Event handler for external pin interrupt on MKL03 with PE and Designstudio?

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Event handler for external pin interrupt on MKL03 with PE and Designstudio?

Contributor II


I am trying to set up a project for a MKL03Z32 MCU using Design Studio.

I selected processor expert in the project wizard which "automatically" also enabled the SDK somehow.

The only part i am currently struggling with is to configure an external interrupt on an LLWU pin.

I would expect that processor expert creates an OnInterrupt stub function (or simmilar) in the events.c file once I configure the corresponding pin to create an interrupt on "either edge" like it is done - for example - for ADC completion.

However, I can not find any stub or hint on where to put code for the interrupt service. There is an IntMan1 component in the project but it does not offer anything on the "events" tab either.

I found an "ExtInt" component which appears to be what I would need but adding this component to the project is disabled.

So my question is:

How to setup a processor expert project for the MKL03Z32 which executes application code upon occurrence of an external interrupt on an LLWU input pin?

TIA, Roland

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3 Replies

NXP Employee
NXP Employee

The newer devices like the KL03Z are supported by the Kinetis SDK only. So what you expect (ExtInt, OnInterrupt()) is supported with the non-SDK devices and Processor Expert, but not by the SDK, as the SDK is using a different approach. That's why it is disabled for the KL03Z. I'm moving this discussion to the SDK forum.


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Contributor II

Hi Erich, thanks for the explanation.

So what is the recommended approach with this? Is usage of processor Expert discuraged as such in favor of the SDK or should people just add their IRQ handlers manually - and if so, on which level?

If initialization is still done by PE then is it safe to use a function like


to install the handler?

TIA, Roland

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NXP Employee
NXP Employee

Hello Roland:

What is the status of your project?

Since you have a KL03 and want to use low power modes with LLWU pins, the next documents by colleague Marek Neuzil could be very useful:

How to install KL03 SDK support in KDS 1.1.1 and KDS 2.0.0

Low power demo application on FRDM-KL03Z board


Jorge Gonzalez

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