If anybody meets an issue with MQX 3.8 (also 3.8.1, 4.0 and 4.0.1) writing to a Compact flash (/mfs/examples/cfcard), there is an error in the cfcard io driver. Compact flash can be read, but writing doesn't work.
Fix for this is in the source file:
c:\Freescale\Freescale MQX 3.8\mqx\source\io\pcflash\apcflash.c
in function _io_apcflash_write() on line 452, change from:
results = _io_apcflash_read_write_blocks(fd_ptr, info_ptr, data_ptr, num, FALSE);
change to:
results = _io_apcflash_read_write_blocks(fd_ptr, info_ptr, data_ptr, num, TRUE);
Tested on M5329EVB and MQX 3.8.1.