When using windows 10, the device manager does not show the MCU-Link as connected, it does not show "ports", and it makes no difference whether J3 is jumped or not. The driver files were installed. MCUXpresso cannot find MCU-Link either. MCUXpresso finds the P&E just fine. I will try to restart my computer next and try again.
What should I do to get Windows 10 to find the USB connection to the MCU-Link?
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I use win10, I can use MCU-Link on it without issue.
Please make sure you download the driver information files and utility MCU-LINK CMSIS package to update the firmware. Note that MCUXpresso IDE 11.2.1 or later will automatically install the driver information files.
Please strictly follow the steps as this video shows.
Have a nice day,
Jun Zhang
Thank you Jun for responding. MCUXpresso version is being used. I have followed the video. It seems the problem is that my computer is not picking up the board. Both drivers installed correctly. A re-start of the computer was performed. When J3 is jumped the red LED lights up like the video, but the script does not behave the same as the video. Also the MCU-Link does not show up as a USB device. I plan to try a different USB cable thinking perhaps this cable is only good for charging not data. Is that possible? Is there any other driver my computer needs to find the USB-Multilink?