HOWTO: Create APEX2 Project From Example in S32DS for S32 Platform

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HOWTO: Create APEX2 Project From Example in S32DS for S32 Platform

HOWTO: Create APEX2 Project From Example in S32DS for S32 Platform

S32DS contains many example projects from which you can learn how S32 can be used with the help of the Vision SDK to develop vision applications. The example projects contain generated and hand-written code, which utilize the Vision SDK to demonstrate a workflow using S32DS. In this document, the procedure for creating a project from one of the provided APEX2 examples through to execution on the EVB is detailed.

This tutorial was made with S32DS Version 3.2 and VSDK Version 1.5.0.

1) Launch S32DS

2) Select 'File -> New -> S32DS Project from Example'


3) Select apex2_rotate_180 project

4) Click Finish


5) If not in the C/C++ Perspective, switch over by clicking on the icon showed below (Hovering over the correct icon should display 'C/C++'). The current perspective is displayed on the top bar.


6) Select apex2_rotate_180: A53 in the Project Explorer panel. Build the project using build config 'TEST_A53'.


7) Start a debug session using method as described in HOWTO: Create A53 Linux Project in S32DS for Vision, beginning at step 9.

8) Click Resume pastedImage_15.png

  • The program takes the input image  in_grey_256x256.png located in the /home/root/vsdk/data/common folder on the Linux BSP and rotates it 180 degrees
  • The output image out.png is located inside the /home/root/vsdk folder

9) To see the output, access the device from the remote systems view. If this has not been set up, complete the steps described in HOWTO: Access Linux BSP file system on S32V234-EVB from S32DS for Vision

10) Open both the input and output files from the remote systems view to verify that the program ran correctly.



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Last update:
‎06-15-2020 09:34 AM
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