Motor Control Class: Lecture 11 - Closed Loop Control

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Motor Control Class: Lecture 11 - Closed Loop Control

NXP Employee
NXP Employee

In this 11th lecture of the motor control course we discuss about control system theory and the mathematics behind the speed controller designing process.

You will become familiar with the procedure for analyzing the control system stability based on poles and zeros location and then we will compute the PI speed controller gains using the Root Locus allocation method.

From now on you should have no issues to understand what a system pole or zero means and you should be able to take design decision based on the system transfer function.


For the cases where the system transfer function is unknown we are discussing Ziegler Nichols approaches for finding the controller gains using the step response and stability methods.


Also, we are going to verify the control system designing process by simulating a BLDC motor behavior and building a PI speed controller to handle the system response.


Main topics:

    - How to choose the controller type based on system transfer function;

    - How to analyze system stability starting from the characteristic polynomial;

    - What are the gain, zeros and poles of closed loop transfer function;

    - Root Locus allocation method based on second order ideal model with dumping factor and natural frequency;

    - Ziegler Nichols tuning methods;

    - Simulink models for BLDC motor and PI Speed Controller



    - Understand the control system theory concepts like: transfer function, poles, zero, stability in s-domain;

    - Design from scratch a speed controller using Root Locus method;   

    - Simulate the motor and controller in Simulink environment to verify the design;


NOTE: Chinese viewers can watch the video on YOUKU using this link





Additional information:

    - pdf attached with slides shown in this video;

    - Simulink models used in this video;

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Update revisions:

February 25, 2019

August 2, 2019

May 06, 2020

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