Customer is Aptiv.
We gave Aptiv the static FMEDA sheets and they filled out with all their requirements/settings and returned to us. But since then, I've wondered why the field should do this task of transcribing the customer numbers into the final FMEDA spreadsheet and generating to return to the customer? I was under the impression NXP had a safety team that would do this, so they could verify the data returned to the customer was "good" and thus would not lead to any liability on NXP's part...
And I've also been told that most customers only require the basic s32v234 FMEDA with no customization? So I was wondering how to discuss this with Aptiv, so maybe they just use our basic FMEDA and if not, am I correct that there is no safety team in NXP to help review customer FMEDA?
Randy Krakora
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Hi Randy,
As recommended by ISO, it is system integrator's responsibility to validate the assumptions and request for a change if needed.
The FMEDA provided by NXP is for a standard configuration based on assumed safety concept of the device. The FAEs are enabled to help customers to modify FMEDA for their configuration if needed. NXP Safety Team then reviews the changes made to the FMEDA before making the release.
Hope this helps,