URGENT HELP: USB HCS08/HCS12/CFV1 Multilink - USB Port

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URGENT HELP: USB HCS08/HCS12/CFV1 Multilink - USB Port

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Contributor I

Hi everyone,


I'm using the CodeWarrior V6.2 to program a MC9RS08KA2 (2 KB Flash).


I'm also using a "USB Multilink" of P&E Micro (www.pemicro.com).


When I choose "P&E Multilink/Cyclone Pro", the window "PEMICRO Connection Manager" is open and the first field to be choosed is "Interface".


My problem is: if I create a new project by choosing a uC of HCS08 family, I have in this field the option: "USB HCS08/HCS12/CFV1 Multilink - USB Port". In this case, the hardware is correctly detected by the CodeWarrior.


However, as I really need to create a new project by choosing the uC MC9RS08KA2, I don't have anymore the option above, but "USB HCS08/HCS12/CFV1 Multilink (Rev C or Later)".


In this case, my USB Multilink is not detected!!!


Please, does anyone know what I can do to have the USB Multilink detected in this case?


Thank you, in advance.


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1 Solution
Senior Contributor V

Dear cremonezi,


I supect that your BDM does not support the RS08 chips.  These require a 12V supply for programming which is absent in the earlier versions of the P&E BDMs (before RevC?).  Is your BDM this version?


I suggest you check the P&E website or contact them by email to check this.




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2 Replies
Senior Contributor V

Dear cremonezi,


I supect that your BDM does not support the RS08 chips.  These require a 12V supply for programming which is absent in the earlier versions of the P&E BDMs (before RevC?).  Is your BDM this version?


I suggest you check the P&E website or contact them by email to check this.




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Contributor I

Hi pgo,


Thank you very much for your answer.


I've contacted the technical support from pemicro.com and you are right.


I have actually a USB-ML-12 Rev B, which does not support the RS08 family.


Best regards,




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