Kinetis Microcontrollers Knowledge Base

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Kinetis Microcontrollers Knowledge Base


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Hi All Kinetis Lovers, Microcontroller programming is a passion for all we are following this Community, but sometimes, trying to understand the peripherals of a Microcontroller is not an easy task, especially if we are in our first approach to a new module or device. In this post you will find a document that explains in detail the DMA module for Kinetis devices and also some examples for CodeWarrior and Kinetis Design Studio using DMA and other peripherals. The Documentation found here is: Using DMA module in Kinetis devices (complete): Document that includes DMA module explanation: everything you need to know when using DMA and the necessary information to understand the code included (K20_DMA for CW or K20D72_DMA for KDS). Using DMA module in Kinetis devices (example): Document that includes the necessary information to understand the code included (K20_DMA for CW or K20D72_DMA for KDS). Attached are two folders named: DMA examples for CW: include the DMA example projects for CW DMA examples for KDS: include the DMA example projects for KDS. Each folder includes 5 examples that are: Please feel free to modify the examples; I hope this will be useful for you. Many thanks and credits to manuelrodriguez for his valuable help developing and editing this project. :smileyinfo:For the SPI examples it is necessary to make a bridge between MOSI and MISO pins (master loop mode is used for the example). For this the TWR Elevators were used.     In the attachments you can find some extra information when using SPI and DMA. Best Regards, Adrian Sanchez Cano Technical Support Engineer
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OpenSDA/OpenSDAv2 is a serial and debug adapter that is built into several Freescale evaluation boards. It provides a bridge between your computer (or other USB host) and the embedded target processor, which can be used for debugging, flash programming, and serial communication, all over a simple USB cable.   The OpenSDA hardware consists of a circuit featuring a Freescale Kinetis K20 microcontroller (MCU) with an integrated USB controller. On the software side, it implements a mass storage device bootloader which offers a quick and easy way to load OpenSDA applications such as flash programmers, run-control debug interfaces, serial to USB converters, and more. Details on OpenSDA can be found in the OpenSDA User Guide.     The bootloader and app firmware that lay on top of the original OpenSDA circuit was proprietary.  But recently ARM decided to open source their CMSIS-DAP interface, and now a truly open debug platform could be created. This new open-sourced firmware solution is known as OpenSDAv2.   OpenSDAv2: OpenSDAv2 uses the exact same hardware circuit as the original OpenSDA solution, and out of the box it still provides a debugger, drag-and-drop flash programmer, and virtual serial port over a single USB cable.   The difference is the firmware implementation: OpenSDA: Programmed with the proprietary P&E Micro developed bootloader. P&E Micro is the default debug interface app. OpenSDAv2: Programmed with the open-sourced CMSIS-DAP/mbed bootloader. CMSIS-DAP is the default debug interface app.       Firmware Developer Kinetis K20 Based Hardware Circuit Default Debug Interface Drag-and-drop Target MCU Flash Programming Virtual Serial Port Source Code Available OpenSDA P&E Micro x P&E Micro .srec/.s19 x   OpenSDAv2 ARM/ x CMSIS-DAP .bin x x   The bootloader and app firmware used by OpenSDAv2 is developed by the community at, and is known as “CMSIS-DAP Interface Firmware”. If you explore that site, you will find that this firmware was also ported to run on other hardware, but the combination of this firmware with the Kinetis K20 MCU is known as OpenSDAv2.   It is important to understand however that it is possible to run a P&E Micro debug app on the CMSIS-DAP/mbed bootloader found on OpenSDAv2. Likewise it is possible to run a CMSIS-DAP debug app on the P&E Micro bootloader found on OpenSDA. The debug application used needs to be targeted towards a specific bootloader though, as a single binary cannot be used on both the OpenSDA and OpenSDAv2 bootloaders.   OpenSDAv2.1: During development of OpenSDAv2 features and bug fixes, it was found that the reserved bootloader space was too small. Thus a new version of OpenSDAv2 had to be created, which was named OpenSDAv2.1. The difference between the OpenSDAv2.0 and v2.1 is the address where the debug application starts: for OpenSDAv2.0 it expects the application at address 0x5000, while OpenSDAv2.1 expects the application to start at address 0x8000.   The only board with OpenSDAv2.0 is the FRDM-K64F. All other OpenSDAv2 boards (such as the just released FRDM-K22F) use OpenSDAv2.1.   Unfortunately this means that new OpenSDAv2 apps are needed. From a user perspective this mostly affects the JLink app since it was shared across all boards. Make sure you download the correct app for your board based on the OpenSDAv2 version.   OpenSDAv2 Apps: mbed CMSIS-DAP for FRDM-K64F mbed CMSIS-DAP for FRDM-K22F P&E Micro  (use the Firmware Apps link) Segger JLink (look at bottom of page for OpenSDAv2.0 or OpenSDAv2.1 app)   OpenSDAv2 Bootloader: The key difference between OpenSDA and OpenSDAv2 is the bootloader. Boards with OpenSDA use a proprietary bootloader developed by P&E Micro, and it cannot be erased or reprogrammed by an external debugger due to the security restrictions in the firmware. Boards with OpenSDAv2 use the open-source bootloader developed by, and it can be erased and reprogrammed with an external debugger.   Apps need to be specifically created to work with either the P&E bootloader (Original OpenSDA) or the CMSIS-DAP/mbed bootloader (OpenSDAv2/OpenSDAv2.1) as the bootloader memory map is different.  Thus it’s important to know which type of bootloader is on your board to determine which version of an app to load.   You can determine the bootloader version by holding the reset button while plugging in a USB cable into the OpenSDA USB port. A BOOTLOADER drive will appear for both OpenSDA and OpenSDAv2.   The OpenSDAv2.0 bootloader (may also be called the CMSIS-DAP/mbed bootloader) developed by will have the following files inside.  Viewing the HTML source of the bootload.htm file with Notepad will tell you the build version, date, and git hash commit. For the OpenSDAv2.1 bootloader, this file will be named mbed.htm instead.     The OpenSDAv1 bootloader developed by P&E Micro will have the following inside. Clicking on SDA_INFO.HTM will take you to the P&E website.       Using CMSIS-DAP: When you connect a Freedom board that has OpenSDAv2 (such as the FRDM-K64F) to your computer with a USB cable, it will begin running the default CMSIS_DAP/mbed application which has three main features.   1. Drag and Drop MSD Flash Programming You will see a new disk drive appear labeled “MBED”.   You can then drag-and-drop binary (.bin) files onto the virtual hard disk to program the internal flash of the target MCU.   2.Virtual Serial Port OpenSDAv2 will also enumerate as a virtual serial port, which you can use a terminal program , such as TeraTerm (shown below), to connect to. You may need to install the mbed Windows serial port driver first before the serial port will enumerate on Windows properly. It should work without a driver for MacOS and Linux.   3. Debugging The CMSIS-DAP app also allows you to debug the target MCU via the CMSIS-DAP interface. Select the CMSIS-DAP interface in your IDE of choice, and inside the CMSIS-DAP options select the Single Wire Debug (SWD) option:   Kinetis Design Studio (KDS): Note: OpenOCD with CMSIS-DAP for FRDM-K22F is not supported in KDS V1.1.0. You must use either the P&E app instructions or the JLink app instructions to use KDS with the FRDM-K22F at this time. This will be fixed over the next few weeks. OpenSDAv2 uses the OpenOCD debug interface which uses the CMSIS-DAP protocol. Make sure '-f kinetis.cfg' is specified as 'Other Options':   IAR     Keil:         Resources CMSIS-DAP Interface Firmware FRDM-K64 Page FRDM-K64 User Guide OpenSDAv2 on MCU on Eclipse blog OpenSDA User Guide KDS Debugging   Appendix A: Building the CMSIS-DAP Debug Application The open source CMSIS-DAP Interface Firmware app is the default app used on boards with OpenSDAv2. It provides: Debugging via the CMSIS-DAP interface Drag-and-drop flash programming Virtual Serial Port providing USB-to-Serial convertor   While binaries of this app are provided for supported boards, some developers would like to build the CMSIS-DAP debug application themselves.   This debug application can be built for either the OpenSDAv2/mbed bootloader, or for the original OpenSDA bootloader developed by P&E Micro. If you are not sure which bootloader your board has, refer to the bootloader section in this document.   Building the CMSIS-DAP debug application requires Keil MDK. You will also need to have the “Legacy Support for Cortex-M Devices” software pack installed for Keil.   You will also need Python 2.x installed. Due to the python script used, Python 3.x will not work.   The code is found in the MBED git repository, so it can be downloaded using a git clone command: “git clone” Note that there is a Download Zip option, but you will run into a issue when trying to compile that version, so you must download it via git instead.   The source code can be seen below:   This repository contains the files for both the bootloader and the CMSIS-DAP debug interface application. We will concentrate on the interface application at the moment.   Open up Keil MDK, and open up the project file located at \CMSIS-DAP\interface\mdk\k20dx128\k20dx128_interface.uvproj In the project configuration drop-down box, you will notice there are a lot of options. Since different chips may have slightly different flash programming algorithms, there is a target for each specific evaluation board. In this case, we will be building for the FRDM-K64F board. Scroll down until you get to that selection:   Notice there are three options for the K64: k20dx128_k64f_if: Used for debugging the CMSIS-DAP application with Keil. Code starts at address 0x0000_0000 k20dx128_k64_if_openSDA_bootloader: Creates a binary to drag-and-drop on the P&E developed bootloader (Original OpenSDA) k20dx128_k64_if_mbed_bootloader: Creates a binary to drag-and-drop onto the CMSIS-DAP/mbed developed bootloader (OpenSDAv2)   Since the FRDM-K64F comes with the OpenSDAv2 bootloader, we will use the 3 rd option. If we were building the mbed app for another Freedom board which had the original OpenSDA bootloader, we would choose the 2 nd option instead.   Now click on the compile icon. You may get some errors If you get an error similar to the one shown below, make sure you have installed the Legacy pack for ARM as previously described earlier:           compiling RTX_Config.c...             ..\..\Common\src\RTX_Config.c(184): error:  #5: cannot open source input file "RTX_lib.c": No such file or directory            and           compiling usb_config.c...             ..\..\..\shared\USBStack\INC\usb_lib.c(18): error:  #5: cannot open source input file "..\..\RL\USB\INC\usb.h": No such file or directory   If you get an error regarding a missing version_git.h file, make sure that Python 2.x and git are in your path. A Python build script fetches that file. It's called from the User tab in the project options, under "Run User Programs Before Build/Rebuild". If there is a warning about “invalid syntax” when running the Python script, make sure your using Python 2.x. Python 3.x will not work with the build script.   Now recompile again, and it should successfully compile. If you look now in \CMSIS-DAP\interface\mdk\k20dx128 you will see a new k20dx128_k64f_if_mbed.bin file   If you compiled the project for the OpenSDA bootloader, there would be a new k20dx128_k64f_if_openSDA.S19 file instead.   Loading the CMSIS-DAP Debug Application: Now take the Freedom board, press and hold the reset button as you plug in the USB cable. Then, drag-and-drop the .bin file (for OpenSDAv2) or .S19 file (for OpenSDA) into the BOOTLOADER drive that enumerated.   Perform a power cycle, and you should see a drive called “MBED” come up and you can start using the CMSIS-DAP debug interface, as well as drag-and-drop programming and virtual serial port as described earlier in this document.   Appendix B: Building the CMSIS-DAP Bootloader All Freedom boards already come with a bootloader pre-flashed onto the K20.  But for those building their own boards that would like to use CMSIS-DAP, or those who would like to tinker with the bootloader, it possible to flash it to the Kinetis K20 device. Flashing the bootloader will require an external debugger, such as the Keil ULink programmer or Segger JLink.   Also note that the OpenSDA/PE Micro Bootloader cannot be erased! Due to the proprietary nature of the P&E firmware used by the original OpenSDA, it can only be programmed at the board manufacturer and JTAG is disabled. So these instructions are applicable for boards with OpenSDAv2 only.   First, open up the bootloader project which is located at \CMSIS-DAP\bootloader\mdk\k20dx128\k20dx128_bootloader.uvproj   There is only one target available because all OpenSDAv2 boards will use the same bootloader firmware as the hardware circuitry is the same.   Click on the compile icon and it should compile successfully. If you see errors about a missing version_git.h file, note that Python 2.x must be in the path to run a pre-build script which fetches that file.   Now connect a Keil ULink to J10 and then insert a USB cable to provide power to J26. Note that if you have the 20-pin connector, you’ll want to use the first 10 pins.   Then for Keil 5 you will need to change some debug options (CMSIS-DAP is built under Keil 4.x).   Right click on the bootloader project, and go to the Debug tab and next to ULINK Pro Cortex Debugger, click on Settings:   Then under “Cortex-M Target Driver Setup”, change the “Connect” drop down box to “under Reset” and “Reset” dropdown box to “HW RESET”. Hit OK to save the settings.     Then in Keil, click on Flash->Erase.   And then on Flash->Download.   If you get an “Invalid ROM Table” error when flashing the CMSIS-DAP bootloader, make sure you made the changes to the debugger settings listed above.   After some text scrolls by, you should see:   Now power cycle while holding down the reset button, and you should see the bootloader drive come up. You’ll then need to drag and drop the mbed application built earlier onto it. And that’s all there is to it!   The binaries for the bootloader and CMSIS-DAP debug app for the FRDM-K64F board created in writing this guide are attached. Original Attachment has been moved to: Original Attachment has been moved to:
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It has been reported that OpenSDA v2/2.1 bootloader could be corrupted when the board is plugged into a Windows 10 machine. An updated OpenSDA bootloader that fixes this issue is available at There is also a blog article by Arm addressing this issue. To reprogram the bootloader on affected boards, you will require an external debugger, such as Segger JLink or Keil ULink programmer attached to the JTAG port connected to the K20 OpenSDA MCU. For your convenience, the binaries of the OpenSDA v2.2 bootloader is attached at the bottom of this post. If using a Segger JLink, download the latest JLink Software and Documentation pack and use the following JLink.exe commands to connect to the K20 OpenSDA MCU: Connect MK20DX128xxx5 S 4000 And then use the following commands to reflash the bootloader: erase loadbin <your Bootloader Binary> 0x00000000 Here is another post on how to recover bricked OpenSDA boards and to prevent it getting re-bricked. To check more information regarding OpenSDA on your boards, please go to
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Hi community!! The following example uses a PIT to start an adc conversion, once the conversion has finished it issues a DMA request and the DMA controller stores the converted value in a buffer. The examples were implemented in both CodeWarrior 10.6 and KDS 1.1 for every board. The recommended test circuit is the following: Please feel free to modify the files, I hope this examples will be useful for you and will help you by decreasing your development time. Best Regards Manuel Rodríguez Technical Information Center Intern
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The Real Time Clock (RTC) module is the right tool when we want to keep tracking the current time for our applications. For the Freedom Platform (KL25Z) the RTC module features include: 32-bit seconds counter with roll-over protection and 32-bit alarm 16-bit prescaler with compensation that can correct errors between 0.12 ppm and 3906 ppm. Register write protection. Lock register requires POR or software reset to enable write access. 1 Hz square wave output. This document describes how to implement the module configuration. Also, how to modify the hardware in order feed a 32 KHz frequency to RTC module (it is just a simple wire link).     Hardware. The RTC module needs a source clock of 32 KHz. This source is not wired on the board; hence we need to wire it. Do not be afraid of this, it is just a simple wire between PTC3 and PTC1 and the good news are that these pins are external.   PTC1 is configured as the RTC_CLKIN it means that this is the input of source clock.     PTC3 is configured as CLKOUT (several options of clock frequency can be selected in SIM_SOPT2[CLKOUTSEL] register). For this application we need to select the 32 Khz clock frequency.                         RTC configuration using Processor Expert. First of all we need to set the configurations above-mentioned in Component Inspector of CPU component. Enable RTC clock input and select PTC1 in Pin Name field. This selects PTC1 as RTC clock input. MCGIRCLK source as slow in Clock Source Settings > Clock Source Setting 0 > Internal reference clock > MCGIRCLK source. This selects the 32 KHz clock frequency. Set ERCLK32K Clock Source to RTC Clock Input in Clock Source Settings > Clock Source Setting 0 > External reference clock > ERCLK32K Clock Source. This sets the RTC_CLKIN as the 32 KHz input for RTC module. Select PTC3 as the CLKOUT pin and the CLKOUT pin output as MCGIRCLK in Internal peripherals > System Integration Module > CLKOUT pin control. With this procedure we have a frequency of 32 KHz on PTC3 and PTC1 configured as RTC clock-in source. The MCG mode configurations in this case is PEE mode: 96 MHz PLL clock, 48 MHz Core Clock and 24 MHz Bus clock.   For the RTC_LDD component the only important thing is to select the ERCKL32K as the Clock Source. The image below shows the RTC_LDD component configuration for this application.   After this you only need to Generate Processor Expert Code and write your application.  The code of this example application can be found in the attachments of the post. The application prints every second the current time.     RTC bare-metal configuration. For a non-PEx application we need to do the same configurations above. Enable the internal reference clock. MCGIRCLK is active.          MCG_C1 |= MCG_C1_IRCLKEN_MASK; Select the slow internal reference clock source.          MCG_C2 &= ~(MCG_C2_IRCS_MASK); Set PTC1 as RTC_CLKIN and select 32 KHz clock source for the RTC module.          PORTC_PCR1 |= (PORT_PCR_MUX(0x1));              SIM_SOPT1 |= SIM_SOPT1_OSC32KSEL(0b10); Set PTC3 as CLKOUT pin and selects the MCGIRCLK clock to output on the CLKOUT pin.     SIM_SOPT2 |= SIM_SOPT2_CLKOUTSEL(0b100);     PORTC_PCR3 |= (PORT_PCR_MUX(0x5));   And the RTC module configuration could be as follows (this is the basic configuration just with seconds interrupt): Enable software access and interrupts to the RTC module.     SIM_SCGC6 |= SIM_SCGC6_RTC_MASK; Clear all RTC registers.   RTC_CR = RTC_CR_SWR_MASK; RTC_CR &= ~RTC_CR_SWR_MASK;   if (RTC_SR & RTC_SR_TIF_MASK){      RTC_TSR = 0x00000000; } Set time compensation parameters. (These parameters can be different for each application) RTC_TCR = RTC_TCR_CIR(1) | RTC_TCR_TCR(0xFF); Enable time seconds interrupt for the module and enable its irq. enable_irq(INT_RTC_Seconds - 16); RTC_IER |= RTC_IER_TSIE_MASK; Enable time counter. RTC_SR |= RTC_SR_TCE_MASK; Write to Time Seconds Register. RTC_TSR = 0xFF;   After this configurations you can write your application, do not forget to add you Interrupt Service Routine to the vector table and implement an ISR code.   In the attachments you can find two zip files: PEx application and non-PEx application.   I hope this could be useful for you,   Adrián Sánchez Cano. Original Attachment has been moved to: Original Attachment has been moved to:
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for M68HC08, HCS08, ColdFire and Kinetis MCUs by: Pavel Lajsner, Pavel Krenek, Petr Gargulak Freescale Czech System Center Roznov p.R., Czech Republic The developer's serial bootloader offers to user easiest possible way how to update existing firmware on most of Freescale microcontrollers in-circuit. In-circuit programming is not intended to replace any of debuging and developing tool but it serves only as simple option of embedded system reprograming via serial asynchronous port or USB. The developer’s serial bootloader supported microcotrollers includes 8-bit families HC08, HCS08 and 32-bit families ColdFire, Kinetis. New Kinetis families include support for K series and L series. This application note is for embedded-software developers interested in alternative reprogramming tools. Because of its ability to modify MCU memory in-circuit, the serial bootloader is a utility that may be useful in developing applications. The developer’s serial bootloader is a complementary utility for either demo purposes or applications originally developed using MMDS and requiring minor modifications to be done in-circuit. The serial bootloader offers a zero-cost solution to applications already equipped with a serial interface and SCI pins available on a connector. This document also describes other programming techniques: FLASH reprogramming using ROM routines Simple software SCI Software for USB (HC08JW, HCS08JM and MCF51JM MCUs) Use of the internal clock generator PLL clock programming EEPROM programming (AS/AZ HC08 families) CRC protection of serial protocol option NOTE: QUICK LINKS The Master applications user guides: Section 10, Master applications user guides. The description of Kinetis version of protocol including the changes in user application: Section 7, FC Protocol, Version 5, Kinetis. The quick start guide how to modify the user Kinetis application to be ready for AN2295 bootloader: Section 7.8, Quick guide: How to prepare the user Kinetis application for AN2295 bootloader. Full application note and  software attached.
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Revise History: Version 23: NXP kinetis bootloader GUI upgrade from v1.0 to v1.1: added 04 extended linear address record  and 02 sector address record processing for hex format. This article describes how to do in-system reprogramming of Kinetis devices using standard communication media such as SCI. Most of the codes are written in C so that make it easy to migrate to other MCUs. The solution has been already adopted by customers. The pdf document is based on FRDM-KL26 demo board and Codewarrior 10.6.  The bootloader and user application source codes are provided. GUI and video show are also provided. Now the bootloader source code is ported to KDS3.0, Keil5.15 and IAR7.40 which are also enclosed in the SW package. Customer can make their own bootloader applications based on them. The application can be used to upgrade single target board and multi boards connected through networks such as RS485. The bootloader application checks the availability of the nodes between the input address range, and upgrades firmware nodes one by one automatically. ​ Key features of the bootloader: Able to update (or just verify) either single or multiple devices in a network. Application code and bootloader code are in separated projects, convenient for mass production and firmware upgrading. Bootloader code size is small, only around 2K, which reduces the requirement of on chip memory resources. Source code available, easy for reading and migrating. GUI supports S19,HEX and BIN format burning images. For more information, please see attached document and code. The attached demo code is for KL26 which is Cortex - M0+ core. For Cortex-M4 core demo, refer this url: User can also download the document and source code from Github: Thanks for the great support from Chaohui Guo and his team. NOTE: The bootloader and GUI code are all open source, users can revise them based on your own requirement. Enjoy Bootloader programming 🙂
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When you go with your laptop to a public place and you don't have a wi-fi connection available you can connect your cellphone in the USB port of your computer, turn on the USB tethering feature of your smartphone and you get full acess to the internet using your carrier data plan. The USB tethering uses the the RNDIS protocol and is easy to implement on a laptop.   But how to connect a Kinetis to the internet using a cellphone?   I'm sharing the the first version of the implementation I made of the RNDIS protocol.It's based in the KSDK 1.3 + MQX + LwIP and it can be used for reference in other projects. It's only a first release and I plan some additional implementation, bugfixes and support for other Kinetis boards in the near future but it already can be useful in some projects. Initially it only supports FRDM-K22F and FRDM-K64F but it can be implemented in any MCU with USB controller and enough FLASH. It's a low-cost and simple way to connect your MCU to the internet when you don't have a Ethernet cable available or an Wi-fi connection or a 4G module available in your board.   Introduction   This project implements the RNDIS protocol on the top of the USB Host Stack and in the bottom of the LwIP (TCP/IP stack). When a cellphone is connected to a freedom board, it acts as a USB device and the Freedom board acts as a host.   * Software implementation * Cellphone connected to a FRDM-K64F providing internet connection to the board   The user can design his own software in the top of the TCP/IP stack (LwIP) like if it's connected through an ethernet cable.   Demonstration   To run the demo you will need the KDS 1.3 (   To load all the projects needed to your project you have to extract the .zip file and in KDS go to File -> Import, Project of Projects -> Existing Project Sets, and browse to the *.wsd file present in the folder:   USB_RNDIS\KSDK_1.3.0\examples\[your board]\demo_apps\lwip\usb_tethering_demo\usb_tethering_demo_mqx\kds   It will import all the needed project in to your workspaces so you will be able to build all the projects and flash it into your board.   With the application flashed, open a Serial terminal with 115200kbps, 8N1 for the CDC interface of OpenSDA.When the board starts, it will display:     Connect your cellphone in to the USB of the MCU. After connect the phone turn on the USB tethering feature and wait some seconds:   The Freedom Board will be connected to the internet. As an example, this demo connects to an HTTP server in the internet, download to MCU some data (Lastest news from an newspaper website) and displays it through the Serial connection.   You can modify this demo for your own application, using the TCP/IP and UDP/IP provided by the LwIP.   Typical Aplications   - Low-cost temporary internet connectivity to the MCU. - Remote updat (i.e.: bootloader through USB downloading the new firmware direct from the web) - Remote control - Remote diagnostics   Known Issues and Limitations: - This first version was only full implemented for FRDM-K22F and FRDM-K64F. I can implement for other boards through requests. - It was tested on Android Phones (Samsung Galaxy, Motorola G, Motorola X). I don't have a iPhone to test yet. - Some cellphones need additional current to detect that is attached to a host.A external power is needed in this situation.For FRDM-K64F I suggest to use the J27 footprint to provide 5V and short the diode D13. - Not all the RNDIS messages was implemented yet, only the most fundamental ones. - There's a flash size limitation due the size of the TCP/IP stacks ( that requires a considerably space of flash). It can adapted in the future for stacks with smaller footprint. - Only support KDS 3.0 at this time. And it only supports MQX at this time.   Let me  know if you have any question. Hope it can be useful!   1-      With the application flashed, open a Serial terminal with 115200kbps, 8N1 for the CDC interface of OpenSDA.When the board starts, it will display:
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Hello Kinetis community. Attached there is a guide on how to modify an existing KDS project to be loaded using the KBOOT Flash Resident bootloader. Basically it explains 2 procedures: 1- Manipulating linker file to move application and vectors. 2- Adding data for the Bootloader Configuration Area (BCA). I am also including 3 adapted KDS v3.0.0 example projects ready to be used with KBOOT Flash Resident bootloader in a FRDM-K22F: - Baremetal project. - KSDK project. - KSDK project with Processor Expert support. The application simply toggles the red, green and blue LEDs sequentially. I hope you find the document and projects useful! Regards! Jorge Gonzalez
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Welcome to the FRDM-K64 mbed workshop, in this page you will find all the code examples we will review on this session. The program covers the following modules: GPIO Serial communication Interrupts PWM ADC I2C (Accelerometer) USB Ethernet Depending on how fast we advance during the session some of the modules might be skipped; however here you can find both the source code and binary files ready to be flashed into the FRDM-K64 development board. FRDM-K64Z120M The FRDM-K64 is fully compatible with the Arduino rapid prototyping system, the following image depicts the board's pinout, the green labels can be used directly into your mbed proyects, they have already been defined in the headers and libraries in order to make development easier. Sign up at In order to create the projects covered on this session it is necessary to create an mbed user account, open the website and create a user account, if you have already signed up please log in. Mbed debugging application To enable the FRDM-K64 development board using the binary files generated by mbed it is necessary to update the board's firmware, follow the steps mentioned below in order to enable the board to be programmed: Press the board's reset button While pressing the reset button connect the board to your computer using the USB cable, it must be connected to the J26 USB connector. Once the unit has enumerated as "Bootloader", copy the 20140530_k20dx128_k64f_if_mbed.bin file into the unit Disconnect and reconnect the USB cable, the board must enumerate as "MBED" Serial communication driver To implement serial communication you need to install the serial driver in your computer, download the driver, once your board has enumerated as MBED execute the driver and wait for it to be finished, this might take a couple of minutes. Serial terminal In order to communicate with the board via serial port it is necessary to use a serial terminal, by default WIndows 7 and 8 do not have this application, XP does. If your OS does not feature a serial terminal, you can download the one at the bottom (Teraterm). ! Your board is now ready to be programmed using mbed!
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Here you can find both the code and project files for the Serial communication project, in this example the serial port (UART) is configured to establish communication between the computer using a serial terminal and the evaluation board. The default baud rate for the serial port is 9600 bauds. The code also implements an echo function, any key pressed in the computer's keyboard will be captured and displayed in the serial terminal. If your computer does not have a serial terminal you can download Tera Term from the following link: Tera Term Open Source Project The communication is established through the USB cable attached to the OpenSDA USB port. Code: #include "mbed.h" //Digital output declaration DigitalOut Blue(LED3); //Serial port (UART) configuration Serial pc(USBTX,USBRX); int main() {     Blue=1;     pc.printf("Serial code example\r\n");        while(1)     {         Blue=0;         pc.putc(pc.getc());     }    }
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Hello all.   I would like to share an example project for FRDM-KL25Z board on which C90TFS Flash Driver was included to implement emulated EEPROM (Kinetis KL25 doesn’t have Flex Memory). It is based on the “NormalDemo” example project. A string of bytes is stored on the last page of the flash memory (address 0x1FC00-0x1FFFF), and then, it is overwritten with a different string.   The ZIP file also includes the “Standard Software Driver for C90TFS/FTFx Flash User’s Manual” document. For more information, please refer to Freescale website and search for “C90TFS” flash driver. Hope this will be useful for you. Best regards! /Carlos
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Here you will find the code and project files corresponding to the I2C-Accelerometer project. The accelerometer/magnetometer is connected to the I2C port, although bot the accelerometer and magnetometer are contained within a single package, they must be initialized individually. In this example the measurements from both devices (X,Y and Z axis) is performed and displayed at the serial terminal. In order to compile the project, the following library must be imported: FXOS8700Q.h Code: #include "mbed.h" #include "FXOS8700Q.h" //I2C lines for FXOS8700Q accelerometer/magnetometer FXOS8700Q_acc acc( PTE25, PTE24, FXOS8700CQ_SLAVE_ADDR1); FXOS8700Q_mag mag( PTE25, PTE24, FXOS8700CQ_SLAVE_ADDR1); //Temrinal enable Serial pc(USBTX, USBRX); MotionSensorDataUnits mag_data; MotionSensorDataUnits acc_data; int main() {     float faX, faY, faZ;     float fmX, fmY, fmZ;     acc.enable();     printf("\r\n\nFXOS8700Q Who Am I= %X\r\n", acc.whoAmI());     while (true)     {         acc.getAxis(acc_data);         mag.getAxis(mag_data);         printf("FXOS8700Q ACC: X=%1.4f Y=%1.4f Z=%1.4f  ", acc_data.x, acc_data.y, acc_data.z);         printf("    MAG: X=%4.1f Y=%4.1f Z=%4.1f\r\n", mag_data.x, mag_data.y, mag_data.z);         acc.getX(&faX);         acc.getY(&faY);         acc.getZ(&faZ);         mag.getX(&fmX);         mag.getY(&fmY);         mag.getZ(&fmZ);         printf("FXOS8700Q ACC: X=%1.4f Y=%1.4f Z=%1.4f  ", faX, faY, faZ);         printf("    MAG: X=%4.1f Y=%4.1f Z=%4.1f\r\n", fmX, fmY, fmZ);                 wait(1.0);     } }
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Hi everyone! I have made a simple touch sensing demo for KL25z Freedom board for fast user friendly test using MSD bootloader (default combined application in Open SDA when you receive the Freedom - Mass Storage Device and serial port). Demo changes the brightness of red led populated on the board and communicate with FreeMaster visualization tool over embedded virtual serial port of Open SDA connection. Touch sensing application is controlled by TSS (touch sensing softwere). For more information about touch sensing and download of TSS go to The visualization output has 2 separate scope windows: one showing signals captured from electrodes of slider another one showing position of finger on a slider The operation is really simple, just drag and drop the attached *.s19 file into your device using MSD bootloader (as other precompiled projects for Freedom board) open the *.pmp file that is associated with FreeMASTER, choose the correct COM port at speed of 38400 kbps and start communication The demo was made in CodeWarrior 10.4 using TSS library 3.0.1 in Processor Expert tool, source code can be provided if there will be an interest. There is no need to configure MAP file for FreeMaster communication, application uses so called TSA table - it is position independent this way. If you are not familiar with FreeMASTER or not have it installed in your PC - go to to read more and download the free installer, install it and you are good to run the demo. There are two independent snapshots below, showing the response to my finger movement along the slider Enjoy! and keep in touch
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Explore the Features of MCU-Link Pro MCU-Link Pro is the latest ARM Cortex-M series core debugger tool from NXP. Some of its features are inherited from the past LPC-LINK2. But overall it was redesigned and introduced and many new features. These additional functions make the MCU-Link Pro a very powerful debugging tool. This article will explore these features and highlight interesting and useful ones. These functions mainly include the following aspects. SWD+SWO Measurement of current and power consumption MCU-Link pro is supported by new blhost LIBUSBSIO library for windows, Ubuntu Linux and MacOS A secondary chip LPC804 on the board   SWD+SWO MCU-Link Pro support SWD only. It doesn’t support JTAG. The main controller in the board is LPC55S69. There is level shifter circuit between the port and LPC55S69. It makes the board can debug the target board work at 1.2V to 5V. It has reference voltage trace circuit which is use to trace the target board voltage. It can trace the port automatically, needn’t any settings. The MCU-Link Pro also can supply 1.8V/3.3V to target board. The maximum current is 350mA. This is done by connecting J6 and selecting by J5. The maximum speed of SWO is 9.6Mbit/s. Same as <PC-Link, MCU-Link Pro support CMSIS-DAP and Jlink firmware. These firmware are kept updating. The latest firmware of CMSIS-DAP is 2.25. If the firmware version is old, there will be a message jump out telling customer to update it when connecting to computer. We can see that the new version gives two VCOM while the original version only have one. The new VCOM use J26-4 and J26-5.   Measurement of current and power consumption MCU-Link pro provides a very interesting real-time function of current and voltage measurement. It can capture a burst of samples of target current usage, the target supply voltage, the shield current, the analog input, the debug interface reference voltage, or target power consumption at up to 100ksps. This information is displayed in a graph and can also be exported for further analysis. The average value of the collected data can also be displayed. And based on the current and voltage data, the power consumption can also be calculated and displayed in the graph. The place where the red line is drawn in the figure below is the real-time voltage at the time point of the mouse.     What's more interesting is that the energy measurement function does not need to activate the debug to capture the data, it is offline and has a separate data channel. But it can also be linked to a session if such a debug session exists. This is very useful in debugging various low-power applications. Not only can you see the power consumption change under each step of the command, but you can also check the power change rule for a long period of time when the system is running. Since there is a separate data channel, you can even debug the program in KEIL and watch the current change in MCUXpresso. The MCU Link Pro has two current measurement configurations, each with a maximum measurable current. This is to achieve maximum measurement accuracy for a variety of different objectives. There are two automatically controlled ranges in each configuration to provide greater precision. The automatic switching from low current measurement to high current measurement is completely controlled by hardware.   Each time the MCU Link Pro is powered up, the measurement circuit calibrates itself. There is no need to disconnect/reconnect the MCU Link Pro before calibration due to transistors are used to isolate the sensing circuit from the target power supply to avoid contention and to ensure a known voltage is applied to the system during calibration. At high sample rates, the MCUXpresso IDE may not capture all data, so the sample rate may need to be adjusted using the configuration options in the energy measurement configuration settings in the tool. If the target current exceeds the maximum current in the selected range, the measurement will saturate and cut off and will therefore be inaccurate. Blhost and MCU-Link Pro The most noteworthy feature of MCU Link Pro is its USB to SPI and I2C bridge functions. This enables the computer to send I2C and SPI signals directly through USB. This powerful function is not ignored by blhost. The new version of blhost can support this function and adds a new command parameter '- L'. Specifically, '- L SPI' refers to the SPI interface and '- L I2C' refers to the I2C interface. The following figure shows the test results on frdm-k64f. It can be clearly seen in the figure that the SPI interface of MCU Link Pro can communicate with mcuboot firmware on k64 and download the encryption program to flash.     In addition to KINETIS, this function is most suitable for i.mxrt600 and I mxRT500。 These two chips have serial ISP mode. User can download the program to ram through SPI or I2C port, and then directly let it run. Many users have this usage. In the previous examples in SDK, a board of twr-kv46 or twr-k65 or frdm-kl25 was required to receive command and data from UART and translate them to SPI and I2C command. Since there is no direct interface on these boards, flying wires are required, which is very troublesome. Moreover, NXP only provides firmware for these three boards. If you want to use other chips or boards, you must also transplant firmware. It's also very troublesome. But with MCU Link Pro, it's all very easy and pleasant.   LIBUSBSIO library In order to better expand the use of bridge functions, NXP has provided libusbsio library. By calling this library, you can realize the USB to SPI \ I2C \ GPIO function in your own application. I also made the upper computer tools for writing kinetis ezport and flash according to the libusbsio library provided by NXP. I introduced this point in detail in my last article. Interested friends can read my article. It is not enough to provide libraries based on windows and Linux. NXP also provides a python library. This library is based on python3 and can be installed through the following command >pip install libusbsio Its usage is not described in detail in the libusbsio documentation. Here is a general introduction. The following is an initialization procedure of libusbsio. import logging import logging.config from libusbsio import * # enable basic console logging logging.basicConfig() # load DLL from default directory sio = LIBUSBSIO(loglevel=logging.DEBUG) # the main code # calling GetNumPorts is mandatory as it also scans for all connected USBSIO devices numports = sio.GetNumPorts() print("SIO ports = %d" % numports) if numports > 0 and sio.Open(0): print("LIB version = '%s'" % sio.GetVersion()) print("SPI ports = %d" % sio.GetNumSPIPorts()) print("Max data size = %d" % sio.GetMaxDataSize()) if(sio.GetNumSPIPorts() > 0): spi = sio.SPI_Open(1000000, portNum=0, dataSize=8, preDelay=100) if spi: data, ret = spi.Transfer(spi_ssel[0], spi_ssel[1], b"Hello World") sio.Close() else: print("No USBSIO device found") ​ Line 9 is to open an instance of libusbsio library; Line 14: get the number of usbsio ports of all USB bridges; Lines 18, 19 and 20 are the read version information, the number of SPI ports and the maximum size of SPI cache; Line 22: open an SPI interface; Line 24, start transmitting data. It can be seen from the above that the use process is relatively simple. And these commands are very similar to those of the C language library.   A secondary controller LPC804 on the board There is also an lpc804 on the MCU Link Pro board. This chip is confusing here. What is it for? Its UART, SPI and I2C ports are all connected for external use. But what's the use? One conceivable application is that the UART port is connected to the newly added vcom2, and then the SPI or I2C works in the slave mode. As a listener, it monitors the SPI or I2C bus to be debugged and displays it on the computer terminal. The LPC804 debug interface is the same as the debugging port of MCU Link Pro. Maybe the board itself is a development board, so that users can develop lpc804 programs? In addition, its UART-ISP port is connected to a UART port of LPC55S69. It seems that in the future, it can communicate with each other through the new version of CMSIS-DAP firmware. Let's look forward to new ways of playing in the future.
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One of the new features that can be found on the FRDM-K82F is the FlexIO header. It’s be specifically designed to interface with the very cost-efficient OV7670 camera, and uses 8 FlexIO lines to read data from the camera. By using the FlexIO feature, it makes it easy to connect a camera to a Kinetis MCU. A demo is included with Kinetis SDK 1.3 which streams the video data from the camera to a host computer over USB. FlexIO: The FlexIO is a highly configurable module found on select Kinetis devices which provides a wide range of functionality including: • Emulation of a variety of serial/parallel communication protocols • Flexible 16-bit timers with support for a variety of trigger, reset, enable and disable conditions • Programmable logic blocks allowing the implementation of digital logic functions on-chip and configurable interaction of internal and external modules • Programmable state machine for offloading basic system control functions from CPU All with less overhead than software bit-banging, while allowing for more flexibility than dedicated IP. Running the Demo: First you’ll need to setup the hardware. An 18 pin header needs to be installed on the *back* of the board. The camera is oriented this way to allow for use of shields on the top, even if the camera is being used. This way the functionality could be extended with WiFi or LCD shields. After the header is soldered on, plug in the camera. It will look like the following when complete: Next we need to program the K82 device with the example firmware. The software can be found in the Kinetis SDK FRDM-K82F stand-alone release, in the C:\Freescale\KSDK_1.3.0_K82\examples\frdmk82f\demo_apps\usb\device\video\flexio_ov7670 folder. Open the project, compile, and program the example specific for your compiler like done for other examples. Make sure you also compile the USB Device library as well. After programming the K82, unplug the USB cable from J5 (OpenSDA) and plug it into J11 (K82 USB). The board will enumerate as a generic USB video device called “USB VIDEO DEMO”. You can then use this device with any video capture software, like Skype or Lync.  Here's a shot of the clock in my cube: The resolution is 160*120, the video image format is RGB565. You may need to manually adjust the focus by rotating the lens on the camera. The frame rate can also be sped up by modifying line 342 in usb_descriptor.c: 5fps: 0x80,0x84,0x1E,0x00, /* Default frame interval is 5fps */ 10fps:  0x40,0x42,0x0F,0x00, 15fps:  0x2A,0x2C,0x0A,0x00, 20fps:  0x20,0xA1,0x07,0x00, The 160*120 max resolution was determined by the amount internal SRAM of the device, as there is not external RAM on the FRDM-K82F board. More Information: One of many places to buy the OV7670 camera module​ OV7670 Reference Manual​ FlexIO Overview ​ FlexIO Training presented at FTF
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Latest version of the AN2295 universal bootloader includes support for IAR 7.6 IDE. - added support for Kinetis E MCUs - Kinetis K,L,M,E,W,V support
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Here you can find the code and project files for the GPIO example, in this example the 3 colors of the RGB led are turned on sequentially when the SW2 push button is pressed, the led pin definition is shared throughout all the freedom platforms. The wait function can be defined in seconds, miliseconds or microseconds. Code: #include "mbed.h" //Delay declared in seconds /*GPIO declaration*/ DigitalOut Red(LED1);         DigitalOut Green(LED2); DigitalOut Blue(LED3); DigitalIn sw2(SW2); int main() {     /*Leds OFF*/     Red=1;     Green=1;     Blue=1;         while(1)     {         if(sw2==0)         {             Red = 0;             wait(.2);             Red = 1;             wait(1);                                Green=0;             wait(.2);             Green=1;             wait(1);                         Blue=0;             wait(.2);             Blue=1;             wait(1);         }     } }
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Here you can find both the code and project files for the PWM project, in this example a single PWM channel belonging to the Flextimer 0 (PTC10/FTM_CH12) is enabled to provide a PWM signal with a 500ms period, the signal's duty cycle increases its period every 100ms, to visually observe the signal connect a led from the A5 pin in the J4 connector to GND (J3, pin 14). Code: #include "mbed.h" //PWM output channel PwmOut PWM1(A5); int main() {     PWM1.period_ms(500);     int x;     x=1;         while(1)     {         PWM1.pulsewidth_ms(x);         x=x+1;         wait(.1);         if(x==500)         {             x=1;         }     } }
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Background: NXP SC18IS602B I2C bus to SPI bridge chip is using TSSOP16 package, which is 16 leads; 0.65 mm pitch; 5 mm x 4.4 mm x 1.1 mm body. Customer requires to use a smaller package to emulate the SC18IS602B function. Kinetis L series MKL03Z16VFK4R product uses QFN24 package with 4 mm x 4 mm x 0.58 mm body. Demo Overview The I2C to SPI Bridge demo provides a replacement solution demo of SC18IS602B chip. The demo is based on FRDM-KL03Z board using I2C0 module as I2C slave and SPI0 module as SPI master. Provided data buffer size is 400bytes. The demo software is based on KSDK V2.0 for FRDM-KL03Z software. I2C slave interface: Pin number                 Function              FRDM-KL03Z jumper PTB3                          I2C0_SCL           J2-10 PTB4                          I2C0_SDA           J2-9   SPI master interface: Pin number                 Function              FRDM-KL03Z jumper PTA5                           SPI0_SS             J2_3 PTA6                           SPI0_MISO         J2_5 PTA7                           SPI0_MOSI         J2_4 PTB0                           SPI0_SCK           J2_6   INT pin (indicates if I2C to SPI Bridge allows i2c master start a new i2c transfer, low is active) Pin number                 Function              FRDM-KL03Z jumper PTB11                        GPIO output         J2_2   Connect I2C master with FRDM-KL03Z I2C slave interface and connect SPI slave with FRDM-KL03Z SPI master interface; Connect FRDM-KL03Z GND to I2C master and SPI slave before add power to those boards.  Below is the hardware platform connection way: I2C to SPI Bridge Demo Function For the KL03 chip with one SPI0_PCS0 chip select pin, I2C to SPI Bridge demo only supports function ID 0x01 as SPI write command. For example: if i2c master want to write 8bytes (0x21,0x22...0x28) to SPI slave, the i2c master needs to send below data to FRDM-KL03Z board:   [START] + [I2C Slave address+/W] + [0x01](Function ID) + [0x21](data 1) + [0x22](data 2) + ... +[0x28](data 😎 + [STOP]     I2C to SPI bridge demo supports Function ID 0xF0 to configure SPI interface: There provides four SPI baud rate: 6Mbps/3Mbps/1.5Mbps/1Mbps. More detailed info, please check below picture (picture abstracted from SC18IS602B datasheet): For example: customer could configure SPI baud rate to 3Mbps with send below data to FRDM-KL03Z board:        [START] + [I2C Slave address+/W] + [0Xf0](Function ID) + [0x01](data 1) + [STOP] Hardware Platform The demo is based on FRDM-KL03Z board, using internal IRC48M clock as system and bus clock source. There doesn’t need external clock source. Toolchain supported - IAR embedded Workbench 7.60.1  (Tested) - Keil MDK 5.18a - GCC ARM Embedded 2015-4.9-q3 - Kinetis Development Studio IDE 3.2.0 Running the Demo Connect a USB cable between the host PC and the USB port on the target board. Open a serial terminal with the following settings:     - 9600 baud rate     - 8 data bits     - No parity     - One stop bit     - No flow control Download the program to the target board. I2C master start to configure SPI interface      I2C to SPI bridge board I2C address is 0x7E. I2C master write data to SPI slave    I2C master write 10bytes to SPI slave, it will send 11bytes (includes one function ID 0x01). The first data is 0xAA and the last data is 0x22.    After I2C to SPI Bridge receive the data, it will send 10bytes to SPI slave.        I2C to SPI Bridge receive 10 bytes     I2C to SPI Bridge send 10bytes to SPI slave I2C master read data from SPI slave    I2C master read 10bytes(0x10 to 0x19) from SPI slave need to write data to SPI slave at first, then read data from I2C to SPI bridge data buffer directly.    Here just shows read 10bytes from I2C to SPI bridge data buffer. Attached I2C to SPI Bridge demo software default location is: ..\SDK_2.0_FRDM-KL03Z\boards\frdmkl03z\user_apps\i2c_to_spi
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