Kinetis Microcontrollers Knowledge Base

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Encrypted QuadSPI image Implementation       The Kinetis family of MCU includes the system security and flash protection features that can be used to protect code and data from unauthorized access or modification. This application note discusses the usage of encrypted boot with the KBOOT and experiment with the FRDM-K82 board. FRDM-K82 board
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Dear all :      I would like to share an IoT application note to you. The note will help us to setup a FRDM-K64F to connect to Microsoft Azure and get alarm message from Azure. Detail please refer to attachment. Demonstration : IoT client (FRDM-K64F) report data to Cloud (Microsoft Azure) IoT client receive data from Cloud Could computing IoT client data and take action Tools : FRDM-K64F ( ) Device Explorer ( ) Visual Studio 2015 SSH client ( PuTTY  or Tera Term ) mbed  ( ) Microsoft Azure ( )
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How to byte program SPI flash via QSPI QSPI module are used in many Kinetis MCU, like K8x, K27/28 and KL8x. QSPI expands the internal flash range and can run in a fast speed. Compared to DSPI, QSPI is very complex and often takes a lot of time to learn. In KSDK there are two QSPI demo which shows how to program SPI flash in DMA mode and polling mode. Both of them program the QSPI flash with a word type array. But can the QSPI module program SPI Flash in byte? Yes, this article shows how to do it. Device: FRDM_KL82Z Tool: MCUXpresso IDE Debug firmware: JLINK I build the test project base on KL82 SDK/driver_example/qspi/polling_transfer. To byte program SPI flash, a new LUT item must be added. uint32_t lut[FSL_FEATURE_QSPI_LUT_DEPTH] =    {/* Seq0 :Quad Read */          /* CMD:       0xEB - Quad Read, Single pad */          /* ADDR:       0x18 - 24bit address, Quad pads */          /* DUMMY:     0x06 - 6 clock cyles, Quad pads */          /* READ:       0x80 - Read 128 bytes, Quad pads */        …        …        [32] = QSPI_LUT_SEQ(QSPI_CMD, QSPI_PAD_1, 0x02, QSPI_ADDR, QSPI_PAD_1, 0x18),        [13] = QSPI_LUT_SEQ(QSPI_WRITE, QSPI_PAD_1, 0x1, 0, 0, 0),        …        /* Match MISRA rule */        [63] = 0}; This item tells system how to program a single byte. Then when we write the data to TxBuffer, we must write the byte 4 times. This is because a write transaction on the flash with data size of less than 32 bits will lead to the removal of four data entry from Txbuffer. The valid bit will be used and the rest of the bits will be discard. Then before we start programming, we must set the data size.      QSPI_SetIPCommandSize(EXAMPLE_QSPI,1);   After byte program, we can see the result from 0x68000000. Attachment is the demo project. You can find that 0x03 was written to 0x68000005 after running.
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Using five channels from FTM2 module of the KE02 microcontroller included on the FRDM-KE02Z board for controlling a robotic arm powered by five servomotors. Each servomotor is controlled by a couple of buttons of a matrix keyboard, which is connected to eigth GPIOs. Interrupts are not used in this example. The code was generated and compiled on CodeWarrior for Microcontrollers v10.5.
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Hi All, I designed one multi-uarts bootloader project for customers, with which the customers can improve their production efficency in factory. The attached files is the host machine and slave machine bootloader programs and a document for reference. Now the programs can work smoothly on K64 freedom board with three uarts broadcust function. Anybody who has such request can refer to my new program. Best regards David
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Making and Downloading Security Image for Kinetis Device   Introduction KINETIS devices have Flash base bootloader or ROM bootloader. They have same structure and same download tools. MCUBOOT shows supported device. The bootloader not only support plaintext image, but also encrypted image which is encrypted by AES. This can protect user’s application code from unauthorized using. Due to different internal Flash structure, security image making, key download and image download flow is a bit different to each Kinetis devices. This hands-on will introduce Flash base bootloader and ROM base bootloader security image making and downloading.   2 Security image to Flash bootloader Many NXP Kinetis device SDK have integrated bootloader. Take FRDM-K64F as example, the bootloader project is in SDK_2.8.0_FRDM-K64F\boards\frdmk64f\bootloader_examples\freedom_bootloader The bootloader support security format image by default. User can download security format image via UART and USB interface. In K64 bootloader, the key is stored in 0xb000. But the application code is start from 0xa000. That means each time the application is upgraded, key file need to be download again.   2.1 Generate key The elftosb tool can generate a key. But of course, you can take any string as key.     2.2 Image encryption Use the key to encrypt application image. Here is the bd file. options {  flags = 0x4; // 0x8 encrypted + signed, 0x4 encrypted  buildNumber = 0x1;  productVersion = "1.00.00";  componentVersion = "1.00.00";  keyCount = 1; }   sources {  inputFile = extern(0);  sbkey = extern(1); }   section (0) {  erase 0xa000..0xF6000; load inputFile > 0xa000; }       2.3 Download key and image Connect FRDM-K64F openSDA usb port. Then download key and image.     2.4 Download key with KinetisFlashTool Use keyboard to input key is really annoying. There is a GUI tool named KinetisFlashTool which can download image same as blhost.exe. To download encrypted image by this tool, we can make a sb file to download key first. Here is the bd file.   sources { } section (0) {        erase 0xb000..0xc000;        load {{E0BAA2C8231283CAF1D327CEDB82AFF9}} > 0xb000; }   Using elftosb to generate the sb file. The elftosb command line is as below \>Elftosb -V -c -o   This sb file should be download at first, then download the encrypted application image. When customer want to download security image via USB MSC or HID, this is the only way to download key. There is a limitation in those bootloader which version is lower or equal to v2.7.0. MSC function and HID function can’t be enabled together. Otherwise bootloader will fail when copy encrypted sb file to MSC disk.   2.5 About the key But it is really strange that key file should always come with encrypted file. It is reasonable to keep the key in secure status, for example, an untouched place in flash. K64 has a program once field which is located in program flash IFR. This is a standalone space different from main space. It’s address is from 0x3C0 to 0x3FF. MCU core can read or write this area by special flash command. We can put the AES key here. Again, we can use sb file to download this key. sources { } section (0) {        load ifr 0xE0BAA2C8 > 0x3c0;        load ifr 0x231283CA > 0x3c1;        load ifr 0xF1D327CE > 0x3c2;        load ifr 0xDB82AFF9 > 0x3c3; } Then we should modify sbloader_init() in sbloader.c. The source code only read key form 0xb000. We should have it read key from IFR.   Security image to ROM bootloader Some Kinetis device has ROM bootloader. They are different with flash base bootloader. This document use FRDM-K32L2A as example.   3.1 Generate AES key and download the key The key can be set as 0x112233445566778899aabbccddeeff00. Besides sb file, it can also be programmed to IFR by blhost command. \>blhost -p COM9 – flash-program-once 0x30 4 11223344 msb \>blhost -p COM9 – flash-program-once 0x31 4 55667788 msb \>blhost -p COM9 – flash-program-once 0x32 4 99aabbcc msb \>blhost -p COM9 – flash-program-once 0x33 4 ddeeff00 msb If you do not write anything to IFR, the ROM bootloader will use all-zero key. Here I use all-zero key.   3.2 Encryption algorithm The ROM bootloader hasn’t encryption algorithm. Application should include algorithm code and assign the address to bootloader, or preprogram BCA table and MMCAU code into flash. You can find MMCAU code (mmcau_cm0p.bin) and BCA(BCA_mmcau_cm0p.bin) table in MCUBoot2.0.0 package. Before you program these code into flash, new address must be written into it. For example, we put MMCAU code into 0x7f800, then we should modify the BCA table as below     And then, according this new address, modify the MMCAU_function_info structure in mmcau_cm0p.bin.   After that, download BCA to 0x3c0 and mmcau_cm0p.bin to 0x7f800.   In order to avoid using manual operation in production, above steps can be integrate in a single sb file.   3.3 Encrypt the image and download The bd file in K64 example can be reused, just need to change the image address to 0x00.   Press the reset button, after 5 second, the led will blink.   References: Kinetis Bootloader v2.0.0 Reference Manual Kinetis Elftosb User's Guide Kinetis Bootloader QuadSPI User's Guide Kinetis blhost User's Guide
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The USB OTG module in Kinetis parts uses a Buffer Descriptor Table (BDT) in system memory to manage USB endpoint communications, the BDT is a a 512-byte buffer and there are 3 registers in USB module to contain the base address for it, and it must be 512-byte aligned otherwise there would be issue during transfer. In USB stack ver 4.1.1, some Kinetis old parts like K60N512, K20D72M have the demo project basked on CodeWarrior ARM compiler, and in khci_kinetis.c, bdt is defined as following: #define _BDT_RESERVED_SECTION_ #if(defined _BDT_RESERVED_SECTION_) #ifdef __CWCC__ #pragma define_section usb_bdt ".usb_bdt" RW __declspec(usb_bdt) uint_8_ptr bdt; but since the base address is defined as below: #define BDT_BASE               ((uint_32*)(bdt)) so the bdt definition is not correct , and we have to change it as below: #define _BDT_RESERVED_SECTION_ #if(defined _BDT_RESERVED_SECTION_) #ifdef __CWCC__ #pragma define_section usb_bdt ".usb_bdt" RW __declspec(usb_bdt) uint_8 bdt[512];//uint_8_ptr bdt; and the definition for usb_dbt section can be found in MK20X256_flash.lcf. with above modification, we can make the demo of "msd_mfs_generic" work well as expected. Please kindly refer to the following result got from TWR-K20D72M. FAT demo Waiting for USB mass storage to be attached... Mass Storage Device Attached ****************************************************************************** * FATfs DEMO * * Configuration:  LNF Enabled, Code page =1258 * ****************************************************************************** ****************************************************************************** * DRIVER OPERATION * ****************************************************************************** 1. Demo function: f_mount   Initializing logical drive 0...   Initialization complete ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2. Demo functions:f_getfree, f_opendir, f_readdir getting drive 0 attributes............... Logical drive 0 attributes: FAT type = FAT16 Bytes/Cluster = 2048 Number of FATs = 2 Root DIR entries = 512 Sectors/FAT = 250 Number of clusters = 63858 FAT start (lba) = 36 DIR start (lba,clustor) = 536 Data start (lba) = 568 ... 127716 KB total disk space. 127624 KB available. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ****************************************************************************** * DRECTORY OPERATION * ****************************************************************************** 1. Demo functions:f_opendir, f_readdir Directory listing...     ----A 2014/04/16 17:25     32253  tek00000.png     ----A 2014/04/16 17:34     31451  tek00001.png     ----A 2014/07/04 14:57     20549  tek00002.png     DR--- 2010/12/25 23:30         0 DIRECT~1     D---- 2010/01/01 00:00         0 DIRECT~2 3    File(s),     84253 bytes total 2    Dir(s) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2. Demo functions:f_mkdir 2.0. Create <Directory_1> 2.1. Create <Directory_2> 2.2. Create <Sub1> as a sub directory of <Directory_1> 2.3. Directory list Directory listing...     ----A 2014/04/16 17:25     32253  tek00000.png     ----A 2014/04/16 17:34     31451  tek00001.png     ----A 2014/07/04 14:57     20549  tek00002.png     DR--- 2010/12/25 23:30         0 DIRECT~1     D---- 2010/01/01 00:00         0 DIRECT~2 3    File(s),     84253 bytes total 2    Dir(s) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. Demo functions:f_getcwd, f_chdir 3.0. Get the current directory     CWD: 0:/ 3.1. Change current directory to <Directory_1> 3.2. Directory listing Directory listing...     D---- 2010/01/01 00:00         0  .     D---- 2010/01/01 00:00         0  ..     D---- 2010/01/01 00:00         0  sub1 0    File(s),         0 bytes total 3    Dir(s) 3.3. Get the current directory     CWD: 0:/Directory_1 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4. Demo functions:f_stat(File status), f_chmod, f_utime 4.1. Get directory information of <Directory_1>     DR--- 2010/12/25 23:30         0 Directory_1 4.2  Change the timestamp of Directory_1 to 12.25.2010: 23h 30' 20 4.3. Set Read Only Attribute to Directory_1 4.4. Get directory information (Directory_1)     DR--- 2010/12/25 23:30         0 Directory_1 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5. Demo functions:f_rename Rename <sub1> to <sub1_renamed> and move it to <Directory_2> Directory listing...     D---- 2010/01/01 00:00         0  .     D---- 2010/01/01 00:00         0  ..     D---A 2010/01/01 00:00         0 SUB1_R~1 0    File(s),         0 bytes total 3    Dir(s) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6. Demo functions:f_unlink Delete Directory_1/sub1_renamed Directory listing...     D---- 2010/01/01 00:00         0  .     D---- 2010/01/01 00:00         0  .. 0    File(s),         0 bytes total 2    Dir(s) ****************************************************************************** * FILE OPERATION * ****************************************************************************** 1. Demo functions:f_open,f_write, f_printf, f_putc, f_puts, fclose 1.0. Create new file <New_File_1> (f_open)     File size =    0 1.1. Write data to <New_File_1>(f_write) 1.2. Flush cached data     File size =   52 1.3. Write data to <New_File_1> (f_printf) 1.4. Flush cached data     File size =  103 1.5. Write data to <New_File_1> (f_puts) 1.6. Flush cached data     File size =  152 1.7. Write data to <New_File_1> uses f_putc function 1.8. Flush cached data     File size =  199 1.9. Close file <New_File_1> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2. Demo functions:f_open,f_read, f_seek, f_gets, f_close 2.0. Open <New_File_1> to read (f_open) 2.1. Get a string from file (f_gets)     Line 1: Write data to  file uses f_write function 2.2. Get the rest of file content (f_read)     Line 2: Write data to file uses f_printf function Line 3: Write data to file uses f_puts function Line 4: Write data to file uses f_putc functionûöF¬ â•:7Rz}™ yzjw8¸×áÀ—»ÃЭ¹òÍ­ ä‹Hïk¨Wã½c'     ²7këÞÑ%VrC×»Ô¼ÒSÈÑèR+NjD¡¾òû>ú3‰SËþo^ÎI Pë±ñ‰þ/Directory_1[1] 2.3. Close file (f_close) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. Demo functions:f_stat, f_utime, f_chmod 3.1. Get  information of <New_File_1> file (f_stat)     ----A 2010/01/01 00:00       199  New_File_1.dat 3.2  Change the timestamp of Directory_1 to 12.25.2010: 23h 30' 20 (f_utime) 3.3. Set Read Only Attribute to <New_File_1> (f_chmod) 3.4. Get directory information of <New_File_1> (f_stat)     -R--A 2010/12/25 23:30       199  New_File_1.dat 3.5. Clear Read Only Attribute of <New_File_1> (f_chmod) 3.6. Get directory information of <New_File_1>     ----A 2010/12/25 23:30       199  New_File_1.dat ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4. Demo functions:f_ulink Rename <New_File_1.dat> to  <File_Renamed.txt> Directory listing...     D---- 2010/01/01 00:00         0  .     D---- 2010/01/01 00:00         0  ..     ----A 2010/12/25 23:30       199  FILE_R~1.TXT 1    File(s),       199 bytes total 2    Dir(s) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5. Demo functions:f_truncate Truncate file <File_Renamed.txt> 5.0. Open <File_Renamed.txt> to write 5.1. Seek file pointer     Current file pointer:    0     File pointer after seeking:  102 5.2. Truncate file     File size =  102 5.3. Close file ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6. Demo functions:f_forward 6.0. Open <File_Renamed.txt> to read 6.1. Forward file to terminal Line 1: Write data to  file uses f_write function Line 2: Write data to file uses f_printf function 6.2. Close file ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7. Demo functions:f_ulink Delete <File_Renamed.txt> Directory listing...     D---- 2010/01/01 00:00         0  .     D---- 2010/01/01 00:00         0  .. 0    File(s),         0 bytes total 2    Dir(s) *------------------------------ DEMO COMPLETED    ------------------------ * ******************************************************************************
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Hi team ,      I would like to share an experiment that about the Fast IO - zero wait state access of KL series . Detail please refer to attached file . Best regards, David
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      In the practical KE KEA usage, a lot of customers meet the watchdog can’t reset problems. Some customers find when they want to enable the watchdog, but can’t really enable the watchdog by set the EN bit in register WDOG_CS1; Some customers find when in debug mode, the EN bit WDOG_S1 register always be clear, but from the reference manual, this bit should be set after reset, even they check their code, and make sure they didn’t disable the watchdog;  There also have some customers find when they use the KEXX_DRIVERS_V1.2.1_DEVD code, and set the timeout value register by themselves, but the watchdog can’t reset in the timeout value. Now according to these problems, this document will analyze it and give the recommendation to avoid these problems.      From the above problem description, we can get that there actually mainly 2 reasons caused these problems: 1, software configuration; 2, debugger usage 1.  Software configuration   1) Start code disable the watchdog In the KE KEA sample code, after reset, the chip will enter in the start code at first, the start code always disable the watchdog at first, if the watchdog is disabled, the watchdog can’t be enable just by set the EN bit in register WDOG_CS1, because bit EN in register WDOG_CS1 is the write-once bit after reset. It only can be modified when the UPDATE bit is set and with 128 bus clocks after performing the unlock write sequence. Now how to find the disable code in the start code? Take KEXX_DRIVERS_V1.2.1_DEVD sample code as an example IAR: from crt0.s, will find the watchdog disable code WDOG_DisableWDOGEnableUpdate();  in the start function. The above IAR start picture is for KE, but in the KEA start file, you can’t see the start function in the KEA sample code which download from the freescale web, just find the __iar_program_start in cstartup_M_KEA128.s after the reset happens, but where is the __iar_program_start function, it can’t be searched in the whole project. Actually __iar_program_start is the default program entry function, it include the following function: You can find it will enter __low_level_init function, the watchdog disable code is just in  __low_level_init function. MDK:  From startup_MK0XZ4.s will find the watchdog disable code in the SystemInit function. Codewarrior: From __arm_start.c file, will find the watchdog disable code in __init_hardware function. 2) Codewarrior script init_kinetis.tcl disable the watchdog      To the Codewarrior, just comment the disable watchdog code in the __arm_start.c file is not enough to check the watchdog enable after reset, because in the codewarrior connect script init_kinetis.tcl, there also have the watchdog disable code.      If you want to find the state of EN bit in register WDOG_S1 after reset, you must disable all these watchdog disable code.   3) Timeout register configuration incorrect From the header file MKE02Z2.h, we can find the time out register define like this:   union {                                          /* offset: 0x4 */     __IO uint16_t TOVAL;                             /**< WDOG_TOVAL register., offset: 0x4 */     struct {                                         /* offset: 0x4 */       __IO uint8_t TOVALH;                             /**< Watchdog Timeout Value Register: High, offset: 0x4 */       __IO uint8_t TOVALL;                             /**< Watchdog Timeout Value Register: Low, offset: 0x5 */     } TOVAL8B; This structure means that customer can define the watchdog timeout value by separated unit8 TOVALH, TOVALL or just defined it with unint16 TOVAL. But actually in the IAR project usage, take an example, use 1khz as the clock source for watchdog, then want to set the timeout value as 1s, it means the timeout value should be 1000=0x03e8, so one of the customers configure it like this:    You can find, we need the TOVALL= 0XE8, TOVALH=0X03, but from the test result, the register is TOVALL= 0X03, TOVALH=0Xe8, this will cause the timeout value is much larger than 1000, that is why customer can’t reset the mcu after 1s, because the register configuration is not correct. It is caused by the IAR int16 store endian mode, the default IAR endian mode is little endian mode. So in the practical usage, it is recommended to use the separated time out value definition. 2. debugger usage When in debug mode with IDE, some customers find even they comment all the watchdog disable code, they still can’t reset the MCU by the watchdog. After check the register WDOG_S1, bit EN is 0, it means the watchdog is disabled. But from the reference manual, we get that after reset, the EN bit should be 1. What caused this? After test, we find this actually caused by the debugger, the debugger hardware which you are using. Eg, in the same project which already comment all the watchdog disable code, SEGGER JLINK will still disable the watchdog, but the PE opensda or PE multilink won’t do this, the EN bit is enabled by default, the following is the test picture, take codewarrior as an example: 1) JLINK 2) PE Opensda or PE multilink    So, if you want to test the watchdog in debug mode, and want the EN is set after reset, you can choose PE debugger tool instead of JLINK, but this JLINK feature is just influence the debug mode, after you download the code to the chip flash, and after reset, the EN bit in WDOG_S1 will still be set. Wish this document will help you get out the problem of watchdog can’t be reset.
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   CodeWarrior v10.6 and KDS are integrated development tools which are based on Eclipse, these two IDEs provide easy way to build project when using the GUI, but some engineers still want to build their projects from command line to do automated builds. This document provides examples on how to do it! Build project in CodeWarrior from command line: For a CW v10.6 created project, CW provides the “Make” tool and can also generate the needed “MakeFile” to build this project out of eclipse GUI. The below are the steps: Create and new project “k22_makefile” in CW v10.6, you will see there are two build configurations: RAM & FLASH Launch “cmd prompt” in Windows and go to “eclipse” folder of CW installation Now, you can generate the makefile for configuration FLASH by executing the below command ecd.exe –generateMakefiles –project “C:\workspace_cmd\k22_makefile” –config FLASH Now, checking the “FLASH” subfolder in project location, you will see “makefile” is generated. 4.To use “make” tool convenient, we can define an environment variable pointing to {CW}\gnu\bin where “make” is located. See command as below: 5. Go to the configuration folder “FLASH” where the project’s makefiles are located and run the follow commands to build the project. %MCU_BIN%\make.exe PS: to get more information of make and ecd, please just run the below command: Ecd.exe –help Make.exe –help Build project in KDS from command line: Compare with CodeWarrior, it is much easier to build an application in command mode. KDS provides a command “eclipse.exe” with which you can build a project with only two steps. In this example, I have created an application with name “cmd_ke02”, and the workspace path is “C:\wks_kdscmd”. To build the application in cmd, please first launch command mode in Windows system and then go to {KDS}\eclipse. Then, you need import the application into current workspace in the below command: eclipsec.exe -nosplash -application org.eclipse.cdt.managedbuilder.core.headlessbuild -data "C:\wks_kdscmd" -import "C:\wks_kdscmd\cmd_ke02" then, build the project with the below command: eclipsec.exe -nosplash -application org.eclipse.cdt.managedbuilder.core.headlessbuild -data "C:\wks_kdscmd" -build "cmd_ke02" For more details of building project from command line in KDS, please refer:
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Hello Freedom community users Bheema has posted on the Element14 community a very clear tutorial (accessible following the link below) to create from scratch a basic project example featuring the SLCD of the FRDM-KL46Z with Processor Expert. Freescale Freedom development platform: [FRDM-K... | element14 Those steps should be very useful to create your own project featuring SLCD display and better understand the constraints of this peripheral. Happy SLCD Displaying Greg
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The attached zip file contains software that accompanies the document UART Emulation Using the FTM or TPM.  It contains two sample applications:  one that uses the TPM, and one that uses the FTM. The TPM example targets the FRDM-KL26Z development board and is written in baremetal code.  The FTM example targets the TWR-K22F120M and FRDM-K22F and is written using the Kinetis SDK 1.0 release.  Installation instructions are contained within the zip package. Unzip the package to an empty folder and then copy the appropriate folders to the the appropriate locations on your PC per the instructions located in the zip file. 
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Customer requirement and making it happen This hands-on test is coming with the true customer requirement. Customer designs the battery powered device with SLCD display and lowest power consumption is the key requirement. Customer considers the KL43 and wonder the power consumption data about RTC & SLCD modules. So there with below requirements about the test: Run the RTC and SLCD in the lowest possible power mode Display time at SLCD with [00:00] and update every minute via RTC interrupt               One button shall turn on/off the SLCD display Measure the KL43 power consumption data KDS IDE with KSDK V2.0 software According to above requirement, which low power mode should be selected? RTC and SLCD modules should work at this low power mode. From the KL43 reference manual table 7-2 [Module operation in low power modes] with below info:      5. In VLLS0 the only clocking option is from RTC_CLKIN.      7. End of Frame wakeup not supported in LLS and VLLSx. RTC and SLCD modules could work at VLLS1 low power mode with Async operation. Using VLLS1 low power mode, the RTC and SLCD module clock could select OSC32KCLK with below clocking figure: KL43 wake up from VLLS1 low power mode following wake up reset and the software will check the system reset status register to check what kind of reset happens and print related info. LLWU module is used as VLLS1 lower power mode wake up module with two wake up source, one is RTC Alarm interrupt, the other one is PTC3 (SW3). The Reset pin (SW2) also could wake up the VLLS1 low power mode. Test environment introduction Hardware platform using FRDM-KL43Z board with below feature: MKL43Z256VLLZ4 MCU (48 MHz, 256 KB flash memory, 32 KB RAM, 16 KB ROM Dual role USB interface with mini-B USB connector OpenSDA Four-digit segment LCD module Capacitive touch slider Ambient light sensor MMA8451Q accelerometer MAG3110 magnetometer 2 user push buttons Battery-ready, power-measurement access points Arduino R3 compatibility Software platform bases on KSDK V2.0 for FRDM-KL43Z board, which could be downloaded from Attached demo software default path is: C:\Freescale\SDK_2.0_FRDM-KL43Z\boards\frdmkl43z Test software code introduction Below is the software flow chart: Test result SLCD ON with power consumption 2.0uA SLCD OFF with power consumption 1.2uA
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Test Environment: FRDM-KL43Z Rev. A MCUXpresso IDE v10.2.0 MCUXpresso SDK for FRDM-KL43Z V2.4.1(2018-06-18) Create new project in MCUXpresso IDE select [New project...], there will pop the SDK Wizard panel, then select [frdmkl43z]: Then, click [Next] will enter into [Configure the project] panel, we can set the [Project name] and select [flexio_i2s] in [driver]: Click [Finish], the new project was created. In general, the project is based on [hello_world] project with board default console available. In [Project Explorer], we could find the <fsl_flexio_i2s.c> & <fsl_flexio_i2s.h> & <fsl_flexio.c> & <fsl_flexio.h> files in drivers folder: Edit the code The application note AN5397 detailed introduce how FlexIO emulate I2S bus communication. The MCUXpresso SDK <flexio_i2s> driver using the AN5397 showed second solution to use two timers and two shifters. Please check here to get more detailed info. The I2S signal was below, we need to use four FlexIO pins to provide: BCLK, Fss, TxData & RxData. In <pin_mux.c> file, it need to config pin function, we use PTD7 pin provide I2S BCLK clock; PTD6 pin as I2S Frame_sync pin; PTD5 pin as Tx data pin; PTD6 pin as Rx data pin; In <frdmkl43z_flexio_i2s_interrupt_tx.c>,  config flexio_i2s and config the audio frame format: Please check attached source code for the detailed project info. Test result From the actual measured I2S signal, it shows the 8 bytes was sent out:
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This is a Processor Expert project created by CodeWarrior for MCUs v10.6 which implements the charge-discharge time of a RC circuit for measuring capacitance. The charge-discharge sequence is performed by TPM0 operating in PWM mode, while the time is measured by TPM1 operating in Input Capture mode. A 100K ohm series resistor is being used, and the result is expressed on nF. It is also using the LCDHTA component from Erich Styger for showing the measurements on a 16x2 LCD, connected to the FRDM-KL05Z through a proto shield. The project is attached, and the pictures shows the measurements of three different capacitors: 10nF, 47nF and 1uF.
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1.jicheng0622-AET-电子技术应用 2.wuyage-AET-电子技术应用 3.fanxi123-AET-电子技术应用
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This manual explains how to create a project in CW and add components to Processor Expert. It also includes a couple of examples to print and get data with the printf and scanf functions from the stdio library by using Serial component (UART).
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