I recently installed CD for MCU 10.6.4 (offline version). When I started it, there was a message saying updates were available. When I tried to install the updates, I got this message (after a while).
An error occurred while collecting items to be installed
session context was:(profile=PlatformProfile, phase=org.eclipse.equinox.internal.p2.engine.phases.Collect, operand=, action=).
Problems downloading artifact: binary,com.freescale.kinetis.architecture_root,1.0.7.
File has invalid content:C:\Users\michael\AppData\Local\Temp\signatureFile3352899541267991302.jar
Out of memory: Cannot verify signed content.
Unable to read repository at http://freescale.com/lgfiles/updates/Eclipse/MCU10_6_4/com.freescale.mcu.updatesite/binary/com.frees....
Read timed out
Has anyone else seen this message? Any thoughts on what I might do from here?
Thank you
Dear Mr. Zhang,
Just selecting "MCU 10.6 Update" ( like shown in your answer ) and then Next doesn't allow me to complete the installation.
This is the full detailed explanation Codewarrior return me ( under "Details" , see also below pic ):
" Your original request has been modified.
"CodeWarrior MQX 4.0.x Plug-ins" is already installed, so an update will be performed instead.
"CodeWarrior MQX 4.0.x Plug-ins for ARM architecture (requires ARM architecture to be installed)" is already installed, so an update will be performed instead.
"CodeWarrior MQX 4.1 Plug-ins" is already installed, so an update will be performed instead.
"CodeWarrior MQX 4.1 Plug-ins for ARM architecture (requires ARM architecture to be installed)" is already installed, so an update will be performed instead.
"CodeWarrior MQX Plug-ins" is already installed, so an update will be performed instead.
The actions required to successfully install the requested software are incompatible with the software to install.
Cannot complete the install because one or more required items could not be found.
Software currently installed: CodeWarrior MQX 4.0.x Plug-ins for ARM architecture (requires ARM architecture to be installed) (com.freescale.mqx.v4.0.arm.feature.group
Missing requirement: CodeWarrior MQX 4.0.x Plug-ins for ARM architecture (requires ARM architecture to be installed) (com.freescale.mqx.v4.0.arm.feature.group requires 'com.freescale.kinetis.architecture [1.0.0,2.0.0]' but it could not be found "
Where could I find these missing pieces .. ???
in your screenshot, your CW tried to install MQX 4.0, 4.1 and 4.2, etc plugin separately.
from the message(you highlight in blue) MQX4.0 plugins are already installed. so i suggest you uncheck MQX4.0 plugins. then install MQX4.1 plugins only. see if this can work for you.
if still can't work. i would suggest you uninstall CW10.6.4 then reinstall it, then install then follow the steps in my first response.
Have a great day,
Jennie Zhang
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Dear Mr. Zhang,
I've tried all the possible combinations but, at the ned, I finished to uninstall and re-install again CW10.6.4 .
Then I've made the last update "CodeWarrior for MCU v10.6.4 General Update 6" without any problems.
Hi Luca,
good to know your problem got solved.
thanks for sharing your finial solution here.
Have a great day,
Jennie Zhang
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Hi Erich, I was not referring to the fact to link by web browser to : http://freescale.com/lgfiles/updates/Eclipse/MCU10_6_4/com.freescale.mcu.updatesite .
I'm refferring to the fact that when i add this side in CW10.6.4 I cannot complete said Update .
The reason seems to be the following :
"Cannot complete the install because one or more required items could not be found.
Software currently installed: CodeWarrior MQX 4.1 Plug-ins for ARM architecture (requires ARM architecture to be installed) (com.freescale.mqx.v4.1.arm.feature.group
Missing requirement: CodeWarrior MQX 4.1 Plug-ins for ARM architecture (requires ARM architecture to be installed) (com.freescale.mqx.v4.1.arm.feature.group requires 'com.freescale.kinetis.architecture [1.0.0,2.0.0]' but it could not be found"
Any help about this issue ??
the error message means your CW need "CodeWarrior MQX 4.1 Plug-ins for ARM architecture" installed.
please on line install it first:
Have a great day,
Jennie Zhang
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Hello Mike,
Please refer to this DOC to update :
CodeWarrior v10.6.4 Update 5 available
Hope it helps
Have a great day,
Alice Yang
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Hi Alice:
Thank you for your response.
If i try the instructions under
I get:
The actions required to successfully install the requested software are incompatible with the software to install.
Cannot complete the install because one or more required items could not be found.
Software currently installed: CodeWarrior MQX 4.1 Plug-ins for ARM architecture (requires ARM architecture to be installed) (com.freescale.mqx.v4.1.arm.feature.group
Missing requirement: CodeWarrior MQX 4.1 Plug-ins for ARM architecture (requires ARM architecture to be installed) (com.freescale.mqx.v4.1.arm.feature.group requires 'com.freescale.kinetis.architecture [1.0.0,2.0.0]' but it could not be found
If i try the link under "Using Eclipse Update Site"
I get:
You don't have permission to access /lgfiles/updates/Eclipse/MCU10_6_4/com.freescale.mcu.updatesite/ on this server.
I have been trying to install just S08 and kinetis support. Is that a mistake? Any ideas appreciated.
Thank you for your help
You cannot click on that link with your web browser, it is an Eclipse update site, not a HTML web site. So this "Forbidden" message is normal.
I have the same problem, i cannot update anynore CW 10.6.4 ....