Hi guys,
I know this is a commercial question but I think maybe some of you may help!
I've started a design with MK64FX512VLL12 almost a year ago and since then I'm waiting for the main distributors (digikey, mouser..) to have decent stocks of this part, but they never have parts available or just have a small amount of them!
In the beginning I thought this was because it is a new part, but after a year and they are still keeping stocks low. I'm planning to produce a batch of 500 units of my product in the next months and I'm not sure if I can buy enough microcontrollers on time! The same thing happens with the MK64FN1M0VLL12 from FRDM-K64F board!
I've already tried Freescale commercial support a couple months ago, but they didn't have clear answers about this.
Is this normal? Do you have any information regarding this? Maybe I'm all wrong and just supposed to order the MCUs three months before I need it in production...
Thank you very much!
Dear Luiz,
Digikey and Mouser are our retailers.Since they have no much stock, would you please try to contact other distributors?
You can find our distributors network on below website and try to check if they have stock.
I find there is also no many stocks if you buy online on www.freescale.com
K64_120 |Kinetis K64 120 MHz MCUs|Freescale
Any other questions, please feel free to contact us.
You also can submit a request online for commecial inquiry.
Nice day.
Thanks for your reply!
Not marking the answer as entirely "correct" because I can't still understand why these parts are so rare in your retailers!
Even the MK64FN1M0VLL12 microcontroller, which is the basis for the FRDM-K64F development board, is still hard to find in most distributors! And I suppose it should be easy to find as you encourage us to start new designs with it!
It looks like Mouser now started to keep little more decent stocks of both parts - it is a relief I assume, however we are practically locked to one distributor... :smileysad:
Thanks again!