I am trying to implement the USB classes for MSD and CDC with the TWR-K60D100m. I am using KSDK 1.3 and Processor Expert.
I used the fsl_usb_device_msd_class component of KSDK 1.3 which is working well. Because there is no class for cdc, I used the example for the TWR-K60 from Freescale (composite device msd_cdc) and took the cdc files.
MSD and CDC are both working but only separately.
Because the Towerboard is just my testing device, I would like to use Processor Expert, so that it is easier to implement on my custom device (which I currently dont' have). That's why I would like to know, how I can enable the CDC or composite class driver configuration in the fsl_usb_descriptors. The MSD class driver configuration is enabled because I added fsl_usb_device_msd_class. But for the other ones, I can't find the classes...
I guess the alternative would be to write the USB descriptor with the different interfaces by myself. But if you know how to do this with Processor Expert (and KSDK 1.3), it would be great, if you can help me.
Thank you!
Solved! Go to Solution.
Hello Philipp,
You have to create this CDC component "manually" and do some modifications in generated code in order to get it working. Here, you can find some steps that I followed to create this CDC + MSD project in FRDM-K64F.
#include "cdc1.h"
0x47 + 8 + 5 + 5 + 4 + 5,0x00, /* Total length of data for this configuration */
0x47,0x00, /* Total length of data for this configuration: 71 bytes */
/* msd1: Endpoint FS Bulk EP2 Bulk OUT, up to 1.216 MB/s Descriptor */
0x07, /* Descriptor size: 7 bytes */
USB_ENDPOINT_DESCRIPTOR, /* Descriptor type: ENDPOINT descriptor */
0x02, /* Address: 2 OUT */
0x02, /* Transfer type: Bulk */
0x40,0x00, /* Max. packet size: 64 byte(s) */
0x01, /* Maximum NAK rate: 0x01 microframe(s) */
/* Interface Association Descriptor */
0x08, /* Size of this descriptor */
0x0B, /* INTERFACE ASSOCIATION Descriptor */
0x01, /* Interface number of the CDC Control
interface that is associated with this function */
0x02, /* Number of contiguous CDC interfaces
that are associated with this function */
0x02, /* CDC_CC */
0x00, /* Not used */
0x00, /* Index to string descriptor */
/* cdc: Interface 1 Alternate setting 0 Descriptor */
0x09, /* Descriptor size: 9 bytes */
USB_INTERFACE_DESCRIPTOR, /* Descriptor type: INTERFACE descriptor */
0x01, /* Interface number: 1 */
0x00, /* Alternative setting number: 0 */
0x01, /* Number of EPs(excluding EP0): 1 */
0x02, /* Class code: 0x02 Communication (Communications and CDC Control) */
0x02, /* Subclass code: 0x02 */
0x00, /* Protocol code: 0x00 */
0x00, /* String descriptor index */
/* CDC Class-Specific descriptor */
0x05, /* size of Functional Desc in bytes */
USB_CS_INTERFACE_DESCRIPTOR, /* descriptor type*/
0x10, 0x01, /* USB Class Definitions for CDC spec release number in BCD */
0x05, /* Size of this descriptor */
USB_CS_INTERFACE_DESCRIPTOR, /* descriptor type*/
0x01, /* device handles call management itself(D0 set)
and will process commands multiplexed over the data interface */
0x01, /* Indicates multiplexed commands are handled via data interface */
0x04, /* Size of this descriptor */
USB_CS_INTERFACE_DESCRIPTOR, /* descriptor type*/
0x06, /* Device Supports all commands for ACM - CDC
PSTN SubClass bmCapabilities */
0x05, /* size of Functional Desc in bytes */
USB_CS_INTERFACE_DESCRIPTOR, /* descriptor type*/
0x01, /* Interface Number of Control */
0x02, /* Interface Number of Subordinate (Data Class) Interface */
#if ADD_CDC_SUPPORT static uint8_t g_alternate_interface[3]; #else volatile uint8_t usbDsc1_CurrentConfiguration = 0U; #endif
static uint8_t USB_Desc_Get_Entity_Config_Struct_0(uint32_t handle,entity_type type, uint32_t * object) { switch (type) { case USB_CLASS_INFO: #if !ADD_CDC_SUPPORT if (usbDsc1_CurrentConfiguration == 0U) { *object = (uint32_t)FS_Cfg_1_ClassInfoArray; } #endif break; case USB_COMPOSITE_INFO: #if !ADD_CDC_SUPPORT if (usbDsc1_CurrentConfiguration == 0U) { *object = (uint32_t)&FS_Cfg_1_CompositInfo; } #else *object = (uint32_t)&FS_Cfg_1_CompositInfo; #endif break; case USB_CLASS_INTERFACE_INDEX_INFO: #if !ADD_CDC_SUPPORT if (usbDsc1_CurrentConfiguration == 0U) { *object = FS_Cfg_1_ClassInfoArray[0].interfaces.interface[0].index; } #else *object = 0xff; if (handle == (uint32_t)cdc1_Handle) { *object = (uint32_t)FS_Cfg_1_ClassInfoArray[1].interfaces.interface[g_alternate_interface[1]].index; /* Interface index for CDC*/ break; } else if (handle == (uint32_t)msd1_MsdHandle) { *object = (uint32_t)(uint32_t)FS_Cfg_1_ClassInfoArray[0].interfaces.interface[g_alternate_interface[0]].index; /* Interface index for MSD*/ break; } #endif break; case USB_MSC_LBA_INFO: /* Call registered callback */ msd1_get_desc_entity(handle, USB_MSC_LBA_INFO, object); break; default : break; }/* End Switch */ return USB_OK; }
static uint8_t USB_Desc_Get_Interface ( uint32_t handle, uint8_t interface, uint8_t *alt_interface ) { UNUSED_ARGUMENT(handle); #if ADD_CDC_SUPPORT /* if interface valid */ if(interface < 3) { /* get alternate interface*/ *alt_interface = g_alternate_interface[interface]; return USB_OK; } #endif return USBERR_INVALID_REQ_TYPE; }
static uint8_t USB_Desc_Set_Interface ( uint32_t handle, uint8_t interface, uint8_t alt_interface ) { UNUSED_ARGUMENT(handle); #if ADD_CDC_SUPPORT /* if interface valid */ if(interface < 3) { /* set alternate interface*/ g_alternate_interface[interface]=alt_interface; return USB_OK; } #endif return USBERR_INVALID_REQ_TYPE; }
static uint8_t USB_Set_Configuration ( uint32_t handle, uint8_t config ) { UNUSED_ARGUMENT(handle); #if !ADD_CDC_SUPPORT usbDsc1_CurrentConfiguration = (config - 1U); #else uint32_t i; for(i = 0; i < FS_Cfg_1_CompositInfo.count; i++) { switch(FS_Cfg_1_CompositInfo.class_handle[i].type) { case USB_CLASS_COMMUNICATION: FS_Cfg_1_ClassInfoArray[i].interfaces.interface = &FS_Cfg_1_Class_1_InterfaceInfoArray[config - 1]; break; case USB_CLASS_MASS_STORAGE: FS_Cfg_1_ClassInfoArray[i].interfaces.interface = &FS_Cfg_1_Class_0_InterfaceInfoArray[config - 1]; break; default: break; } } #endif return USB_OK; }
static class_config_struct_t ClassConfigInfoArray[] = { { { /* Application callback setting */ msd1_application_callback, /* Callback address */ NULL, /* Callback argument */ }, { /* VendorRequest callback setting */ NULL, /* Callback address */ NULL, /* Callback argument */ }, { /* ClassSpecific callback setting */ msd1_class_specific_callback, /* Callback address */ NULL, /* Callback argument */ }, &usbDsc1_desc_callback_Config_Struct_0, /* Callback function data structure for the specified type of class */ { /* BoardInit callback setting */ NULL, /* Callback address */ 0, /* Callback argument */ }, 0U, /* Class handle */ USB_CLASS_MASS_STORAGE /* Class name */ }, #if ADD_CDC_SUPPORT /* CDC callbacks */ { { /* Application callback setting */ cdc1_application_callback, /* Callback address */ NULL, /* Callback argument */ }, { /* VendorRequest callback setting */ NULL, /* Callback address */ NULL, /* Callback argument */ }, { /* ClassSpecific callback setting */ cdc1_class_specific_callback, /* Callback address */ NULL, /* Callback argument */ }, &usbDsc1_desc_callback_Config_Struct_0, /* Callback function data structure for the specified type of class */ { /* BoardInit callback setting */ NULL, /* Callback address */ 0, /* Callback argument */ }, 0U, /* Class handle */ USB_CLASS_COMMUNICATION /* Class name */ } #endif };
composite_config_struct_t usbDsc1_CompositeConfigStructure = { #if !ADD_CDC_SUPPORT 1, /* Number of classes */ #else 2, /* Number of classes */ #endif ClassConfigInfoArray /* Class configuration structure array */ };
Hi Philipp,
UART5 is used for on board OSBDM/serial bridge interface that is used trhough J17 USB connector.
If you want to use TWR-SER's RS-232 connector then you will need to configure UART3 module (and
use PTC16 and PTC17) and configure J17, J18 and J19 jumpers in TWR-SER.
You can check TWR-SER and TWR-K60D100M's schematic for more deatils.
Hi Isaac,
thanks again for your help!
Well if I use the UART 5 with the J17 USB, I can flash the Towerboard but cannot debug. It's not recognized as MSD or Freescale CDC Device (but as OSBDM - Debug port). Is it possible to use this port for flashing and debugging? I tried to figure it out in the schematic but it was not really successful.
Is it also possible to use the USB connector of the TWR-Ser for the debug console? I didn't find a way to connect the UART3 with the USB port.. the RS-232 doesn't help because I want to use MSD and CDC with just one USB port..
Thank you!
Hello Philipp,
What you want to implement is to use the CDC interface as the debug console, don't you? If so, there are some important thing to understand:
Taking in mide these considerations, I've modified the CDC + MSD example in order to use CDC instance as Debug Console:
#if 0
#include "usb_descriptor.h"
#include "virtual_com.h"
#include "usbDsc1.h"
#include "cdc1.h"
#if 0
extern uint32_t g_app_handle;
extern cdc_handle_t cdc1_Handle;
#if 0
usb_status_t (* USB_Receive)(uint32_t base, uint8_t *buf, uint32_t count);
usb_status (* USB_Receive)(uint32_t base, uint8_t *buf, uint32_t count);
#if 0
s_debugConsole.base = (void*)g_app_handle;
s_debugConsole.ops.tx_union.USB_Send = VirtualCom_SendDataBlocking;
s_debugConsole.ops.rx_union.USB_Receive = VirtualCom_ReceiveDataBlocking;
/* Virtual COM initialization is made on Composite initialization */
s_debugConsole.base = (void*)cdc1_Handle;
s_debugConsole.ops.tx_union.USB_Send = VirtualCom_SendDataBlocking;
s_debugConsole.ops.rx_union.USB_Receive = VirtualCom_ReceiveDataBlocking;
void Components_Init(void)
/*! usbDsc1 Auto initialization start */
(void)USB_Composite_Init(USBFMW1_USB_CONTROLLER_ID, &usbDsc1_CompositeConfigStructure, &usbDsc1_CompositeHandle);
msd1_MsdHandle = usbDsc1_CompositeConfigStructure.class_app_callback[0].class_handle;
cdc1_Handle = usbDsc1_CompositeConfigStructure.class_app_callback[1].class_handle;
/*! usbDsc1 Auto initialization end */
/*! DbgCs1 Auto initialization start */
/* Debug console initialization */
/*! DbgCs1 Auto initialization end */
void VirtualCom_SendDataBlocking (uint32_t base, const uint8_t *buf, uint32_t count);
usb_status VirtualCom_ReceiveDataBlocking (uint32_t base, uint8_t *buf, uint32_t count);
bool start_app = FALSE;
bool start_transactions = FALSE;
static bool g_sendFinished = FALSE;
static bool g_receiveDone = FALSE;
void cdc_preinit(void)
g_recv_size = 0;
g_send_size = 0;
g_sendFinished = FALSE;
g_receiveDone = FALSE;
void cdc1_application_callback(uint8_t event_type, void * val, void * arg)
switch (event_type) {
case USB_DEV_EVENT_BUS_RESET: /* BUS reset received */
/* Write your code here ... */
if (USB_OK == USB_Class_CDC_Get_Speed(cdc1_Handle, &g_device_speed)) {
usbDsc1_USB_Desc_Set_Speed(cdc1_Handle, g_device_speed);
case USB_DEV_EVENT_CONFIG_CHANGED: /* Device enumerated process complete */
/* Write your code here ... */
/* Schedule buffer for receive */
#if 0
USB_Class_CDC_Recv_Data(cdc1_Handle, CDC_data_PipeOut, g_curr_recv_buf, DATA_BUFF_SIZE);
start_app = TRUE;
In cdc1_class_specific_callback also, two events are modified:
if (*size != 0xFFFFFFFF) {
g_recv_size = *size;
g_receiveDone = TRUE;
#if 0
/* Write your code here... */
if ((start_app == TRUE) && (start_transactions == TRUE)) {
g_recv_size = *size;
if (!g_recv_size) {
/* Schedule buffer for next receive event */
USB_Class_CDC_Recv_Data(cdc1_Handle, CDC_data_PipeOut, g_curr_recv_buf, DATA_BUFF_SIZE);
if ((size != NULL) && (*size != 0) && !(*size % DATA_BUFF_SIZE)) {
/* If the last packet is the size of endpoint, then send also zero-ended packet,
** meaning that we want to inform the host that we do not have any additional
** data, so it can flush the output.
USB_Class_CDC_Send_Data(cdc1_Handle, CDC_data_PipeIn, NULL, 0);
else if ((start_app == TRUE) && (start_transactions == TRUE))
if ((*data != NULL) || ((*data == NULL) && (*size == 0)))
/* User: add your own code for send complete event */
#if 0
/* Schedule buffer for next receive event */
USB_Class_CDC_Recv_Data(cdc1_Handle, CDC_data_PipeOut, g_curr_recv_buf, DATA_BUFF_SIZE);
g_sendFinished = TRUE;
void VirtualCom_SendDataBlocking (uint32_t base, const uint8_t *buf, uint32_t count) {
usb_status error = USB_OK;
if (buf == NULL) {
} else {
if ((start_app != TRUE) || (start_transactions != TRUE)) {
} else {
OS_Mem_copy(buf, g_curr_send_buf, count > DATA_BUFF_SIZE ? DATA_BUFF_SIZE : count);
error = USB_Class_CDC_Send_Data(base, CDC_data_PipeIn, g_curr_send_buf, count > DATA_BUFF_SIZE ? DATA_BUFF_SIZE : count);
if (error != USB_OK)
/* Failure to send Data Handling code here */
} else {
/* Wait until transmission are done */
while (!g_sendFinished) {};
g_sendFinished = FALSE;
usb_status VirtualCom_ReceiveDataBlocking (uint32_t base, uint8_t *buf, uint32_t count) {
usb_status error = USB_OK;
if (buf == NULL) {
} else {
/* validate that count is not greater than bulk max size */
error = USB_Class_CDC_Recv_Data(base, CDC_data_PipeOut, g_curr_recv_buf, count);
if (error != USB_OK)
/* Failure to received Data Handling code here */
} else {
while (!g_receiveDone) {};
OS_Mem_copy(g_curr_recv_buf, buf, g_recv_size != count ? g_recv_size : count);
g_receiveDone = FALSE;
return error;
And for a quick test, in main I added this basic code:
extern bool start_app;
extern bool start_transactions;
/* User includes (#include below this line is not maintained by Processor Expert) */
/*lint -save -e970 Disable MISRA rule (6.3) checking. */
int main(void)
/*lint -restore Enable MISRA rule (6.3) checking. */
/* Write your local variable definition here */
uint32_t index = 0;
/*** Processor Expert internal initialization. DON'T REMOVE THIS CODE!!! ***/
/*** End of Processor Expert internal initialization. ***/
/* Write your code here */
/* For example: for(;;) { } */
while (1) {
while ((start_app == TRUE) && (start_transactions == TRUE)) {
PRINTF(" %d\r\n", index++);
Please note that this is a basic implementation, you can modified Send and Received fucntions as desired (for RTOS enviroment for example)
I hope this can help you!
Best Regards,
Hello Philipp,
You have to create this CDC component "manually" and do some modifications in generated code in order to get it working. Here, you can find some steps that I followed to create this CDC + MSD project in FRDM-K64F.
#include "cdc1.h"
0x47 + 8 + 5 + 5 + 4 + 5,0x00, /* Total length of data for this configuration */
0x47,0x00, /* Total length of data for this configuration: 71 bytes */
/* msd1: Endpoint FS Bulk EP2 Bulk OUT, up to 1.216 MB/s Descriptor */
0x07, /* Descriptor size: 7 bytes */
USB_ENDPOINT_DESCRIPTOR, /* Descriptor type: ENDPOINT descriptor */
0x02, /* Address: 2 OUT */
0x02, /* Transfer type: Bulk */
0x40,0x00, /* Max. packet size: 64 byte(s) */
0x01, /* Maximum NAK rate: 0x01 microframe(s) */
/* Interface Association Descriptor */
0x08, /* Size of this descriptor */
0x0B, /* INTERFACE ASSOCIATION Descriptor */
0x01, /* Interface number of the CDC Control
interface that is associated with this function */
0x02, /* Number of contiguous CDC interfaces
that are associated with this function */
0x02, /* CDC_CC */
0x00, /* Not used */
0x00, /* Index to string descriptor */
/* cdc: Interface 1 Alternate setting 0 Descriptor */
0x09, /* Descriptor size: 9 bytes */
USB_INTERFACE_DESCRIPTOR, /* Descriptor type: INTERFACE descriptor */
0x01, /* Interface number: 1 */
0x00, /* Alternative setting number: 0 */
0x01, /* Number of EPs(excluding EP0): 1 */
0x02, /* Class code: 0x02 Communication (Communications and CDC Control) */
0x02, /* Subclass code: 0x02 */
0x00, /* Protocol code: 0x00 */
0x00, /* String descriptor index */
/* CDC Class-Specific descriptor */
0x05, /* size of Functional Desc in bytes */
USB_CS_INTERFACE_DESCRIPTOR, /* descriptor type*/
0x10, 0x01, /* USB Class Definitions for CDC spec release number in BCD */
0x05, /* Size of this descriptor */
USB_CS_INTERFACE_DESCRIPTOR, /* descriptor type*/
0x01, /* device handles call management itself(D0 set)
and will process commands multiplexed over the data interface */
0x01, /* Indicates multiplexed commands are handled via data interface */
0x04, /* Size of this descriptor */
USB_CS_INTERFACE_DESCRIPTOR, /* descriptor type*/
0x06, /* Device Supports all commands for ACM - CDC
PSTN SubClass bmCapabilities */
0x05, /* size of Functional Desc in bytes */
USB_CS_INTERFACE_DESCRIPTOR, /* descriptor type*/
0x01, /* Interface Number of Control */
0x02, /* Interface Number of Subordinate (Data Class) Interface */
#if ADD_CDC_SUPPORT static uint8_t g_alternate_interface[3]; #else volatile uint8_t usbDsc1_CurrentConfiguration = 0U; #endif
static uint8_t USB_Desc_Get_Entity_Config_Struct_0(uint32_t handle,entity_type type, uint32_t * object) { switch (type) { case USB_CLASS_INFO: #if !ADD_CDC_SUPPORT if (usbDsc1_CurrentConfiguration == 0U) { *object = (uint32_t)FS_Cfg_1_ClassInfoArray; } #endif break; case USB_COMPOSITE_INFO: #if !ADD_CDC_SUPPORT if (usbDsc1_CurrentConfiguration == 0U) { *object = (uint32_t)&FS_Cfg_1_CompositInfo; } #else *object = (uint32_t)&FS_Cfg_1_CompositInfo; #endif break; case USB_CLASS_INTERFACE_INDEX_INFO: #if !ADD_CDC_SUPPORT if (usbDsc1_CurrentConfiguration == 0U) { *object = FS_Cfg_1_ClassInfoArray[0].interfaces.interface[0].index; } #else *object = 0xff; if (handle == (uint32_t)cdc1_Handle) { *object = (uint32_t)FS_Cfg_1_ClassInfoArray[1].interfaces.interface[g_alternate_interface[1]].index; /* Interface index for CDC*/ break; } else if (handle == (uint32_t)msd1_MsdHandle) { *object = (uint32_t)(uint32_t)FS_Cfg_1_ClassInfoArray[0].interfaces.interface[g_alternate_interface[0]].index; /* Interface index for MSD*/ break; } #endif break; case USB_MSC_LBA_INFO: /* Call registered callback */ msd1_get_desc_entity(handle, USB_MSC_LBA_INFO, object); break; default : break; }/* End Switch */ return USB_OK; }
static uint8_t USB_Desc_Get_Interface ( uint32_t handle, uint8_t interface, uint8_t *alt_interface ) { UNUSED_ARGUMENT(handle); #if ADD_CDC_SUPPORT /* if interface valid */ if(interface < 3) { /* get alternate interface*/ *alt_interface = g_alternate_interface[interface]; return USB_OK; } #endif return USBERR_INVALID_REQ_TYPE; }
static uint8_t USB_Desc_Set_Interface ( uint32_t handle, uint8_t interface, uint8_t alt_interface ) { UNUSED_ARGUMENT(handle); #if ADD_CDC_SUPPORT /* if interface valid */ if(interface < 3) { /* set alternate interface*/ g_alternate_interface[interface]=alt_interface; return USB_OK; } #endif return USBERR_INVALID_REQ_TYPE; }
static uint8_t USB_Set_Configuration ( uint32_t handle, uint8_t config ) { UNUSED_ARGUMENT(handle); #if !ADD_CDC_SUPPORT usbDsc1_CurrentConfiguration = (config - 1U); #else uint32_t i; for(i = 0; i < FS_Cfg_1_CompositInfo.count; i++) { switch(FS_Cfg_1_CompositInfo.class_handle[i].type) { case USB_CLASS_COMMUNICATION: FS_Cfg_1_ClassInfoArray[i].interfaces.interface = &FS_Cfg_1_Class_1_InterfaceInfoArray[config - 1]; break; case USB_CLASS_MASS_STORAGE: FS_Cfg_1_ClassInfoArray[i].interfaces.interface = &FS_Cfg_1_Class_0_InterfaceInfoArray[config - 1]; break; default: break; } } #endif return USB_OK; }
static class_config_struct_t ClassConfigInfoArray[] = { { { /* Application callback setting */ msd1_application_callback, /* Callback address */ NULL, /* Callback argument */ }, { /* VendorRequest callback setting */ NULL, /* Callback address */ NULL, /* Callback argument */ }, { /* ClassSpecific callback setting */ msd1_class_specific_callback, /* Callback address */ NULL, /* Callback argument */ }, &usbDsc1_desc_callback_Config_Struct_0, /* Callback function data structure for the specified type of class */ { /* BoardInit callback setting */ NULL, /* Callback address */ 0, /* Callback argument */ }, 0U, /* Class handle */ USB_CLASS_MASS_STORAGE /* Class name */ }, #if ADD_CDC_SUPPORT /* CDC callbacks */ { { /* Application callback setting */ cdc1_application_callback, /* Callback address */ NULL, /* Callback argument */ }, { /* VendorRequest callback setting */ NULL, /* Callback address */ NULL, /* Callback argument */ }, { /* ClassSpecific callback setting */ cdc1_class_specific_callback, /* Callback address */ NULL, /* Callback argument */ }, &usbDsc1_desc_callback_Config_Struct_0, /* Callback function data structure for the specified type of class */ { /* BoardInit callback setting */ NULL, /* Callback address */ 0, /* Callback argument */ }, 0U, /* Class handle */ USB_CLASS_COMMUNICATION /* Class name */ } #endif };
composite_config_struct_t usbDsc1_CompositeConfigStructure = { #if !ADD_CDC_SUPPORT 1, /* Number of classes */ #else 2, /* Number of classes */ #endif ClassConfigInfoArray /* Class configuration structure array */ };