NXP Model-Based Design Tools Knowledge Base

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NXP Model-Based Design Tools Knowledge Base


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Introduction This article is going to show how to use the IMXRT117X board in co-simulation mode to run a Deep Learning application of facial recognition. Given that a development board has limited resources, the deployment of a Deep Learning application should be done as efficiently as possible. For now, since the latest version of Matlab (2021a) does not offer support for CNN optimization for Arm Cortex-M processors, we will restrict to developing an application in co-simulation mode. That means that while the data will be provided by the target board, the actual processing will take place in a Matlab environment. By running in co-simulation mode, we will exploit both hardware and the Matlab software capabilities.  The goal of this article is for the user to be able to: use a pre-trained CNN model from Matlab; use the MBDT IMXRT Board Object for co-simulation; develop a standard facial recognition application; Hardware overview For the development of this application, the i.MX RT1170 Evaluation board was used with a MIMXRT1176 CPU, and the attached ON Semiconductor OV5640 camera. Additionally, the RK055AHD091 LCD panel can be used to visualize the frames from the camera. The i.MX RT1170 EVK provides a high-performance solution in a highly integrated board. It consists of a 6-layer PCB with through hole design for better EMC performance at a low cost, and it includes key components and interfaces. Some of the i.MX RT1170 EVK main features are: MIPI camera sensor connector and MIPI LCD connector JTAG connector and On-board DAP-Link debugger Connectivity: 2x Micro-USB OTG connectors, Ethernet (10/100/1000M) connector, Ethernet (10/100M) connector, SIM card slot, CAN transceivers 5V Power Supply connector For a more comprehensive view and a more detailed description regarding hardware specifications and user guides, please check the documentation here. For this example, we are going to make use of the following peripherals and components hence make sure you have all of them available and you are familiar with their intended scope: ON Semiconductor OV5640 camera used for capturing the frames from the board; A CAT-5 ethernet cable will be used for getting video frames from the IMXRT on-board camera to be processed in MATLAB; Mini/micro USB cable for downloading the executable on the target; (Optional, if LCD is used) 5V power supply Software overview Software delivered by MathWorks: MATLAB (version 2021a) (we assume you have already installed and configure this). As a hint, please make sure the MATLAB is installed in a path with empty spaces; MATLAB Embedded Coder is the key component that allows us to generate the C code that will be cross-compiled to be executed on the target; Deep Learning Toolbox allows us to use pre-trained networks or re-train and re-purpose them for other scenarios; Image Processing Toolbox for preprocessing the images before training the network; Computer Vision Toolbox for performing face detection using the Viola-Jones algorithm; Software delivered by NXP: NXP MBDT IMXRT Toolbox as IMXRT embedded target support and plug-in for MATLAB environment to allow code generation and deployment. Make sure you install this toolbox in MATLAB 2021a. Deep Learning – Facial recognition Facial recognition is the process of verifying a person’s identity through their facial features in order to grant access to a service, application, or system. Recognition needs to be performed in 2 steps: 1) face detection – so identifying and isolating the face area from an image and 2) face recognition – analyzing the features of the image and classifying them. In this example, face detection is performed with the CascadeObjectDetector, from the Matlab Computer Vision Toolbox, which is based on the Viola-Jones algorithm, and face recognition will be performed with AlexNet, a pre-trained neural network specialized for object classification. source: https://test.neurohive.io/en/popular-networks/alexnet-imagenet-classification-with-deep-convolutional-neural-networks/ 1.Datasets In order to train the network for our application, custom datasets will need to be generated containing the faces of the people we want to recognize. A challenge that arises regarding the dataset are the changes that occur to a person’s appearance: during the day the mood of a person can change, which may affect their facial expressions; also, the lighting of the room can affect the features, by enhancing or diminishing them; nevertheless, the appearance of a person might vary depending on make-up, hairstyle, accessories, facial hair, etc. Thus, this is something that needs to be taken into consideration when creating the dataset used in training. A recommendation for better performance would be to take samples of a person's appearance multiple times during the day and in different lighting conditions. Another challenge is dealing with the category of unknown people since it is impossible to have and use a picture of every unknown person. A possible approach is to use a threshold value for classifying the pictures so that a person is accepted as “known” only over a certain probability.  Another solution would be to create an additional dataset for the “Unknown” category, which should contain various faces of different people. This way the model should be able to generalize and differentiate between known and unknown people. One of the datasets that can be used for this purpose is the Flickr-Faces-HQ Dataset (FFHQ) which contains over 70,000 images with a high variety in terms of ethnicity, age, emotions, and background. For this example, 6 classes were used, 5 of them representing known people and 1 for unknown people. In order to generate a dataset using the attached OV5640 camera, the Matlab client will connect to the Board Object on the target, it will request frames from the camera and it will save them as BMP files. %% Establish communication with the target board board_imxrt = nxpmbdt.boardImxrt('', 'Video', 'GET'); %% Request frames from the camera and save them as bmp images count = 0; while (1) % Camera snapshot img = board_imxrt.step(); imwrite(img, [num2char(count) '.bmp']) end The next step is to extract the face area from an image and resize it to 227x227x3 so that it can be given as input to AlexNet. For that, we can create a directory with all the images that we want to train/test the network with and run the following script, which will perform face detection, then crop and resize the images to the desired dimensions. All the scripts and code snippets presented are also included in the attached archive. % Create Face Detector Object faceDetector = vision.CascadeObjectDetector; inputFolder = 'datastorage/to_process'; outputFolder = 'datastorage/processed/'; pictures = dir(inputFolder); for j = 3 : length(pictures) imgName = pictures(j).name; img = imread([inputFolder '/' imgName]); % Perform face detection bboxes = step(faceDetector, img); if(sum(sum(bboxes)) ~= 0) detectedFace = imcrop(img, bboxes(1, :)); % Resize image to fit AlexNet requirements detectedFace = imresize(detectedFace, [227 227]); imwrite(detectedFace, [outputFolder imgName]); end end       2.Training the network For training the network, we need to modify the output layer of the AlexNet network to match the number of classes we use, in this example 6. To improve the results for the case where we might not have enough input data, we can augment the images, and for that, we use the imageDataAugmenter from Matlab, where we set the images to be flipped horizontally and/or vertically, and rotated with a random angle between -90 and 90 degrees. This will help the model to avoid overfitting and generalize better. allImages = imageDatastore('datastorage', 'IncludeSubfolders', true,... 'LabelSource','foldernames'); % Split into train and validation sets [imgSetTrain, imgSetTest] = splitEachLabel(allImages, 0.7, 'randomized'); augmenter = imageDataAugmenter('RandXReflection', true,... 'RandYReflection', true,... 'RandRotation', [-90 90]); augimds_train = augmentedImageDatastore([227 227], imgSetTrain,... 'DataAugmentation', augmenter); augimds_test = augmentedImageDatastore([227 227], imgSetTest,... 'DataAugmentation', augmenter); Set the training options, these can be configured by the user as they wish, for this example, we have used a learning rate of 0.001 and batch size of 64, and have run the model for 7 epochs. opts = trainingOptions('sgdm', 'InitialLearnRate', 0.001,... 'Shuffle', 'every-epoch', ... 'MaxEpochs', 7, 'MiniBatchSize', 64,... 'ValidationData', augimds_test, ... 'Plots', 'training-progress'); trained = trainNetwork(augimds_train, layers, opts); save('trained_50_50_ep7_6classes', 'trained'); Save the trained network into a .mat file. It will be used for classifying the frames received from the camera. 3.Setup For the installation and usage of the MBDT IMXRT Toolbox please refer to this article. Running in co-simulation mode means that the target board is able to communicate with the host (in this case, Matlab) through the TCP/IP protocol, thus exploiting both hardware and Matlab software capabilities. The logic of the application is presented in the following figure: the attached camera will send the captured frames to the computer through an Ethernet connection; there, the frame will be processed using a Matlab script, which will perform Face detection and be further sent to the AlexNet trained classifier, which will return a label and the probability of that label being correct. Then, based on whether the person was recognized or not, a signal will be sent to the IMXRT board to toggle the USER LED. In order to create the executable that will act as the server part of our application, we will create a new Simulink model containing the IMXRT Board Object. For this example, the Board Object is sufficient for creating the co-simulation environment and running the application, for it makes use of both Camera and LWIP functionalities: The next step would be to configure the Board Object in order to be able to communicate with the host: open the Block Parameters window and input the IP address and port number you want to use. In the case of the server, it does not matter whether it is configured in SEND or GET mode, because it will wait for commands from the client. Then the model’s Ethernet parameters need to be configured. Open the Configuration Parameters window from Simulink, select Hardware Implementation from the left menu and then go to the Ethernet tab: here insert the values of the board IP address, subnet mask, and the gateway address.   Connect the board through USB to the computer. Go to the Download tab and select the drive you want to download the executable to. More information about this process is presented here. Also, please make sure that you have selected the NXP MIMXRT117Xxxxxx Hardware Board. The selection of the MIMXRT117X Hardware Board should copy the default ConfigTool MEX file which you can modify, but you can also create or use another MEX file as long as it has the name <model_name>_<core>Config.mex. In the MEX file are configured the peripherals and pins settings, in this case the Camera peripheral and the GPIO User LED. For better performance, we recommend using a low-resolution for the Camera. Build the model and the generated executable will be copied on the target board. Restart the board. Next step is to connect to the target board from Matlab and start receiving frames from the attached camera. For this, we will use a Matlab script that will create a board object configured to request frames from the target. The nxpmbdt.boardImxrt object is the same type as the one used in the previous Simulink model: here we can use it as a function call in a script, so we need to configure it accordingly. For information about how to use the Board Object, use the following command:  The Matlab script that will run in co-simulation and will connect to the target board: load trained_50_50_ep7_6classes.mat trained; faceDetector = vision.CascadeObjectDetector; board_imxrt = nxpmbdt.boardImxrt('', ... 'Video', 'GET'); while (1) img = board_imxrt.step(); bboxes = step(faceDetector,uint8(img)); if (sum(sum(bboxes)) ~= 0) es = imcrop(img, bboxes(1,:)); es = imresize(es, [227 227]); [label, ~] = classify(trained, es); if ~strcmp(char(label), 'Unknown') board_imxrt.led_on(); else board_imxrt.led_off(); end else board_imxrt.led_off(); end end When running simulation mode from a Matlab script, please make sure that the configuration structure (the script mscripts\target\imxrt_code_gen_config) is configured accordingly with the desired hardware. After the application has received the camera frame from the board, it can start the preprocessing required for classification. We create a face detector object using the CascadeObjectDetector, to which we will input the camera frame and we receive in exchange the margins of the box where it detected a face. In the case a face was detected, we crop the image and resize it to 227x227x3, which is the size the AlexNet network requires, and we classify the image using the loaded model. The USER LED on the board will be switched on if the person was identified. The script also provides a Matlab UI Figure for better visualization.   Conclusions The NXP MBDT Toolbox provides a solution for developing Computer Vision applications targeted for Arm Cortex-M processors. This aims to be a temporary approach until the Matlab support required for generating CNN optimized C code is added.
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1.  Introduction The NXP i.MX RT1xxx Toolbox enables automatic code generation for peripherals and applications prototyping from MATLAB/Simulink for NXP’s i.MX RT 117x, 106x & 101x Series of crossover MCUs. The toolbox can be installed from Matlab add-ons page:   The novelty of this NXP toolbox is the integration with MCUX Configuration Tool for platform initialization. This configuration tool is being leveraged for pins settings, clock configuration and peripheral initialization. The toolbox is also integrated with the MCU SDK and will use the SDK API for code generation. This article details the steps to start building new models and deploy them on the i.MX RT106x, i.MX RT1010 & i.MX RT 117x MCU, showcasing also the integration with the MCUX Configuration Tool. 2.  Start creating your model Below are the steps to start creating a Simulink model that will be deployed on the i.MX RT1xxx boards. Step 1: Better to start on clean so first lets create folder to be used as workspace and switch MATLAB current folder to point to this workspace location:   Step 2: Create a Simulink Blank Model.   Step 3: Save and name your new model (E.g. mytest.slx). Step 4 : Choose the NXP IMXRT hardware board from the Model Settings in the MODELING tab.         Step 4.1: Open  Model Settings -> Hardware Implementation menu         Step 4.2: Select the NXP target from Hardware Board. This selection should match the             evaluation kit you plan to test the code for. After the selection is made, press the Apply button. After the target is set, the workspace will be populated with new files and folders: A file with extension <model_name>Config.mex – this is the file created with MCUX Configuration Tool that is used for pins, clock, and peripherals initialization. This configuration file will have enabled the peripherals that are supported by the toolbox. Starting from this, the user can change the default configuration for any of the peripheral instances (add new instances, disable instances, etc.) and also any of the configured pins.   A folder with naming pattern <model_name>Config -  this folder will have a structure that is similar to the MCUXpresso IDE projects, and will contain the SDK files that are needed to build the model and generate a binary application that will run on the board. The user can now add Simulink blocks in the model from the NXP i.MXRT1xxx Simulink library from Simulink Library Browser:   Choose the desired block to add to the model:   Alternatively, if the user will add in his/her model a peripheral block without configuring the target, a default one will be set that the user can change it afterwards.  3.  Modify default platform initializations and settings values As mentioned at the beginning of this article, the platform initialization, including pins, clock and peripherals settings is done using the MCUX Configuration Tool. As seen in the previous chapter, when a Simulink model is being created with one of the NXP IMXRT targets, the workspace will be populated with a file having the extension .mex – this is the configuration file that will be used in the initialization code of the platform. The user has the option to modify the default selections found in the .mex file. For this, open any peripheral block within the model and press the Configure button. This action will open the MCUX Configuration Tool.   From MCUX Configuration Tool, the user can change default settings of the peripherals – enable or disable instances, from Pins view, it can configure/update pins settings of the platform. After the user is done with configuration in MCUX Configuration Tool, he/she must go back in Simulink and press the Update button in the same block, for the changes to be visible in Simulink also. The new initialization settings, will be included in the Build Model step. The Toolbox will trigger a code generation starting from the .mex file. The generated files will be saved in the <model_name>Config folder, in board folder.   Note, that is not a prerequisite for the user to have MCUX Configuration Tool installed, the toolbox incorporates all the tools that are need for the user to create, configure,  build and deploy the model.  The default MCUX Configuration Tool used can be changed from Model Settings/Hardware Parameters / Tools Path, and the user can provide his/her own installation of the tool. Same approach is used with the SDK platform. The toolbox incorporates the release version of the SDK for the IMXRT1xxx targets. Also this path can be changed by the user, but it must consider possible integration issues of the toolbox with the user specified SDK.     4.  Deploy on NXP Hardware After the Simulink model is completed, follows the build and deployment of the model on the target board. Before Build and Deploy, the user must set the download method of the application. Step 1: Select the Download method from Hardware Implementation in Model Settings.   The default Download method (without the need for additional software and/or hardware probes) is OpenSDA. For this, the user must select the Drive on his/her machine where the OpenSDA firmware of the board is mapped after the NXP evaluation board is plugged in via USB. Step 2: Build & Deploy Model Step 3: After the code is generated and downloaded on the board a window will pop up and tell you to restart the evaluation board. Restart the board and then press OK. Congratulations! You have successfully created and deployed your Simulink model to the hardware.
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Speed up development time with NXP Model-Based Design Toolboxes
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Product Release Announcement EDGE PROCESSING  NXP Model-Based Design Toolbox for i.MX RT Crossover MCUs – version 1.2.0     The Edge Processing Tools Team at NXP Semiconductors is pleased to announce the release of the Model-Based Design Toolbox for i.MX RT 1xxx Series version 1.2.0. This release supports automatic code generation for peripherals and applications prototyping from MATLAB/Simulink for NXP’s i.MX RT 117x, 106x & 101x Series of crossover MCUs.   NXP Download Location https://www.nxp.com/webapp/swlicensing/sso/downloadSoftware.sp?catid=MCTB-EX   MATHWORKS Download Location https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/81051-nxp-support-package-imxrt1xxx   Version 1.2.0 Release Content Automatic C code generation based on MCUXpresso SDK 2.9.1/2.9.2 drivers and MCUXpresso Configuration Tools 9.0 initializations from MATLAB®/Simulink® for: i.MX RT 1176: MIMXRT1176DVMAA,MIMXRT1176AVM8A,MIMXRT1176CVM8A i.MX RT 1175: MIMXRT1175DVMAA,MIMXRT1175AVM8A,MIMXRT1175CVM8A i.MX RT 1173: MIMXRT1173CVM8A i.MX RT 1172: MIMXRT1172DVMAA,MIMXRT1172AVM8A,MIMXRT1172CVM8A i.MX RT 1171: MIMXRT1171DVMAA,MIMXRT1171AVM8A,MIMXRT1171CVM8A i.MX RT 1061: MIMXRT1061CVJ5A,MIMXRT1061CVL5A,MIMXRT1061DVJ6A,MIMXRT1061DVL6A i.MX RT 1062: MIMXRT1062CVJ5A,MIMXRT1062CVL5A,MIMXRT1062DVJ6A,MIMXRT1062DVL6A i.MX RT 1064: MIMXRT1064CVJ5A,MIMXRT1064CVL5A,MIMXRT1064DVJ6A,MIMXRT1064DVL6A i.MX RT 1011: MIMXRT1011CAE4A,MIMXRT1011DAE5A   Multiple options for configuration of MCU packages, Build Toolchain and embedded Target Connections are available via Simulink Model Configuration UI       Multiple MCU peripherals and Drivers supported. The following subsystems highlighted in red as supported in Simulink environments in various forms: blocks, files, options i.MX RT 117x derivatives   i.MX RT 106x derivatives i.MX RT 101x derivatives     Basic and Advanced Simulink Block configuration modes via MCUXpresso Configuration Tools 9.0 UIs for Pins, Clocks, and Peripherals       MATLAB/Simulink versions 2019a – 2021b are supported for Design, Simulation, Code Generation, and Deployment of applications on i.MX RT 117x,106x & 101x Series. Other i.MX RT devices will be supported in future versions of the toolbox. Support for Software-in-Loop (SiL), Processor-in-Loop (PiL), and External Mode; RTCESL – Real-Time Control Embedded Software Motor Control and Power Conversion Libraries (limited support designed for Motor Control applications). A future update will enhance the number of functionalities supported by Simulink.     Simulink Example library with more than 190 models to showcase various functionalities:   Integrated PMSM Motor Control Sensor/Sensor-less application for both IMXRT1060-EVK and IMXRT1170-EVK:     Target Applications with MATLAB/Simulink This release of the Model-Based Design Toolbox can be used to design, build, and test applications from multiple domains: INDUSTRIAL AC Meters Motion Control Robotics HMI SMART CITY/HOME Video Surveillance Identification Appliances Speakers   AUTOMOTIVE HVAC ECU     Target Audience This release is intended for technology demonstration, evaluation purposes, and prototyping for i.MX RT 1xxx MCUs and their corresponding Evaluation Boards: EVK-MIMXRT1170 EVK-MIMXRT1060 EVK-MIMXRT1064 EVK-MIMXRT1010   Useful Resources Examples, Training, and Support: https://community.nxp.com/community/mbdt Technical by System Tools: https://web.microsoftstream.com/channel/618ab630-c8da-4fa8-ade8-5aa70a353124    
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This article details the SPI communication setup between S32K1xx boards and MC3377xBSPI Battery Cell Controllers. It covers both hardware and software setup for the Battery Management System models designed using Model-Based Design Toolbox for battery packs up to 14 cells in series.  At the end of this article, the user will be able to setup the Battery Cell Controller hardware and to design a Simulink model that reads the cell and pack voltages, current, temperatures and faults status. The measured values will be displayed on the host PC using FreeMaster. 
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Model-Based Design Toolbox supporting i.MX RT Crossover MCU. System modeling, simulations, automatic code generation, validation, and verification MATLAB & Simulink workflows are now available on the i.MX RT microcontroller by reusing MCUXpresso ecosystem: MCUXpresso SDK MCUXpresso Configuration Tool MCUXpresso IDE,GCC
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Model-Based Design Toolbox supporting Kinetis-V Series. System modeling, simulations, automatic code generation, validation, and verification MATLAB & Simulink workflows are now available on the Kinetis V microcontrollers by reusing MCUXpresso ecosystem: MCUXpresso SDK MCUXpresso Configuration Tool MCUXpresso IDE,GCC
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Four-Part How-To Series Model-Based Design Toolbox (MBDT) is an integrated development environment and toolchain for configuring and generating all the necessary software automatically to execute complex applications. The MBDT includes integrated Simulink® embedded target for NXP processors, peripheral device blocks and drivers, the Math and Motor Control library set, and bit-accurate simulation results. Watch on-demand each of our Model-Based Design Toolbox four-part How-To series and learn the basics of MBDT, also its SPI and CAN communication and its PWM control blocks.   Session 1/4 = Get to Know the User-Friendly NXP MBDT for Application Development in MATLAB/Simulink dumitru-daniel.popa‌ will show you how to configure and use the MBDT, engineered to help you speed up application development in MATLAB/Simulink Environment for NXP hardware. Get to know its main features and capabilities through the creation, simulation, built, deployment, and validation of a basic "hello world" type of application on theS32K144EVB.  Session 2/4 = Introducing the SPI Communication Blocks from NXP MBDT nxf46081‌ will highlight the key aspects of communication in the automotive industry while showing you how to configure and use designated blocks that implement the SPI communication inside the MATLAB/Simulink Environment for creating a quick and easy data transfer application using MBDT and the S32K144EVB. Session 3/4 = Introducing the CAN Communication Blocks from NXP MBDT constantinrazvan.chivu‌ will highlight the key aspects of communication in the automotive industry while showing you how to use MBDT and the S32K144EVB to simplify CAN applications with only a few blocks: configuration, transmit, and receive. Session 4/4 = Introducing the PWM Control Blocks from NXP MBDT mariuslucianandrei‌ will showcase how to start using PWM, its features and functionalities while showing you how to build a first application able to generate different types of PWM signals using MBDT and the S32K144EVB; also, learn to sample the external signals to determine the key values: duty-cycle, period, among others.   Your software development processes can speed up by using the free-of-charge NXP Model-Based Design Toolboxes for MATLAB and Simulink development environments, providing full integration, an out-of-the-box configuration, and action blocks for basic/advanced features for designing complex automotive solutions.
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      Product Release Announcement Automotive Processing   NXP Model-Based Design Toolbox   for S12ZVMx – version 1.4.0     Austin, Texas, USA September 9, 2020 The Automotive Processing, Model-Based Design Tools Team at NXP Semiconductors, is pleased to announce the release of the Model-Based Design Toolbox for S12ZVMx version 1.4.0. This release supports automatic code generation for S12ZVM peripherals and applications prototyping from MATLAB/Simulink for NXP S12ZVMx Automotive Microprocessors. This new release adds extended MATLAB version support (R2015a-R2020a), integrates with AMMCLib v1.1.21, is compatible with MathWorks Automotive Advisory Board checks, adds over 50 new examples and more.   FlexNet Location: https://www.nxp.com/webapp/swlicensing/sso/downloadSoftware.sp?catid=MCTB-EX   Activation link: https://www.nxp.com/webapp/swlicensing/sso/downloadSoftware.sp?catid=MCTB-EX   Technical Support: NXP Model-Based Design Toolbox for S12ZVMx issues are tracked through NXP Model-Based Design Tools Community space. https://community.nxp.com/community/mbdt   Release Content Automatic C code generation from MATLAB® for NXP S12ZVMx derivatives: S12ZVM 32/L31/16: MC9S12ZVM16 MC9S12ZVML31 MC9S12ZVM32 S12ZVML/C 128/64/32: MC9S12ZVML32 MC9S12ZVML64 MC9S12ZVMC64 MC9S12ZVML128 MC9S12ZVMC128 S12ZVMC256: MC9S12ZVMC256   Integrates the Automotive Math and Motor Control Library release 1.1.21: All functions in the Automotive Math and Motor Control Functions Library v1.1.21 are supported as blocks for simulation and embedded target code generation for: Bit Accurate Model for 16-bit fixed-point implementation Bit Accurate Model for 32-bit fixed-point implementation Bit Accurate Model for floating-point single precision implementation             Extended support for MATLAB versions We extended support for our toolbox to cover a wider range of MATLAB releases – starting from R2015a and going up to R2020a. This way we want to avoid locking out users that have constraints regarding MATLAB versions. Motor control examples We have added new motor control examples – BLDC (closed loop) and PMSM (closed loop, sensorless):   MAAB Checks (MathWorks Automotive Advisory Board) The toolbox is compatible with MathWorks Automotive Advisory Board checks – reports can be generated from Model Advisor:   Updated examples: We have added over 50 new examples, including: Motor control (both BLDC and PMSM) AMMCLib GDU (Gate Drive Unit) Profiler For more details, features and how to use the new functionalities, please refer to the Release Notes document attached.   MATLAB® Integration The NXP Model-Based Design Toolbox extends the MATLAB® and Simulink® experience by allowing customers to evaluate and use NXP’s S12ZVMx MCUs and evaluation boards solutions out-of-the-box with: NXP Support Package for S12ZVMx  Online Installer Guide Add-on allows users to install NXP solution directly from the Mathwork’s website or directly from MATLAB IDE. The Support Package provide a step-by-step guide for installation and verification. NXP Model-Based Design Toolbox for S12ZVM version 1.4.0 is fully integrated with MATLAB® environment in terms of installation: Target Audience This release (1.4.0) is intended for technology demonstration, evaluation purposes and prototyping S12ZVMx MCUs and Evaluation Boards.   Useful Resources Examples, Trainings and Support: https://community.nxp.com/community/mbdt                                                    
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In the following articles, we are going to detail the capabilities of our BMS blocks and how to use them on the NXP battery cell controller DevKits.
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This article details the TPL communication setup between S32K1xx boards and MC3377xBTPL Battery Cell Controllers.  It covers both hardware and software setup for the Battery Management System models designed using Model-Based Design Toolbox for battery packs of more than 14 cells in series.  At the end of this article, the user will be able to setup the Battery Cell Controller hardware and to design a Simulink model that reads the cell and pack voltages, current, temperatures and faults status. The measured values will be displayed on the host PC using FreeMaster. 
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Introduction The application is based on an example of basic GPIO for S32K144 (gpio_s32k14_mbd_rtw). The application is extended to fit the needs of motor control application running a sensorless PMSM Field Oriented Control algorithm. Therefore, certain modes (states) and transitions (events) are implemented. NOTE: Theory of Finite state machines defines states and events (transitions). Following design uses approach which may seem to mix states and transitions at some point. Some states are run just once, thus they may be considered as transitions only. However, the design is considered as an example and may be extended in terms of additional checks for external events, making these "one-shot" states the actual states. The design has been well known from NXP Automotive Motor Control Development Kits and it has been well accepted by majority of customers. Therefore, the same concept is presented for MATLAB Simulink. Finite State Machine Design The application structure should introduce a systematic tool to handle all the tasks of motor control as well as hardware protection in case of failure. Therefore, a finite state machine is designed to control the application states using MATLAB Simulink Stateflow Chart (Stateflow library/Chart). The motor control application requires at least two states - "stop" represented by "ready" state and "run" represented by "run" state. However, some additional states need to be implemented to cover e.g. power-on situation, where the program waits for various auxiliary systems (system basis chip, DC-bus to be fully charged, memory checks, etc.). In addition, the motor control application and specifically the sensorless field oriented control requires additional states to calibrate the sensors and to start the motor with known position. Therefore, transition from READY state to RUN state is done through an initialization sequence of CALIB (sensors calibration) and ALIGN (initial rotor position alignment or detection) states. To stop the motor, the application goes back to the READY state via INIT (state variables initialization). While the INIT state is designed to clear all the internal accumulators and other variables (but the parameters can be changed in the run time and not reset to the default settings), the RESET state is introduced to enable power-on or "default configuration" or "soft reset" initialization in the case of the motor control parameters are changed using FreeMASTER or other user interface. All the states are linked with an output event which is traced out of the state machine chart block. These events can be used as trigger points for calling the handlers (state functions). The transitions are driven by the input value of the state machine, treated as an event using a simple comparison (e.g. [u==e_start]). To change the state, the event/input value should be changed. If the event has changed, the state machine changes the state only in case of there is an existing action linked with the current state and the event. The state machine is designed to be used in the application using Event input (to signal the event), State output (to indicate the current state) and Event triggers outputs (to call the state functions / handlers). Following application has been built to show an example of the state machine usage. Following tables show the nomenclature of the states and events: State Purpose Value Reset Power-on / Default settings / Soft-reset state. May include some HW checking sequence or fault detection. 1 Init Initialization of control state variables (integrators, ramps, accumulators, variables, etc.). May include fault detection 2 Ready Stand-by state, ready to be switched-on. Includes fault detection, e.g. DC-bus overvoltage or high temperature 3 Calib Calibration state to calibrate ADC channels (remove offsets). Includes fault detection 4 Align Alignment state to find the rotor position and to prepare to start. Includes fault detection 5 Run Motor is running either in open-loop or sensorless mode. Includes fault detection 6 Fault Fault state to switch off the power converter and all the peripherals to a safe state. 7 Input events are the triggers which initiate a change of current state. Input Event Purpose Value e_init_done Asserted when the Init state has finished the task with success 1 e_start Asserted when a user sends the switch-on command 2 e_calib_done Asserted when all the required ADC channels are calibrated 3 e_align_done Asserted when the initial rotor alignment / position detection is done 4 e_stop Asserted when a user sends the switch-off command 5 e_fault Asserted when a fault situation occurs 6 e_fault_clear Asserted when a user sends the "clear faults" command or when the situation allows this 7 e_reset Asserted when a user sends the "reset" command to start over with default settings 8 Output events are used to trigger the Motor Control State Handlers and correspond to actual state. These events are triggered with every state machine call. Therefore, the state machine shall be aligned with the control algorithm. For example, it shall be placed within the ADC "conversion completed" interrupt routine or PWM reload interrupt routine. Finite State Machine Usage The state machine shall be used in good alignment with the control algorithm. The usual way of controlling a motor is to have a periodic interrupt linked with the ADC conversion completed or with the PWM reload event (interrupt). The state machine shall be called within this event handler, right after all the external information is collected (voltages, currents, binary inputs, etc.) to let the state machine decide, which state should be called next. Internal event/state handling inside of the state machine is clearly described by the state machine block definition. Output event triggers are configured to provide clear function-based code interface to the state machine. That means, the output events shall be connected to a function designed to handle the state task. For example, in Run state, the run() output event is triggered with every state machine call, while within the Run state function the whole motor control algorithm is called. If an input information is supposed to switch the state, a simple condition shall be programmed to change the Event variable (defined as a global variable). For example, if a user sends the "stop" command, the Event is set to "e_stop" and the state machine will switch to the Init state. For more complex triggering of output functions, additional output events can be programmed within the state machine definition. Template state handler function is based on the function caller block. In general, the function blocks can work with global variables, thus there is no need for inputs or outputs. Thanks to global Event variable, event-driven state machine can react on events thrown inside a state handler function or outside of the state machine (e.g. based on other asynchronous interrupt). An example of a simple template is shown below. In this example, the function represents the Reset state, which is supposed to be run after the power-on reset or to set all the variables to its default settings. Therefore, the first part is dedicated to hardware-related settings, the second part is covering the application-related settings. The third part checks whether all the tasks are done. If yes, the e_reset_done event is thrown (stored into the Event variable). In this case, the ResetStatus variable is obviously always going from zero to two with no additional influence. Therefore, the final condition may be removed (even by the MATLAB optimization process during compilation). If there is an external condition, such as a waiting for an external pin to be set, then it makes sense to use such "status" variable as a green light for completing the state task and throwing the "done" event. Embedded C code Implementation In default settings, MATLAB Embedded Coder generates the state machine code in a fashion of switch-case structure. This might be not very useful for further code debugging or for manual editing. Therefore, the function call subsystem block parameters should be changed as shown below. The function packaging option is set to "Nonreusable function", other settings might be left at default values. This will keep the state machine code structure in switch-case, however the state handlers function calls will be generated as static functions (instead of putting the code inside the switch-case). Following code sample is a part of the state machine code generated in the stateMachineTest.c example code. The state machine decides based on the State variable, which is internally stored in the stateMachineTest_DW.is_c1_stateMachineTest. Based on the stateMachineTest_DW.Event, a transition is initiated. Finally, the state handler function is called, in this case stateMachineTest_Resetstate(). void stateMachineTest_step(void) { /* ...  */       switch (stateMachineTest_DW.is_c1_stateMachineTest) { /* ... */       case stateMachineTest_IN_Reset:             rtb_y = 1U;             /* During 'Reset': '<S5>:35' */             if (stateMachineTest_DW.Event == stateMachineTest_e_reset_done) {               /* Transition: '<S5>:37' */               stateMachineTest_DW.is_c1_stateMachineTest = stateMachineTest_IN_Init;               /* Entry 'Init': '<S5>:1' */               rtb_y = 2U;             } else if (stateMachineTest_DW.Event == stateMachineTest_e_fault) {               /* Transition: '<S5>:46' */               stateMachineTest_DW.is_c1_stateMachineTest = stateMachineTest_IN_Fault;               /* Entry 'Fault': '<S5>:18' */               rtb_y = 7U;             } else {               /* Outputs for Function Call SubSystem: '<Root>/Reset state' */               /* Event: '<S5>:49' */               stateMachineTest_Resetstate();               /* End of Outputs for SubSystem: '<Root>/Reset state' */             }             break; /* ... */       }‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍ /* ... */ }‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍ The reset state function is compiled based on priorities set in each block of the Simulink model. If no priorities are set, the default ones are based on the order of adding them to the model. Therefore, it is very important to verify and eventually change the priorities as requested by its logical sequence. This setting can be changed in the block properties as shown below. The priority settings is shown after the model is updated (Ctrl+D) as a number in the upper right corner of each block. State Machine Test Application Testing application is designed to test all the features of the state machine, targeting the S32K144EVB. To indicate active states, RGB LED diode is used in combination with flashing frequency. On-board buttons SW2 and SW3 are used to control the application. The application is running in 10 ms interrupt routine (given by the sample time). There is an independent LPIT interrupt controlling the LED flashing. After the power-on reset, the device is configured and the RESET state is entered, where additional HW and application settings are performed. Then, the application runs into the INIT state with a simulated delay of approx. 2 seconds, indicated by the blue LED diode flashing fast. After the delay, the READY state is entered automatically. Both buttons are handled by another state machine, which detects short and long button press. While the short press is not directly indicated, the long press is indicated by the red LED diode switched on. By a short pressing of the SW2, the application is started, entering the CALIB state first, followed by the ALIGN state and finally entering the RUN state. The CALIB and ALIGN states are indicated by higher frequency flashing of the blue LED, while the RUN state is indicated by the green LED being switched on. The application introduces a simulation of the speed command, which can be changed by long pressing of the SW2 (up) or SW3 (down) within the range of 0 to 10,000. Moreover, to simulate a fault situation, the e_fault event is thrown once the speed command reaches value of 5,000. The FAULT state is entered, indicated by the red LED flashing. To clear the fault, both SW2 and SW3 should be pressed simultaneously. The INIT state is entered, indicated by the blue LED diode flashing fast. Following tables show the functions and LED indication. Button Press lenght Function SW2 short press Start the application SW2 long press Increase the speed command (indicated by the red LED diode ON) SW3 short press Stop the application SW3 long press Decrease the speed command (indicated by the red LED diode ON) SW2+SW3 short press Clear faults State LED Flashing Reset - Init Blue period 50 Ready Blue period 500 Calib Blue period 250 Align Blue period 100 Run Green always on Fault Red period 100 any Red always on when a long press of SW2 or SW3 is detected Running the example The example can be built and run along with the Model Based Design Toolbox for S32K14x, v3.0.0. This version has been created using MATLAB R2017a. Please follow the instructions and courses on the NXP Community page prior to running this example. Usage of the S32K144EVB with no connected extension boards is recommended, however this example doesn't use any HW interfaces except of (please refer to the S32K144EVB documentation): S32K144 pin S32K144EVB connector Usage PTD15 J2.2 GPIO output / strength: High / Red LED PTD0 J2.6 GPIO output / strength: High / Blue LED PTD16 J2.4 GPIO output / strength: High / Green LED PTC12 J2.10 GPIO input / Button SW2 PTC13 J2.12 GPIO input / Button SW3 PTC6 J4.4 UART1 / RxD / FreeMASTER PTC7 J4.2 UART1 / TxD / FreeMASTER The application works also with the FreeMASTER application. Users can connect to the target and watch or control the application. The FreeMASTER project is attached as well, however, the ELF file location needs to be updated in the FreeMASTER project settings after the application is built and run.
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      Product Release Announcement Automotive Processing NXP Model-Based Design Toolbox for S32K1xx – version 4.2.0     Austin, Texas, USA July 20, 2020 The Automotive Processing, Model-Based Design Tools Team at NXP Semiconductors, is pleased to announce the release of the Model-Based Design Toolbox for S32K1xx version 4.2.0. This release supports automatic code generation for S32K1xx peripherals and applications prototyping from MATLAB/Simulink for NXP S32K1xx Automotive Microprocessors. This new release adds support for S32K142W and S32K144W, Battery Management Systems (support for MC3377xB), EEEPROM R/W operations, integration with Simulink Motor Control Blockset and Battery Management System Toolbox, new community requested features (like I2C multi transfer block, S32Design Studio importer for Simulink models, LIN CRC configuration) and many other various new functionalities to help customers with rapid prototyping with NXP S32K microcontrollers.   FlexNet Location: https://www.nxp.com/webapp/swlicensing/sso/downloadSoftware.sp?catid=MCTB-EX   Activation link: https://www.nxp.com/webapp/swlicensing/sso/downloadSoftware.sp?catid=MCTB-EX   Technical Support: NXP Model-Based Design Toolbox for S32K1xx issues are tracked through NXP Model-Based Design Tools Community space. https://community.nxp.com/community/mbdt     Release Content Automatic C code generation based on S32K SDK 4.0.0 RTM drivers from MATLAB® for NXP all S32K1xx derivatives: S32K142W MCU Packages with 48/64 LQFP (*new) S32K144W MCU Packages with 48/64 LQFP (*new) S32K116 MCU Packages with 32QFN and 48LQFP (*updated) S32K118 MCU Packages with 48/64 LQFP (*updated) S32K142 MCU Packages with 48/64/100LQFP (*updated) S32K144 MCU Packages with 48/64/100LQFP and 100BGA (*updated) S32K146 MCU Packages with 64/100/144LQFP and 100BGA (*updated) S32K148 MCU Packages with 144/176LQFP and 100BGA/QFP (*updated) Multiple options for packages and clock frequencies are available via Model-Based Design Toolbox S32K Simulink main configuration block   Battery Management System (BMS) support for MC3377xB – examples, documentation and FreeMASTER UI are available Special Simulink Blocks have been added to simplify the way a user can initialize such a controller, read vital parameters (like cell voltage, stack voltage, temperature, current) and manage the whole system. The entire suite of blocks is easily integrated within the new Battery Management Toolbox from Mathworks, so users can leverage these algorithms on top of our blocks. Integrates the Automotive Math and Motor Control Library release 1.1.21 for: S32K11x based on ARM M0+ cores; S32K14x based on ARM M4F cores;   Multiple S32K1xx peripheral support. The peripheral coverage for each of the S32K1xx derivatives is shown below:        S32K116      S32K118        S32K142        S32K144          S32K146      S32K148   Added support for EEEPROM These blocks allow users to make read/write operations to non-volatile memory (useful in applications that require parameters/states to be saved even when powered-off):   Updated Motor Control support New examples added for the following parts: -     MCSXTE2BK142 -     S32K11XEVBM -     XS32K14WEVB Additionally, Motor Control blocks can be easily integrated with the Motor Control Blockset from Mathworks, so users can leverage these algorithms on top of our existing blocks.     Extended support for MATLAB versions We extended support for our toolbox to cover a wider range of MATLAB releases – starting from R2016a and going up to R2020a. This way we want to avoid locking out users that have constraints regarding MATLAB versions.   New community-requested features In our efforts to make  NXP’s Model-Based Design Toolbox for S32K1xx version 4.2.0 fit the needs of the users, we have added the following requested features/updates: -     Added new I2C multi transfer block -     S32 Design Studio importer functionality extended for referenced models projects -     Updated LIN blocks to add CRC type configuration -     Updated ADC blocks to enable auto-calibration   100% S32K1xx supported peripheral coverage with examples. Approximatively 300 examples available as part of the toolbox that exercise all the functionalities supported   For more details, features and how to use the new functionalities, please refer to the Release Notes document attached.   MATLAB® Integration The NXP Model-Based Design Toolbox extends the MATLAB® and Simulink® experience by allowing customers to evaluate and use NXP’s S32K1xx MCUs and evaluation boards solutions out-of-the-box with: NXP Support Package for S32K1xx Online Installer Guide Add-on allows users to install NXP solution directly from the Mathwork’s website or directly from MATLAB IDE. The Support Package provide a step-by-step guide for installation and verification. NXP Model-Based Design Toolbox for S32K1xx version 4.2.0 is fully integrated with MATLAB® environment in terms of installation, documentation, help and examples:   Target Audience This release (4.2.0) is intended for technology demonstration, evaluation purposes and prototyping for S32K116, S32K118, S32K142, S32K144, S32K146, S32K148, S32K142W and S32K144W MCUs and Evaluation Boards.   Useful Resources Examples, Trainings and Support: https://community.nxp.com/community/mbdt                                            
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1. Introduction The scope of this article is to show how easy it is to use MBDT, FreeMASTER and some knowledge in electronics to create a simple and useful project: monitor USB voltage and current consumption.  I used this setup it to monitor USB voltage and current while my smartphone is charging, but it can be used in other purposes too, like monitoring power consumption of some devices connected on USB charger/power bank/PC, or it can be used to find some charging issues, or maybe you just want to find out if your phone charger supports fast charging, or to characterize a power bank.  2. Overview 2.1 Functional Description This project can measure USB voltage and current by measuring USB voltage and a voltage drop across a resistor through which current flows from a USB power source to a USB load. The voltage given by current flow is amplified by an electronic circuit and sampled by MPC5744P-DEVKIT board through the ADC converter, then data is sent to PC and then are displayed through a FreeMASTER project as numerical values and as oscilloscope chart. The MPC5744P-DEVKIT board is programmed by MBDT. To build this simple project, you need three components: Matlab with MBDT toolbox installed, FreeMASTER Run-Time Debugging Tool, a very simple electronic circuit, and an MPC5744P-DEVKIT.  As can be seen in fig.1, the project can be split into two main parts: Hardware Setup and Software Setup. Fig. 1: USB Voltage And Current Monitor block diagram 2.1 Hardware Setup Custom Electronic Board The simplest way to measure current is to use a simple resistor connected in series with the load (USB output in our case). The Ohm law gives us a linear relationship between voltage and current in an electrical circuit: U = R * I  U is the voltage (measured in volts V) drop across the resistor, R is the resistance of the resistor (measured in ohm Ω) and I is the current (measured in amps A) which we need to measure. Most of the USB chargers can supply a maximum of 3A and most of the smartphones can drain less than 3A. Giving that I considered designing this circuit to measure around maximum 3A. Let suppose that we use a simple 1ohm resistor. If we do simple math using Ohm formula, then it can be seen that for 3A the voltage across our resistor (there) will be 3V (U = 1 * 3). Fig. 2: USB connectors and current "sensor" In Fig. 2 on the left side is a USB input connector, on the right side is the output USB connector and both GND lines are connected through R1 current sensor. The current "I" will flow, as can be seen in Fig. 2, from USB input through VBUS  line to VBUS on USB output, than will flow through our load connected to USB output and then through GND on the same connector thru R1 and at least to GND on USB input connector. This current will create a voltage across R1 (UR1) equal with 3V (if we use 3 amps current and 1-ohm resistor). One of USB standard charging it specifies that the lowest (standard) voltage it's 5V. In our case, using this 1 ohm resistor will cause 3V loss, then the voltage at USB outputs will be 2V (unacceptable). In most of the digital electronic circuits, when it's used 5 volts power, the voltage tolerance it's about 10% (0.5V) which means the voltage can be between 4.5V and 5.5V. Let's try to create a maximum voltage drop across this resistor about 3 times lower than the 0.5V, e.g.: 150mV. Then the current sensor resistor is R1 = 0.15V / 3A = 0.05ohm.  To measure this drop voltage we could use any ADC channel on MPC5744P-DEVKIT, but if the voltage reference of ADC is set to 5V, the resolution of ADC is 5V/4096 = 1.22mV, which means the equivalent ADC resolution corresponding to current measurement is about 24mA (1.22mV correspond to 24mA). If we consider electrical noise on USB connectors, it's very possible that the out signal will be "drowned" in electrical noise or the results will be not very satisfactory.  The solution to that problem is to "rescale" this 0V --> 0.15V range to 0V --> 5V. We can do that by using operational amplifier circuits.  I used what I found on the moment in my electronic components, an LM358 IC.  This IC is not the best, but for the demo, it's ok to be used.       Fig. 3: USB current and voltage monitor A few ideas of this electronic design:  this IC contains two operational amplifiers,  first amplifier coefficient is set thru R5 and R4 (34 amplification coefficient) and the signal is connected on his noninverting input, the lowest current that can be measured is approx. 0.7mA, the second amplifier is set as a buffer amplifier, note: if the maximum current used by the load is maximum 3A, the Zenner diode it's not necessary. By using this amplifier, the range is rescaled to 0 --> 5.1V.  To measure the voltage at USB input we use R9 and R10 divider resistor and will use the formula U_R9 = U_USB * ( R9/(R9 + R10)). And by using for R9 10K and for R10 33K  the voltage measured by ADC for maximum USB standard charging is U_R9 = 20V * (10/(43)) = 4.65V. This circuit has been developed on prototyping PCB. The outputs of this circuit are connected to two ADC (current signal to PTB13 and voltage signal to PTB14) channels of MPC5744P-DEVKIT and those can be found on CN1 connector ("USB voltage", "USB current" and GND). MPC5744P-DEVKIT Evaluation Board The main scope of this devkit is to get current and voltage data from the custom board and to convert it to digital data and send it to the PC through the UART interface.  As can be seen in fig. 4, I used three wires to connect the custom electronic board to the devkit (two ADC and GND).  On MPC5744P-DEVKIT the ADC voltage reference must be set to 5V (jumper J19 --> 2-3) and the data will be sent to PC through UART (USB --> OpenSDA). The MPC5744P-DEVKIT must be connected to PC thru USB cable. All other jumpers can be let in the default state. Fig. 4: Hardware setup (load is a USB led light) 2.1 Software Setup MBDT Application Model            For software development, I used Matlab with the MBDT toolbox. The first step is to create a new Simulink project using MBDT. The project contains three main parts: configuration blocks variable declaration blocks main loop, where the values are taken from the output of ADC block, and after using some simple maths functions, resulted in values are stored in current and voltage variables. After getting the values from ADC blocks, we must apply some math functions to reverse the effect created in the electronic circuit. Part of the configuration blocks contain: MPC5744P configuration block, ADC configuration block, which has two channels are configured, FreeMASTER block used to observe the current, voltage, and other parameters over UART through the FreeMASTER protocol. Part of the variables declaration is used to declare all variables used to get values from ADC peripheric, intermediate values, and final values.  Part of the main loop consists of simple mathematical functions that have the role to convert ADC values to current and voltage values. The first thing executed is taking the ADC current and voltage values, then those values are converted to floating-point type the multiplied with a constant (ADC_Vref /ADC_resolution = 5/4095) which represent ADC voltage resolution. Then, for USB current value, the result must be divided with operational amplifier factor (34), after that, we could subtract from the result that operational amplifier input offset (if it is measured any relevant value) and the last thing to do to get the USB current is to convert from voltage to current using ohm law (U = R * I).  To get the USB voltage, the first step is similar to the USB current value, using the resistor divider formula we get the final value. For using different opamp IC, if the non-inverting input is too high, it is recommended to be measured while the electric circuit is on and the value to be updated in the model (variable Current_offset).  Fig. 5: MBDT Application Model FreeMASTER project To view data in real-time, the first thing is to open the FreeMASTER project and, select "Tools", then "Connection Wizard ...", then hit "Next" button, select the first option "Use the direct connection to an on-board USB port", then select the serial com port assigned to MPC5744P-DEVKIT and 115200 baud rate. The USB current and voltage can be observed In the FreeMASTER project as a numerical value and as an oscilloscope view by selecting "RAW data" to plot raw ADC USB current and voltage values. To plot the real USB current and voltage values, in the Project Tree, please select "Voltage and current" oscilloscope. Fig. 6: FreeMASTER USB current and voltage monitor In Fig. 6 it can be seen current and voltage variations in time for fast charging transitions when my smartphone is connected to the original charger.
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      Product Release Announcement Automotive Microcontrollers and Processors NXP Model-Based Design Toolbox for MPC57xx – version 3.2.0     Austin, Texas, USA April 14 th , 2020 The Automotive Microcontrollers and Processors Model-Based Design Tools Team at NXP Semiconductors is pleased to announce the release of the Model-Based Design Toolbox for MPC57xx version 3.2.0. This release supports automatic code generation for peripherals and applications prototyping from MATLAB/Simulink for NXP’s MPC574xB/C/G/P/R and MPC577xB/C/E series.   FlexNet Location https://www.nxp.com/webapp/swlicensing/sso/downloadSoftware.sp?catid=MCTB-EX Activation link https://www.nxp.com/webapp/swlicensing/sso/downloadSoftware.sp?catid=MCTB-EX   Technical Support NXP Model-Based Design Toolbox for MPC57xx issues are tracked through the NXP Model-Based Design Tools Community space. https://community.nxp.com/community/mbdt   Release Content Automatic C code generation based on PA SDK 3.0.2 RTM drivers from MATLAB®/Simulink® for 21 NXP product families MPC574xB/C/G/P/R and MPC577xB/C/E derivatives: MPC5744B, MPC5745B, MPC5746B                                                 (*updated) MPC5744C, MPC5745C, MPC5746C, MPC5747C, MPC5748C       (*updated) MPC5746G, MPC5747G, MPC5748G                                                (*updated) MPC5741P, MPC5742P, MPC5743P, MPC5744P                              (*updated) MPC5743R, MPC5745R, MPC5746R                                                 (*new) MPC5775B, MPC5775E, MPC5777C                                                 (*new) Multiple options for MCU packages, Build Toolchains and embedded Target Connections are available via Model-Based Design Toolbox Simulink main configuration block   Multiple peripherals and drivers supported MPC574xP Ultra-Reliable MCU for Automotive & Industrial Safety Applications MPC574xB/C/G Ultra-Reliable MCUs for Automotive & Industrial Control and Gateway MPC574xR Ultra-Reliable MCUs for industrial and automotive engine/transmission control MPC577xB/C/E Ultra-Reliable MCUs for Automotive and Industrial Engine Management Add support for AUTOSAR Blockset for all MPC57xx parts to allow Processor-in-the-Loop simulation for Classic AUTOSAR Application Layer SW-C:     Add support for Three Phase Field Effect Transistor Pre-driver, MC33GD3000, MC34GD3000, MC33937, and MC34937 configuration and control Enhance MATLAB/Simulink support to all versions starting with 2016a to 2020a Enhance the example library with more than 140 models to showcase various functionalities: Core & Systems Analogue Timers Communications Simulations Motor Control Applications For more details, features and how to use the new functionalities, please refer to the Release Notes and Quick Start Guide documents attached.   MATLAB® Integration The NXP Model-Based Design Toolbox extends the MATLAB® and Simulink® experience by allowing customers to evaluate and use NXP’s MPC57xx MCUs and evaluation boards solutions out-of-the-box with: NXP Support Package for MPC57xx Online Installer Guide Add-on allows users to install the NXP solution directly from the Mathworks website or directly from MATLAB IDE. The Support Package provides a step-by-step guide for installation and verification.   NXP’s Model-Based Design Toolbox for MPC57xx version 3.2.0 is fully integrated with the MATLAB® environment in terms of installation, documentation, help, and examples.     Target Audience This release (v.3.2.0) is intended for technology demonstration, evaluation purposes and prototyping for MPC574xB/C/G/P/R and MPC577xB/C/E MCUs and their corresponding Evaluation Boards: DEVKIT-MPC5744P PCB RevA SCH RevE (*new) DEVKIT-MPC5744P PCB RevX1 SCH RevB DEVKIT-MPC5748G PCB RevA SCH RevB DEVKIT-MPC5777C-DEVB                                                                      Daughter Card MPC574XG-256DS RevB Daughter Card X-MPC574XG-324DS RevA Daughter Card MPC5744P-257DS RevB1 Daughter Card SPC5746CSK1MKU6 Daughter Card MPC5777C-516DS                                                       Daughter Card MPC5777C-416DS                                                      Motherboard X-MPC574XG-MB RevD Motherboard MPC57XX RevC Daughter Card MPC5775B-416DS (*new) Daughter Card MPC5775E-416DS (*new) Daughter Card MPC5746R-144DS (*new) Daughter Card MPC5746R-176DS (*new) Daughter Card MPC5746R-252DS (*new)     Useful Resources Examples, Training, and Support: https://community.nxp.com/community/mbdt      
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Having fun with MBDT for MPC57xx 3.1.0 and MPC5744P for Xmas tree by controlling the lights and sounds
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      Product Release Announcement Automotive Microcontrollers and Processors NXP Model-Based Design Toolbox for MPC57xx – version 3.1.0     Austin, Texas, USA December 16 th , 2019 The Automotive Microcontrollers and Processors Model-Based Design Tools Team at NXP Semiconductors, is pleased to announce the release of the Model-Based Design Toolbox for MPC57xx version 3.1.0. This release supports automatic code generation for peripherals and applications prototyping from MATLAB/Simulink for NXP’s MPC574xB/C/G/P and MPC5777C series.   FlexNet Location https://www.nxp.com/webapp/swlicensing/sso/downloadSoftware.sp?catid=MCTB-EX   Activation link https://www.nxp.com/webapp/swlicensing/sso/downloadSoftware.sp?catid=MCTB-EX   Release Content Automatic C code generation based on PA SDK 3.0.2RTM drivers from MATLAB®/Simulink® for NXP MPC574xB/C/G/P and MPC5777C derivatives: MPC5744B, MPC5745B, MPC5746B                                                   (*upd) MPC5744C, MPC5745C, MPC5746C, MPC5747C, MPC5748C         (*upd) MPC5746G, MPC5747G, MPC5748G                                                  (*upd) MPC5741P, MPC5742P, MPC5743P, MPC5744P                                (*upd) MPC5777C                                                                                            (*new) Added support for SIL, PIL and AUTOSAR Blockset code generation and simulation for the MPC5777C Ultra-Reliable MCU for Automotive and Industrial Engine Management. Currently only the basic enablement is available for this microcontroller as shown in the picture below: Enhance MATLAB/Simulink support to all versions starting with 2016a to 2019b Enable MATLAB AUTOSAR Blockset on all MPC574xB/C/G/P and MPC5777C to allow users to configure, simulate, generate and profile AUTOSAR Applications with NXP Hardware; For more details, features and how to use the new functionalities, please refer to the Release Notes and Quick Start Guide documents.   MATLAB® Integration The NXP Model-Based Design Toolbox extends the MATLAB® and Simulink® experience by allowing customers to evaluate and use NXP’s MPC57xx MCUs and evaluation boards solutions out-of-the-box with: NXP Support Package for MPC57xx Online Installer Guide Add-on allows users to install NXP solution directly from the Mathwork’s website or directly from MATLAB IDE. The Support Package provide a step-by-step guide for installation and verification. NXP’s Model-Based Design Toolbox for MPC57xx version 3.1.0 is fully integrated with MATLAB® environment in terms of installation, documentation, help and examples;     Target Audience This release (v.3.1.0) is intended for technology demonstration, evaluation purposes and prototyping for MPC574xB/C/G/P and MPC5777C MCUs and their corresponding Evaluation Boards: DEVKIT-MPC5744P PCB RevX1 SCH RevB DEVKIT-MPC5748G PCB RevA SCH RevB DEVKIT-MPC5777C-DEVB                                                                     (*new) Daughter Card MPC574XG-256DS RevB Daughter Card X-MPC574XG-324DS RevA Daughter Card MPC5744P-257DS RevB1 Daughter Card SPC5746CSK1MKU6 Daughter Card MPC5777C-516DS                                                        (*new) Daughter Card MPC5777C-416DS                                                        (*new) Motherboard X-MPC574XG-MB RevD Motherboard MPC57XX RevC      
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1. Introduction This article discusses various algorithms for controlling trajectory and speed for an autonomous vehicle.  The car is built with S32K144 and the NXP's Cup car chassis as explained in depth in this article: https://community.nxp.com/docs/DOC-341984. All software used for programming the car is done using MATLAB/Simulink toolbox called Model-Based Design Toolbox for S32K1xx - NXP Support Package S32K1xx - File Exchange - MATLAB Central. The goal of achieving imposed performances for this system is approached in a classical manner using a PID (Proportional Integral Derivative) controller and also by using modern control algorithms: LQG (Linear Quadratic Gaussian), LTR (Loop Transfer Recovery), H2 and H∞.   2. Vehicle Dynamics Model A logical way of creating a formal representation of the physical system is described in the following section. The significant contribution of such representation is outlined in the control algorithms design process. Validation of these algorithms in a simulation environment, where a mathematical model approximates the real system, is a procedure which is going to be undertaken to ensure rectitude and precision for the developed solutions. Simplifying assumptions must be made to create the context of ease in manipulating such a formal representation, considering the existing numerical algorithms. Therefore, the mathematical model will possesses a certain level of compromise between the simplicity of the representation and accuracy related to the real system. Before starting to model the car’s dynamics, a brief analysis of the system is introduced to offer a clear image on the process. The car can be controlled through three independent inputs, duty cycles which are given as inputs to the Simulink blocks: the duty cycle for the servomotor; the duty cycle for the 1st rear wheel and the duty cycle for the 2nd rear wheel. The output of the process is represented by the image camera sees in front of it, the array Y with the converted values of the analog signal transmitted by the sensor. Hence, a Multiple Input Single Output (MISO) process is modeled in the current section of the paper. The actuators are represented by the three motors, two to ensure traction of the car, and one servomotor responsible for the steering. The plant is represented by the actual vehicle, and the sensor is constituted by the camera which provides the image in front of the car. Thereby, Figure 2.1 illustrates the correspondence between the physical ensemble and the control theory components. Figure 2.1 Actuators, plant, sensor Before exposing the equations that describe the dynamics of the system, a representation of the forces that affect the vehicle is illustrated in Figure 2.2, where: XR and YR define the robot frame, δ represents the turning angle of the front wheels, F is the traction force generated by the two DC motors of the rear wheels, Ff denotes the friction force that the vehicle must overcome during its movement, L is the length of the car, measured from the center of the front wheels to the center of the rear wheels, Cx and Cy reactive forces depending on the movement velocity and ω the angular velocity. Figure 2.2 Forces acting on the vehicle Now, writing Newton’s law for the translation motion and considering the decomposition of the forces on the robot’s frame axis, the motion is described as well as longitudinal as latitudinal by: The traction and resistance forces can be expressed based on the two DC motors parameters: where: ui - voltage applied on the inner wheel motor, uo - voltage applied on the outer wheel motor (related to turning behavior), km - DC motor constant, rw - rear wheels diameter, R - winding resistance, Bv - resistance coefficient for the translation motion, μ - friction coefficient, M - mass of the vehicle, g - gravitational acceleration. When it comes to the rotational motion, the equation which describes the vehicle dynamics is given by: where: MFx - moment of Fx force, Md - moment caused by the difference of speeds on the two rear wheels which triggers the car to change its orientation, MFfx - moment of Ffx force, which opposes to the rotational movement, Cw - reaction dependent to the angular velocity and J - moment of inertia. Considering thus the previous formulas for the traction and friction force, the final equation of the rotational movement is: where all the variables have the same meanings as already specified and more than that, Bw represents the resistance coefficient for the rotational motion.  To express the position of the vehicle on the track, an approach based on angles is going to be used to provide a suitable functional description of the process. Therefore, θ represents the angle between the YR-axis of the robot and the XI-axis of an inertial frame, like in Figure 2.3 The θ angle provides information about the car’s position on the given track, and it represents the variable to be measured to ensure the desired behavior of the vehicle.  Figure 2.3 System output - θ angle Therefore, the differential equations that model the vehicle’s dynamics are written in the inertial coordinate system and obtained considering a Newtonian approach as in: The mathematical representation given by the previous differential equations is characterized by nonlinear dynamics. A linearization procedure is therefore implemented to obtain a state-space representation of the given model. For the particular model developed so far, considering the variables and their signification related to the vehicle’s dynamics, the state array is formed by: x' = [θ vx vy ω], while θ represents the output and u' = [δ ui uo] defines the control signals array. The differential equations of the vehicle dynamics are introduced in the Simulink environment for obtaining the linear system. Input and output ports are used for the controlled and measured variables, while a simple logic of mathematical operations blocks, integrator blocks, and signals connections are implemented. Before using the linmod Matlab function to obtain the linearized model, a static operating point must be chosen. When it comes to this, the following assumptions are made: the car travels a straight road, the front wheels are straight, no turning angle, the rear wheels have equal rotational speed and the car is perpendicular on the X-axis of the inertial system coordinate. All these specifications correspond to a duty cycle equal to 0.03, as mentioned previously. For the two rear wheels, a 10% speed is chosen. However, the transfer from the duty cycles transmitted to the motors and the inputs considered for the system in the current model should also be computed. For the two rear DC motors, the voltage applied is proportional to the duty cycle control signal. A 0% duty cycle (no rotational speed) is equal to a 0V power voltage. While the maximum voltage of the DC motors is 5V, and the maximum duty cycle is 100%, it is easy to determine the proportionality factor, which is equal to 5. When it comes to the conversion between the duty cycle of the servomotor and the turning angle of the front wheels, it must be taken into account that the maximum angle physically achievable for the front wheels is equal to 45 degrees. Therefore, the transfer can be modeled by: With all the transfers modeled and all the model's constants replaced with numerical values, a state-space representation is computed for the entire process and the system is described by the following minimal state-space representation: 3. Control Algorithms 3.1 Experimental PID Position Control The actual position of the car on the track is compared to a defined reference and it is desired to maintain the error between these variables as small as possible, with the purpose mentioned in the previous paragraph. The inputs on the rear motors are given by a constant duty cycle equal to 0.1, which represents 10% of the maximum speed that the car can reach. All these information are represented in a schematic manner in Figure 3.1.1 Figure 3.1.1 Position control loop 3.1.1 Position Computing and Reference Defining Relying on the array of intensities returned by the ADC, the following procedure was undertaken to gain knowledge about what the camera sees. The robot was firstly placed on one side of the track, and connected to the FreeMaster tool for real-time data collecting. The experiment was repeated for different positions of the vehicle, and the results are illustrated in the figures below:                              Figure Exemplification of what camera sees for different positions of the car on the track Noticing how the image in front of the camera changes related to its position, it is desirable for the two dips on the graphics to be equally distant from the center of the array. A position finding algorithm is therefore implemented for searching the edges of the road. 3.1.2 Parameters Tunning Based on the error value, the steering input is computed. Bearing in mind the fact that the duty cycle for the servomotor should be in the range of 0.02 – 0.04, the control signal given to the actuator should be bounded for this particular input range. Thus, a scaling factor is introduced before the error is transmitted to the controller. Considering the error range, a convenient scaling factor is chosen. Irrespective of the correspondence of the errors to left or right halves of the road displacements, the magnitude of the signal should be processed by the controller in the same way. The symmetry has then to be dismissed because different values of the duty cycle should be computed to make the car turn left or right. Therefore, the PID controller can return a control signal which is maximum equal to 0.01, for an maximum error value, which then, based on the sign of the position index algorithm returned value, should be added to 0.03 (wheels not steered) for a movement to the left, or subtracted from 0.03 for a movement to the right. Following all the introduced information, the first step into the procedure of tuning the PID controller is to build a proportional controller. A maximum error value, divided by the scaling factor corresponds to a maximum 0.01 control signal. Moreover, knowing that for a proportional controller, which is discrete considering its use directly on the real process: the proportional parameter of the PID controller is computed from the previous formula. The result of the designed controlled system is now illustrated in Figure, extracted from the FreeMaster debug tool in real time, while the car completes multiple laps on the given track.The output of the system is illustrated on the Y-axis, the reference is marked with a black line, and the time scale is represented on the X-axis, in seconds. The dips on the graphical representation of the system’s output correspond to the curvatures of the road, where a significant error triggers the wheels steering to keep the car on the track. The wavy portion is the system’s output on the wavy piece of the road, and the almost straight area is the output provided when the car is on the straight piece of the track. It is noticeable that on the straight part of the track, the reference is not completely followed. Also, on a long straight road, only the proportional component is not able to ensure a steady state error equal to zero.                                          Figure System reference and output with P controller Figure Track components: straight, curve, wavy Rising even more the KR factor value does not solve this problem, because the risk of the system’s instability appears in this scenario. Thus, the integrative component should be used, and now the controller is a PI, with the following control law: The Ti value is chosen experimentally, and satisfying results are illustrated in the following figure:                                 Figure System reference and output with PI controller A derivative component is not necessarily required, considering the form of the track (without sudden changes of direction). Inside the PID block which implements the controller in the Simulink environment, besides the parameters choice and also the upper and lower saturation limits of the control signal, the clamping anti-windup method is also used for preventing the controller output from saturating. The sampling time is left to be inherited, this option allowing the Matlab environment to choose the right sampling period considered regarding the timing in the given Simulink model. 3.2 Experimental PID Speed Control The center of the track is now followed, and the behavior of the vehicle is as desired. On longer tracks, the vehicle movement seems like a crawl, and the particularities of the system allow the control of three different inputs. A speed control algorithm is thus implemented to ensure a reduced time in completing a lap. Like any other car, the robot should be able to adapt its speed depending on the track to be traversed. Acceleration and deceleration features should be implemented into the current application to emulate the behavior of a real-life vehicle. Also depending on the road’s particularities, curvatures, distances, a speed limit should be left to be user’s choice. Intuitively, from a driver perspective, the speed should be reduced at the beginning of the curve and then gradually increased on the second part of the curve, as the car leaves it and heads to a straight piece of the road. Taking into consideration this real life behavior, the graphic evolution of the output of the system controlled with the PID position controller seems to illustrate this exact idea. It is noticeable that inside a curve, the error slowly increases as the car approaches the center of the turn, and then decreases while the exit becomes close. A proportional control signal to the speed of the two wheels can be thus computed to take care of this operating mode.The error signal is consequently fed to a P controller which amplifies it considering, for the beginning, that the maximum speed allowed is equal to 0.15 (15%). Therefore, the control loop is completed, as illustrated in the figure below: Figure 3.2.1 Position and speed control loop Assuming that the imposed speed limit is provided by a duty cycle equal to 0.15, as specified in the previous paragraph, and also that, during a turn, it must be reduced to 0.1, the KR factor of the two controllers, one for each rear wheel is given by: The KR general formula can be modified under the desired speed range (how fast should the car go and how fast should it take turns). The control signal given to the rear motors, uk = KRϵk is subtracted from the imposed speed limit to achieve the desired behavior on the curvatures of the road. The car travels the track faster now, but increasing the speed, even more, causes a side-slip of the vehicle during turns. This shortcoming could be improved by taking advantage of the fact that the two rear wheels can be controlled independently. Hence, inside a turn, the outer wheel should have a bigger rotation speed than the inner one, in the same way, an automobile operates. This differential control of the traction wheels is used to increase the stability of the system, improving, therefore, the performances of the vehicle. However, a way of computing the difference between the speeds of the two rear wheels must be implemented. The overall speed of the moving vehicle is given by the two duty cycle control signals, and it is: The ratio between the outer wheel speed and the inner wheel speed is experimentally chosen based on the formula: The experimental procedure is undertaken for obtaining a suitable value for the speed ratio started by choosing this factor equal to 1. For a speed ratio equal to 1 there is no differential control of the rear wheels, both of them having the same rotation speed. The speed ratio produced satisfactory results for a value equal to 1.3. A 1.4-speed ratio factor is also suitable for the application, but increasing it more could cause unwanted behaviors such as the car turning around its axis. With a 1.3-speed ratio factor, a 20% (0.2) speed limit was achieved, with a lower value of 15% (0.15) during turns. Increasing the speed, even more, 25% (0.25) and keeping the lower value at its previous setting produces, in some cases, side-slips of the vehicle outside the track. By reducing the vehicle turning speed, for example, 10% (0.1) does not solve the side-slip issue. The leading cause of this behavior is related to the oval shape of the track, with short straight segments. As on a winding road, the robot should also limit its speed because sudden acceleration and deceleration actions cause undesired system’s reactions and safety issues are definitely to be considered during control algorithms design. Mixing this way of computing two different duty cycles for the two rear wheels, with the proportional controller introduced in the first part of this subsection, which will provide the overall DT, the vehicle shows more stability during the turns than it did without the differential speed control and a bigger speed can be achieved without losing the position requirements. Figure 3.2.2 Computing the rear wheels control signals 3.3 LQG and LTR Unlike the PID regulator, the LQG and LTR control laws are going to be designed in a theoretical manner, based on the mathematical model of the system, obtained in the previous section. However, before implementing the controllers in the Simulink environment for proper simulation and validation of their results, a short analysis of the open loop system is going to be depicted in the next subsection. 3.3.1 Position Computing and Reference Defining As illustrated in the previous chapter of the thesis, the output of the mathematical representation is the angle θ measured between the Y-axis of the robot frame and the X-axis coordinate of the inertial frame. There are also three inputs of the system given by the values of the duty cycles transmitted to the motors. Thereby, the four matrices,A,B,C and D  are introduced as a state-space block in a newly created model in the Simulink environment. However, the simulation does not recognize the output of the system as an angle. Considering the work in a digital environment, its values are increasing and decreasing following the given inputs. This behavior is as expected, assuming that a constant speed on the rear wheels and a certain angle of the front ones produces a variation of the output, increasing or decreasing its value based on the steering direction. However, the output θ is an angle, so the subsequent processing of the signal is realized. The following assumptions are made: the value of θ is measured trigonometrical; the minimum value for θ is 0 radians, and the maximum value for θ is π. It is natural that for bigger angles than π, the real value of the angle is computed by theta real = theta measured − π. Before applying this verification and then modification of the measured value, it must be made sure that the output of the system is not negative; therefore a Simulink block is used to compute its absolute value. Figure Theta angle conversion As noticeable in the previous figure, the system’s output changes its value when the vehicle is going inside curvature of the road, for example. As assumed during the linearization procedure, the car starts its movement from a position which is perpendicular on the X-axis of the inertial coordinate system, thus leading to a θ equal to π/2 . If the camera spots a dark value in front of the car, which represents a black edge that needs to not be crossed, based on the position where the edge is seen, a deviation angle α will be computed in order to express the fact that the car needs to change its direction, less or more abruptly.  Based on this deviation angle, the reference of the control loop is going to change its value to determine the vehicle to turn when edges are spotted. Therefore the reference of the system will be given by: θ+α, with θ the system’s output. From the way of measuring the α angle, given by the following figure, it can be concluded that a positive α angle determines to steer to the left, while a negative one determines the steering to the right, as explicitly illustrated in the following figure: Figure Deviations regarding the trajectory to be followed 3.3.2 Controller Implementation Firtsly, an LQG controller is implemented in the Simulink environment using the lqg Matlab function: where sys is the state-space representation of the system given by the A,B,C and D matrices. QXU is the penalty matrix considering that the cost function to be minimized by the algorithm is written as: The QWU noise covariance matrix is given by: The control signal u is computed with the help of an LQR (Linear Quadratic Regulator) such that J reaches is minimum value. A Riccati equation depending on the state-space representation of the system and the penalty matrices Q and R is solved with this purpose, but these details are not subject of the current description. However, for obtaining such a controller, a full state array x is required. The feasibility of this assumption is not guaranteed considering that in many control problems, not all the state components are measurable. If moreover, the process is affected by noise, a Kalman filter has to be used. After the Kalman filter estimates the full state of the system, the LQR algorithm computes optimally the control signal, based on the state estimation. This procedure is called the synthesis of a LQG controller.  Considering the penalty of the state deviation which needs to be accomplished and also the control signals limitations required for a safety operation mode, the values of these matrices are chosen conveniently. The returned controller is given by a state-space representation which is introduced into a state-space block in Simulink, and connected to the system considering a classical control loop. However, before doing so, the obtained controller is sampled with a convenient sampling period to ensure the functionality of the given process, using the c2d Matlab command. The control signals given by the discrete controller, before being fed to the system, are added to their linearization values and saturation blocks are also used to prevent the damages a very high control signal can produce on the system’s actuators. The implementation on the real system is illustrated in the figure below, where the deviation based on the array returned from the camera is given to the controller as an error signal, as mentioned previously. Figure LQG control loop on the real system As mentioned previously, LQG controller is formed by a LQR and a Kalman filter.  However, when using a Kalman estimator together with a linear quadratic regulator, the robustness of the designed algorithm deteriorates. To overcome this loss of robustness, the LTR methodology is used in this example, as a second control option, to recover the robustness of the linear-quadratic regulator through a modified computation of this controller.  The same reference defining and position computing apply also for the LTR algorithm as well. No modifications are brought to the control loop, except for the controller, which is now computed using the ltrsyn command: where sys is the state-space representation given by the A,B,C and D matrices in. Kf represents the optimal gain filter matrix, while Qf and Rf are identity noise covariance matrices. The recovery of the full-state feedback linear quadratic loop is thus realized with a gain specified by RHO.  3.4 H2 and H∞ Considering the particularities of the current application, the requirements defined for the H2/H∞ control problem are: small errors in reference tracking; rejection of the disturbances which appear at the system’s output; (Considering that the sensor of the system is the camera, which operates as described in the previous chapters, disturbances on the system’s output can be caused by light fluctuations, shadows, etc.) and bounds for the control signals, knowing their technological limits. These requirements translate into the following transfers between the mentioned signals. ϵ = Sr, u = KSr and y = Sdo. The transfers are written considering a standard control loop as in the following figure: Figure 3.4.1 Standard control loop Computing a controller that satisfies the imposed performances requires the consideration of the system in a generalized form given by: In such a configuration, the partition of the inputs and the outputs has the following signification: u1 - external inputs (disturbances, noises, references); u2 - controlled inputs; y1 - controlled outputs (errors to be minimized, control signals to be bounded); y2 - measured outputs. In the case of the current application, this translates into: The closed-loop system is obtained by connecting the controller to the generalized system as in Figure 3.4.1. Figure 3.4.2 Closed loop system The purpose of the H2/H∞ controller computing can be now expressed as: Given a generalized system T with the corresponding partitions of the inputs and the ouputs, the H2/H∞ algorithms design the controller K which measures the system output y2 and computes suitable commandu2. In the same time, the controller K must be computed in order to ensure a stable closed loop system Ty1u1 and such that it minimizes the H2 norm of the closed loop system; respectively it bounds the H∞ norm of the closed loop system, ||Ty1u1 ||∞ < γ, for a given γ > 0.  Considering the imposed performance requirements the generalized system is written in the following form: T represents the system in the generalized form, 1 stands for the number of outputs to be measured and 3 stands for the number of inputs to be controlled. G denotes the transfer function associated with the state-space representation of the system. A discretization procedure is applied in this case too. All the procedure described explicitly for solving the H2 control problem is applicable for the H∞ suboptimal problem too. The only difference is made by the Matlab command which computes the controller which is now hinfsyn and used as: 4. Results and Conclusions For each of the computed controllers, simulations are realized to validate their functionality on the given system. Each closed loop is analyzed for a step reference signal and the results are illustrated in the figures below:                                           Figure 4.1 Reference tracking and control signals computed by the LQG controller for a step reference                                                         Figure 4.2 Reference tracking and control signals computed by the LTR controller for a step reference                                                     Figure 4.3 Reference tracking and control signals computed by the H2 controller for a step reference                                                                                                     Figure 4.4 Reference tracking and control signals computed by the H∞ controller for a step reference The signals evolution over time, as noticeable in the illustrated graphics, does not highlight significant differences between the designed control algorithms. Control signals evolution over time also reflects with accuracy the real behavior of the car. For a positive error, one of the duty cycles of the rear wheels increases, while the other one decreases. For a negative error, they change their evolution symmetrically, thus differentiating between the two types of turning, to the left, respectively to the right. In the same time, the duty cycle control signal given to the servomotor shows a variation between 0.04 for a positive error and 0.02 for a negative one, keeping its values constant at 0.03 when no error is computed. However, H2 and H∞ algorithms represent powerful tools which do not exhibit their full-capacity advantages due to the low complexity of the system’s model. Therefore, a proportionate effort should be put into solving a real-life problem, considering its complexity and performance requirements. The LQG and LTR can also be interpreted as a particular case of the H2 control problem, as detailed in, this explaining the similarity between the time domain solutions between these two algorithms and H2. When it comes to the H∞ method, no significant advantages are enlightened by the time domain graphical evolution either. What is yet remarkable at this control option is represented by the advantages presented in the case of unstructured perturbations affecting the system’s model. As already mentioned in the paper, the nominal model approximates the real system. Therefore a behavioral uncertainty is present throughout the entire design process. Robustness related to this estimations is achieved with the H∞ control option. However, a statistical comparison is illustrated in the following table, which contains the values of the step-response characteristics, computed for the closed loop systems. Considering that the sampling time used for the simulation is equal to 0.02s, as mentioned in the previous chapter, the results are as in the following table: LQG LTR H2 H∞ RiseTime 0.016s 0.0121s 0.0076s 0.0068s SettlingTime 0.022s 0.0196s 0.015s 0.0144s Table 4.1 Step-response characteristics for the closed loop system The required performances are accomplished both with the classical and modern approaches. As concluded previously from the simulation results, no noticeable differences are in the real behavior of the four algorithms illustrated in the current chapter. The system’s model influences the car behavior slightly, compared to the classical PID perspective. Considering the neglect of some of the forces which affect the system, together with model parameters approximation, these results are as expected. Improved performances can be achieved as a future work by including the model uncertainties in a H∞ controller design procedure.
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This video highlights the main features added in the version 4.1.0 of the NXP Model-Based Design Toolbox for S32K1xx Series
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      Product Release Announcement Automotive Microcontrollers and Processors NXP Model-Based Design Toolbox for S32K1xx – version 4.1.0     Austin, Texas, USA July 22, 2019 The Automotive Microcontrollers and Processors, Model-Based Design Tools Team at NXP Semiconductors, is pleased to announce the release of the Model-Based Design Toolbox for S32K1xx version 4.1.0. This release supports automatic code generation for S32K1xx peripherals and applications prototyping from MATLAB/Simulink for NXP S32K1xx Automotive Microprocessors. This new release adds support for S32K116 and S32K118 microcontrollers, AUTOSAR applications code generation, Local Interconnect Networks (LIN) support and many other various new functionalities to help customers with rapid prototyping with NXP S32K microcontrollers.   FlexNet Location: https://www.nxp.com/webapp/swlicensing/sso/downloadSoftware.sp?catid=MCTB-EX   Activation link: https://www.nxp.com/webapp/swlicensing/sso/downloadSoftware.sp?catid=MCTB-EX     Release Content Automatic C code generation based on S32K SDK 3.0.1RTM drivers from MATLAB® for NXP all S32K1xx derivatives: S32K116 MCU Packages with 32QFN and 48LQFP (*new) S32K118 MCU Packages with 48/64 LQFP (*new) S32K142 MCU Packages with 48/64/100LQFP (*updated) S32K144 MCU Packages with 48/64/100LQFP and 100BGA (*updated) S32K146 MCU Packages with 64/100/144LQFP and 100BGA (*updated) S32K148 MCU Packages with 144/176LQFP and 100BGA/QFP (*updated) Multiple options for packages and clock frequencies are available via Model-Based Design Toolbox S32K Simulink main configuration block Integrates the Automotive Math and Motor Control Library release 1.1.17 for: S32K11x based on ARM M0+ cores; S32K14x based on ARM M4F cores; Multiple S32K1xx peripheral support. The peripheral coverage for each of the S32K1xx derivatives is shown below: S32K116 S32K118   S32K142   S32K144     S32K146 S32K148 Add support for Local Interconnect Network (LIN) for all S32K1xx devices Add support for Motor and Solenoid Drivers devices MC33GD3000, MC34GD3000, MC33937 and MC34937 Extend support for System Basis Chip (SBC) with UJA113x blocks 100% S32K1xx supported peripheral coverage with examples. More than 230 examples available as part of the toolbox that exercise all the functionalities supported Add support for CLASSIC AUTOSAR Application Layer Simulation and Code Generation for S32K1xx devices. This feature allows customers to build, simulate and test AUTOSAR Application directly on S32K1xx microcontrollers to check for correct functionality and performance using build in profilers. For more details, features and how to use the new functionalities, please refer to the Release Notes document attached.   MATLAB® Integration The NXP Model-Based Design Toolbox extends the MATLAB® and Simulink® experience by allowing customers to evaluate and use NXP’s S32K1xx MCUs and evaluation boards solutions out-of-the-box with: NXP Support Package for S32K1xx Online Installer Guide Add-on allows users to install NXP solution directly from the Mathwork’s website or directly from MATLAB IDE. The Support Package provide a step-by-step guide for installation and verification. NXP Model-Based Design Toolbox for S32K1xx version 4.1.0 is fully integrated with MATLAB® environment in terms of installation, documentation, help and examples;    Target Audience This release (4.1.0) is intended for technology demonstration, evaluation purposes and prototyping for S32K116, S32K118, S32K142, S32K144, S32K146 and S32K148 MCUs and Evaluation Boards       
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