer Adapter software. Immediately after the application is started it will start looking for the sniffers: After the sniffers are detected the application window should look like the screenshot below. There should be a separate row shown for each sniffer board which is plugged in (3 in the example below – COM32, COM34, and COM33). Set each sniffer on a different advertising channel and (37, 38 and 39) and if you’re looking to sniff a specific device enable the Address Filter checkbox and enter the device’s address in the adjacent field as shown in the screenshot below. Use the same device address for all sniffer devices. Press the “shark fin” button in the upper right of the window to start Wireshark. After Wireshark starts select the PCAP IF shown in the Kinetis Protocol Analyzer Adapter window and start capturing packets. Local Area Connection 2 is the PCAP IF in the example. Wireshark will start showing the captured packets and the sniffers will catch Connection Request packets sent to the target device on any of the advertising channels. Useful tip: You can use the btle.advertising_header.length != 0 or btle.data_header.length != 0 filter in Wireshark to filter out empty BLE packets.
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MyWirelessAPP Demo Beacon(End device) code for RTS development
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Hello everyone, Over The Air Programming (OTAP) NXP's custom Bluetooth LE service provides the developer a solution to upgrade the software that the MCU contains. It removes the need for cables and a physical link between the OTAP client (the device that is reprogrammed) and the OTAP server (the device that contains the software update). This post explains how to run the OTAP Client Software that comes within the FRDM-KW36 package: Reprogramming a KW36 device using the OTAP Client Software. As it is mentioned in the last post, the OTAP Client can reprogram the KW36 while it is running, with new software using Bluetooth LE. However, this implementation for most of the applications is not enough since once you have reprogrammed the new image, the KW36 can not be reprogramed a second time using this method. For these applications that require to be updated many times using Bluetooth LE during run-time, we have created the following application note, that comes with a functional example of how to implement the OTAP Client software, taking advantage of this service. You can download the software clicking on the link in blue and the documentation is in the link in green. Please visit the following link: DOCUMENTS and Application Notes for KW36 In the "DOCUMENTS" section, you can found more information of the KW36. In the "Application Note" section, you can found more software and documentation of interesting topics like this.        Best Regards.
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Introduction This document describes the hardware considerations for the schematic and layout of the MKW36A512VFT4 device. This MCU is packaged into a 48-pin HVQFN - 7x7 mm, dissimilar to MKW36Z512VHT4 which comes packaged into a 48-pin LQFN - 7x7 mm (the last one takes part of FRDM-KW36).   Pin Layout  The MKW36A512VFT4 MCU is pin to pin compatible with the MKW36Z512VHT4 (FRDM-KW36) MCU, except for the DCDC pins. The following figure shows the distribution of the pins in the MKW36A512VFT4 MCU (left), compared with the MKW36Z512VHT4 (FRDM-KW36 MCU, right). Surely, this is the most important consideration for MKW36A512VFT4, since you can not simply move the FRDM-KW36 layout on your design. Minimum BOM The following figures show the minimum BOM necessary for each DCDC mode in KW36. For more information about DCDC modes and hardware guidelines, please visit: MKW4xZ/3xZ/3xA/2xZ DC-DC Power Management Bypass Mode   Buck Auto-Start Mode   Buck Manual-Start Mode     Layout Recommendations The footprint and layout are critical for RF performance, hence if the recommended design is followed exactly in the RF region of the PCB, sensitivity, output power, harmonic and spurious radiation, and range, you will succeed. For more information of layout recommendations, please visit Hardware Design Considerations for MKW35A/36A/35Z/36Z Bluetooth Low Energy Devices. The footprint recommended for the MKW36A512VFT4 is shown in the figure below. NXP prefers to use a top layer thickness of no less than 8-10 mils. The use of a correct substrate like the FR4 with a dielectric constant of 4.3 will assist you in achieving a good RF design. Other recommendations during EMC certification stages are: - Specific attention must be taken on 4 pins PTC1, 2, 3 & 4 if they are used on the application. - 4 decoupling capacitors of 3pF are mandatory on those pins and be positioned as close as possible. - Wires from those 4 pins must be underlayer. - NXP recommends putting the vias under the package in case the customer HW design rules allow it. Some recommendations for a good Vdd_RF supply layout are: - Vdd_RF1 and Vdd_RF2 lines must have the same length as possible, linked to pointA (‘Y’ connection). - 12pF decoupling capacitor from Vdd_RF wire must be connected to the Ground Antenna. The purpose is to get the path as short as possible from Vdd_RF1/Vdd_RF2 to the ground antenna. - 12pF decoupling capacitor from the Vdd_RF3 pin must be as close as possible. Return to ground must be as short as possible. So vias (2 in this below picture) must be placed near to the decoupling capacitor to get close connection to the ground layer. The recommended RF stage is shown in the following figure. The MKW36A512VFT4 has a single-ended RF output with a 2 components matching network composed of a shunt capacitor and a series inductor. Both elements transform the device impedance to 50 ohms. The value of these components may vary depending on your board layout. Avoid routing traces near or parallel to RF transmission lines or crystal signals. Maintain a continuous ground under an RF trace is critical to keep unaltered the characteristic impedance of the transmission line. Avoid routing on the ground layer that will result in disrupting the ground under RF traces. For more information about RF considerations please visit: Freescale IEEE 802.15.4 / ZigBee Package and Hardware Layout Considerations.
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This document describes how to sniff ZigBee packets to identify messages and layers from the ZigBee stack using the MC1322x USB dongle and Wireshark protocol analyzer. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pre-Requisites If not done yet, download & Install Wireshark protocol analyzer http://www.wireshark.org/download.html Download the Wireshark ZigBee Utility Zip file from Sourceforge http://sourceforge.net/projects/wiresharkzigbee/ Unzip the file in a known location -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Install MC1322x dongle Plug-in MC1322xUSB dongle and wait for Windows to install the driver. If the driver was not found, steer Windows manually to the directory         C:\Program Files\Freescale\Drivers If BeeKit is not installed, be aware of the following: The 1322x USB Dongle uses the FTDI serial to USB converter, Virtual COM Port (VCP) driver for Windows, available at www.ftdichip.com/ftdrivers.htm. The FTDI web site offers drivers for other platforms including Windows® (98 through Vista x64 and CE), MAC OS (8 through X) and Linux. Download the appropriate driver and follow the instructions to complete driver installation. 2. Check COM port Once installed, the MC1322xUSB dongle should be listed in the available COM ports in Widows device manager. Verify the board’s drivers were successfully installed and take note of the COM port assigned      3. Run the ZigBee Utility Open a command console and navigate to the directory where Wireshark Zigbee utility files were unzipped. c:\<path> Then start the .exe utility and set the serial port and ZigBee channel to monitor, for instance:     4. Setting Wireshark Start Wireshark and open Capture>Options Dialog Click on “Manage Interfaces” and add a new pipe with ‘\\.\pipe\wireshark’. Save it and start capture. 5. Start sniffing
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In this document we will be seeing how to create a BLE demo application for an adopted BLE profile based on another demo application with a different profile. In this demo, the Pulse Oximeter Profile will be implemented.  The PLX (Pulse Oximeter) Profile was adopted by the Bluetooth SIG on 14th of July 2015. You can download the adopted profile and services specifications on https://www.bluetooth.org/en-us/specification/adopted-specifications. The files that will be modified in this post are, app.c,  app_config.c, app_preinclude.h, gatt_db.h, pulse_oximeter_service.c and pulse_oximeter_interface.h. A profile can have many services, the specification for the PLX profile defines which services need to be instantiated. The following table shows the Sensor Service Requirements. Service Sensor Pulse Oximeter Service Mandatory Device Information Service Mandatory Current Time Service Optional Bond Management Service Optional Battery Service Optional Table 1. Sensor Service Requirements For this demo we will instantiate the PLX service, the Device Information Service and the Battery Service. Each service has a source file and an interface file, the device information and battery services are already implemented, so we will only need to create the pulse_oximeter_interface.h file and the pulse_oximeter_service.c file. The PLX Service also has some requirements, these can be seen in the PLX service specification. The characteristic requirements for this service are shown in the table below. Characteristic Name Requirement Mandatory Properties Security Permissions PLX Spot-check Measurement C1 Indicate None PLX Continuous Measurement C1 Notify None PLX Features Mandatory Read None Record Access Control Point C2 Indicate, Write None Table 2. Pulse Oximeter Service Characteristics C1: Mandatory to support at least one of these characteristics. C2: Mandatory if measurement storage is supported for Spot-check measurements. For this demo, all the characteristics will be supported. Create a folder for the pulse oximeter service in  \ConnSw\bluetooth\profiles named pulse_oximeter and create the pulse_oximeter_service.c file. Next, go to the interface folder in \ConnSw\bluetooth\profiles and create the pulse_oximeter_interface.h file. At this point these files will be blank, but as we advance in the document we will be adding the service implementation and the interface macros and declarations. Clonate a BLE project with the cloner tool. For this demo the heart rate sensor project was clonated. You can choose an RTOS between bare metal or FreeRTOS. You will need to change some workspace configuration.  In the bluetooth->profiles->interface group, remove the interface file for the heart rate service and add the interface file that we just created. Rename the group named heart_rate in the bluetooth->profiles group to pulse_oximeter and remove the heart rate service source file and add the pulse_oximeter_service.c source file. These changes will be saved on the actual workspace, so if you change your RTOS you need to reconfigure your workspace. To change the device name that will be advertised you have to change the advertising structure located in app_config.h. /* Scanning and Advertising Data */ static const uint8_t adData0[1] = { (gapAdTypeFlags_t)(gLeGeneralDiscoverableMode_c | gBrEdrNotSupported_c) }; static const uint8_t adData1[2] = { UuidArray(gBleSig_PulseOximeterService_d)}; static const gapAdStructure_t advScanStruct[] = { { .length = NumberOfElements(adData0) + 1, .adType = gAdFlags_c, .aData = (void *)adData0 }, { .length = NumberOfElements(adData1) + 1, .adType = gAdIncomplete16bitServiceList_c, .aData = (void *)adData1 }, { .adType = gAdShortenedLocalName_c, .length = 8, .aData = "FSL_PLX" } }; ‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍ We also need to change the address of the device so we do not have conflicts with another device with the same address. The definition for the address is located in app_preinclude.h and is called BD_ADDR. In the demo it was changed to: #define BD_ADDR 0xBE,0x00,0x00,0x9F,0x04,0x00 ‍‍‍ Add the definitions in ble_sig_defines.h located in Bluetooth->host->interface for the UUID’s of the PLX service and its characteristics. /*! Pulse Oximeter Service UUID */ #define gBleSig_PulseOximeterService_d 0x1822 /*! PLX Spot-Check Measurement Characteristic UUID */ #define gBleSig_PLXSpotCheckMeasurement_d 0x2A5E /*! PLX Continuous Measurement Characteristic UUID */ #define gBleSig_PLXContinuousMeasurement_d 0x2A5F /*! PLX Features Characteristic UUID */ #define gBleSig_PLXFeatures_d 0x2A60 ‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍ We need to create the GATT database for the pulse oximeter service. The requirements for the service can be found in the PLX Service specification. The database is created at compile time and is defined in the gatt_db.h.  Each characteristic can have certain properties such as read, write, notify, indicate, etc. We will modify the existing database according to our needs. The database for the pulse oximeter service should look something like this. PRIMARY_SERVICE(service_pulse_oximeter, gBleSig_PulseOximeterService_d) CHARACTERISTIC(char_plx_spotcheck_measurement, gBleSig_PLXSpotCheckMeasurement_d, (gGattCharPropIndicate_c)) VALUE_VARLEN(value_PLX_spotcheck_measurement, gBleSig_PLXSpotCheckMeasurement_d, (gPermissionNone_c), 19, 3, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00) CCCD(cccd_PLX_spotcheck_measurement) CHARACTERISTIC(char_plx_continuous_measurement, gBleSig_PLXContinuousMeasurement_d, (gGattCharPropNotify_c)) VALUE_VARLEN(value_PLX_continuous_measurement, gBleSig_PLXContinuousMeasurement_d, (gPermissionNone_c), 20, 3, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00) CCCD(cccd_PLX_continuous_measurement) CHARACTERISTIC(char_plx_features, gBleSig_PLXFeatures_d, (gGattCharPropRead_c)) VALUE_VARLEN(value_plx_features, gBleSig_PLXFeatures_d, (gPermissionFlagReadable_c), 7, 2, 0x00, 0x00) CHARACTERISTIC(char_RACP, gBleSig_RaCtrlPoint_d, (gGattCharPropIndicate_c | gGattCharPropWrite_c)) VALUE_VARLEN(value_RACP, gBleSig_RaCtrlPoint_d, (gPermissionFlagWritable_c), 4, 3, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00) CCCD(cccd_RACP) ‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍ For more information on how to create a GATT database you can check the BLE Application Developer’s Guide chapter 7. Now we need to make the interface file that contains all the macros and declarations of the structures needed by the PLX service. Enumerated types need to be created for each of the flags field or status field of every characteristic of the service. For example, the PLX Spot-check measurement field has a flags field, so we declare an enumerated type that will help us keep the program organized and well structured. The enum should look something like this: /*! Pulse Oximeter Service - PLX Spotcheck Measurement Flags */ typedef enum { gPlx_TimestampPresent_c = BIT0, /* C1 */ gPlx_SpotcheckMeasurementStatusPresent_c = BIT1, /* C2 */ gPlx_SpotcheckDeviceAndSensorStatusPresent_c = BIT2, /* C3 */ gPlx_SpotcheckPulseAmplitudeIndexPresent_c = BIT3, /* C4 */ gPlx_DeviceClockNotSet_c = BIT4 } plxSpotcheckMeasurementFlags_tag; ‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍ The characteristics that will be indicated or notified need to have a structure type that contains all the fields that need to be transmitted to the client. Some characteristics will not always notify or indicate the same fields, this varies depending on the flags field and the requirements for each field. In order to notify a characteristic we need to check the flags in the measurement structure to know which fields need to be transmitted. The structure for the PLX Spot-check measurement should look something like this: /*! Pulse Oximeter Service - Spotcheck Measurement */ typedef struct plxSpotcheckMeasurement_tag { ctsDateTime_t timestamp; /* C1 */ plxSpO2PR_t SpO2PRSpotcheck; /* M */ uint32_t deviceAndSensorStatus; /* C3 */ uint16_t measurementStatus; /* C2 */ ieee11073_16BitFloat_t pulseAmplitudeIndex; /* C4 */ uint8_t flags; /* M */ }plxSpotcheckMeasurement_t; ‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍ The service has a configuration structure that contains the service handle, the initial features of the PLX Features characteristic and a pointer to an allocated space in memory to store spot-check measurements. The interface will also declare some functions such as Start, Stop, Subscribe, Unsubscribe, Record Measurements and the control point handler. /*! Pulse Oximeter Service - Configuration */ typedef struct plxConfig_tag { uint16_t serviceHandle; plxFeatures_t plxFeatureFlags; plxUserData_t *pUserData; bool_t procInProgress; } plxConfig_t; ‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍ The service source file implements the service specific functionality. For example, in the PLX service, there are functions to record the different types of measurements, store a spot-check measurement in the database, execute a procedure for the RACP characteristic, validate a RACP procedure, etc. It implements the functions declared in the interface and some static functions that are needed to perform service specific tasks. To initialize the service you use the start function. This function initializes some characteristic values. In the PLX profile, the Features characteristic is initialized and a timer is allocated to indicate the spot-check measurements periodically when the Report Stored Records procedure is written to the RACP characteristic. The subscribe and unsubscribe functions are used to update the device identification when a device is connected to the server or disconnected. bleResult_t Plx_Start (plxConfig_t *pServiceConfig) { mReportTimerId = TMR_AllocateTimer(); return Plx_SetPLXFeatures(pServiceConfig->serviceHandle, pServiceConfig->plxFeatureFlags); } ‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍ All of the services implementations follow a similar template, each service can have certain characteristics that need to implement its own custom functions. In the case of the PLX service, the Record Access Control Point characteristic will need many functions to provide the full functionality of this characteristic. It needs a control point handler, a function for each of the possible procedures, a function to validate the procedures, etc. When the application makes a measurement it must fill the corresponding structure and call a function that will write the attribute in the database with the correct fields and then send an indication or notification. This function is called RecordMeasurement and is similar between the majority of the services. It receives the measurement structure and depending on the flags of the measurement, it writes the attribute in the GATT database in the correct format. One way to update a characteristic is to create an array of the maximum length of the characteristic and check which fields need to be added and keep an index to know how many bytes will be written to the characteristic by using the function GattDb_WriteAttribute(handle, index, &charValue[0]). The following function shows an example of how a characteristic can be updated. In the demo the function contains more fields, but the logic is the same. static bleResult_t Plx_UpdatePLXContinuousMeasurementCharacteristic ( uint16_t handle, plxContinuousMeasurement_t *pMeasurement ) { uint8_t charValue[20]; uint8_t index = 0; /* Add flags */ charValue[0] = pMeasurement->flags; index++; /* Add SpO2PR-Normal */ FLib_MemCpy(&charValue[index], &pMeasurement->SpO2PRNormal, sizeof(plxSpO2PR_t)); index += sizeof(plxSpO2PR_t); /* Add SpO2PR-Fast */ if (pMeasurement->flags & gPlx_SpO2PRFastPresent_c) { FLib_MemCpy(&charValue[index], &pMeasurement->SpO2PRFast, sizeof(plxSpO2PR_t)); index += sizeof(plxSpO2PR_t); } return GattDb_WriteAttribute(handle, index, &charValue[0]); } ‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍ The app.c handles the application specific functionality. In the PLX demo it handles the timer callback to make a PLX continuous measurement every second. It handles the key presses and makes a spot-check measurement each time the SW3 pushbutton is pressed. The GATT server callback receives an event when an attribute is written, and in our application the RACP characteristic is the only one that can be written by the client. When this event occurs, we call the Control Point Handler function. This function makes sure the indications are properly configured and check if another procedure is in progress. Then it calls the Send Procedure Response function, this function validates the procedure and calls the Execute Procedure function. This function will call one of the 4 possible procedures. It can call Report Stored Records, Report Number of Stored Records, Abort Operation or Delete Stored Records. When the project is running, the 4 LEDs will blink indicating an idle state. To start advertising, press the SW4 button and the LED1 will start flashing. When the device has connected to a client the LED1 will stop flashing and turn on. To disconnect the device, hold the SW4 button for some seconds. The device will return to an advertising state. In this demo, the spot-check measurement is made when the SW3 is pressed, and the continuous measurement is made every second. The spot-check measurement can be stored by the application if the Measurement Storage for spot-check measurements is supported (bit 2 of Supported Features Field in the PLX Features characteristic). The RACP characteristic lets the client control the database of the spot-check measurements, you can request the existing records, delete them, request the number of stored records or abort a procedure. To test the demo you can download and install a BLE Scanner application to your smartphone that supports BLE. Whit this app you should be able to discover the services in the sensor and interact with each characteristic. Depending on the app that you installed, it will parse known characteristics, but because the PLX profile is relatively new, these characteristics will not be parsed and the values will be displayed in a raw format. In Figure 1, the USB-KW40Z was used with the sniffer application to analyze the data exchange between the PLX sensor and the client. You can see how the sensor sends the measurements, and how the client interacts with the RACP characteristic. Figure 1. Sniffer log from USB-KW40Z
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Introduction In some applications, is it necessary to keep updated the software running in many MCU's that take part in the system, fortunately, Over The Air Programming, it's a custom Bluetooth LE service developed to send "over the air" software updates for the KW MCU series. FRDM-KW36 SDK already provides the "otap_client" software, that can be used together with the "otap_bootloader" such as it is described in the following community post: Reprogramming a KW36 device using the OTAP Client Software to reprogram the KW36. This example can be modified to store code for another MCU and later send the software update to this device as depicted in the figure below. This post guides you on modifying the OTAP client software to support software updates for other MCU's. Preparing the OTAP client software The starting point of the following modifications is supposing that there is no need to perform over the air updates for the KW36 MCU, so the use of the "otap_bootloader" is obsolete and will be removed in this example. In other words, KW36 will be programmed only with the "otap_client" code. Open the MCUXpresso settings window (Project->Properties->"C/C++ Build->MCU settings") and configure the following fields. Save the changes. For external storage: For internal storage: Locate the "app_preinclude.h" file, and set the storage method, as follows: For external storage: #define gEepromType_d       gEepromDevice_AT45DB041E_c For internal storage: #define gEepromType_d        gEepromDevice_InternalFlash_c Locate the "main_text_section.ldt" linker script into the "linkscripts" folder, and delete it from the project.  Search in the project for "OTA_SetNewImageFlag();" and "ResetMCU();" functions in the "otap_client.c" file (source->common->otap_client->otap_client.c) and delete or comment. (For reference, there are 4 in total). Locate the following code in "OtaSupport.h" (framework->OtaSupport->Interface) and delete or comment. extern uint16_t gBootFlagsSectorBitNo;‍‍‍‍‍‍ void OTA_SetNewImageFlag(void);‍‍‍‍‍‍‍ Locate the following code in "OtaSupport.c" (framework->OtaSupport->Source) and delete or comment. extern uint32_t __BootFlags_Start__[]; #define gBootImageFlagsAddress_c ((uint32_t)__BootFlags_Start__)‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍ #if !gEnableOTAServer_d || (gEnableOTAServer_d && gUpgradeImageOnCurrentDevice_d) /*! Variables used by the Bootloader */ #if defined(__IAR_SYSTEMS_ICC__) #pragma location = "BootloaderFlags" const bootInfo_t gBootFlags = #elif defined(__GNUC__) const bootInfo_t gBootFlags __attribute__ ((section(".BootloaderFlags"))) = #elif defined(__CC_ARM) volatile const bootInfo_t gBootFlags __attribute__ ((section(".BootloaderFlags"))) = #else #error "Compiler unknown!" #endif { {gBootFlagUnprogrammed_c}, {gBootValueForTRUE_c}, {0x00, 0x02}, {gBootFlagUnprogrammed_c}, #if defined(CPU_K32W032S1M2VPJ_cm4) && (CPU_K32W032S1M2VPJ_cm4 == 1) {PLACEHOLDER_SBKEK}, {BOOT_MAGIC_WORD} #endif }; #endif /* !gEnableOTAServer_d || (gEnableOTAServer_d && gUpgradeImageOnCurrentDevice_d) */‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍ uint16_t gBootFlagsSectorBitNo; gBootFlagsSectorBitNo = gBootImageFlagsAddress_c/(uint32_t)((uint8_t*)FSL_FEATURE_FLASH_PFLASH_BLOCK_SECTOR_SIZE);‍‍‍‍ gBootFlagsSectorBitNo = gBootImageFlagsAddress_c/(uint32_t)((uint8_t*)FSL_FEATURE_FLASH_PAGE_SIZE_BYTES);‍‍‍‍ void OTA_SetNewImageFlag(void) { #if (gEepromType_d != gEepromDevice_None_c) && (!gEnableOTAServer_d || (gEnableOTAServer_d && gUpgradeImageOnCurrentDevice_d)) /* OTA image successfully written into the non-volatile storage. Set the boot flag to trigger the Bootloader at the next CPU Reset. */ union{ uint32_t value; uint8_t aValue[FSL_FEATURE_FLASH_PFLASH_BLOCK_WRITE_UNIT_SIZE]; }bootFlag; #if defined(CPU_K32W032S1M2VPJ_cm4) && (CPU_K32W032S1M2VPJ_cm4 == 1) uint8_t defaultSBKEK[SBKEK_SIZE] = {DEFAULT_DEMO_SBKEK}; #endif uint32_t status; if( mNewImageReady ) { NV_Init(); bootFlag.value = gBootValueForTRUE_c; status = NV_FlashProgramUnaligned((uint32_t)&gBootFlags.newBootImageAvailable, sizeof(bootFlag), bootFlag.aValue); if( (status == kStatus_FLASH_Success) && FLib_MemCmpToVal(gBootFlags.internalStorageAddr, 0xFF, sizeof(gBootFlags.internalStorageAddr)) ) { bootFlag.value = gEepromParams_StartOffset_c + gBootData_ImageLength_Offset_c; status = NV_FlashProgramUnaligned((uint32_t)&gBootFlags.internalStorageAddr, sizeof(bootFlag), bootFlag.aValue); } #if defined(CPU_K32W032S1M2VPJ_cm4) && (CPU_K32W032S1M2VPJ_cm4 == 1) if( status == kStatus_FLASH_Success ) { /* Write the default SBKEK for secured OTA */ status = NV_FlashProgramUnaligned((uint32_t)&gBootFlags.sbkek, SBKEK_SIZE, defaultSBKEK); } #endif if( status == kStatus_FLASH_Success ) { mNewImageReady = FALSE; } } #endif }‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍   At this point, the FRDM-KW36 can receive and store any image for any MCU and can request a further software update from the OTAP server device.    Adding API's to reprogram the "MCU X" on OTAP client software Once the software update has been downloaded from the OTAP Server into the OTAP Client, the developer should request the software update from the OTAP Client to the "MCU X" through a serial protocol such as UART, SPI, CAN, etc. You should develop the API's and the protocol according to the requirements for your system to send the software update to the "MCU X" (as well as the bootloader for the MCU X). The handling your protocol can be integrated into the OTAP client code replacing "ResetMCU()" (The same code removed in step 4) in the code by "APISendSoftwareUpdateToMCUX()" for instance, since at this point the image was successfully sent over the air and stored in the memory of the KW36. 
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The image below shows the different types of devices in a Thread Network. Router Routers provide routing services to network devices. Routers also provide joining and security services for devices trying to join the network. Routers are not designed to sleep. Routers can downgrade their functionality and become REEDs (Router-eligible End Devices). A Router can become a Leader and start a Thread network. Border Router A Border Router is a type of Router that provides connectivity from the 802.15.4 network to adjacent networks on other physical layers (for example, Wi-Fi and Ethernet). Border Routers provide services for devices within the 802.15.4 network, including routing services for off-network operations. There may be one or more Border Routers in a Thread Network. The Border Router also serves as an interface point for the Commissioner when the Commissioner is on a non-Thread Network; it requires a Thread interface and may be combined in any device with other Thread roles except the Joiner. Leader A Router or Border Router can assume a Leader role for certain functions in the Thread Network. This Leader is required to make decisions within the network. For example, the Leader assigns Router addresses and allows new Router requests. The Leader role is elected and if the Leader fails, another Router or Border Router assumes the Leader role. It is this autonomous operation that ensures there is no single point of failure. Router-eligible End Device REEDs have the capability to become Routers but due to the network topology or conditions these devices are not acting as Routers. These devices do not generally forward messages or provide joining or security services for other devices in the Thread Network. The Thread Network manages REEDs becoming Routers if necessary without user interaction. Sleepy End Device Sleepy end devices are host devices. They communicate only through their Parent Router and cannot forward messages for other devices References: Thread Whitepapers available at http://threadgroup.org 
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The MCU in the KW40/30Z has various available very low power modes. In these power modes, the chip goes to sleep to save power, and it is not usable during this time (it can however receive different kinds of interruptions that could wake it up). The very low power modes supported by the microcontroller are: The KW40Z connectivity software stack has 6 predetermined deep sleep modes. These deep sleep modes have different configurations for the microcontroller low power mode, the BLE Link Layer state and in which ways the device can be awaken. These predetermined DSM (Deep Sleep Modes) are: * VLLS0 if DCDC is bypassed. VLLS1 with either Buck or Boost. ** Available in Buck mode only. Having said that, if you want the lowest possible consumption by the MCU, while also being able to wake up your application automatically with a timer (achieved with VLSS1), there is no DSM available. You can, however, create your own Deep Sleep Mode with low power timers enabled. Please note that VLSS1 has the lowest possible consumption when using a DCDC converter. When in bypass mode, the lowest possible consumption is achieved with VLSS0. To create your Deep Sleep Mode, you should start with the function that will actually handle the board going into deep sleep. This should be done in the PWR.c file, along with the rest of the DSM handler functions. This function is quite similar to the ones already made for the other deep sleep modes. Link layer interruptions, timer settings and the low power mode for the MCU are handled here. /* PWR.c */ #if (cPWR_UsePowerDownMode) static void PWR_HandleDeepSleepMode_7(void) {   #if cPWR_BLE_LL_Enable   uint16_t bleEnabledInt; #endif   uint8_t clkMode;   uint32_t lptmrTicks;   uint32_t lptmrFreq;     PWRLib_MCU_WakeupReason.AllBits = 0;   #if cPWR_BLE_LL_Enable    if(RSIM_BRD_CONTROL_BLE_RF_OSC_REQ_STAT(RSIM)== 0) // BLL in DSM   {     return;   bleEnabledInt = PWRLib_BLL_GetIntEn();   PWRLib_BLL_ClearInterrupts(bleEnabledInt);      PWRLib_BLL_DisableInterrupts(bleEnabledInt); #endif     if(gpfPWR_LowPowerEnterCb != NULL)   {     gpfPWR_LowPowerEnterCb();   }     /* Put the device in deep sleep mode */ #if cPWR_DCDC_InBypass    PWRLib_MCU_Enter_VLLS0(); #else   PWRLib_MCU_Enter_VLLS1(); #endif     if(gpfPWR_LowPowerExitCb != NULL)   {     gpfPWR_LowPowerExitCb();   }   #if cPWR_BLE_LL_Enable    PWRLib_BLL_EnableInterrupts(bleEnabledInt);        #endif      PWRLib_LPTMR_ClockStop();   } #endif /* #if (cPWR_UsePowerDownMode) */ ‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍ Remember to add this function to the deep sleep handler function array: /* PWR.c */ const pfHandleDeepSleepFunc_t maHandleDeepSleep[]={PWR_HandleDeepSleepMode_1,                                                     PWR_HandleDeepSleepMode_2,                                                     PWR_HandleDeepSleepMode_3,                                                     PWR_HandleDeepSleepMode_4,                                                     PWR_HandleDeepSleepMode_5,                                                     PWR_HandleDeepSleepMode_6,                                                     PWR_HandleDeepSleepMode_7                                                    }; ‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍ This function should allow your device to go to sleep. It does the strictly necessary things before the device goes to sleep: disables link layer interruptions, gets the configuration for the low power timer and it starts the timer. Please note that when the board is in either Buck or Boost DCDC mode, only VLSS1 is supported. When the device is in bypass mode, VLSS0 can be chosen. Now that the deep sleep handler is done, there are some changes that have to be made to have a proper execution. In the PWR_Configuration.h file, for example, there is an error message when the parameter cPWR_DeepSleepMode is larger than 6 (the default DSM modes), but, since you have added a new deep sleep mode, this number should be changed to 7: #if (cPWR_DeepSleepMode > 7 )  // default: 6   #error "*** ERROR: Illegal value in cPWR_DeepSleepMode" #endif ‍‍‍ Other changes that have to be made are the Low Leakage Wake Up unit and the deep sleep mode configurations. To change the LLWU configuration, you should add a case for the new deep sleep mode in the PWRLib_ConfigLLWU() function: /* PWRLib.c */ void PWRLib_ConfigLLWU( uint8_t lpMode ) {   switch(lpMode)   {   case 1:     LLWU_ME = gPWRLib_LLWU_WakeupModuleEnable_BTLL_c | gPWRLib_LLWU_WakeupModuleEnable_LPTMR_c;   break;   case 2:     LLWU_ME = gPWRLib_LLWU_WakeupModuleEnable_BTLL_c;   break;   case 3:     LLWU_ME = gPWRLib_LLWU_WakeupModuleEnable_LPTMR_c | gPWRLib_LLWU_WakeupModuleEnable_DCDC_c;   break;   case 4:   case 5:     LLWU_ME = gPWRLib_LLWU_WakeupModuleEnable_DCDC_c;    break;   case 6:     LLWU_ME = 0;   break;   case 7: /* The new deep sleep mode can be awaken through a Low Power Timer timeout */     LLWU_ME = gPWRLib_LLWU_WakeupModuleEnable_LPTMR_c;   break;   } }  } #endif /* #if (cPWR_UsePowerDownMode) */ ‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍ Once this case has been added, you should change the function that calls PWRLib_ConfigLLWU(), PWRChangeDeepSleepMode(): /* PWR.c */ bool_t PWR_ChangeDeepSleepMode (uint8_t dsMode) { #if (cPWR_UsePowerDownMode)   if(dsMode > 7) //Since you’ve added an extra DSM, this is now 7 (default: 6)   {      return FALSE;   }    PWRLib_SetDeepSleepMode(dsMode); PWRLib_ConfigLLWU(dsMode); #if (cPWR_BLE_LL_Enable)    PWRLib_BLL_ConfigDSM(dsMode);   PWRLib_ConfigRSIM(dsMode); #endif    return TRUE;   #else   return TRUE; #endif  /* #if (cPWR_UsePowerDownMode) */ } ‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍ Now, since you’ll be using a Low Power Timer, you should modify the maLPModeUseLPTMR[] constant in the PWRLib.c file, indicating that you will use a low power timer: /* PWRLib.c */ const uint8_t maLPModeUseLPTMR[]={0,1,1,1,0,0,1,1}; //We add the last 1. default: {0,1,1,1,0,0,1} ‍‍‍ You should add a case for your new low power mode in the PWRLib_ConfigRSIM(). Here you will handle the BLE link layer whilst the device is in low power mode. This function can be found in the PWRLib.c file: /* PWRLib.c */ void PWRLib_ConfigRSIM( uint8_t lpMode ) {   switch(lpMode)   {   case 1:   case 2:       RSIM_BWR_CONTROL_STOP_ACK_OVRD_EN(RSIM, 0);       RSIM_CONTROL |= RSIM_CONTROL_BLE_RF_OSC_REQ_EN_MASK | RSIM_CONTROL_BLE_RF_OSC_REQ_INT_EN_MASK | RSIM_CONTROL_BLE_RF_OSC_REQ_INT_MASK;     break;   case 3:   case 4:   case 5:       RSIM_CONTROL &= ~(RSIM_CONTROL_STOP_ACK_OVRD_EN_MASK | RSIM_CONTROL_BLE_RF_OSC_REQ_EN_MASK | RSIM_CONTROL_BLE_RF_OSC_REQ_INT_EN_MASK);       RSIM_CONTROL |= RSIM_CONTROL_BLE_RF_OSC_REQ_INT_MASK;     break;   case 6:       RSIM_CONTROL &= ~(RSIM_CONTROL_STOP_ACK_OVRD_EN_MASK  | RSIM_CONTROL_BLE_RF_OSC_REQ_INT_EN_MASK);       RSIM_CONTROL |= RSIM_CONTROL_BLE_RF_OSC_REQ_INT_MASK | RSIM_CONTROL_BLE_RF_OSC_REQ_EN_MASK;     break;   case 7: //@PNN       RSIM_CONTROL &= ~(RSIM_CONTROL_STOP_ACK_OVRD_EN_MASK | RSIM_CONTROL_BLE_RF_OSC_REQ_EN_MASK | RSIM_CONTROL_BLE_RF_OSC_REQ_INT_EN_MASK);       RSIM_CONTROL |= RSIM_CONTROL_BLE_RF_OSC_REQ_INT_MASK;     break;   } } ‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍ Your low power mode awaken by a low power timer should now be ready. To change the deep sleep mode and the time the device will be in deep sleep mode before it is awaken, use these functions in your application: PWR_ChangeDeepSleepMode(7);                                     /* Change deep sleep mode */ PWR_SetDeepSleepTimeInMs(YOUR_DEEP_SLEEP_TIME_IN_MS);           /* Time the device will spend on deep sleep mode */ PWR_AllowDeviceToSleep();                                      /* Allows the device to go to deep sleep mode */ PWR_DisallowDeviceToSleep();                                   /* Does not allows the device to go to deep sleep mode */ ‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍
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Introduction The FRDM-KW36 includes an RSIM (Radio System Integration Module) module with an external 32 MHz crystal oscillator. This clock source reference is mainly intended to supply the Bluetooth LE Radio peripheral, but it can be used as the main clock source of the MCU as well. This oscillator includes a set of programmable capacitors to support crystals with different load capacitance needs. Changing the value of these capacitors can modify the frequency the oscillator provides, that way, the central frequency can be tuned to meet the wireless protocol standards. This configurable capacitance range is from C1: 5.7pF - C2: 7.1pF to C1: 22.6pF - C2: 28.2pF and it is configured through the BB_XTAL_TRIM field at the ANA_TRIM. The KW36 comes preprogrammed with a default load capacitance value. However, since there is variance in devices due to tolerances and parasite effects, the correct load capacitance should be checked by verifying that the optimal central frequency is attained.  You will need a spectrum analyzer to measure the central frequency. To find the most accurate value for the load capacitance, it is recommended to use the Connectivity Test demo application. Adjusting Frequency Example Program the KW36 Connectivity Test software on the device. This example can be found in wireless_examples -> genfsk -> conn_test folder from your SDK package. Baremetal and FreeRTOS versions are available. In case that FRDM-KW36 board is being used to perform the test, you should move the 10pF capacitor populated in C55 to C57, to direct the RF signal on the SMA connector. Connect the board to a serial terminal software. When you start the application, you will be greeted by the NXP logo screen:  Press the enter key to start the test. Then press "1" to select "Continuous tests": Finally, select "6" to start a continuous unmodulated RF test. At this point, you should be able to measure the signal in the spectrum analyzer. You can change the RF channel from 0 to 127 ("q" Ch+ and "w" Ch- keys), which represents the bandwidth from 2.360GHz to 2.487GHz, stepping of 1MHz between two consecutive channels. To demonstrate the trimming procedure, this document will make use of channel 42 (2.402GHz) which corresponds to the Bluetooth LE channel 37. In this case, with the default capacitance value, our oscillator is not exactly placed at the center of the 2.402GHz, instead, it is slightly deflected to 2.40200155 GHz, as depicted in the following figure: The capacitance can be adjusted with the "d" XtalTrim+ and "f" XtalTrim- keys. Increasing the capacitance bank means a lower frequency. In our case, we need to increase the capacitance to decrease the frequency. The nearest frequency of 2.402 GHz was 2.40199940 GHz  Once the appropriate XTAL trim value has been found, it can be programmed as default in any Bluetooth LE example, changing the mXtalTrimDefault constant located in the board.c file: static const uint8_t mXtalTrimDefault‍ = 0x36;‍‍‍
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