SR-IOV is essentially an extension to PCIe Device, refer to PCISIG SR-IOV specification Rev 1.1 Section 1 for details. There are no mandatory features that pertain to RC, therefore no specific support to it is required in RC mode. If you believe otherwise, please ask more specifically, what RC feature you are interested in.
Best Regards,
SR-IOV is essentially an extension to PCIe Device, refer to PCISIG SR-IOV specification Rev 1.1 Section 1 for details. There are no mandatory features that pertain to RC, therefore no specific support to it is required in RC mode. If you believe otherwise, please ask more specifically, what RC feature you are interested in.
Best Regards,
Hi @bpe,
After further research, I agree that the RC does not require any additional logic/functionality to support SR-IOV. Some functions CAN be integrated into the RC HW, such as ARI, but it's optional.
Thanks @bpe ,
I realize SR-IOV is really an EP feature but I thought the RC has to at least support ARI (Alternate Routing-ID Interpretation) for SR-IOV to function correctly. Perhaps I'm wrong on this though. Can you clarify?