S32K344 - A/B Swap OTA
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Hello everyone!
I'm currently implementing an Over the Air feature for the S32K344 board. I was able to flash a code on 0x00400000 which receives data over CAN and flashes them starting on address 0x00600000.
Now how do I swap (activate) the other partition? (0x00600000).
I followed the "S32K3_OTADEMO_0.8.0" example and the readme mentions:
## Target device
- S32K344 with AB_SWAP HSE firmware already installed.
Digging on the community, I found the following example that has the HSE firmware, but I have no idea of how to install it:
How could I proceed on the implementation of the Swap?
The actual setup here is a S32K344 dev board, the debugger is a Jlink Pro.
Thank you!
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Please download the S32K3_HSE_DemoExamples. And you will find S32K344_HSE_FW_INSTALL project.(C:\NXP\S32K3_HSE_DemoExamples_1_0_0\S32K3_HSE_DemoExamples\Device_Configuration\S32K344_HSE_FW_INSTALL)
See also: HSE firmware installation
Considering you use Segger J-Link Pro, maybe this will help you: S32 Design Studio for S32 Platform V3.4/V3.5 + SEGGER J-LINK Plus
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Hi Robin!
Thank you very much for the example, now I'm having a north.
I still couldn't make it work though.
- Regarding the change on the linker file, do I only need to change it by adding the path of the .pink file? And the linker file of my final project, should I change also?
- On the main.c of the project you sent, there is a comment:
/* Please generate a reset to allow installation */
What kind of reset must be? By pushing the RST of should be a software reset?
Thank you once again.
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Just follow the instructions in Readme.md, for example, generate a Power-On Reset here.
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I followed the tutorial but still don't know what I'm doing wrong. Let me go through my implementation.
- Updated linker file by adding .pink path;
- Set project to A/B swap;
- Compiled and ran the project;
- With this .elf running (S32K344_HSE_FW_INSTALL.elf) I power reset the board.
I don't see any difference though. I just saw on the other topic (HSE firmware installation - NXP Community) the registers I should be looking for and my values are the following:
Any idea of what I could be doing wrong? If you need more resources from my project, please let me know.
Thank you!
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Although I know you want to install AB_SWAP, but did you successfully install FULL_MEM?
If successful, use S32K344_SBAF_UPDATE to update SBAF to the latest version. Then use S32K344_HSE_FW_UPDATE(FULL_MEMORY_TO_AB_SWAP) to update FULL_MEM to AB_SWAP.
If unsuccessful, please check the SBAF version at address 0x4039C020. Maybe the SBAF version is too old(00 05 00 00 00 08 00 11). Please download EB788501-S32K3 - New HSE FW & SBAF(0.1).pdf and RM758223-HSE-B Firmware Reference Manual - V2.3(2.3).pdf from Secure Files. It is recommended to update SBAF and HSE_FW according to the instructions in Table 165. SBAF and HSE Firmware version compatibility for S32K344, S32K324, and S32K314 devices.
Please install HSE_FW before updating SBAF. For example, use S32K344_HSE_FW_INSTALL (FULL_MEM) to install an old version(00 05 00 00 01 01 00 00) of HSE_FW such as: C:\NXP\HSE_FW_S32K3X4_0_1_1_0\hse_full_mem\hse\bin\s32k3x4_hse_fw_0.5.0_1.1.0_pb211004.bin.pink
Then follow the instructions in Table 165. SBAF and HSE Firmware version compatibility for S32K344, S32K324, and S32K314 devices. Sequence of steps to be followed to update to the latest version of SBAF and HSE FW
You may need to use the following pink files, which are downloaded from S32K3 Standard Software:
old SBAF(00 05 00 00 00 09 04 00) of S32K344:
latest SBAF(00 05 00 00 00 0F 00 06) of S32K344:
latest HSE FW of S32K344:
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Hey Robin!
Thank you very much for your response. I will try to follow the steps you provided.