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MQX Software Solutions Knowledge Base


by: Luis Garabito Applications Engineer TICS, Mexico The time invested to develop applications for the first time in a new environment can be significant. It is necessary to understand how the environment works and then be able to generate applications for this environment. The purpose of this application note is to provide the knowledge that enables developers to start quickly and easily with the development of their first application on Freescale MQXLite RTOS. This document provides the bases that developers will need to understand to create basic Freescale MQXLite applications. This Application Note is based on the Kinetis KL2 USB MCUs Family, specifically, the KL25Z128VLK4 micro controller. The Freescale Freedom development platform board (FRDM–KL25Z) is also used for this example. The full application note is attached.
CREATE MQX FOR KSDK PROJECT FROM SCRATCH IN IAR IDE Note: ${KSDK_PATH} is used in this guide line to instead of path of KSDK source (Example: C:/Freescale/KSDK_1.2.0/). This procedure was created for TWR-K64f120M 1     Create new workspace                 Open IAR  --> File  --> New  --> Workspace                 2     Create new project Project --> Create New Project  --> C  -> main --> OK                    Select project directory                              3    Add project lib to workspace         Project  -->  Add Existing Project … then select projects: {SDK_PATH}/lib/ksdk_mqx_lib/iar/K64F12/ksdk_mqx_lib.ewp {SDK_PATH}/rtos/mqx/mqx/build/iar/mqx_twrk64f120m/mqx_twrk64f120m.ewp {SDK_PATH}/rtos/mqx/mqx_stdlib/build/iar/mqx_stdlib_twrk64f120m/mqx_stdlib_twrk64f120m.ewp                        4    Build All Lib project                   5    Setting Project On the left workspace pane, right click on Mqx Project and select Options. Setting General Options         Select device:                       Setting C/C++ Compiler          Add include file and define symbols for project at Preprocessor tab: Additional include directories: {SDK_PATH}/rtos/mqx/lib/twrk64f120m.iar/debug {SDK_PATH}/rtos/mqx/lib/twrk64f120m.iar/debug/config {SDK_PATH}/rtos/mqx/lib/twrk64f120m.iar/debug/mqx {SDK_PATH}/rtos/mqx/lib/twrk64f120m.iar/debug/mqx_stdlib {SDK_PATH}/platform/osa/inc {SDK_PATH}/platform/CMSIS/Include {SDK_PATH}/platform/devices {SDK_PATH}/platform/hal/inc {SDK_PATH}/platform/drivers/inc {SDK_PATH}/platform/system/inc {SDK_PATH}/platform/devices/MK64F12/include {SDK_PATH}/platform/devices/MK64F12/startup {SDK_PATH}/platform/system/inc {SDK_PATH}/platform/hal/inc {SDK_PATH}/platform/drivers/inc {SDK_PATH}/platform/startup {SDK_PATH}/platform/utilities/inc {SDK_PATH}/examples/twrk64f120m {SDK_PATH}/rtos/mqx/config {SDK_PATH}/rtos/mqx/mqx/source/include Defined symbols: CPU_MK64FN1M0VMD12 TWR_K64F120M FSL_RTOS_MQX                         Setting Linker option           Use linker file in KSDK source:             {KSDK_PATH}/platform/devices/MK64F12/linker/iar/MK64FN1M0xxx12_flash.icf           Set stack/heap size and define __ram_vector_table__ __stack_size__=0x400 __heap_size__=0x400 __ram_vector_table__=1                           The project request three librarys: lib_mqx.a, lib_mqx_stdlib.a, libksdk_platform_mqx.a {KSDK_PATH}/lib/ksdk_mqx_lib/iar/K64F12/Debug/libksdk_platform_mqx.a {KSDK_PATH}/rtos/mqx/lib/twrk64f120m.iar/debug/mqx/lib_mqx.a {KSDK_PATH}/rtos/mqx/lib/twrk64f120m.iar/debug/mqx_stdlib/lib_mqx_stdlib.a              MQX uses owner’s startup-code (boot.S), We need to override default program entry                        6     Create project template Project structure and create group:          Specific file for board in: {KSDK_PATH}\examples\twrk64f120m\board.c {KSDK_PATH}\examples\twrk64f120m\board.h {KSDK_PATH}\examples\twrk64f120m\gpio_pins.c {KSDK_PATH}\examples\twrk64f120m\gpio_pins.h {KSDK_PATH}\examples\twrk64f120m\pin_mux.c {KSDK_PATH}\examples\twrk64f120m\pin_mux.h          BSP file in: {KSDK_PATH}\rtos\mqx\mqx\source\bsp\bsp.h {KSDK_PATH}\rtos\mqx\mqx\source\bsp\bsp_config.h {KSDK_PATH}\rtos\mqx\mqx\source\bsp\init_bsp.c {KSDK_PATH}\rtos\mqx\mqx\source\bsp\mqx_main.c {KSDK_PATH}\rtos\mqx\mqx\source\include\mqx.h          Config files in: {KSDK_PATH}\rtos\mqx\config\common\small_ram_config.h {KSDK_PATH}\rtos\mqx\config\common\verif_enabled_config.h {KSDK_PATH}\rtos\mqx\config\board\twrk64f120m\user_config.h {KSDK_PATH}\rtos\mqx\config\mcu\MK64F12\mqx_sdk_config.h           Utilities files in: {KSDK_PATH}\platform\utilities\src\print_scan.c {KSDK_PATH}\platform\utilities\src\print_scan.h {KSDK_PATH}\platform\utilities\src\fsl_debug_console.c {KSDK_PATH}\platform\utilities\inc\fsl_debug_console.h                                                                7    Write code The code below is used to turn on the LED and print out “hello world”. #include "stdio.h" #include "fsl_os_abstraction.h" #include "board.h" #include "fsl_debug_console.h" #define MAIN_TASK        8 void main_task(uint32_t param); const TASK_TEMPLATE_STRUCT  MQX_template_list[] = {    { MAIN_TASK, main_task, 0xC00, 20, "main_task", MQX_AUTO_START_TASK},    { 0L, 0L,        0L,    0L, 0L,         0L } }; void main_task(uint32_t param) {     LED1_EN;     LED1_ON;     PRINTF("Hello World\r\n");     while(1)     {} } 8    Run example: Build project:                   Select debug target                     - Set serial console 115200 baud rate, no parity, 8 data bits, 1 stop bit, without flow control - Set project as active prior we run project Run project                         See Led1 is On status and string “Hello World” is printed to screen                           
It took me a while, plus a few contradicting and confusing answers from ARM support until I managed to make this work. Therefore, I do want to share with you the easiest method in order to save you some precious time (tested with MQX 4.0): 1. Make sure to install keil's TAD plugin during the MQX installation (it can also be installed separately from MQX\tools\keil_extensions\uVision4). 2. Make the following changes in the MQX configuration file "user_config.h": #define BSPCFG_ENABLE_IODEBUG   1 #define BSP_DEFAULT_IO_CHANNEL  "iodebug:" 3. Rebuild BSP debug library. 4. Configure Debugger as detailed in your MQX release documentation, which can be found in the following folder: MQX\doc\tools\uv4\MQX-uVision4-Getting-Started.pdf That's it, you're good to go - now you can see printf's using your uVision4 IDE console!
The new Freescale MQX™ RTOS 4.1.0 FRDM-K64F release is now available on the ·         Files available # Name Description 1 FSL_MQX_FRDM-K64F_RELEASE_NOTES Freescale   MQX™ RTOS 4.1.0 FRDM-K64F Release Notes 2 Freescale   MQX RTOS 4.1.0 for the FRDM-K64F Includes   an RTOS, File System, TCP/IP and USB host/device software stacks. Does not   require MQX™ 4.1 installation. ·         Target HW board o   FRDM-K64F ·         New features o   PSP support for the Kinetis K64F o   BSP for the FRDM-K64F development board o   Standard set of I/O drivers supporting the K64F peripherals including: §  LWGPI/O driver §  Serial interrupt and polled driver §  SPI driver §  I2C interrupt and polled driver §  LWADC §  Flash Driver §  RTC Driver §  PIT Timer §  LPT Timer §  WDOG §  Low-power Mode §  SAI §  DMA §  SD Card §  Ethernet driver o   USB Host and Device drivers and stacks o   Example and demo applications demonstrating MQX, USB, RTCS, and MFS usage ·         Known issues o   For known issues and limitations please consult the release notes.
Sharing notes taken during creation of MQX 4.0 K10 BSP. These particular notes are for 72 MHz version of K10 (part number K10DX128VLL7), so the baseline BSP for this is twrk20d72m, tested with CodeWarrior IDE. (I believe analogous steps could be taken for other K10 versions as well, just need to select appropriate baseline BSP.) For the K10 BSP, we need to remove USB related code (as there is no USB module on K10) and add #elif into some *mk20.c files such as adc_mk20.c and spi_mk20.c.      1. Add a new unique CPU ID into c:\Freescale\Freescale_MQX_4_0\mqx\source\psp\cortex_m\psp_cpudef.h. For example: #define PSP_CPU_MK10DX128       (PSP_CPU_NUM(PSP_CPU_ARCH_ARM_CORTEX_M4, PSP_CPU_GROUP_KINETIS_K1X, 4))      2. Copy processor header file MK10D7.h from c:\Freescale\CW MCU v10.3\MCU\ProcessorExpert\lib\Kinetis\iofiles\MK10D7.h to c:\Freescale\Freescale_MQX_4_0\mqx\source\psp\cortex_m\cpu\mk10d7.h      3. In the header file: c:\Freescale\Freescale_MQX_4_0\mqx\source\psp\cortex_m\kinetis.h add #include "MK10D7.h" for your processor. For example: #elif   (MQX_CPU == PSP_CPU_MK10DX128)    #include "MK10D7.h"      4. Use BSP clone tool to clone baseline BSP (twrk20d72m) into a new BSP with a new name such as "board_k10d72m".      5. In user_config.h of the new BSP, c:\Freescale\Freescale_MQX_4_0\config\board_k10d72m\user_config.h change MQX_CPU as it follows: #define MQX_CPU                 PSP_CPU_MK10DX128      6. PSP builds OK. From BSP, we need to remove USB related code in init_gpio.c comment lines 609 and 612 c:\Freescale\Freescale_MQX_4_0\mqx\source\bsp\board_k10d72m\init_gpio.c: /* SIM_SOPT2_REG(SIM_BASE_PTR) |= SIM_SOPT2_USBSRC_MASK | SIM_SOPT2_PLLFLLSEL_MASK;*/ /* SIM_SCGC4_REG(SIM_BASE_PTR) |= SIM_SCGC4_USBOTG_MASK;*/      7. In CW IDE, remove USB source code from "bsp_board_k10d72m" build project under "Peripheral IO Drivers". Remove complete "usb" virtual folder from the BSP build project. Remove "init_usb.c" from "board_k10d72m BSP Files"      8. In BSP source file "spi_mk20.c" c:\Freescale\Freescale_MQX_4_0\mqx\source\io\spi\spi_mk20.c add #elif for k10: #elif (MQX_CPU == PSP_CPU_MK10DX128) static const pointer dspi_address[] = {    (pointer)SPI0_BASE_PTR,    (pointer)SPI1_BASE_PTR, }; static const uint_32 /*PSP_INTERRUPT_TABLE_INDEX*/ dspi_vectors[][1] = {    { INT_SPI0 },    { INT_SPI1 }, }      9. Similar change need to adc_mk20.c c:\Freescale\Freescale_MQX_4_0\mqx\source\io\adc\kadc\adc_mk20.c: #elif (MQX_CPU == PSP_CPU_MK10DX128) static const pointer adc_address[] = {    (pointer)ADC0_BASE_PTR,    (pointer)ADC1_BASE_PTR };      10. BSP project builds OK.      11. MFS, RTCS, SHELL projects build OK.      12. If you wish to build an MQX application with this new BSP, don't forget to change the paths to MQX libs and include files in your application project: C compiler "-i" option:   (for Debug build configuration)     $(MQX_ROOT_DIR)\lib\board_k10d72m.cw10\debug\bsp     $(MQX_ROOT_DIR)\lib\board_k10d72m.cw10\debug\psp     $(MQX_ROOT_DIR)\lib\board_k10d72m.cw10\debug\     $(MQX_ROOT_DIR)\lib\board_k10d72m.cw10\debug\mfs     $(MQX_ROOT_DIR)\lib\board_k10d72m.cw10\debug\rtcs     $(MQX_ROOT_DIR)\lib\board_k10d72m.cw10\debug\shell     $(MQX_ROOT_DIR)\lib\board_k10d72m.cw10\debug\bsp\Generated_Code Linker additional libraries:   psp.a, bsp.a, mfs.a, rtcs.a, shell.a Linker Library search paths:   $(MQX_ROOT_DIR)\lib\board_k10d72m.cw10\debug\bsp   $(MQX_ROOT_DIR)\lib\board_k10d72m.cw10\debug\psp   $(MQX_ROOT_DIR)\lib\board_k10d72m.cw10\debug\mfs   $(MQX_ROOT_DIR)\lib\board_k10d72m.cw10\debug\rtcs   $(MQX_ROOT_DIR)\lib\board_k10d72m.cw10\debug\shell Path to linker command file:   $(MQX_ROOT_DIR)\lib\board_k10d72m.cw10\debug\bsp\intflash.lcf
If anybody meets an issue with MQX 3.8 (also 3.8.1, 4.0 and 4.0.1) writing to a Compact flash (/mfs/examples/cfcard), there is an error in the cfcard io driver. Compact flash can be read, but writing doesn't work. Fix for this is in the source file: c:\Freescale\Freescale MQX 3.8\mqx\source\io\pcflash\apcflash.c in function _io_apcflash_write() on line 452, change from: results = _io_apcflash_read_write_blocks(fd_ptr, info_ptr, data_ptr, num, FALSE); change to: results = _io_apcflash_read_write_blocks(fd_ptr, info_ptr, data_ptr, num, TRUE); Tested on M5329EVB and MQX 3.8.1.
INTRODUCTION Have you posted a question and it has been unanswered? It could be because of couple of reasons. I would like to highlight few of them. Because posts like "it does not work" have a real chance to be ignored. More you share, easier for others to reproduce it. USE SEARCH FUNCTIONALITY Before you even start creating your own post, use search functionality here in the community. Lot of questions have been answered already, do not please duplicate posts. DOCUMENTATION Available documentation is located inside MQX installation folder: <MQX_INSTALL_DIR>\doc. There are two most important documents: MQX User Guide and MQX Reference Manual. You might find your answer there. HOW WOULD AN IDEAL POST LOOK LIKE It should contain: 1. product version (MQX version) 2. platform (MCU) 3. compiler (IDE) 4. target (release/debug and flash/ram) 5. detailed description 6. code snippet (if not the exact code, at least literally what it does and where it fails) The best is to post a code or at least a snippet of what fails. Try to minimize the software, create a small application which you can share to prove it is not functional properly. The code most of the time help us to reproduce a problem and make it fail in the same way. Otherwise we can only guess what it could be which makes entire process harder and longer. Please use C++ highlight (available in Advanced editor, last symbol (>>) ). It makes code easier to read with visual splitting a code from a text. /* code example (C++ higlight) */ int main(void) {   return 1; } If you tackle with any problem, please specify what you have done so far, read or tried anyhow. State what you expected to happen. Write down an error which has occur, if any. Does current version of MQX break the code which has been running on previous release? Diff files to find out differences. Does documentation not provide enough details? Does the code look obfuscated? Let us know! SHARING IS CARING We would like to hear your feedback! Share a result with us. Helps us to improve user experience! If you get an answer which has helped you, please reply and share the outcome, how did you solve it. Any user can encounter similar or even the same problem. Be part of the community. Regards, c0170 I'll post here some references which are valuable to the topic and I suggest everybody read them. References:
The Freescale MQX Software Solution includes a comprehensive Board Support Package (BSP) supporting common peripherals and functions. However, some applications will require customization of the available drivers or the development of new ones. Pulse width modulation (PWM) is a technique used to encode a message into a pulsing signal. PWM is in used in an extensive variety of applications, ranging from motor control, measurement and communications to power control and conversion, among others. PWM driver is not part of the MQX however there is possible to add your own driver. The purpose of this document is show two different ways to implement PWM signal using MQX and Kinetis devices: a) using bareboard code b) using processor expert in order to create a driver. USING BAREBOARD CODE: As there is no MQX driver for FTM peripheral, customers should create their own drivers. The AN3902 application note guides developers through the process of creating and testing I/O drivers under MQX. A simple PWM code can be as simple as shown below: /*Using FTM2_CH0 FTM2_CH1 output PWM with 90% high, 10% low wave*/ void FTM_EPWM(void) { SIM_SCGC6 |= SIM_SCGC6_FTM2_MASK;          SIM_SCGC3 |= SIM_SCGC3_FTM2_MASK;             PORTA_PCR10 = (0|PORT_PCR_MUX(3)); /* FTM2_CH0 enable on PTA10 */        PORTB_PCR18 = (0|PORT_PCR_MUX(3)); /* FTM2_CH0 enable on PTB18 */        PORTA_PCR11 = (0|PORT_PCR_MUX(3)); /* FTM2_CH1 enable on PTA11 */        PORTB_PCR19 = (0|PORT_PCR_MUX(3)); /* FTM2_CH1 enable on PTB19 */        FTM2_MOD = 0x0063;  /* 0x0063 / 60MHz = 1.6666uS PWM period */        /* Configure timers for edge aligned PWM High True Pulses */        printf("FTM2_ Edge_Aligned Test 1\r\n");        printf("Please check the waveform, 90% High True EPWM\r\n");        FTM2_C0SC = 0x28; /* No Interrupts; High True pulses on Edge Aligned PWM */        FTM2_C1SC = 0x28;         FTM2_C0V = 0x005A;  /* 90% pulse width */        FTM2_C1V = 0x005A;         FTM2_SC = 0x08;     /* Edge Aligned PWM running from BUSCLK / 1 */ } The function shown above can be called from any MQX task. Only care will be in case interrupts are needed for FTM application. There are two ways to add user interrupts into an MQX system - kernel_isr or MQX managed isr. Kernel_isr is fast but it bypasses MQX, thus, no MQX API function can be called from such a kernel_isr. MQX managed isr is slower, as it runs dispatcher in case a higher priority task becomes ready during isr. USING PROCESSOR EXPERT IN ORDER TO CREATE A DRIVER: All MQX BSP's are PE capable and Processor Expert is integrated with CodeWarrior and KDS but it is also a standalone tool that can generate code for IAR, Keil, GCC, etc. There is an easy way to add device drivers to the MQX RTOS BSP using PE. It is necessary to activate the PE views, for do that go to Processor Expert -> Show Views Show PE views After select the PE views there is possible to look at the properties of the each component. For example, the below figure shows the properties of the MQX1 component.  Component MQX1 The below figure shows the Cpu component, here it is possible to modify the clock configurations, it is possible to find more information about this in the MQX_CW10_Getting_Started document located, after install MQX, at the path: <Freescale_MQX_4_2>\doc\tools\cw. Component CPU In order to configure a PWM signal using PE, it is necessary to follow these steps:      1. Select the PWM component. Component PWM      2. By default, the PWM component configures Channel 0 in Flex Timer 0 a PWM of 4096 timer-ticks, however it is possible to modify this values according the needs. Component PWM properties.       3. Besides Properties, Components also include Methods and Events that it is possible to enable or disable. Methods and events. Methods are user-callable functions/subroutines intended for the component functions control. Init: Initializes the device. Allocates memory for the device data structure, allocates interrupt vectors and sets interrupt priority, sets pin routing, sets timing, etc. If the property "Enable in init. code" is set to "yes" value then the device is also enabled (see the description of the Enable method). In this case the Enable method is not necessary and needn't to be generated. This method can be called only once. SetPeriodTicks: The method sets timer re-initialization period (in timer ticks). This method is available only if the property "Counter restart" is switched to 'on-match' value. ResetCounter: Resets counter. If counter is counting up then it is set to zero. If counter is counting down then counter is updated to the reload value. The method is not available if HW doesn't allow resetting of the counter. GetCounterValue: Returns the content of counter register. This method can be used both if counter is enabled and if counter is disabled. The method is not available if HW doesn't allow reading of the counter. SetOffsetTicks: Sets the new offset value to channel specified by the parameter ChannelIdx. It is user responsibility to use value below selected period. This method is available when at least one channel is configured. GetCaptureValue: Returns the content of capture register specified by the parameter ChannelIdx. This method is available when at least one channel is configured. Events are call-back functions called when an important event occurs. OnCounterRestart: Called if counter overflow/underflow or counter is reinitialized by modulo or compare register matching. OnCounterRestart event and Timer unit must be enabled. This event is available only if an Interrupt is enabled. OnChannel(x): Called if compare register match the counter registers or capture register has a new content. OnChannel(x) event and Timer unit must be enabled. This event is available only if an Interrupt is enabled.      4. If there is some change click on Generate Code and Build the project:      5. The PWM driver was created. In order to use the driver it is necessary to create a new MQX project.      6. For this example, we will edit the main task that is defined after create a new MQX project. To use PE driver some ‘handler’ variables must be declared:        7. It is necessary to initialize the component.    8. To enable de component, the PWM_Enable() function is required .       9. Finally implement the events.      10. At this point you should be able to build and run the example. Remember to check the jumper settings for the board you are using in order to debug a MQX example. The Getting Started with Freescale MQX™ RTOS document provides board-specific information related to the MQX RTOS, this document is located at the path: <Freescale_MQX_4_2>\doc It is important to connect the tower board to the elevators and check the PWM signal on A67.   Below you can check the entire code: #include "main.h" #if !BSPCFG_ENABLE_IO_SUBSYSTEM #error This application requires BSPCFG_ENABLE_IO_SUBSYSTEM defined non-zero in user_config.h. Please recompile BSP with this option. #endif #ifndef BSP_DEFAULT_IO_CHANNEL_DEFINED #error This application requires BSP_DEFAULT_IO_CHANNEL to be not NULL. Please set corresponding BSPCFG_ENABLE_TTYx to non-zero in user_config.h and recompile BSP with this option. #endif TASK_TEMPLATE_STRUCT MQX_template_list[] = { /* Task number, Entry point, Stack, Pri, String, Auto? */ {MAIN_TASK,   Main_task,   1500, 9,   "main", MQX_AUTO_START_TASK}, {0,           0,           0,     0, 0,      0,                 } }; /*TASK*----------------------------------------------------- * * Task Name    : Main_task * Comments     : * This task prints " Hello World " * *END*-----------------------------------------------------*/ #define TERMINAL_CURSOR_POSITION_MAX    (80) static int                  pwm_task_count; static LDD_TDeviceData     *PWM_DeviceData; static LDD_TError           PWM_Error; volatile PWM_TValueType     PWM_Value; volatile PWM_TValueType     PWM_MaxValue; volatile PWM_TValueType     PWM_Step; volatile int                PWM_Freguency; void Main_task(uint32_t initial_data) {        static int terminal_cursor_position = 1;        printf("\n Hello World \n");        /* Initialize PWM device on FTM0 device */             puts("\nInitializing PWM device.....");            PWM_DeviceData = PWM_Init(NULL);            if (PWM_DeviceData == NULL)  {            puts("failed");                _task_block();            }            else  {                puts("done");            }            PWM_Value       = 0;            PWM_Step        = PWM_PERIOD_TICKS / 32;            PWM_MaxValue    = PWM_PERIOD_TICKS;            PWM_Freguency   = (PWM_CNT_INP_FREQ_U_0/PWM_PERIOD_TICKS);          printf("\n - PWM frequency              = %d Hz", PWM_Freguency);            puts("\nThe PWM signal is generated on FTM0 Channel 0");            puts("\n");            /* Enable PWM device */            PWM_Error = PWM_Enable(PWM_DeviceData);            while(1)            {                pwm_task_count++;                /* Suspend task for 250ms */                _time_delay(250);                /* Print dot on console to see that application is running */                if (terminal_cursor_position++ > TERMINAL_CURSOR_POSITION_MAX) {                    terminal_cursor_position = 1;                    puts("\n");                }                else {                    puts(".");                }            }        } void PWM_OnCounterRestart(LDD_TUserData *UserDataPtr) { /* Increment PWM duty-cycle from 0-100% */ PWM_Value += PWM_Step; if (PWM_Value > PWM_MaxValue) PWM_Value = 0; /* Set new PWM channel value */ PWM_Error = PWM_SetOffsetTicks(PWM_DeviceData, 0, PWM_Value); } /* EOF */
Hello All,   I want to share a client-server project. In this example the server can accept more than one client (Daemon server implementation). This example was created and tested using MQX4.2, CodeWarrior 10.6 and FRDM-K64F boards.     In general, the client-server model is the most common communication model used by the applications such as HTTP, Telnet, FTP, SSH, and others. In a client-server model, the server listens to client requests and waits for new connections. When a client needs to connect to a server, it sends a request. The server acknowledges the request, and if the client is supported by the server, the connection is established.   A TCP client-server communication can be implemented as in the following figure.         SETTING THE RTCS Below are presented the steps required to set the RTCS with the default settings: Create the RTCS. This step reserves memory for different RTCS parameters and initializes the TCP/IP task. Each project (server and client) contains an RTCS.c file which contains the initialize networking function with the RTCS configuration.     Set the RTCS IP address to the device after initialization. The main.h files have the macros and variables that store the IP parameters. You can change the IP address according your needs. In RTCS.c files,  the following code sets the address, mask, gateway and server IP addresses. ip_addr = IPADDR(A,B,C,D); phy_addr = BSP_DEFAULT_ENET_DEVICE; . . . ip_data.ip = ip_addr; ip_data.mask = ENET_IPMASK; ip_data.gateway = 0;     Calculate the MAC address for the device using the variables. Use the ENET_get_mac_address() function to build a valid MAC address for the application. MAC address calculation takes the device number and IP address as parameters, and returns a valid MAC address in the IPCFG_default_enet_address variable.   Initialize the Ethernet device available in the board with the calculated MAC address. Use the ipcfg_init_device() function to tell the RTCS task what Ethernet device should be used and to set the calculated MAC address to that device. Once the MAC address is set and the device is initialized, it is possible to bind the device to the IP address. error = ipcfg_init_device (phy_addr, serverAddress);     After Ethernet device initialization, bind the device to the IP address and it is ready to communicate. /* If DHCP Enabled, get IP address from DHCP server */              if (dhcp) {                     printf("\nDHCP bind ... ");                     error = ipcfg_bind_dhcp_wait(phy_addr, 1, &ip_data);                     if (error != IPCFG_ERROR_OK) {                            printf("Error %08x!\n", error);                     }                     else {                            printf("Successful!\n");                     }              } else {        /* Else bind with static IP */                     printf ("\nStatic IP bind ... ");                     error = ipcfg_bind_staticip(phy_addr, &ip_data);                       if (error != IPCFG_ERROR_OK) {                            printf("Error %08x!\n",error);                     }                     else {                            printf("Successful!\n");                     }              }     SERVER IMPLEMENTATION              For the server implementation, MQX uses a socket structure that is created and filled in this way: laddr.sin_family      = AF_INET; laddr.sin_port        = CONNECT_PORT; laddr.sin_addr.s_addr = INADDR_ANY;   The socket() function creates an unbound socket in a communications domain. This function also returns a handler used in later function calls that operate on sockets. /* Listen on TCP port */ listensock = socket(PF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0); if (listensock == RTCS_SOCKET_ERROR) { error = RTCSERR_OUT_OF_SOCKETS; }   The bind() function assigns a local socket address to a socket and the listen() function marks a socket as accepting connections. error = bind(listensock, &laddr, sizeof(laddr)); if (!error) {        error = listen(listensock, 0); }   The accept() function extracts the first connection on the queue of pending connections, creates a new socket with the same socket type protocol and address family as the specified socket, and allocates a new file descriptor for that socket. child_sock = accept(listensock, NULL, NULL);   The recv() function receives a message from a socket. error = recv(sock, (void *)cRecvBuff, sizeof(cRecvBuff), MSG_WAITALL);                     The send() function initiates transmission of a message from the specified socket to its peer. The send() function sends a message only when the socket is connected. error= send(sock, (void *)cRecvBuff, sizeof(cRecvBuff), 0);     The messages received are checked in order to toggle a LED or shutdown the connection. while(1)        {              error = recv(sock, (void *)cRecvBuff, sizeof(cRecvBuff), MSG_WAITALL);              printf("Received: %s\n", cRecvBuff);              if (error == RTCS_ERROR)              {                     printf("There was an error code %lx\n", RTCS_geterror(sock));                     shutdown(sock, FLAG_CLOSE_TX);                     return;              }              if(cRecvBuff[0]=='T')              {                     printf("Received: %s\n", cRecvBuff);                     printf("LED was toggled from child\r\n");                     lwgpio_toggle_value(&led1);              }              if(cRecvBuff[0]=='G')              {                                              printf("Received: %s\n", cRecvBuff);                     printf("Shutting down connection\n");                     shutdown(sock,FLAG_CLOSE_TX);                     _time_delay(2000);                      _task_abort(MQX_NULL_TASK_ID);              }            }            CLIENT IMPLEMENTATION   For the client implementation, it uses a socket structure that is created and filled in this way: addr.sin_family      = AF_INET; addr.sin_port        = DESTPORT; addr.sin_addr.s_addr = IPADDR(192,168,1,200); //Server address   The socket() function creates an unbound socket. sock = socket(PF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0);     The connect() function attempts to make a connection on a socket. error = connect(sock, &addr, sizeof(addr));        The recv() function receives a message from a socket. error= recv(sock, (void *)cReadBuff, sizeof(cReadBuff), 0);          The send() function sends a message only when the socket is connected (including when the peer of a connectionless socket has been set via connect() function). error = send(sock, (void *)cReadBuff, sizeof(cReadBuff), 0);          In addition the client example can toggle a LED in the server board or destroy the socket. /*****Infinite loop waiting for user to push a button***/ while(1){        if(lwgpio_get_value(&btn1) == LWGPIO_VALUE_LOW)        {              _time_delay(150);              sprintf((char *)cReadBuff, "Toggle from client2\n");              printf("Sending: %s", cReadBuff);              error = send(sock, (void *)cReadBuff, sizeof(cReadBuff), 0);              if (error == RTCS_ERROR)              {                     printf("There was an error trying to send to the server\n");                     return;              }        }        if(lwgpio_get_value(&btn2) == LWGPIO_VALUE_LOW)        {              _time_delay(150);              sprintf((char *)cReadBuff, "GoodBye\n");              printf("Sending: %s", cReadBuff);              error = send(sock, (void *)cReadBuff, sizeof(cReadBuff), 0);              if (error == RTCS_ERROR)              {                     printf("There was an error trying to send to the server\n");                     return;              }              printf("Shutting down connection\n");              shutdown(sock,FLAG_CLOSE_TX);              _task_abort(MQX_NULL_TASK_ID);        }       I hope this helps, Soledad Original Attachment has been moved to: Original Attachment has been moved to:
Rev0.1 - 8/28/2012 Adding to the patch at TWR-K21D50M lowpower MQX Patch for v4.0.2, this updates the MQX BSP and lowpower example to add VLPS mode. The example works the same as the default lowpower example, except after waking from LLS, the application immediately enters VLPS.  It uses the LPTMR to wake after 10 seconds, and returns to RUN mode and restarts the example.  Because the transition is immediate from the user perspective, the user will press the switch to enter LLS mode, after 10s the MCU will wake, turn on the blue LED, enter VLPS, wait another 10s, wake, turn off the blue LED, return to RUN mode and resume printing to the terminal.  There is no text printed to the terminal between LLS and VLPS to show a quick transition. This patch covers several files to enable VLPS mode in the twrk21d50m BSP, and modifies the lowpower example. The lowpower example is provided to demonstrate the MQX Low-Power Manager (LPM) driver, and change low-power modes on the K21 board.  The BSP in the release provided does not include support for VLPS. To use this patch, copy the patch directory into the MQX v4.0.2 root directory.  The patch will over-write some existing files in the MQX installation.  The changes addressed by this patch include the following: User_config.h MQX_ENABLE_LOW_POWER macro enabled.  Required for LPM driver and lowpower example. LowPower Example main.c Modified as described above to add transition into VLPS mode bsp_cm.c Added case for VLPS mode for clock mode transition init_lpm.c Added mode to LPM_CPU_OPERATION_MODES[] for LPM_OPERATION_MODE_VLPS init_lpm.h Added mode LPM_OPERATION_MODE_VLPS to enumeration LPM_OPERATION_MODE init_sci.c Added settings for mode LPM_OPERATION_MODE_VLPS to the _bsp_sciX_operation_modes arrays for all the UARTs in the BSP lpm_smc.c Added mode DOM_VLPS to LPM_PE_OPERATION_MODE_MAP[] Disabled SPI0 clock gate when entering stop mode, otherwise stop entry is aborted.  Re-enabled clock gate after waking up.  If SPI0 peripheral is required in a stop mode, register the SPI driver with the LPM driver to properly configure when LPM changes operation mode to a stop mode.  Refer to LPM documentation for details. Disabled the SysTick interrupt for the 5ms RTOS tick before entering stop mode, and re-enabled after waking up.  Without this, the example was entering VLPS mode fine without the debugger, but with the debugger the SysTick interrupt was causing VLPS entry to abort. 
Hi, Many people has been asking about migrating from MQX RTOS to MQX RTOS for KSDK. Such guide is now available in the following link:​ If you need to create a new MQX RTOS for KSDK project please note that there is not a New MQX for KSDK Project Wizard, therefore it is necessary to create it manually. You can find a guide in the link below. How To: Create a New MQX RTOS for KSDK Project in KDS Best regards, Carlos Musich Technical Support Engineer
TWR-K70F120M running MQX and RTCS can work with the Dual Phy on TWR-SER2. Below I list the modifications I did to the default BSP: 1) I add phy_dp83xxx.c and phy_dp83xxx.h to the bsp_twrk70f120m build project. These files are with MQX in /mqx/source/io/enet/Phy 2) I modify the BSP to use DP83xxx PHY for the Ethernet MACNET: in the /mqx/source/bsp/twrk70f120m/init_enet.c: #include "phy_dp83xxx.h" const ENET_IF_STRUCT ENET_0 = {      &MACNET_IF,      //&phy_ksz8041_IF,      &phy_dp83xxx_IF,      MACNET_DEVICE_0,      MACNET_DEVICE_0,      BSP_ENET0_PHY_ADDR,      BSP_ENET0_PHY_MII_SPEED }; 3) MDIO line requires an external pull up resistor, per DP83849I Data sheet. As I didn't have one at the moment, I enable internal pull up on MCU pin PTB0. in the /mqx/source/bsp/twrk70f120m/init_gpio.c: //pctl->PCR[0] = PORT_PCR_MUX(4) | PORT_PCR_ODE_MASK; /* PTB0, RMII0_MDIO/MII0_MDIO   */ /* PTB0, RMII0_MDIO/MII0_MDIO   */ /* internal pull up enabled on MDIO */ pctl->PCR[0] = PORT_PCR_MUX(4) | PORT_PCR_ODE_MASK | PORT_PCR_PE_MASK | PORT_PCR_PS_MASK; With these changes, the RTCS applications work over TWR-SER2 Dual PHY channel A. On TWR-SER2, J8 and J9 are un-shunted, SW1 = 11000000, SW2 = 10100000 on TWR-K70F120M, J18 is configured to disable 50 MHz OSC, as I use 50 MHz clock source from TWR-SER2 U504 50 MHz output. This clock is used to provide reference clock for the MCU (EXTAL), as well as for the Dual PHY X1 input (RMII reference clock).
A new MQX Flash File System (FFS) add-on is available for Freescale MQX™ 4.0.2.   See MQX Downloads.  FFS provides wear-leveling support required for mapping MFS on top of NAND flash. Files available # Name Description 1 FSL_MQX__FFS_RELEASE_NOTES_4_0_2 Freescale   MQX™ FFS package 4.0.2 Release Notes 2 Freescale   MQX RTOS 4.0.2 FFS package NAND   Flash File System solution for MQX™ 4.0.2
MQX includes a great demo for the web server in \<MQX_Path>\demo\web_hvac.  The web pages in this demo show how MQX can serve up data through the web server, and dynamically update the web page, for example the thermostat hvac properties are updated every second.  Also, the user can use a web page form to submit data to the server and update the application, like changing the temperature set point.  This is done with HTML forms, javascript, and CGI running in the MQX application. However, the web_pages directory in the web_hvac demo is missing the actual source files for the web pages.  Starting with MQX v4.0.2, they disappeared from the MQX release.  And since then, the web server APIs and CGI functionality has changed.  Posted here is the web_page directory for web_hvac, including the source code for the web pages.
Video Tutorial 3 of 6 for the iDigi Connector for MQX: Writing Your First iDigi Enabled Application (3 of 6) - iDigi Device Cloud More information and free download at
Tutorial 6 of 6 for the iDigi Connector for MQX: Adding Remote Configuration Support (6 of 6) - iDigi Device Cloud More information and free download at
The Freescale MQX™ RTOS for Kinetis SDK FRDM-KL43Z Freescale Freedom Platform is now available on the ·         Release Files             # Name Description 1                                   Freescale_MQX_KSDK_1.0.0-KL43Z.exe Windows installer. Freescale MQX™ RTOS software   components fully pre-integrated with the Kinetis SDK. Includes the MQX   kernel, USB host and device stacks, MFS file system, and example   applications. Does not require prior installation of Kinetis SDK. 2                                   Freescale_MQX_KSDK_1.0.0-KL43Z.bin Linux installer. Freescale MQX™ RTOS software   components fully pre-integrated with the Kinetis SDK. Includes the MQX   kernel, USB host and device stacks, MFS file system, and example   applications. Does not require prior installation of Kinetis SDK. 3 MQXKSDKKL43Z.pdf Freescale MQX™ RTOS for Kinetis   SDK FRDM-KL43Z Freescale Freedom Platform Release Notes ·         Target HW boards: o   Freescale Freedom FRDM-KL43Z platform with a MKL43Z256VLH4 processor ·         Key features:  o   PSP support for the MKL43Z256VLH4 Microcontroller o   BSP for the Freescale Freedom FRDM-KL43Z platform with a MKL43Z256VLH4 processor o   MQX STDLIB o   nShell o   KSDK Support for the MKL43Z256VLH4 Microcontroller o   MFS file system ·         Known issues For known issues and limitations please consult the release
The new Freescale MQX™ 4.1 GA release is now available on the ·         Files available # Name Description 1 FSL_MQX_RELEASE_NOTES_4_1_0 Freescale   MQX™ RTOS 4.1 Release Notes 2 Freescale   MQX RTOS 4.1 MQX™    Source code. Includes an RTOS, File System, TCP/IP and USB host/device   software stacks. ·         What is New? o   New Board Support Package added §  TWR-K21F120M o   Vybrid-based board support packages for TWR-VF65GS10 and AutoEVB updated §  Support of audio-related drivers extended--SAI, eSAI, and ASRC. Device driver for DSP Codec CS422888 added (AutoEVB only). §  Support the Quadrature Decoder functionality in the FTM peripheral §  Added eDMA driver §  UART driver updated to use the eDMA §  Clock management component ported §  Added DCU driver §  QSPI driver updated to support the FlashX framework §  NAND FFS support added o   DMA support in device drivers has been extended §  Introduced new DMA device driver, supporting eDMA peripheral on Kinetis and Vybrid processor families §  The SPI device driver was updated to support the new DMA driver §  The SAI and eSAI audio drivers support DMA §  eSDHC drivers were reworked to fully leverage the ADMA peripheral module o   Driver updates §  The LWADC driver has been ported to all supported board support packages. The support of the legacy ADC driver was discontinued. §  The RTC driver was updated on all supported platforms. Provided generic, POSIX compatible API for time conversion functionality. §  FlashX driver extended by handling Flash Swap functionality on Kinetis processors. §  LP Timer module was added to the HW Timer framework. Its usage is demonstrated in the Low Power and HW Timer example applications o   Standardization effort §  Legacy MQX custom integer types were replaced by the Standard C99 set (int_32 -> int32_t, boolean -> bool, etc). A header file is provided with the set of backward compatible type definitions to make the transition to the new types easier. For more details, see Section 3.1 “C99 Types” in the Getting Started with Freescale MQX™ RTOS (document MQXGSRTOS). §  The endian conversion macros were consolidated inside MQX. The htons, ntons and similar conversion functions were renamed to mqx_htons, mqx_nton to avoid a conflict with the standard. o   NAND FFS library is no longer provided as a separate add in package but it is directly included as a part of MQX main package o   RTCS new features and enhancements §  The MQX TCP/IP stack is now available with an optional package to enable the IPv6 protocol support. For more information visit §  The FTP server was redesigned to provide faster and more stable implementation. §  The DNS resolver was updated. o   USB §  Fixed several EHCI related bugs (HUB, pipe close, audio example) o   MQX startup is now split in two parts to avoid a crash risk if an interrupt occurs during the startup. §  _bsp_enable_card() function has been replaced by the _bsp_pre_init() function that handles initialization of the OS vital functions, such as the timer (system tick), interrupt controller, memory management, etc. The _bsp_pre_init() function is called during the MQX initialization time, before any user task is created and the scheduler is not started. §  The second part of the startup is done in a separate _mqx_init_task that executes _bsp_init() function for I/O drivers or stacks initialization and _bsp_post_init() function for possible post-init operations. After the _bsp_post_init() function execution, the _mqx_init_task is destroyed. o   All BSPs are now adjusted to this concept. All I/O drivers are installed in the context of the _mqx_init_task after the MQX scheduler is started. This concept also allows a complex driver installation (handling ISRs during the driver initialization, drivers can use blocking functionality like _time_delay, etc.). ·         Known issues o   For known issues and limitations please consult the release notes.
MQX 4.1.0 provides a USB Host CDC demo in the folder of "C:\Freescale\Freescale_MQX_4_1\usb\host\examples\cdc\cdc_serial", but to get it work, several steps need to be done: 1. Change CDC_EXAMPLE_USE_HW_FLOW in cdc_serial.h to 1. #define CDC_EXAMPLE_USE_HW_FLOW 1 2. In config\twrk70f120m\user_config.h, interrupt mode for UART should be set.//It depends on the platform, here given TWR-K70F120M is used. #define BSPCFG_ENABLE_TTYC 0 #define BSPCFG_ENABLE_ITTYC 1 In mqx\source\bsp\twrk70f120m\twrk70f120m.h, specify 'ittyc' instead of 'ttyc' #ifndef BSP_DEFAULT_IO_CHANNEL #if BSPCFG_ENABLE_ITTYC #define BSP_DEFAULT_IO_CHANNEL "ittyc:" /* OSJTAG-COM polled mode */ #define BSP_DEFAULT_IO_CHANNEL_DEFINED #else #define BSP_DEFAULT_IO_CHANNEL NULL #endif #else 3. In usb\host\source\classes\cdc\usb_host_cdc.c, pass fd_ptr instead of data_instance as the argument. a. Around line 977 //usb_hostdev_tr_init(&#38;tr, (tr_callback) usb_class_cdc_in_data_callback, (void *) data_instance); usb_hostdev_tr_init(&#38;tr, (tr_callback) usb_class_cdc_in_data_callback, (void *) fd_ptr); b. Around line 1116 //usb_hostdev_tr_init(&#38;tr, (tr_callback) usb_class_cdc_in_data_callback, (void *) data_instance); usb_hostdev_tr_init(&#38;tr, (tr_callback) usb_class_cdc_in_data_callback, (void *) fd_ptr); c. Around line 1226 //usb_hostdev_tr_init(&#38;tr, (tr_callback) usb_class_cdc_out_data_callback, (void *) data_instance); usb_hostdev_tr_init(&#38;tr, (tr_callback) usb_class_cdc_out_data_callback, (void *) fd_ptr); With above modification , the Host CDC demo can work with a Device CDC demo, such as the one in "C:\Freescale\Freescale_MQX_4_1\usb\device\examples\cdc\virtual_com", which is an echo demo, it would send back anything charactor that it receives. But to see the echo more clearly, I made it echo back the charactor that greater than what is received, for example, if you type A, and will see B from the HyperTerminal. To do that , you have to change Virtual_Com_App(void) in the virtual_com.c as below: void Virtual_Com_App(void) {     /* User Code */     if(g_recv_size)     {         _mqx_int i;                 /* Copy Buffer to Send Buff */         for (i = 0; i < g_recv_size; i++)         {             printf("Copied: %c\n", g_curr_recv_buf[i]);             g_curr_send_buf[g_send_size++] = g_curr_recv_buf[i]+1;         }         g_recv_size = 0;     }         if(g_send_size)     {         uint8_t error;         uint8_t size = g_send_size;         g_send_size = 0;         error = USB_Class_CDC_Send_Data(g_app_handle, DIC_BULK_IN_ENDPOINT,             g_curr_send_buf, size);         if (!error && !(size % DIC_BULK_IN_ENDP_PACKET_SIZE)) {             /* If the last packet is the size of endpoint, then send also zero-ended packet,             ** meaning that we want to inform the host that we do not have any additional             ** data, so it can flush the output.             */             error = USB_Class_CDC_Send_Data(g_app_handle, DIC_BULK_IN_ENDPOINT, NULL, 0);         }         if(error != USB_OK)         {             /* Failure to send Data Handling code here */         }     }     return; } After you download code into, for example, TWR-K70F120(Host) and TWR-K60D100M(Device), and assemble them with TWR-SER and TWR-ELEV, you may connect them via USB port as below: Please also pay attention to J10(USB VBUS Select) and J16(USB Mode Select) according to the function of each tower system. With HyperTerminal connected with TWR-K70F120M system, you may type in any charactor ended with ENTER, and you will see the charactor echoed back as the attached video. This issue would be fixed in the next release, and sorry for the inconvenience that has caused.
Atheros WiFi Tower Module (TWR-WIFI-AR4100P) support patch for Freescale MQX™ 4.0.2  is available at MQX Downloads. Files available # Name Description 1 FSL_MQX_ATHEROS_RELEASE_NOTES_4_0_2  Freescale   MQX™ Atheros Wifi package 4.0.2 Release Notes 2 Freescale   MQX RTOS 4.0.2 Atheros Wifi package Atheros   Wifi solution for MQX™ 4.0.2