Linux Embedded Challenge Knowledge Base

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Linux Embedded Challenge Knowledge Base



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The video shows the connection made using the OBD2 protocol, this current implementation opens the connection and then read the current RPM and simply prints it on the screen. The second video show the manifold presure, measure in the same way as in the first video.
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In the movie, we show that we wired the necessary connections to the 'T' pin (the red wire) of the board inside the headset, and to the ground, that needs to be common with the UDOO board's ground (the black wire). The wires are connected to the 0 (RX) pin and the GND pin of the UDOO board, respectively. Software-side, we used the Brain library which takes packets received from the serial interface and interprets them, giving values in CSV form, for us to process in the next step. For receiving data from the headset, the M4 core of the board runs the Arduino code and uses the Serial0 object (UART 5) to take the raw data, which is processed by the Brain library. Then, the resulting string is sent to the A9 core by using the provided shared memory. The Serial object is used for this step, as we see in the video. The received string contains values in the following form: signal strength, attention, meditation, delta, theta, low alpha, high alpha, low beta, high beta, low gamma, high gamma We will use them in the following milestones.
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We covered “Smoke on the water” from Deep Purple.
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We installed our usb wireless adapter (tp-link tl-wn722n) on the board and we were able to connect to wi-fi networks through it and through the board with the help of the web interface. Then we installed the package udoo-softap and after a restart we could connect to the default named udoo-hotspot network (we did not change anything in the config file just pointed the daemon to the aforementioned config file). We could connect to the network but it had no internet access because our usb adapter was displayed as not ready when we tried to debug (work in progress).
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Al doilea bonus al echipei Freya in care este prezentata capacitatea serei de a recunoaste comenzi vocale de a fi controlata prin intermediul acestora. In video sunt prezentate comenzile pentru citirea senzorilor (status), citirea limitelor(limits) si schimbarea limitei maxime a temperaturii (change maximum temperature). Cea din urma este apelata de 2 ori pentru a scoate in evidenta efectul ei asupra ventilatorului. Comenzile pentru schimbarea limitei minime a temperaturii, umiditatii si a nivelului de apa functioneaza in mod asemanator.
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Am prezentat funtionalitatea proiectului. Datorita faptului ca placuta udoo ruleaza mai lent codul detector de pozitia pupilei si notificarea laptopului se face prin retea( programul detector care ruleaza pe udoo scrie intr-un fisier pozitia pupilei, dupa care o transmite prin scp calculatorului, cel din urma ruland un script care afiseaza mereu fisierul primit) am atins limita maxima(2:46) pentru fimul demonstrativ. Drept urmare, prezentarea codului constitutiv Milestone3 se afla pe repo-ul de Github , sub forma unui filmulet complet in care: prima parte reprezinta prezentarea codului iar a 2-a parte reprezinta prezentarea functionalitatii. Din motivelor de mai sus am ales sa pastram partea de prezentare a functinalitatii pentru uploadul de aici si sa facem referire fimuletul complet prezent pe GitHub.
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A house model with strategically placed sensors.
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Aceasta esta macheta noastra . o sa adaugam mai multi senzori, metoda de autentificare ,leduri  
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In acest clip video va prezentam posibila schema a apartamentului , acesata schema poate suferii modificari in functie de evolutia proiectului.
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Pentru milestone-ul 3 am implementat algoritmul de stabilizare. Acesta fucționează dar este nevoie de mai mult reglaj înainte ca drona să poată fi capabilă de zbor. Momentan compensarea motoarelor nu este suficient de precisă, iar drona face mișcări prea bruște. În video demonstrăm cum algoritmul compensează înclinarea pe axe prin schimbarea puterii motoarelor. De asemenea se poate observa implementarea bonusului, aplicația este completă, are feedback de la dronă și afișează informații în timp real despre parametrii de zbor.
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In acest video demonstram functionalitatile finale ale proiectului Adaptive Headlights. Preluam semnalul de la volan, calculam unghiul corespunzator si trimitem valoarea corecta la motoarele care controleaza farurile. Farurile folosesc un angrenaj de rotatie pe doua axe si pot face toggle intre faza lunga, faza scurta si oprite folosind un buton aflat langa placuta. Un alt buton opreste sau porneste intregul sistem. Modelul de bot de masina a fost, de asemenea, imbunatatit.
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3D Final interface Possibility to start the game from a phone Option to play a game during load time
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Ce ar trebui adaugat este ca pentru o conexiune la placuta este nevoie ca al doilea dispozitiv sa fie pe aceasi retea  si se va accesa ip-ul placutei pe portul unde s-a deschis socketul.
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Codul pentru milestone 3 este in src/py_scripts. Este un singur script pentru milestone 3+bonus activity.
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In this milestone, we completed the project by finalizing the mobile app and testing the entire system. Technically, we added the "follow up" function to the mobile app that allows us to see the current position of the car and to see the way it's updated in real time (real time tracking). Also, the camera of the map is animated so that the user can see the actual movement of the car. We made the final testing by putting our device in the car, connecting all the components, and making sure that everything works as expected (mobile app, API and the device). Also the notification system was stress tested to see if it handles a real-world scenario.
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