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Kinetis Microcontrollers Knowledge Base


There is a popular WIFI platform called “GoKit” in China. This testing kit can be use to do some customized application. Not only WIFI communication, kit also support other functions. You can find interfaces listed as below. GoKit Interfaces: I try to use FRDM-KL02 to communicate with this kit to do a WIFI communication application. Board connection as below. This platform has two running mode. One is AirLink mode, and another is normal running mode. AirLink mode is used to WIFI communication or pair. Go to AirLink mode steps: Power on FRDM-KL02 Long press key1 to reset WIFI module. Wait until RED led on. Short press Key2 to go into configuration mode, wait until RED led flash on WIFI module. Open demo APP, select “adding device”, input SSID password. Waiting for configuration finish. Command Format HOF: 2bytes, value 0xFFFF Length: 2bytes Cmd:1byte SN:1byte Flags:2bytes DATA: Xbytes Checksum:1byte WIFI acquire device information MCU inform WIFI into configure mode MCU reset WIFI WIFI inform MCU status WIFI ask for reset Illegal command For detail code, I will post another thread for your reference.
The Technical University in Brasov (Romania) has set up a Medical Teaching lab featuring the Freescale Tower Kit K53 with Oximeter MED-SPO2 and 2 electrode system EKG MED-EKG. Find below the material associated to this lab led by Prof. Sorin-Aurel Moraru from the Faculty of Engineering. He can be contacted at The course is in Romanian and include an overview of the hardware and exercises
在工业热电偶数据采集与处理方面,ADI,MAXIM的模拟芯片几乎占据了90%以上的市场,尽管他们的单片售价高的吓人。1片16位的AD芯片没有个2个美金是买不到的,24位的更不用多说。现在他们的竞争对手来了,飞思卡尔针对表计市场推出的基于M0+内核的KM1x,KM3x,片上集成24位的Σ-Δ模拟前端, 其中2路带有独立的可编程最高32倍PGA,无论是市场上应用最多的K型热电偶、还是专注于低温测量的T型热电偶,通过合理的配置都可以满足他们极宽范围的量程。确切的讲,KMxx和这两种产品根本不能算是一个数量级的PK对手,无论从资源上还是从价格上。但是尽管这样,就一定能打败竞争对手吗?首先得有的说服力的参考设计吧,不着急,已经开始设计了。 处理器:MKM33Z128CLH5 暂定功能: 1. K型热电偶+T型热电偶兼容采集处理,板上预留2种热电偶接口,带冷端温度补偿功能 2. 按键切换热电偶类型 3. 段码式LCD显示采集的实时温度,状态显示 4. 低功耗演示,面向手持式设备市场 5. 音乐变调蜂鸣器 主要针对竞争目标:Maxin的 MAX31855KASA (T型热电偶) 关于精度嘛,等参考设计完成了测试一下就知道了。 以上参考设计敬请等待,也欢迎多提宝贵建议。
Anis Jarrar, Freescale design engineer, explains how his team developed Kinetis and how the result of their "chasing nanowatts" concept resulted in a highly scalable, ultra low power MCU. 32-bit Kinetis MCUs represent the most scalable portfolio of ARM® Cortex™-M4 MCUs in the industry. The first phase of the portfolio consists of five MCU families with over 200 pin-, peripheral- and software compatible devices with outstanding performance, memory and feature scalability. Enabled by innovative 90nM Thin Film Storage (TFS) flash technologu with unique FlexMemory (configurable embedded EEPROM), Kinetis features the latest low-power innovations and high performance, high precision mixed-signal capability. Kinetis MCUs are supported by a market-leading enablement bundle from Freescale and ARM 3rd party ecosystem partners.
Este proyecto está siendo desarrollado por alumnos del Tecnológico de Monterrey Campus Guadalajara, el cual está orientado para servir como un tipo de terapia para personas discapacitadas. El proyecto en sí consiste en el control de un vehículo de juguete por medio de pulsaciones que serán realizadas con pelotas anti-estrés, de esta forma la persona podrá realizar un ejercicio de fortalecimiento en sus extremidades superiores de una forma más entretenida y menos tediosa que las clásicas terapias. Es importante mencionar que para poder realizar este proyecto es necesario el uso de dos tarjetas Freedom KL25Z de Freescale®, dos módulos Bluetooth®, dos servomotores de rotación continua y dos sensores de presión, los cuales serán incorporados dentro de las pelotas anti-estrés. El vehículo de juguete estará compuesto por los servomotores, que servirán como llantas; un módulo Bluetooth®, el cual recibirá las señales del otro módulo; y una de las tarjetas Freedom KL25Z. Por otro lado una de las tarjetas Freedom KL25Z estará conectada con los sensores integrados en las pelotas anti-estrés y a un módulo cuya función es mandar la información capturada por los sensores al vehículo de juguete. La mecánica del proyecto depende de la pelota que sea presionada, pues si se presiona solamente una pelota, el vehículo avanzará, por otro lado si se presiona la otra pelota, el vehículo girará sobre su propio eje. Este proyecto tiene como fin la implementación de conocimiento prácticos y teóricos en busca de una aportación en beneficio de la sociedad. También es relevante comentar que las visiones a futuro de este proyecto es que pueda ser implementado como una especie de control para una silla de ruedas, con el fin de facilitar la movilidad y aumentar la comodidad al momento de usar este tipo de vehículo. Original Attachment has been moved to:
Hi Team :      We are working on KSDK project recently . I would like to share an experience to migrate a project to a new device that is not listed in KSDK . I hope that helpful . Best regards, David
Coming Soon.
20141030    Release the Alpha version by         a) Support FRDM-KL25Z and TWR-K60D100M.         b) Support X-modem 256 and 1K, and test by Teraterm,
Hello, The below attachment is the code for UART with the input data as a character..But i need the input data to be a STRING...Can anyone please post the code for UART with input as a string using MK22D5.
Hello Freedom users I have created another full board review this time for the FRDM-KL05Z always including clear instructions to program and debug your first project. I'm still working on the video version (looking for a better accent :smileyconfused:), but the commands illustrated by screen captures should be easy to follow. Freescale Freedom development platform: [FRDM-K... | element14 Enjoy Greg
Man powers his home from local stream with DIY micro-hydro plant - StumbleUpon The above project is amazing. Imagine a Kinetis V as the inverter for a micro-turbine based on a PMSM or BLDC ??
¡ FELICIDADES AL GANADOR! El sábado 7 de diciembre se realizó la final del Kinetis L MCU Challenge México en las instalaciones del Centro de Congresos, Tecnológico de Monterrey Campus Guadalajara; donde se eligió al ganador a través de las redes sociales y la herramienta RankTab. La emoción se sintió entre los participantes durante la votación; al finalizar el conteo de votos y calificaciones en Ranktab ¡obtuvimos un ganador! Nos complace presentar a: Andrés Gafford con el proyecto Tablet Braille para Invidentes como el ganador del Kinetis L MCU Challenge México 2013. Quién se irá de viaje con todos los gastos pagados al Freescale Technology Forum (FTF) en Dallas, Texas del 8 al 11 de abril del 2014. Agradecemos a los finalistas por su esfuerzo y participación en el evento;  también agradecemos a todas las personas que nos ayudaron con su calificación y voto a elegir el mejor de los proyectos. Esperamos que esta competencia haya sido un semillero de grandes ideas que se conviertan en las innovaciones del mañana.
VREF module provide one input pin VREF, this pin can provide reference voltage for both external circuit but also for internal Sigma Delta ADCs, AFE and DAC.  Also it includes trim function in it. In this document, I would like to use my testing to do a linearity analysis. From figure1 and 2, you can find how to make VREF as reference voltage of different analog module. For example, you can find when S1 switches down, S0 closes and S2 select VREF, VREF will be voltage resource of SAR ADC.                                               Figure 1: Voltage reference function configuration                                   Figure 2: Voltage reference module diagramming I do a testing for VREF trim value linear analysis. The process is connecting the voltmeter to VREFH pin, then record measure result for each setting of VREF trim. There will be 64 records for every different setting. Testing chip is MKM34Z256. Please find my testing result from testing data table. From testing result, you can get the formula that y = kx + x0, where k is about 0.005 (5mV) and x0 is about 1.1881, x is trim value.  You can find there is only a little offset from offset curve.                                         Table 1: Trim voltage testing date                                                                 Figure 3: Offset curve
  Hello Freedom community users Few weeks before, I produced for the Element14 community a full video review of the FRDM-KL46Z including all the steps to program and debug your first project example. Video has a length of less than 13 min so your evaluation of the Kinetis KL46 should be really quick and easy Enjoy Greg
El proyecto está basado en Kinetis KL25Z, consiste en utilizar un tapete de 9 “Botones” y un nunchuck para rehabilitación en piernas y o entrenar sus capacidades sicomotrices llevarlo a cabo atravez de programas especiales en PC, bien esto se lleva acabo utilizando la función de HID de Processor Expert, en el caso del nunchuck funciona como mouse y el tapete como teclado, el joystick del nunchuck actúan como el desplazamiento del mouse y los dos botones con los que cuenta actúan como clic derecho e izquierdo y el tapete actúa como las teclas W, A, S, D, (están son configurables) más 5 teclas adicionales, el tapete está formado por sensores de presión que al pisarlos simulan las teclas correspondientes.     BodyPCcontrol Kinetis Challenge México 2013 - YouTube Original Attachment has been moved to: HID-KEYRUG-KL25Z.rar
With the HMI developing, touch sensing is more and more popular. The GPIO-based method was developed as a low-cost way to do touch sensing. NXP had developed this sensing method and provide as TSS library (which combines support for GPIO and hardware-based touch sensing).The GPIO method uses the RC charge time in a capacitor (the electrode or touch pad)   Measurement Principles: TSI Method TSI method uses configurable current sources. The current sources are active outputs, making them far more robust against noise. Current sources are configurable, making it possible to configure sampling time. The signal slope depends on the applied current and the capacitance. When a finger approaches the electrode, frequency decreases. Another oscillator, uses a internal unchanging capacitor, this is our reference, we will configure it to oscillate faster than the external one. By comparing how many reference oscillations where counted by the TSI module per external reference scan, we can know when a touch happened.
   1.  K60 eDMA 16-channel implementation Local memory containing transfer control descriptors for each of the 16 channels 32-byte TCD stored in local memory for each channel    2.  DMA memory to memory performance In the traditional M2M data movement, performance is best expressed as the peak data transfer rates In most implementations, this transfer rate is limited by the speed of the source and destination address spaces.     3.  eDMA peak transfer rate   4. Performance test         With K60 100MHz (TWR-K60D100M), implement internal SRAM-SRAM eDMA data transfer. If  transfer size setting as 32-bit in TCD Transfer Attributes (DMA_TCD_ATTR), there will has one wait state during each read/write. That's why the DMA performance doesn't up to 200MB/s as the manual stated.       We highly recommend setting DMA transfer size to 16-byte at DMA_TCD_ATTR register, it will much increase the DMA performance.(Get 162MB/s transfer rate with TWR-K60D100M board.) 5.  Testing code attached.
The KL TSI Library provides the following benefits: • Reduces time to market and development costs. Already available turn-key TSI Library for IH cooker, remote controller applications, etc. • KL TSI is a hardware touch sensing solution, without any additional peripherals, e.g. Timers, GPIO, CPU execution, as a result reduces overall system cost and size. • Enhances reliability by enabling environment adaptive algorithm, eliminating water droplet and stream influence, and filtering electromagnetic interference. • Easy to use, simplifies user interface design. Flexible TSI software library enabling customers to develop an application • FreeMaster1.4 visualizes TSI signal on screen, thus customer can debug and tune touch software simply.
当芯片被加密后,在Keil或IAR中下载或者调试时,会弹出以下提示信息: 这时如果点击Yes,那么将会对Flash进行一次mass erase,这样就可以重新下载或者调试程序了。 如果把Do not show this message again复选框勾选上的话,那么以后将不再弹出此提示框,并且会自动进行一次mass erase。 实际使用中,不建议勾选Do not show this message again这一复选框,因为勾上之后就无法直观的看到芯片被锁的提示了。 如果不小心把这一复选框勾上了的话,想要恢复到原来的设置,只能通过修改注册表的方法来实现,具体步骤如下 1) 在CMD窗口下,输入regedit,打开注册表    2)设置 HKEY_CURRENT_USER => Software => SEGGER => J-Link => DontShowAgainUnlockKinetis 为0   