compile with linker only

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compile with linker only

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when making changes to linker file only, then compiling, the KDS disregards the linker changes. Only after cleaning the project does the KDS look at the linker file (obviously also compiling all the rest, taking time).

I want to make changes to the linker file only and compile without the hassle to clean project and compile all files.. 

How can I do that?

1 Solution
NXP Employee
NXP Employee

Hi Roy,

yes, a linker file change does not trigger a new link. This is (imho) a problem of the GNU ARM → GNU MCU Eclipse!  plugins. I have reported that a while back, but to my knowledge it is still not changed in the latest version of the plugins. But it could be a CDT problem too.

What I usually do is to touch/change a source file to trigger a link phase.

I hope this helps,


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1 Reply
NXP Employee
NXP Employee

Hi Roy,

yes, a linker file change does not trigger a new link. This is (imho) a problem of the GNU ARM → GNU MCU Eclipse!  plugins. I have reported that a while back, but to my knowledge it is still not changed in the latest version of the plugins. But it could be a CDT problem too.

What I usually do is to touch/change a source file to trigger a link phase.

I hope this helps,
