Any one tried the PLU_combination.c of the new SDK (LPCXpresso55s69)

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Any one tried the PLU_combination.c of the new SDK (LPCXpresso55s69)

Contributor III


I programmed the LPCXpresso55s69 with the PLU_combination.c code from the new version of the SDK (2.6.3) dedicated for this board. 

I followed the readme file steps, the LEDs suppose to blink based on the entered combinations through the terminal. Unfortunately, nothing happened.

So I am wondering if someone tried this demo example? maybe I missed something 

Thank you. 

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2 Replies

NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport

Hello Randa Zarrouk

Checking the example I found a similar mistake. The issue is the sdk, so I will report it to the corresponding team in order to get this fixed.

There are some issues in the GPIO config. At the function BOARD_InitPins(), please configure the LED'S gpio as Digital Output and leave the other pins as digital input.




Also note that for port1 of Gpio, pin 4 corresponds to blue, pin 6 to red and pin 7 to green so some corrections needs to be done at SetPluInputSource().



Let me know if this is helpful.

Best regards,


Contributor III
Thank you for your comment.
I did the changes that you have mentioned, but what ever combination I enter through the UART, nothing changes, LEDs always on.  Maybe because of the point (2) mentioned below.
Here are my comments: 
  1.  I agree: the GPIO configuration should be done as you mentioned it: the GPIO that are intended to drive the LEDs should be configured as OUTPUT. Noting that the direction should be also changed in the routing settings. 
  2. Additional possible mistake: If the GPIOs: PIO1_8PIO1_9PIO1_10 are configured as INPUT, they should be also routed as INPUT (Figure below).
  3. SetPluInputSource. What I don't get about this function is; I think it is suppose to synchronize the gpio_inputs with the PLU_inputs, but if GPIO_PinWrite writes in the GPIO pins, it looks that the PLU is not even used. I am really confused. Here (How the GPIO pins are connected to the PLU inputs?) I tried to discuss that with more detail. 
    • if we change this function as you mentioned, means that there is no need to GPIOs: PIO1_8PIO1_9, PIO1_10


Maybe you have a better understanding to this issue to give me some hints. Personally, I think there I am miss understanding the concept or there is a flaw in the design concept. 

Thanks again.

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