i.MX RT Crossover MCUs Knowledge Base

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i.MX RT Crossover MCUs Knowledge Base



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The MIMXRT1050-EVK includes a CMSIS-DAP/DAP-Link interface that includes MSD drag and drop functionality for the HyperFlash on the board. The drag and drop programming functionality can be used to program applications compiled to execute-in-place (XIP) from the HyperFlash memory. In the early SDK versions for RT1050, the projects did not include the flash configuration block and IVT required to make a bootable image across all toolchains. Starting with the SDK 2.3.1 release, projects include XIP files that add this information to the project. This allows for programming a bootable application to the external flash memory directly from the debugger, so many customers might not even need to use the drag-and-drop programming feature any more. Because of the SDK changes, the DAP-Link application has also had changes: Early versions of the DAPLink firmware were setup to work with a raw application binary like those generated by the SDK 2.3.0 for toolchains other than the MCUXpresso IDE. These versions will take the raw application binary and prepend the flash configuration block for the HyperFlash/QSPI and an IVT to make a bootable image. Newer version of the DAPLink firmware are setup to work with a complete bootable binary like those generated by SDK 2.3.1 and later. These versions will not attempt to prepend a flash configuration block and IVT to the application, because these are assumed to already be present. The following table describes the versions of the DAPLink application that have been released. NOTE: the firmware can be updated on the board, so the version on a given board might not match what was originally programmed at manufacture time. The latest version of firmware can be downloaded from www.nxp.com/opensda Board Rev DAPLink MCU GIT SHA from details.txt file NOTE EVK_A2 MK20 34182e2cce4ca99073443ef29fbcfaab9e18caec DAPLink will add FCB and IVT EVK_A3-EVK-A5 MK20 853df431d81359e822f49363891f877f17d31efb DAPLink will add FCB and IVT EVKB_A MK20 853df431d81359e822f49363891f877f17d31efb DAPLink will add FCB and IVT EVKB_A1 MK20 853df431d81359e822f49363891f877f17d31efb DAPLink will add FCB and IVT EVKB_A1 MK20 b3435dbed0ba4f09680e49d2fcfdaab32c7a4c71 DAPLink will NOT add FCB and IVT To use the drag and drop programming: 1. Configure the board for serial downloader mode by setting SW7 to OFF-ON-OFF-ON.  2. Press SW3 to reset the processor. 3. Drag the application binary to the RT1050-EVK drive.  4. Put the board back in internal boot mode by setting SW7 to OFF-ON-ON-OFF. 5. Press SW3 to reset the processor and your application should boot.  There are some limitations to the drag and drop programming to keep in mind: - Only works for Hyperflash/QSPI XIP applications. Doesn't support copying the code from HyperFlash to another memory (like ITCM) for execution - Application initial stack pointer must be located in DTCM - Doesn't support DCD files The flashloader and ROM tools offer a second external memory programming method where the limitations above do not apply: https://www.nxp.com/downloads/en/initialization-boot-device-driver-code-generation/Flashloader_i.MXRT1050_1.0_GA.zip  Refer to AN12107 for more information: https://www.nxp.com/docs/en/application-note/AN12107.pdf?fsrch=1&sr=2&pageNum=1 
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In the SDK_2.7.0_EVKB-IMXRT1050, it contains some eIQ machine learning demo projects, there's the tensorflow_lite_kws among them. It's a keyword spotting example that is based on Keyword spotting for Microcontrollers and it deploys a deepwise separable convolutional neural network called MobileNet in this demo project. It can classify a one-second audio clip as either silence, an unknown word, "yes", "no", "up", "down", "left", "right", "on", "off", "stop", or "go". Figure 1 shows the components that comprise it. Fig 1 Training Our New Model The model we are using is trained with the TensorFlow script which is designed to demonstrate how to build and train a model for audio recognition using TensorFlow. The script makes it very easy to train an audio recognition model. Among other things, it allows us to do the following: Download a dataset with audio featuring 20 spoken words. Choose which subset of words to train the model on. Specify what type of preprocessing to use on the audio. Choose from several different types of the model architecture. Optimize the model for microcontrollers using quantization. When we run the script, it downloads the dataset, trains a model, and outputs a file representing the trained model. We then use some other tools to convert this file into the correct form for TensorFlow Lite. Training in virtual machine (VM) Preparation Make sure the TensorFlow has been installed, and since the script downloads over 2GB of training data, it'll need a good internet connection and enough free space on the machine. Note that: The training process itself can take several hours, be patient. Training To begin the training process, use the following commands to clone ML-KWS-for-MCU. git clone https://github.com/ARM-software/ML-KWS-for-MCU.git‍‍‍‍‍‍ The training scripts are configured via a bunch of command-line flags that control everything from the model’s architecture to the words it will be trained to classify. The following command runs the script that begins training. You can see that it has a lot of command-line arguments: python ML-KWS-for-MCU/train.py --model_architecture ds_cnn --model_size_info 5 64 10 4 2 2 64 3 3 1 1 64 3 3 1 1 64 3 3 1 1 64 3 3 1 1 \ --wanted_words=zero, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine \ --dct_coefficient_count 10 --window_size_ms 40 \ --window_stride_ms 20 --learning_rate 0.0005,0.0001,0.00002 \ --how_many_training_steps 10000,10000,10000 \ --data_dir=./speech_dataset --summaries_dir ./retrain_logs --train_dir ./speech_commands_train ‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍ Some of these, like --wanted_words=zero, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine. By default, the selected words are yes, no, up, down, left, right, on, off, stop, go, but we can provide any combination of the following words, all of which appear in our dataset: Common commands: yes, no, up, down, left, right, on, off, stop, go, backward, forward, follow, learn Digits zero through nine: zero, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine Random words: bed, bird, cat, dog, happy, house, Marvin, Sheila, tree, wow Others set up the output of the script, such as --train_dir=/content/speech_commands_train, which defines where the trained model will be saved. Leave the arguments as they are, and run it. The script will start off by downloading the Speech Commands dataset (Figure 2), which consists of over 105,000 WAVE audio files of people saying thirty different words. This data was collected by Google and released under a CC BY license, and you can help improve it by contributing five minutes of your own voice. The archive is over 2GB, so this part may take a while, but you should see progress logs, and once it's been downloaded once you won't need to do this step again. You can find more information about this dataset in this Speech Commands paper. Fig 2 Once the downloading has completed, some more output will appear. There might be some warnings, which you can ignore as long as the command continues running. Later, you'll see logging information that looks like this (Figure 3). Fig 3 This shows that the initialization process is done and the training loop has begun. You'll see that it outputs information for every training step. Here's a break down of what it means: Step shows that we're on the step of the training loop. In this case, there are going to be 30,000 steps in total, so you can look at the step number to get an idea of how close it is to finishing. rate is the learning rate that's controlling the speed of the network's weight updates. Early on this is a comparatively high number (0.0005), but for later training cycles it will be reduced 5x, to 0.0001, then to 0.00002 at last. accuracy is how many classes were correctly predicted on this training step. This value will often fluctuate a lot, but should increase on average as training progresses. The model outputs an array of numbers, one for each label, and each number is the predicted likelihood of the input being that class. The predicted label is picked by choosing the entry with the highest score. The scores are always between zero and one, with higher values representing more confidence in the result. cross-entropy is the result of the loss function that we're using to guide the training process. This is a score that's obtained by comparing the vector of scores from the current training run to the correct labels, and this should trend downwards during training. checkpoint After a hundred steps, you should see a line like this: This is saving out the current trained weights to a checkpoint file (Figure 4). If your training script gets interrupted, you can look for the last saved checkpoint and then restart the script with --start_checkpoint=/tmp/speech_commands_train/best/ds_cnn_xxxx.ckpt-400 as a command line argument to start from that point . Fig 4 Confusion Matrix After four hundred steps, this information will be logged: The first section is a confusion matrix. To understand what it means, you first need to know the labels being used, which in this case are "silence", "unknown", "zero", "one", "two", "three", "four", "five", "six", "seven", "eight", and "nine". Each column represents a set of samples that were predicted to be each label, so the first column represents all the clips that were predicted to be silence, the second all those that were predicted to be unknown words, the third "zero", and so on. Each row represents clips by their correct, ground truth labels. The first row is all the clips that were silence, the second clips that were unknown words, the third "zero", etc. This matrix can be more useful than just a single accuracy score because it gives a good summary of what mistakes the network is making. In this example you can see that all of the entries in the first row are zero (Figure 5), apart from the initial one. Because the first row is all the clips that are actually silence, this means that none of them were mistakenly labeled as words, so we have no false negatives for silence. This shows the network is already getting pretty good at distinguishing silence from words. If we look down the first column though, we see a lot of non-zero values. The column represents all the clips that were predicted to be silence, so positive numbers outside of the first cell are errors. This means that some clips of real spoken words are actually being predicted to be silence, so we do have quite a few false positives. A perfect model would produce a confusion matrix where all of the entries were zero apart from a diagonal line through the center. Spotting deviations from that pattern can help you figure out how the model is most easily confused, and once you've identified the problems you can address them by adding more data or cleaning up categories.                                                            Fig 5                                                             Validation After the confusion matrix, you should see a line like Figure 5 shows. It's good practice to separate your data set into three categories. The largest (in this case roughly 80% of the data) is used for training the network, a smaller set (10% here, known as "validation") is reserved for evaluation of the accuracy during training, and another set (the last 10%, "testing") is used to evaluate the accuracy once after the training is complete. The reason for this split is that there's always a danger that networks will start memorizing their inputs during training. By keeping the validation set separate, you can ensure that the model works with data it's never seen before. The testing set is an additional safeguard to make sure that you haven't just been tweaking your model in a way that happens to work for both the training and validation sets, but not a broader range of inputs. The training script automatically separates the data set into these three categories, and the logging line above shows the accuracy of model when run on the validation set. Ideally, this should stick fairly close to the training accuracy. If the training accuracy increases but the validation doesn't, that's a sign that overfitting is occurring, and your model is only learning things about the training clips, not broader patterns that generalize Training Finished In general, training is the process of iteratively tweaking a model’s weights and biases until it produces useful predictions. The training script writes these weights and biases to checkpoint files (Figure 6). Fig 6 A TensorFlow model consists of two main things: The weights and biases resulting from training A graph of operations that combine the model’s input with these weights and biases to produce the model’s output At this juncture, our model’s operations are defined in the Python scripts, and its trained weights and biases are in the most recent checkpoint file. We need to unite the two into a single model file with a specific format, which we can use to run inference. The process of creating this model file is called freezing—we’re creating a static representation of the graph with the weights frozen into it. To freeze our model, we run a script that is called as follows: python ML-KWS-for-MCU/freeze.py --model_architecture ds_cnn --model_size_info 5 64 10 4 2 2 64 3 3 1 1 64 3 3 1 1 64 3 3 1 1 64 3 3 1 1 \ --wanted_words=zero, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine \ --dct_coefficient_count 10 --window_size_ms 40 \ --window_stride_ms 20 --checkpoint ./speech_commands_train/best/ds_cnn_9490.ckpt-21600 \ --output_file=./ds_cnn.pb‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍ To point the script toward the correct graph of operations to freeze, we pass some of the same arguments we used in training. We also pass a path to the final checkpoint file, which is the one whose filename ends with the total number of training steps. The frozen graph will be output to a file named ds_cnn.pb. This file is the fully trained TensorFlow model. It can be loaded by TensorFlow and used to run inference. That’s great, but it’s still in the format used by regular TensorFlow, not TensorFlow Lite. Convert to TensorFlow Lite Conversion is a easy step: we just need to run a single command. Now that we have a frozen graph file to work with, we’ll be using toco, the command-line interface for the TensorFlow Lite converter. toco --graph_def_file=./ds_cnn.pb --output_file=./ds_cnn.tflite \ --input_shapes=1,49,10,1 --input_arrays=Reshape_1 --output_arrays='labels_softmax' \ --inference_type=QUANTIZED_UINT8 --mean_values=227 --std_dev_values=1 \ --change_concat_input_ranges=false \ --default_ranges_min=-6 --default_ranges_max =6‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍ In the arguments, we specify the model that we want to convert, the output location for the TensorFlow Lite model file, and some other values that depend on the model architecture. we also provide some arguments (inference_type, mean_values, and std_dev_values) that instruct the converter how to map its low-precision values into real numbers. The converted model will be written to ds_cnn.tflite, this a fully formed TensorFlow Lite model! Create a C array We’ll use the xxd command to convert a TensorFlow Lite model into a C array in the following. xxd -i ./ds_cnn.tflite > ./ds_cnn.h cat ./ds_cnn.h‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍ The final part of the output is the file’s contents, which are a C array and an integer holding its length, as follows: Fig 7 Next, we’ll integrate this newly trained model with the tensorflow_lite_kws project. Using the Model in tensorflow_lite_kws Project To use the new model, we need to do two things: In source/ds_cnn_s_model.h, replace the original model data with our new model. Update the label names in source/kws.cpp with our new ''zero'', ''one'', ''two'', ''three'', ''four'', ''five'', ''six'', ''seven'', ''eight'' and ''nine'' labels. const std::string labels[] = {"Silence", "Unknown","zero", "one", "two", "three","four", "five", "six", "seven","eight", "nine"};‍‍‍ Before running the model in the EVKB-IMXRT1050 board (Figure 8), please refer to the readme.txt to do the preparation, in further, the file also demonstrates the steps of testing, please follow them. Fig 8 Figure 9 shows the testing I did, I've attached the model file, please give a try by yourself. Fig 9
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Testing Boot times – Generating a bootable image Bootable Image Structure: The bootable image consists of: FlexSPI Configuration Block (FCB) Image Vector Table (IVT) Boot Data Device Configuration Data (DCD) Program image CSF, Certificates, and signatures (this stuff is optional and only comes with high-assurance boot I’ll briefly explain each below: FlexSPI Configuration Block (FCB) The FCB will configure the settings of the FlexSPI communication. It will establish how many ports will be used, what clock speed to run the FlexSPI controller at, etc. This is the first thing that happens, as everything else is stored in Flash memory. In order to read anything else, the flash must first be configured.  Image Vector Table (IVT)  The IVT is a table that tells the memory the addresses of where everything is stored. Boot Data The Boot Data contains pointers to the start address of the Memory. Device Configuration Data (DCD) The DCD contains configuration data to configure any peripherals. Program image The program image contains the code you write to go into the application. CSF, Certificates, and signatures These things are optional. They come with high-assurance boot sequence and will not be covered in this writeup. Below is a rough table outlining these different parts of the boot image: Bootable Image generation software / tools: MCUXpresso – download the MCUXpresso IDE Flash Loader – download from RT1050 page > software and tools > flashloader This entire folder will include the MFGTool, elftosb tool, and more documentation. DCD.bin file: I found mine included in this document: https://community.nxp.com/docs/DOC-340655 Bootable Image Generation Overview MCUXpresso can generate bootable images for Hyperflash and QSPI XiP, but if trying to boot and execute in place of SDRAM or intern SRAM, or from your own memory module, then you must generate a bootable image by through a combination of generating an s record or elf image on MCUXpresso, and then using the flashloader tool suite (elftosb and mfgtool) to create a bootable image and then a bootable program to upload to the board. The entire general process is described below. In subsequent sections, a more detailed step-by-step guide is provided for Hyperflash XiP, SDRAM, and SRAM, each. MCUXpresso Configurations and output: Begin with your application code in MCUXpresso. Change memory allocation in the memory configuration editor of the MCU Settings part of MCUXpresso according to where you would like to boot from. If applicable, be sure to specify in the preprocessor settings if you would like to enable the dcd in the boot image. Generate an s-record (.s19) file from MCUXpresso using binary utilities. Elftosb tool – .bin file generation You can find this tool in the flashloader. Call an imx command to it which will take as input the s-record file containing the program image, a dcd.bin file (may or may not be in the s-record), a FCB?, and a bd_file (given to you, specific to your memory configuration). The elftosb tool will generate as an output a .bin file. Elftosb tool – Bootable image generation Then call the elftosb tool again with a kinetis command. This will take the .bin file and convert it to a boot_image.sb file. MFG tool Then we can use the mfg tool to generate the program image for the board, and upload it. In order to do this, the board SW7 must be set to OFF-ON-OFF-ON, and switch the jumper from J1  (5-6) to J1 (3-4). Connect the USB cable to J9 to power the board. Then connect the board to your computer and run the Mfg tool. Click start and the image will be uploaded.      After this the bootable image will be uploaded to the board and you’ll be good to go! Remember to switch the pin headers back, so the board can boot normally. J1 (5-6) and SW7 to OFF-ON -ON -OFF to boot from Hyperflash. Now in the following sections I’ll break down specific examples of what to do depending on the specific memory location you’d like to boot from. Bootable Image Generation – XiP Hyperflash Please note that this can also be done in MCUXpresso, but In order to use my own dcd file, I did this project using the traditional flashloader tools.   MCUXpresso Configurations and output: Begin by changing memory allocation in the memory configuration editor (edit project settings >> C/C++ Build >> MCU settings >>edit. It should look like the one below. Then go to C/C++ Build >>settings > MCU C compiler > preprocessor and set the XIP_boot_header enable and and XIP_boot_header_DCD_enable both to 0 if you have a dcd.bin file to use. Otherwise set these fields to 1. Hit apply and close. Go to the debug portion and click on binary utilities, then generate an s-record (.s19) file from MCUXpresso.  Click build to re-build the project. Copy this .s19 file. Elftosb tool – .bin file generation In the flashloader tool, go to Tools > elftosb > Win, and drop the .s19 file in this folder, as well as the dcd.bin file. Fire up command prompt in administrator mode, and use command cd [elftosb directory] to get to this folder To generate the .bin file, call the command:   elftosb.exe -f imx -V -c ../../bd_file/imx10xx/imx-flexspinor-normal-unsigned-dcd.bd -o ivt_flexspi_nor_led_blinky.bin HYPERFLASH_led_blinky.s19   This command essentially uses the imx-flexspinor bd linker file to generate a .bin file that will include the dcd.bin header inside. Note that HYPERFLASH_led_blinky.s19 should be renamed to your actual file name acquired from MCUXpresso   Elftosb tool – Bootable image generation Then we must generate the boot_image.sb Then call the elftosb tool again with a kinetis command. This will take the .bin file and convert it to a boot_image.sb file. The command is:   elftosb.exe -f kinetis -V -c ../../bd_file/imx10xx/program_flexspinor_image_hyperflash.bd -o boot_image.sb ivt_flexspi_nor_led_blinky_nopadding.bin   Note: The output of the first imx command we made must match the input of this one (ivt_flexspi_nor_led_blinky_nopadding.bin). Also, the output must remain named boot_image.sb, otherwise it will not work. MFG tool Then we can use the mfg tool to generate the program image for the board, and upload it. In order to do this, the board SW7 must be set to OFF-ON-OFF-ON, and switch the jumper from J1  (5-6) to J1 (3-4). Connect the USB cable to J9 to power the board. Then connect the board to your computer and run the Mfg tool. Click start and the image will be uploaded.        Copy the boot_image.sb file that we created in the last step. Move it to the directory Tools > mfgtools-rel > Profiles > MXRT105X > OS Firmware, and drop it in here. Next, set SW7 on the board to OFF-ON-OFF-ON, and switch the jumper at the bottom to power the board. Then connect the USB cable to J9. This will allow you to program the board. Go back to the folder mfgtools-rel and Open the Mfg Tool. It should say HID- compliant vendor-defined device. Otherwise double check SW7 and the power pin at the bottom right.   Click start and if successful it should look like: Please note that this success only means that it was able to upload the bootable image to the board. This usually works well. However, if you find later that the board doesn’t do what it’s supposed to, then there might be a problem in the other steps of the processor. Check to make sure you used the right linker file, and that the settings in MCUXpresso are configured correctly. Press stop and exit Remember to switch the pin headers back, so the board can boot normally. J1 (5-6) and SW7 to OFF-ON -ON -OFF to boot from Hyperflash.   Bootable Image Generation – SDRAM The guide is based off this link: https://community.nxp.com/docs/DOC-340655 . Download the files provided there, and unzip. Everything is good except the first step of that pdf document is a little unclear. MCUXpresso Configurations and output: Begin by changing memory allocation in the memory configuration editor of the MCU Settings part of MCUXpresso. It should look like the one below. Then go to settings > MCU C compiler > preprocessor and set the XIP_boot_header enable and and XIP_boot_header_DCD_enable both to 0 Hit apply and close. Go to C/C++ Build >> Settings >> MCU Linker >> Manage linker script, and check the box Link application to RAM. Go to the debug portion and click on binary utilities, then generate an s-record (.s19) file from MCUXpresso.  Click build to re-build the project. You can check the console to verify the correct allocations of memory: Copy this .s19 file. Elftosb tool – .bin file generation In the flashloader tool, go to Tools > elftosb > Win, and drop the .s19 file in this folder, as well as the dcd.bin file. There’s another step for booting from SDRAM. Take the file imx-sdram-normal-unsigned-dcd.bd (included in the link posted) and drag it into Tools > bd_file > imx10xx Fire up command prompt in administrator mode, and use command cd [elftosb directory] to get to this folder To generate the .bin file, call the command:   elftosb.exe -f imx -V -c ../../bd_file/imx10xx/imx-sdram-normal-unsigned-dcd.bd -o evkbimxrt1050_led_blinky.bin SDRAM1_led_blinky.s19   This command essentially uses the imx-flexspinor bd linker file to generate a .bin file that will include the dcd.bin header inside. Note that HYPERFLASH_led_blinky.s19 should be renamed to your actual file name acquired from MCUXpresso   Elftosb tool – Bootable image generation Then we must generate the boot_image.sb Then call the elftosb tool again with a kinetis command. This will take the .bin file and convert it to a boot_image.sb file. The command is:   elftosb.exe -f kinetis -V -c ../../bd_file/imx10xx/program_flexspinor_image_hyperflash.bd -o boot_image.sb evkbimxrt1050_led_blinky_nopadding.bin   The output of the first imx command we made must match the input of this one. Also, the output must remain named boot_image.sb, otherwise it will not work. Also note that this says flexspinor image hyperflash, but that is correct since we are still technically needing to boot from Hyperflash initially before we copy everything over to SDRAM. Copy the boot_image.sb file. MFG tool Then we can use the mfg tool to generate the program image for the board, and upload it. In order to do this, the board SW7 must be set to OFF-ON-OFF-ON, and switch the jumper from J1  (5-6) to J1 (3-4). Connect the USB cable to J9 to power the board. Then connect the board to your computer and run the Mfg tool. Click start and the image will be uploaded.        Copy the boot_image.sb file that we created in the last step. Move it to the directory Tools > mfgtools-rel > Profiles > MXRT105X > OS Firmware, and drop it in here. Next, set SW7 on the board to OFF-ON-OFF-ON, and switch the jumper at the bottom to power the board. Then connect the USB cable to J9. This will allow you to program the board. Go back to the folder mfgtools-rel and Open the Mfg Tool. It should say HID- compliant vendor-defined device. Otherwise double check SW7 and the power pin at the bottom right.   Click start and if successful it should look like: Please note that this success only means that it was able to upload the bootable image to the board. This usually works well. However, if you find later that the board doesn’t do what it’s supposed to, then there might be a problem in the other steps of the processor. Check to make sure you used the right linker file, and that the settings in MCUXpresso are configured correctly. Press stop and exit Remember to switch the pin headers back, so the board can boot normally. J1 (5-6) and SW7 to OFF-ON -ON -OFF to boot from Hyperflash.   Bootable Image Generation – SRAM This one was a little trickier as there was no appnote, but not too bad. MCUXpresso Configurations and output: Begin by changing memory allocation in the memory configuration editor of the MCU Settings part of MCUXpresso. It should look like the one below. We are linking to copy everything to dtc RAM Then go to settings > MCU C compiler > preprocessor and set the XIP_boot_header enable and and XIP_boot_header_DCD_enable both to 0 Hit apply and close. Go to C/C++ Build >> Settings >> MCU Linker >> Manage linker script, and check the box Link application to RAM.   Go to the debug portion and click on binary utilities, then generate an s-record (.s19) file from MCUXpresso.  Click build to re-build the project. You can verify that application is linked to SRAM in the console: Copy this .s19 file. Elftosb tool – .bin file generation In the flashloader tool, go to Tools > elftosb > Win, and drop the .s19 file in this folder, as well as the dcd.bin file Fire up command prompt in administrator mode, and use command cd [elftosb directory] to get to this folder This step is specific to dtcm ram: Go to Tools >>bd_file >> imx10xx, and open up the imx-dtcm-unsigned-dcd.bd file and change the ivtOffset address to 0x1000. 0x400 is the default for SDCARD booting. To be clear, the bd file should look as below: To generate the .bin file, call the command:   elftosb.exe -f imx -V -c ../../bd_file/imx10xx/imx-dtcm-unsigned-dcd.bd -o evkbimxrt1050_led_blinky.bin SRAM1_led_blinky.s19   This command essentially uses the imx-flexspinor bd linker file to generate a .bin file that will include the dcd.bin header inside. Note that SRAM_led_blinky.s19 should be renamed to your actual file name acquired from MCUXpresso. Elftosb tool – Bootable image generation Then we must generate the boot_image.sb Then call the elftosb tool again with a kinetis command. This will take the .bin file and convert it to a boot_image.sb file. The command is:   elftosb.exe -f kinetis -V -c ../../bd_file/imx10xx/program_flexspinor_image_hyperflash.bd -o boot_image.sb evkbimxrt1050_led_blinky_nopadding.bin   The output of the first imx command we made must match the input of this one. Also, the output must remain named boot_image.sb, otherwise it will not work. Also note that this says flexspinor image hyperflash, but that is correct since we are still technically needing to boot from Hyperflash initially before we copy everything over to SDRAM. MFG tool Then we can use the mfg tool to generate the program image for the board, and upload it. In order to do this, the board SW7 must be set to OFF-ON-OFF-ON, and switch the jumper from J1  (5-6) to J1 (3-4). Connect the USB cable to J9 to power the board. Then connect the board to your computer and run the Mfg tool. Click start and the image will be uploaded.    Copy the boot_image.sb file that we created in the last step. Move it to the directory Tools > mfgtools-rel > Profiles > MXRT105X > OS Firmware, and drop it in here. Next, set SW7 on the board to OFF-ON-OFF-ON, and switch the jumper at the bottom to power the board. Then connect the USB cable to J9. This will allow you to program the board. Go back to the folder mfgtools-rel and Open the Mfg Tool. It should say HID- compliant vendor-defined device. Otherwise double check SW7 and the power pin at the bottom right.   Click start and if successful it should look like: Please note that this success only means that it was able to upload the bootable image to the board. This usually works well. However, if you find later that the board doesn’t do what it’s supposed to, then there might be a problem in the other steps of the processor. Check to make sure you used the right linker file, and that the settings in MCUXpresso are configured correctly. Press stop and exit Remember to switch the pin headers back, so the board can boot normally. J1 (5-6) and SW7 to OFF-ON -ON -OFF to boot from Hyperflash. Please note that this success only means that it was able to upload the bootable image to the board. This usually works well. However, if you find later that the board doesn’t do what it’s supposed to, then there might be a problem with the other steps of the processor. Check to make sure you used the right linker file, and that the settings in MCUXpresso are configured correctly. After this the bootable image will be uploaded to the board and you’ll be good to go!
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Introduction NXP i.MXRT106x has two USB2.0 OTG instance. And the RT1060 EVK has both of the USB interface on the board. But the RT1060 SDK only has single USB host example. Although RT1060’s USB host stack support multiple devices, but we still need a USB HUB when user want to connect two device. This article will show you how to make both USB instance as host. RT1060 SDK has single host examples which support multiple devices, like host_hid_mouse_keyboard_bm. But this application don’t use these examples. Instead, MCUXpresso Config Tools is used to build the demo from beginning. The config tool is a very powerful tool which can configure clock, pin and peripherals, especially the USB. In this application demo, it can save 95% coding work. Hardware and software tools RT1060 EVK MCUXpresso 11.4.0 MIMXRT1060 SDK 2.9.1 Step 1 This project will support USB HID mouse and USB CDC. First, create an empty project named MIMXRT1062_usb_host_dual_port. When select SDK components, select “USB host CDC” and “”USB host HID” in Middleware label. IDE will select other necessary component automatically.     After creating the empty project, clock should be configured first. Both of the USB PHY need 480M clock.   Step 2 Next step is to configure USB host in peripheral config tool. Due to the limitation of config tool, only one host instance of the USB component is allowed. In this project, CDC VCOM is added first.   Step 3 After these settings, click “Update Code” in control bar. This will turn all the configurations into code and merge into project. Then click the “copy to clipboard” button. This will copy the host task call function. Paste it in the forever while loop in the project’s main(). Besides that, it also need to add BOARD_InitBootPeripherals() function call in main(). At this point, USB VCOM is ready. The tool will not only copy the file and configure USB, but also create basic implementation framework. If compile and download the project to RT1060 EVK, it can enumerate a USB CDC VCOM device on USB1. If characters are send from CDC device, the project can send it out to DAPLink UART port so that you can see the character on a terminal interface in computer. Step 4 To get USB HID mouse code, it need to create another USB HID project. The workflow is similar to the first project. Here is the screenshot of the USB HID configuration.   Click “Update code”, the HID mouse code will be generated. The config tool generate two files, usb_host_interface_0_hid_mouse.c and usb_host_interface_0_hid_mouse. Copy them to the “source” folder in dual host project.     Step 5 Next step is to modify some USB macro definitions. <usb_host_config.h> #define USB_HOST_CONFIG_EHCI 2 /*means there are two host instance*/ #define USB_HOST_CONFIG_MAX_HOST 2 /*The USB driver can support two ehci*/ #define USB_HOST_CONFIG_HID (1U) /*for mouse*/ Next step is merge usb_host_app.c. The project initialize USB hardware and software in USB_HostApplicationInit(). usb_status_t USB_HostApplicationInit(void) { usb_status_t status; USB_HostClockInit(kUSB_ControllerEhci0); USB_HostClockInit(kUSB_ControllerEhci1); #if ((defined FSL_FEATURE_SOC_SYSMPU_COUNT) && (FSL_FEATURE_SOC_SYSMPU_COUNT)) SYSMPU_Enable(SYSMPU, 0); #endif /* FSL_FEATURE_SOC_SYSMPU_COUNT */ status = USB_HostInit(kUSB_ControllerEhci0, &g_HostHandle[0], USB_HostEvent); status = USB_HostInit(kUSB_ControllerEhci1, &g_HostHandle[1], USB_HostEvent); /*each usb instance have a g_HostHandle*/ if (status != kStatus_USB_Success) { return status; } else { USB_HostInterface0CicVcomInit(); USB_HostInterface0HidMouseInit(); } USB_HostIsrEnable(); return status; } In USB_HostIsrEnable(), add code to enable USB2 interrupt.   irqNumber = usbHOSTEhciIrq[1]; NVIC_SetPriority((IRQn_Type)irqNumber, USB_HOST_INTERRUPT_PRIORITY); EnableIRQ((IRQn_Type)irqNumber); Then add and modify USB interrupt handler. void USB_OTG1_IRQHandler(void) { USB_HostEhciIsrFunction(g_HostHandle[0]); } void USB_OTG2_IRQHandler(void) { USB_HostEhciIsrFunction(g_HostHandle[1]); } Since both USB instance share the USB stack, When USB event come, all the event will call USB_HostEvent() in usb_host_app.c. HID code should also be merged into this function. static usb_status_t USB_HostEvent(usb_device_handle deviceHandle, usb_host_configuration_handle configurationHandle, uint32_t eventCode) { usb_status_t status1; usb_status_t status2; usb_status_t status = kStatus_USB_Success; /* Used to prevent from multiple processing of one interface; * e.g. when class/subclass/protocol is the same then one interface on a device is processed only by one interface on host */ uint8_t processedInterfaces[USB_HOST_CONFIG_CONFIGURATION_MAX_INTERFACE] = {0}; switch (eventCode & 0x0000FFFFU) { case kUSB_HostEventAttach: status1 = USB_HostInterface0CicVcomEvent(deviceHandle, configurationHandle, eventCode, processedInterfaces); status2 = USB_HostInterface0HidMouseEvent(deviceHandle, configurationHandle, eventCode, processedInterfaces); if ((status1 == kStatus_USB_NotSupported) && (status2 == kStatus_USB_NotSupported)) { status = kStatus_USB_NotSupported; } break; case kUSB_HostEventNotSupported: usb_echo("Device not supported.\r\n"); break; case kUSB_HostEventEnumerationDone: status1 = USB_HostInterface0CicVcomEvent(deviceHandle, configurationHandle, eventCode, processedInterfaces); status2 = USB_HostInterface0HidMouseEvent(deviceHandle, configurationHandle, eventCode, processedInterfaces); if ((status1 != kStatus_USB_Success) && (status2 != kStatus_USB_Success)) { status = kStatus_USB_Error; } break; case kUSB_HostEventDetach: status1 = USB_HostInterface0CicVcomEvent(deviceHandle, configurationHandle, eventCode, processedInterfaces); status2 = USB_HostInterface0HidMouseEvent(deviceHandle, configurationHandle, eventCode, processedInterfaces); if ((status1 != kStatus_USB_Success) && (status2 != kStatus_USB_Success)) { status = kStatus_USB_Error; } break; case kUSB_HostEventEnumerationFail: usb_echo("Enumeration failed\r\n"); break; default: break; } return status; } USB_HostTasks() is used to deal with all the USB messages in the main loop. At last, HID work should also be added in this function. void USB_HostTasks(void) { USB_HostTaskFn(g_HostHandle[0]); USB_HostTaskFn(g_HostHandle[1]); USB_HostInterface0CicVcomTask(); USB_HostInterface0HidMouseTask(); }   After all these steps, the dual USB function is ready. User can insert USB mouse and USB CDC device into any of the two USB port simultaneously. Conclusion All the RT/LPC/Kinetis devices with two OTG or HOST can support dual USB host. With the help of MCUXpresso Config Tool, it is easy to implement this function.
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Introduction i.MX RT ROM bootloader provides a wealth of options to enable user programs to start in various ways. In some cases, people want to copy application image from Flash or other storage device to SDRAM and run there. In this article, I record three ways to realize this. Section 2 and 3 shows load image from NOR flash. Section 4 shows load image from SD card. Software and Tools: MCUXpresso IDE v11.1 NXP-MCUBootUtility 2.2.0   MIMXRT1060-EVK   RT1060 SDK v2.7.0   Win10   Add DCD by MCUxpresso IDE If customers use MCUXpresso to develop the project, they can add DCD head by MCUXpresso. To show the work flow, we take evkmimxrt1020_iled_blinky as the example. Step 1: Add the following to Compiler options: XIP_BOOT_HEADER_DCD_ENABLE=1 SKIP_SYSCLK_INIT Step 2: Modify the Memory Configuration Step 3: Select link application to RAM Step 4. Compile the project. MCUXpresso will generate linker script automatically. Step 5. Since the code should be linked to RAM, MCUXpresso will not prefix IVT and DCD. We can add these link information to linker script manually. Add below code to .ld file’s head.     .boot_hdr : ALIGN(4)     {         FILL(0xff)         __boot_hdr_start__ = ABSOLUTE(.) ;         KEEP(*(.boot_hdr.conf))         . = 0x1000 ;         KEEP(*(.boot_hdr.ivt))         . = 0x1020 ;         KEEP(*(.boot_hdr.boot_data))         . = 0x1030 ;         KEEP(*(.boot_hdr.dcd_data))         __boot_hdr_end__ = ABSOLUTE(.) ;         . = 0x2000 ;     } >BOARD_SDRAM   Then deselect “Manage linker script” in last screenshot. Step 6. Recompile the project, IVT/DCD/BOOT_DATA will be add to your project. Then right click the project axf file->Binary Utilities->Create S-record.   After all these step, you can open MCUBootUtility and download the .s19 file to NOR flash.   Add DCD by MCUBootUtility We can also keep the linker script managed by IDE. MCUBootUtility can add head too. Sometimes it is more flexible than other manners. Step 1. This time BOARD_SDRAM location should be changed to 0x80002000 while the size should be 0x1cff000. This is because the start 8k space in bootable image is saved for IVT and DCD. Step 2. compile the project and generate the .s19 file. Step 3. Open MCUBootUtility. In MCUBootUtility, we should first set the Device Configuration Data. Here I use MIMXRT1060_EVK. So I select the DCD bin file in NXP-MCUBootUtility-2.2.0\src\targets\MIMXRT1062. After that, select the application image file and click All-in-one Action button. MCUBootUtility can do all the work without any manual operation.   Boot from SD card to SDRAM In some application, customer don’t want XIP. They want to use SD card to keep application image and run the code in RAM. But if the code size is bigger than OCRAM size, they have to copy image into SDRAM when startup. With MCUBootUtility’s help, this work is very easy too.  User just need to change the memory map which is located to 0x80001000.   In MCUBootUtility, select the Boot Device to “uSDHC SD” and insert SD card. Then connect the target board. If RT1060 can read the SD card, it will display the SD card information. Then same as last section, set the DCD file and application image file. Click the All-in-One Action button, MCUBootUtility will generate the bootable image and write it to SD card.   SD card has huge capacity. It's too wasteful to only store boot image. People may ask that can they also create a FAT32 system and store more data file in it? Yes, but you need tool's help. When booting from SD card, ROM code read IVT and DCD from SD card address 0x400. To FAT32, the first 512 bytes in SD is for MBR(MAIN BOOT RECORD). Data in address 0x1c6 in MBR reords the partition start address. If the space from MBR to partition start address is big enough to store boot image, then FAT32 system and boot image can live in peace. .   Conclusions:      To help Boot ROM initialize SDRAM, DCD must be placed at right place and indexed by IVT correctly. When our code seems not work, we should first check IVT and DCD.          The IVT offset from the base address for each boot device type is defined in the table below. The location of the IVT is the only fixed requirement by the ROM. The remainder or the image memory map is flexible and is determined by the contents of the IVT.
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Source code: https://github.com/JayHeng/NXP-MCUBootUtility 【v1.3.0】 Features: > 1. Can generate .sb file by actions in efuse operation utility window >    支持生成仅含自定义efuse烧写操作(在efuse operation windows里指定)的.sb格式文件 Improvements: > 1. HAB signed mode should not appliable for FlexSPI/SEMC NOR device Non-XIP boot with RT1020/1015 ROM >    HAB签名模式在i.MXRT1020/1015下应不支持从FlexSPI NOR/SEMC NOR启动设备中Non-XIP启动 > 2. HAB encrypted mode should not appliable for FlexSPI/SEMC NOR device boot with RT1020/1015 ROM >    HAB加密模式在i.MXRT1020/1015下应不支持从FlexSPI NOR/SEMC NOR启动设备中启动 > 3. Multiple .sb files(all, flash, efuse) should be generated if there is efuse operation in all-in-one action >    当All-In-One操作中包含efuse烧写操作时,会生成3个.sb文件(全部操作、仅flash操作、仅efuse操作) > 4. Can generate .sb file without board connection when boot device type is NOR >    当启动设备是NOR型Flash时,可以不用连接板子直接生成.sb文件 > 5. Automatic image readback can be disabled to save operation time >    一键操作下的自动程序回读可以被禁掉,用以节省操作时间 > 6. The text of language option in menu bar should be static and easy understanding >    菜单栏里的语言选项标签应该是静态且易于理解的(中英双语同时显示) Bugfixes: > 1. Cannot generate bootable image when original image (hex/bin) size is larger than 64KB >    当输入的源image文件格式为hex或者bin且其大小超过64KB时,生成可启动程序会失败 > 2. Cannot download large image file (eg 6.8MB) in some case >    当输入的源image文件非常大时(比如6.8MB),下载可能会超时失败 > 3. There is language switch issue with some dynamic labels >    当切换显示语言时,有一些控件标签(如Connect按钮)不能实时更新 > 4. Some led demos of RT1050 EVKB board are invalid >    /apps目录下RT1050 EVKB板子的一些LED demo是无效的 【v1.4.0】 Features: > 1. Support for loading bootable image into uSDHC SD/eMMC boot device >    支持下载Bootable image进主动启动设备 - uSDHC接口SD/eMMC卡 > 2. Provide friendly way to view and set mixed eFuse fields >    支持更直观友好的方式去查看/设置某些混合功能的eFuse区域 Improvements: > 1. Set default FlexSPI NOR device to align with NXP EVK boards >    默认FlexSPI NOR device应与恩智浦官方EVK板卡相匹配 > 2. Enable real-time gauge for Flash Programmer actions >    为通用Flash编程器里的操作添加实时进度条显示
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The iMX RT1050 ROM will allow you to copy an application image from a serial NOR flash memory on the FlexSPI controller to SDRAM at boot time. If you want to run your application from SDRAM, then when debugging and developing your application you should use an initialization script for the debugger to setup the SDRAM so the application can be downloaded directly to the SDRAM for debugging. When you are ready to have your application boot without the debugger, then you'll need to use the RT flashloader tools to program the application to the flash and configure it to copy to the SDRAM. The attached document contains instructions on how to program a boot image to serial NOR flash (in this case the hyperflash that is on the EVK) that will be copied to the SDRAM at boot time.
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INTRODUCTION REQUIREMENTS INTEGRATION     1. INTRODUCTION   This document provides an step-by-step guide to migrate the webcam application explained on AN12103 "Developing a simple UVC device based on i.MX RT1050" to EVKB-MIMXRT1050. The goal is getting the application working on rev. B silicon, using the current SDK components (v2.4.2) and with MCUXpresso IDE (v10.2.1), because the original implementation from the application note is using rev. A silicon and is developed on IAR IDE.   2. REQUIREMENTS   A) Download and install MCUXpresso IDE v10.2.1. B) Build an MCUXpresso SDK v2.4.2 for EVKB-MIMXRT1050 from the "SDK Builder web page", ensuring that CSI and USB components are included, and MCUXpresso IDE is selected, and install it. For A) and B) steps, you could refer to the following Community document: https://community.nxp.com/docs/DOC-341985  C) Download the source code related to AN12103. D) Having the EVKB-MIMXRT1050 board, with MT9M1114 camera module. 3. INTEGRATION   a) Open MCUXpresso IDE, and click on "Import SDK example" shortcut, select the "evkbimxrt1050" board and click on "Next" button. b) Select the "driver_examples->csi->csi_rgb565" and "usb_examples->dev_video_virtual_camera_bm" examples, and click on "Finish" button. c) Copy the "fsl_csi.h", "fsl_csi.c", "fsl_lpi2c.h" and "fsl_lpi2c.c" files from the "drivers" folder of CSI project, to the "drivers" folder of the Virtual_Camera project. d) Copy the "pin_mux.h" and "pin_mux.c" files from the "board" folder of CSI project, to the "board->src" folder of the Virtual_Camera project, replacing the already included files. e) Copy the "camera" folder from AN12103 software package from the path below, to the Virtual_Camera project: <AN12103SW\boards\evkmimxrt1050\user_apps\uvc_demo\src\camera> Also copy the "main.c" file from AN12103 software package to the "sources" folder of the Virtual_Camera project. Ensure selecting the option "Copy files and folders" when copying folders/files. f) Right click on the recently added "camera" folder, and select "Properties". Then, on the "C/C++ Build" menu, remove the checkbox "Exclude resource from build" option, and then click on "Apply and Close" button. g) Right click on the Virtual_Camera project, and select "Properties". Then, select the "C/C++ Build -> Settings -> MCU C Compiler -> Preprocessor" menu, and click on the "+" button to add the following value: "SDK_I2C_BASED_COMPONENT_USED=1", and click on "OK" button. h) Now, move to the "Includes" menu of the same window, and click on the "+" button to add the following value: "../camera". Repeat the same procedure on "MCU Assembler -> General" menu, and then, click on "Apply and Close" button. i) Refer to "usb" folder from AN12103 software package from the path below, and copy "video_camera.h", "video_camera.c", "usb_device_descriptor.h" and "usb_device_descriptor.c" files to the "sources" folder of Virtual_Camera project, ensuring selecting the option "Copy files and folders" and overwriting the already included files: <AN12103SW\boards\evkmimxrt1050\user_apps\uvc_demo\src\usb> j) Select "video_data.h", "video_data.c", "virtual_camera.h" and "virtual_camera.c" files and "doc" folder, then right click and select "Delete". Click on "OK" button of the confirmation window to remove these resources from the Virtual_Camera project. k) Refer to "fsl_mt9m114.c" file from "camera" folder of Virtual_Camera project, and delete the "static" definition from functions "MT9M114_Init", "MT9M114_Deinit", "MT9M114_Start", "MT9M114_Stop", "MT9M114_Control" and "MT9M114_InitExt". l) Refer to "main.c" file from "sources" folder of Virtual_Camera project, and comment out the call to the function "BOARD_InitLPI2C1Pins". Also, refer to "board.c" file from "board->src" folder of Virtual_Camera project, and comment out the call to the function "SCB_EnableDCache". m) Refer to "camera_device.c" file from "camera" folder of Virtual_Camera project, and comment out the line "AT_NONCACHEABLE_SECTION_ALIGN(static uint16_t s_cameraFrameBuffer[CAMERA_FRAME_BUFFER_COUNT][CAMERA_VERTICAL_POINTS * CAMERA_HORIZONTAL_POINTS + 32u], FRAME_BUFFER_ALIGN);" and add the following line: static uint16_t __attribute__((section (".noinit.$BOARD_SDRAM"))) s_cameraFrameBuffer[CAMERA_FRAME_BUFFER_COUNT][CAMERA_VERTICAL_POINTS * CAMERA_HORIZONTAL_POINTS + 32u] __attribute__ ((aligned (FRAME_BUFFER_ALIGN))); n) Compile and download the application into the EVKB-MIMXRT1050 board. The memory usage is shown below: o) When running the application, if you also have the serial terminal connected, you should see the print message. Additionally, if connected to Windows OS, you could find it as "CSI Camera Device" under the "Imaging devices" category. p) Optionally, you could rename the Virtual_Camera project to any other desired name, with rigth click on Project, and selecting "Rename" option, and finally, click on "OK" button. It is also attached the migrated MCUXpresso IDE project including all the steps mentioned on the present document. Hope this will be useful for you. Best regards! Some additional references: https://community.nxp.com/thread/321587  Defining Variables at Absolute Addresses with gcc | MCU on Eclipse   
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RT1050 Boundary Scan test based on lauterbach 1. Abstract Boundary Scan is a method of testing interconnections on circuit boards or internal sub-blocks of circuits. You can also debug and observe the pin status of the integrated circuit, measure the voltage or analyze the sub-modules inside the integrated circuit, and test based on the JTAG interface. NXP officials have provided two good application notes: AN13507 (LPC) and AN12919 (RT). Based on the reference application note test method, this article provides the boundary scan test results for NXP MIMXRT1050-EVK revA1. It can use Lauterbach to connect the chip and perform boundary scan to control the external pins. A script file is also provided. It can realize one-click connection to boundary scan and achieve level control of external pins. 2. RT1050 test details 2.1 Hardware platform Lauterbach:LA3050 MIMXRT1050-EVK rev A1 hardware modification point are as follows: (1)Modify fuse bit 0X460[19], which is DAP_SJC_SWD_SEL, from 0-SWD to 1-JTAG. To modify Fuse, you can enter serial download mode and use MCUbootUtility to connect and modify it. Fig 1 (2)DNP R38 ,R323,R309,R152,R303   (3)  JTAG_MODE connect to 3.3V= on board TP11 connect to J24_8 (4)R35 connect 100K resistor (5)ONOFF pin pull up external 100K resistor to 3.3V,board modification point is SW2 pin3 or pin4 connect 100K resistor and pull up to J24_8.    (6) disconnect J32,J33 which will disconnect the on board debugger, because this test need to use the external Lauterbach.    (7) Use the external Lauterbach connect to JTAG interface J21, the connection picture is:     Fig 2 2.2 Software operation Download Lauderbach's supporting software and install it. After installation, open the TRACE32 ICD Arm USB. If the Lauderbach device is connected, the interface will open successfully. Fig 3 At this time, you can enter the relevant commands in the yellow box in the picture above. Here you need to prepare the .bsdl file of the chip, which is usually placed on the chip introduction page of nxp.com. For example, the link to the bsdl file of RT1050 is https://www.nxp.com/downloads/en/bsdl/RT1050.bsdl You can copy the RT1050.bsdl file to the Lauderbach installation path: C:\T32 Next, enter the following command in the window to open the boundary scan window SYStem.Mode Down BSDL.RESet BSDL.ParkState Select-DR-Scan BSDL.state Here, it will open the window: Fig 4 Click FILE item, input the downloaded RT1050.bsdl , then in the window input the commander: BSDL.SOFTRESET     Fig 5 Click check->BYPASSall,IDCODEall,SAMPLEall, make sure the 3 methods can be passed. It is found here that the following problems are encountered when clicking IDCODEall:   Fig 6 It prompts that the IDCODE read is 188c301d, but the expected IDCODE is 088c301d. So what is the correct IDCODE? You can view RT1050RM:   Fig 7 It can be seen that the currently read 188c301d is in line with RM and is correct. Therefore, the version of bsdl downloaded from the official website needs to be modified. Open the RT1050.bsdl file:   Fig 8 Modify line 408 version from 0000 to 0001,Fig 8 is the modified result. Save, run the above commands again, we can see the current BYPASSall,IDCODEall,SAMPLEall connection result is:   Fig 9 Fig 10 Fig 11 To test the output control situation you need to do: BSDLSET 1.: instructions->EXTEXT, DR mode->Set Write, Filter data-> uncheck intern BSDL.state->Run: check SetAndRun, TwoStepDR,  Click RUN button. BSDLSET 1. Window, you can control the pin output status, eg, control GPIO_AD_B1_06 which is J22_2, control the output level: 1 high, 0 low.   Fig 12 2.3 Automation control command script As can be seen from Section 2.2, single-step operation requires manual typing of commands. In actual testing, the efficiency is very low, so scripting language can be used to directly implement automated command control. Below, we take RT1050 as an example to control the level of the onboard GPIO_AD_B1_06 and J22_2 pins, and use a multimeter to test the high and low levels. In this way, when the TRACE32 software is opened, you only need to open the script directly, enter the debug mode, run it to the end with one click, and view the board Just turn on the light and control the status. Script language, suffix .cmm, step: File->New Script, enter the following script command: ;system setup SYStem.Mode Down SYStem.CPU CortexM7 SYSTEM.CONFIG.DEBUGPORTTYPE JTAG SYStem.JtagClock 1MHz ;BSDL Settings BSDL.RESet BSDL.ParkState Select-DR-Scan BSDL.state ;configure boundary scan chain BSDL.FILE RT1050.bsdl ;Check boundary scan chain BSDL.SOFTRESET BSDL.BYPASSall BSDL.IDCODEall BSDL.SAMPLEall ;Perform Sample test BSDL.RUN BSDL.SetAndRun ON BSDL.TwoStepDR ON BSDL.SET 1. BSDL.SET 1. IR EXTEST BSDL.RUN BSDL.SET 1. PORT GPIO_AD_B1_06 0 BSDL.SET 1. PORT GPIO_AD_B1_06 1 BSDL.SET 1. PORT GPIO_AD_B1_06 0 WAIT 6.s BSDL.SET 1. PORT GPIO_AD_B1_06 1 WAIT 6.s BSDL.SET 1. PORT GPIO_AD_B1_06 0 WAIT 2.s BSDL.SET 1. PORT GPIO_AD_B1_06 1 WAIT 2.s BSDL.SET 1. PORT GPIO_AD_B1_06 0 WAIT 2.s BSDL.SET 1. PORT GPIO_AD_B1_06 1 WAIT 2.s BSDL.SET 1. PORT GPIO_AD_B1_06 0 WAIT 2.s BSDL.SET 1. PORT GPIO_AD_B1_06 1 WAIT 2.s BSDL.SET 1. PORT GPIO_AD_B1_06 0 WAIT 2.s BSDL.SET 1. PORT GPIO_AD_B1_06 1 WAIT 2.s Function: Pull the GPIO_AD_B1_06 pin high and low 6 times, with no delay, delay 5s, delay 2s. After the script is written, save it and debug it.   Fig 13 This is the video for the testing: It can be seen that automatic control of the onboard GPIO_AD_B1_06 and J22_2 pins can be achieved, and there is no disconnection issue when the test delay is greater than 5S, indicating that the BSDL automatic test has been completed so far. If you encounter problems, be sure to pay attention to whether the hardware modification points of the board have been completely modified.   At last, thanks so much for my colleague @leilei_du  and @albert_li 's endless help!    
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This document describes the different source clocks and the main modules that manage which clock source is used to derive the system clocks that exists on the i.MX RT’s devices. It’s important to know the different clock sources available on our devices, modifying the default clock configuration may have different purposes since increasing the processor performance, achieving specific baud rates for serial communications, power saving, or simply getting a known base reference for a clock timer. The hardware used for this document is the following: i.MX RT: EVK-MIMXRT1060 Keep in mind that the described hardware and management clock modules in this document are a general overview of the different platforms and the devices listed above are used as a reference example, some terms and hardware modules functionality may vary between devices of the same platform. For more detailed information about the device hardware modules, please refer to your specific device Reference Manual. RT platforms The Clock Controller Module(CCM) facilitates the clock generation in the RT platforms, many clocking variations are possible and the maximum clock frequency for the i.MX RT1060 device is @600MHz.The following image shows a block diagram of the CCM, the three marked sub-modules are important to understand all the clock path from the clock generation(oscillators or crystals) to the clock management for all the peripherals of the board.    Figure 1. Clock Controller Module(CCM) Block Diagram        CCM Analog Submodule This submodule contains all the oscillators and several PLL’s that provide a clock source to the principal CMM module. For example, the i.MX RT1060 device supports 2 internal oscillators that combined with suitable external quartz crystal and external load capacitors provide an accurate clock source, another 2 internal oscillators are available for low power modes and as a backup when the system detects a loss of clock. These oscillators provide a fixed frequency for the several PLL’s inside this module. Internal Clock Sources with external components  Crystal Oscillator @24MHz Many of the serial IO modules depend on the fixed frequency of 24 MHz. The reference clock that generates this crystal oscillator provides an accurate clock source for all the PLL inputs.  Crystal Oscillator @32KHz Generally, RTC oscillators are either implemented with 32 kHz or 32.768 kHz crystals. This Oscillator should always be active when the chip is powered on. Internal Clock sources RC Oscillator @24MHz A lower-power RC oscillator module is available on-chip as a possible alternative to the 24 MHz crystal oscillator after a successful power-up sequence. The 24 MHz RC oscillator is a self-tuning circuit that will output the programmed frequency value by using the RTC clock as its reference. While the power consumption of this RC oscillator is much lower than the 24MHz crystal oscillator, one limitation of this RC oscillator module is that its clock frequency is not as accurate. Oscillator @32KHz The internal oscillator is automatically multiplexed in the clocking system when the system detects a loss of clock. The internal oscillator will provide clocks to the same on-chip modules as the external 32kHz oscillator. Also is used to be useful for quicker startup times and tampering prevention. Note. An external 32KHz clock source must be used since the internal oscillator is not precise enough for long term timekeeping. PLLs There are 7 PLLs in the i.MXRT1060 platform, some with specific functions, for example, create a reference clock for the ARM Core, USB peripherals, etc. Below these PLLs are listed. PLL1 - ARM PLL (functional frequency @600 MHz) PLL2 - System PLL (functional frequency @528 MHz)* PLL3 - USB1 PLL (functional frequency @480 MHz)* PLL4 - Audio PLL PLL5 - Video PLL PLL6 - ENET PLL PLL7 - USB2 PLL (functional frequency @480 MHz) * Two of these PLLs are each equipped with four Phase Fractional Dividers (PFDs) in order to generate additional frequencies for many clock roots.  Each PLLs configuration and control functions like Bypass, Output Enable/Disable, and Power Down modes are accessible individually through its PFDs and global configuration and status registers found at the CCM internal memory registers.        Clock Control Module(CCM) The Clock Control Module (CCM) generates and controls clocks to the various modules in the design and manages low power modes. This module uses the available clock sources(PLL reference clocks and PFDs) to generate the clock roots. There are two important sub-blocks inside the CCM listed below. Clock Switcher This sub-block provides the registers that control which PLLs and PFDs outputs are selected as the reference clock for the Clock Root Generator.  Clock Root Generator This sub-block provides the registers that control most of the secondary clock source programming, including both the primary clock source selection and the clock dividers. The clock roots are each individual clocks to the core, system buses, and all other SoC peripherals, among those, are serial clocks, baud clocks, and special function blocks. All of these clock references are delivered to the Low Power Clock Gating unit(LPCG).        Low Power Clock Gating unit(LPCG) The LPCG block receives the root clocks from CCM and splits them to clock branches for each peripheral. The clock branches are individually gated clocks. The following image shows a detailed block diagram of the CMM with the previously described submodules and how they link together. Figure 2. Clock Management System Example: Configure The ARM Core Clock (PLL1) to a different frequency. The Clock tools available in MCUXpresso IDE, allows you to understand and configure the clock source for the peripherals in the platform. The following diagram shows the default PLL1 mode configured @600MHz, the yellow path shows all the internal modules involved in the clock configuration.  Figure 3. Default PLL configuration after reset. From the previous image notice that PLL1 is attached from the 24MHz oscillator, then the PLL1 is configured with a pre-scaler of 50 to achieve a frequency @1.2GHz, finally, a frequency divider by 2 let a final frequency @600MHz. 1.1 Modify the PLL1 frequency For example, you can use the Clock tools to configure the PLL pre-scaler to 30, select the PLL1 block and then edit the pre-scaler value, therefore, the final clock frequency is @360MHz, these modifications are shown in the following figure.  Figure 4. PLL1 @720MHz, final frequency @360MHz    1.2 Export clock configuration to the project After you complete the clock configuration, the Clock Tool will update the source code in clock_config.c and clock_config.h, including all the clock functional groups that we created with the tool. This will include the clock source for specific peripherals. In the previous example, we configured the PLL1 (ARM PLL) to a functional frequency @360MHz; this is translated to the following structure in source code: “armPllConfig_BOARD_BootClockRUN” and it’s used by “CLOCK_InitArmPll();” inside the “BOARD_BootClockPLL150MRUN();” function.     Figure 5. PLL1 configuration struct  Figure 6. PLL configuration function Example: The next steps describe how to select a clock source for a specific peripheral. 1.1 Configure clock for specific peripheral For example, using the GPT(General Purpose Timer) the available clock sources are the following: Clock Source Off Peripheral Clock High-Frequency Reference Clock Clock Source from an external pin Low-Frequency Reference Clock Crystal Oscillator Figure 7. General Purpose Timer Clocks Diagram Using the available SDK example project “evkmimxrt1060_gpt_timer” a configuration struct for the peripheral “gptConfig” is called from the main initialization function inside the gpt_timer.c source file, the default configuration function with the configuration struct as a parameter, is shown in the following figure. Figure 8. Function that returns a GPT default configuration parameters The function loads several parameters to the configuration struct(gptConfig), one of the fields is the Clock Source configuration, modifying this field will let us select an appropriate clock source for our application, the following figure shows the default configuration parameters inside the “GPT_GetDefaultConfig();” function.  Figure 9. Configuration struct In the default GPT configuration struct, the Peripheral Clock(kGPT_CLockSource_Periph) is selected, the SDK comes with several macros located at “fsl_gpt.h” header file, that helps to select an appropriate clock source. The next figure shows an enumerated type of data that contains the possible clock sources for the GPT.  Figure 10. Available clock sources of the GPT. For example, to select the Low-Frequency Reference Clock the source code looks like the following figure.  Figure 11. Low-Frequency Reference Clock attached to GPT Notice that all the peripherals come with a specific configuration struct and from that struct fields the default clocking parameters can be modified to fit with our timing requirements. 1.2 Modify the Peripheral Clock frequency from Clock Tools One of the GPT clock sources is the “Peripheral Clock Source” this clock line can be modified from the Clock Tools, the following figure shows the default frequency configuration from Clock Tools view. Figure 12. GPT Clock Root inside CMM In the previous figure, the GPT clock line is @75MHz, notice that this is sourced from the primary peripheral clock line that is @600MHz attached to the ARM core clocks. For example, modify the PERCLK_PODF divider selecting it and changing the divider value to 4, the resulting frequency is @37.5Mhz, the following figure illustrates these changes.  Figure 13. GPT & PIT clock line @37.5MHz 1.3 Export clock configuration to the project After you complete the clock configuration, the Clock Tool will update the source code in clock_config.c and clock_config.h, including all the clock functional groups that we created with the tool. This will include the clock source for specific peripherals. In the previous example, we configured the GPT clock root divider by a dividing factor of 4 to achieve a 37.5MHz frequency; this is translated to the following instruction in source code: “CLOCK_SetDiv(kCLOCK_PerclkDiv,3);” inside the “BOARD_BootClockRUN();” function.                Figure 14. Frequency divider function References i.MX RT1060 Processor Reference Manual Also visit LPC's System Clocks  Kinetis System Clocks
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RT1050 SDRAM app code boot from SDcard burn with 3 tools Abstract       This document is about the RT series app running on the external SDRAM, but boot from SD card. The content contains SDRAM app code generate with the RT1050 SDK MCUXpresso IDE project, burn the code to the external SD card with flashloader MFG tool, and MCUXPresso Secure Provisioning. The MCUBootUtility method can be found from this post: https://community.nxp.com/docs/DOC-346194       Software and Hardware platform: SDK 2.7.0_EVKB-IMXRT1050 MCUXpresso IDE MXRT1050_GA MCUBootUtility MCUXPresso Secure Provisioning MIMXRT1050-EVKB 2 RT1050 SDRAM app image generation     Porting SDK_2.7.0_EVKB-IMXRT1050 iled_blinky project to the MCUXPresso IDE, to generate the code which is located in SDRAM, the configuration is modified like the following items:       2.1 Copy code to RAM 2.2  Modify memory location to SDRAM address 0X80002000 The code which boots from SD card and running in the SDRAM is the non-xip code, so the IVT offset is 0X400, in our test, we put the image from the SDRAM memory address 0x800002000, the configuration is: 2.3 Modify the symbol 2.4 Generate the .s19 file      After build has no problems, then generate the app.s19 file:   Rename the app.19 image file to evkbimxrt1050_iled_blinky_sdram_0x2000.s19, and copy it to the flashloader folder: Flashloader_i.MXRT1050_GA\Flashloader_RT1050_1.1\Tools\elftosb\win   3, Flashloader configuration and download    This chapter will use flashloader to configure the image which can download the SDRAM app code to the external SD card with MFGTool.       We need to prepare the following files: SDRAM interface configuration file CFG_DCD.bin imx-sdram-unsigned-dcd.bd program_sdcard_image.bd 3.1 SDRAM DCD file preparation      MIMXRT1050-EVKB on board SDRAM is IS42S16160J, we can use the attached dcd_model\ISSI_IS42S16160J\dcd.cfg and dcdgen.exe tool to generate the CFG_DCD.bin, the commander is: dcdgen -inputfile=dcd.cfg -bout -cout   Copy CFG_DCD.bin file to the flashloader path: Flashloader_i.MXRT1050_GA\Flashloader_RT1050_1.1\Tools\elftosb\win 3.2 imx-sdram-unsigned-dcd.bd file Prepare the imx-sdram-unsigned-dcd.bd file content as: options {     flags = 0x00;     startAddress = 0x80000000;     ivtOffset = 0x400;     initialLoadSize = 0x2000;     DCDFilePath = "CFG_DCD.bin";     # Note: This is required if the default entrypoint is not the Reset_Handler     #       Please set the entryPointAddress to Reset_Handler address     entryPointAddress = 0x800022f1; }   sources {     elfFile = extern(0); }   section (0) { }  The above entrypointAddress data is from the .s19 reset handler(0X80002000+4 address data): Copy imx-sdram-unsigned-dcd.bd file to flashloader path: Flashloader_i.MXRT1050_GA\Flashloader_RT1050_1.1\Tools\elftosb\win Open cmd, run the following command: elftosb.exe -f imx -V -c imx-sdram-unsigned-dcd.bd -o ivt_evkbimxrt1050_iled_blinky_sdram_0x2000.bin evkbimxrt1050_iled_blinky_sdram_0x2000.s19 After running the command, two app IVT files will be generated: 3.3 program_sdcard_image.bd file Prepare the program_sdcard_image.bd file content as: # The source block assign file name to identifiers sources {  myBootImageFile = extern (0); }   # The section block specifies the sequence of boot commands to be written to the SB file section (0) {       #1. Prepare SDCard option block     load 0xd0000000 > 0x100;     load 0x00000000 > 0x104;       #2. Configure SDCard     enable sdcard 0x100;       #3. Erase blocks as needed.     erase sdcard 0x400..0x14000;       #4. Program SDCard Image     load sdcard myBootImageFile > 0x400;         #5. Program Efuse for optimal read performance (optional)     # Note: It is just a template, please program the actual Fuse required in the application     # and remove the # to enable the command     #load fuse 0x00000000 > 0x07;   } Copy program_sdcard_image.bd to the flashloader path: Flashloader_i.MXRT1050_GA\Flashloader_RT1050_1.1\Tools\elftosb\win Open cmd, run the following command: elftosb.exe -f kinetis -V -c program_sdcard_image.bd -o boot_image.sb ivt_evkbimxrt1050_iled_blinky_sdram_0x2000_nopadding.bin Copy the generated boot_image.sb file to the following flashloader path: \Flashloader_i.MXRT1050_GA\Flashloader_RT1050_1.1\Tools\mfgtools-rel\Profiles\MXRT105X\OS Firmware 3.4 MFGTool burn code to SD card    Prepare one SD card, insert it to J20, let the board enter the serial download mode, SW7:1-ON 2-OFF 3-OFF 4-ON. Find two USB cable, one is connected to J28, another is connected to J9, we use the HID to download the image.    Open MFGTool.exe, and click the start button:          Modify the boot mode to internal boot, and boot from the external SD card, SW7:1-ON 2-OFF 3-ON 4-OFF.      Power off and power on the board again, you will find the onboard LED D18 is blinking, it means the external SDRAM APP code is boot from external SD card successfully. 4, MCUBootUtility configuration and code download    Please check this community document: https://community.nxp.com/docs/DOC-346194     Here just give one image readout memory map, it will be useful to understand the image location information:     After download, we can readout the SD card image, from 0X400 is the IVT, BD, DCD data, from 0X1000 is the image which is the same as the app.s19 file.     5, MCUXpresso Secure Provisioning configuration and download   This software is released in the NXP official website, it is also the GUI version, which can realize the normal code and the secure code downloading, it will be more easy to use than the flashloader tool, customer don’t need to input the command, the tool help the customer to do it, the function is similar to the MCUBootUtility, MCUBootUtility tool is the opensource tool which is shared in the github, but is not released in the NXP official website.   Now, we use the new official realized tool to download the SDRAM app code to the external SD card, the board still need to enter the serial download mode, just like the flashloader and the MCUBootUtility too, the detail operation is:  We can find this tool is also very easy to use, customer still need to provide the app.19 and the dcd.bin, then give the related boot device configuration is OK.    After the code is downloaded successfully, modify the boot mode to internal boot, and boot from the external SD card, SW7:1-ON 2-OFF 3-ON 4-OFF.     Power off and power on the board again, you will find the onboard LED D18 is blinking, it means the external SDRAM APP code is boot from external SD card successfully.   Until now, all the three methods to download the SDRAM app code to the SD card is working, flashloader is the command based tool, MCUBootUtility and MCUXPresso Secure Provisioning is the GUI tool, which is more easy to use.        
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RT1050 FlexIO OV7670 with TFT LCDdisplay 1 Abstract Regarding the RT10XX flexIO collecting OV7670 camera data and displaying it on TFT LCD, in fact, the NXP official website has a very good application note AN12686, but the test is based on RT1010 and not EVK. It may be difficult for actual customers to test directly. When the author was supporting customers, I encountered customers who wanted to implement flexIO on RT1050 EVK to collect parallel port OV7670 data and display it on TFT LCD, which is the LCD with SPI interface, so this article gives the specific test results of the finished product, RT1050 flexIO and There are some differences between RT1010 flexIO. RT1010 flexIO has 8 shifters, but RT1050 only has 4 shifters, so some code modifications need to be made and transplanted to RT1050. Since it is going to run on MIMXRT1050-EVKB, you also need to consider the flexIO pins that can be used, modify the EVKB, and manually weld the relevant pins to configure the corresponding camera signals and LCD display signals. This article mainly comes from problems encountered by customers during testing, so it provides specific hardware connections, software code sharing, test finished product results, etc. 2. Software and hardware prepare Since AN12686 has given the principle in great detail, this article aims to give the differences and the specific conditions of working on RT1050-EVKB. 2.1 Hardware configuration The platform is based on MIMXRT1050-EVKB revA1, OV7670 module, 2.4-inch TFT LCD LCD SPI serial touch TFT color screen ILI9321, with a resolution of 240*320.     For the OV7670 module status and pin status, please check the article:    RT1050 CSI OV7670 camera eLCD display The camera module pins are as follows: Fig 1    TFT LCD picture: Fig 2 Pin No Signal Description 1 GND Power ground 2 VCC Power 3.3V 3 CLK SPI clock 4 MOSI SPI data 5 RES LCD reset 6 DC LCD data/commander select pin 7 BLK Backlight control switch, backlight is turned on by default, low level turns off the backlight 8 MISO Touch data reading 9 CS1 Display selection pin 10 CS2 Touch selection pin 11 PEN Touch interrupt signal For LCD, this article only uses the display part and does not use the rough mold part. Considering the pin layout of MIMXRT1050-EVKB, the application note flexIO1 is not used here, but FlexIO2 is selected. The actual RT1050-EVKB and OV7670 module and LCD connection pins are given below. The connection between the LCD signal pin and the MCU MIMXRT1050-EVKB RevA1 signal pin is as follows: LCD signal and pin MIMXRT1050-EVKB revA1 signal and pin GND P1 GND J24_7 3.3V VCC P2 3.3V J24_8 CLK P3 GPIO_AD_B1_15(SPI3_CLK) R98 MOSI P4 GPIO_AD_B1_14(SPI3_MOSI) R99 RES P5 GPIO_AD_B0_02(GPIO1_IO02) J24_2 DC P6 GPIO_AD_B1_10(GPIO01_IO26) J23_1 CS1 P9 GPIO_AD_B1_12(GPIO01_IO28) R100   OV7670 signal pin and MCU MIMXRT1050-EVKB RevA1 signal pin connection situation: 0V7670 signal and pin MIMXRT1050-EVKB revA1 signal and pin OV7670_D0 P3 GPIO_B0_05(FLEXIO2_D05) SW5_1 OV7670_D1 P4 GPIO_B0_06(FLEXIO2_D06) SW5.2 OV7670_D2 P5 GPIO_B0_07(FLEXIO2_D07) SW5_3 OV7670_D3 P6 GPIO_B0_08(FLEXIO2_D08) SW5_4 OV7670_D4 P7 GPIO_B0_09(FLEXIO2_D09) SW6_1 OV7670_D5 P8 GPIO_B0_10(FLEXIO2_D10) SW7_1 OV7670_D6 P9 GPIO_B0_11(FLEXIO2_D11) SW6_2 OV7670_D7 P10 GPIO_B0_12(FLEXIO2_D12) SW6_3 XCLK P11 GPIO_B0_13(FLEXIO2_D13) SW7_2 PCLK P12 GPIO_B0_14(FLEXIO2_D14) SW6_4 HREF(HS) P13 GPIO_B0_15(FLEXIO2_D15) R258/R324 VSYNC P14 GPIO_AD_B0_03(GPIO01_03) J24_1 I2C_SDA P15 GPIO_AD_B1_01(I2C1_SDA) J23_5 I2C_SCL P16 GPIO_AD_B1_00(I2C1_SCLK) J23_6 PWDN P1 GPIO_AD_B1_02(GPIO1_IO18) J22_7 RESET P2 GPIO_AD_B1_03(GPIO1_IO19) J22_8 3.3V P18 3.3V J22_7 GND P17 GND J22_8 In order to reduce the impact of the signal, MIMXRT1050-EVKB removes R323, R316, R309, and D6 on the board. The physical connection situation is as follows: Fig 3 2.2 Software configuration Since the flexIO of RT1050 is different from the 8 shifters of RT1010, the DMA configuration needs to be modified. The difference code of flexio_ov7670 is as follows:   static FLEXIO_CAMERA_Type s_FlexioCameraDevice = { .flexioBase = BOARD_CAMERA_FLEXIO_INST, .datPinStartIdx = BOARD_CAMERA_FLEXIO_DATA_PIN_START_INDEX, .pclkPinIdx = BOARD_CAMERA_FLEXIO_PCLK_PIN_INDEX, .hrefPinIdx = BOARD_CAMERA_FLEXIO_HREF_PIN_INDEX, .shifterStartIdx = 0U, .shifterCount = 4, .timerIdx = 0U, }; static void configDMA(void) { uint32_t soff, smod = 0u, size=0u; while(1u << size < DMA_TRSF_SIZE) /* size = log2(DMA_TRSF_SIZE) */ { size++; } if(DMA_TRSF_SIZE == DMA_MINOR_LOOP_SIZE) { soff = 0u; } else { soff = DMA_TRSF_SIZE; while(1u << smod < DMA_MINOR_LOOP_SIZE) /* smod = log2(DMA_MINOR_LOOP_SIZE) */ { smod++; } } /* Configure DMA TCD */ DMA0->TCD[FLEXIO_CAMERA_DMA_CHN].SADDR = FLEXIO_CAMERA_GetRxBufferAddress(&s_FlexioCameraDevice); DMA0->TCD[FLEXIO_CAMERA_DMA_CHN].SOFF = soff; DMA0->TCD[FLEXIO_CAMERA_DMA_CHN].ATTR = DMA_ATTR_SMOD(smod) | DMA_ATTR_SSIZE(size) | DMA_ATTR_DMOD(0u) | DMA_ATTR_DSIZE(size); DMA0->TCD[FLEXIO_CAMERA_DMA_CHN].NBYTES_MLNO = 16; DMA0->TCD[FLEXIO_CAMERA_DMA_CHN].SLAST = 0u; DMA0->TCD[FLEXIO_CAMERA_DMA_CHN].DADDR = (uint32_t)(*pFlexioCameraFrameBuffer); DMA0->TCD[FLEXIO_CAMERA_DMA_CHN].DOFF = 8; DMA0->TCD[FLEXIO_CAMERA_DMA_CHN].CITER_ELINKNO = DMA_MAJOR_LOOP_SIZE; DMA0->TCD[FLEXIO_CAMERA_DMA_CHN].DLAST_SGA = -OV7670_FRAME_BYTES; DMA0->TCD[FLEXIO_CAMERA_DMA_CHN].CSR = 0u; DMA0->TCD[FLEXIO_CAMERA_DMA_CHN].CSR |= DMA_CSR_DREQ_MASK; DMA0->TCD[FLEXIO_CAMERA_DMA_CHN].BITER_ELINKNO = DMA_MAJOR_LOOP_SIZE; /* Configure DMA MUX Source */ DMAMUX->CHCFG[FLEXIO_CAMERA_DMA_CHN] = DMAMUX->CHCFG[FLEXIO_CAMERA_DMA_CHN] & (~DMAMUX_CHCFG_SOURCE_MASK) | DMAMUX_CHCFG_SOURCE(FLEXIO_CAMERA_DMA_MUX_SRC); /* Enable DMA channel. */ DMAMUX->CHCFG[FLEXIO_CAMERA_DMA_CHN] |= DMAMUX_CHCFG_ENBL_MASK; } The code structure adopts: the camera uses flexIO mode to collect DMA transfer. After collecting one frame, DMA stores the data into the buffer, and then displays one frame of data uniformly on the LCD. Since there are many configuration codes for flexIO OV7670 and LCD SPI, we will not explain them one by one here. Please check the attached code source code for details. There is a header file of horsepic.h in the code. This file is a 320*240 RGB565 picture of a horse. It is used to test the LCD display separately. Usually after connecting the LCD, you need to test the LCD display separately. You can use a fixed picture to get the display. , here is the method of converting the picture into a C array: First adjust the picture to the LCD resolution size, and then convert it through the LVGL online conversion tool, select CF_RGB565A8, but the RGB565 generated by this format will have 1 more byte each, you can do it yourself After deletion, it can be called by code: https://lvgl.io/tools/imageconverter Display horse picture code: convert8to16(); ILI9341_FillPic(0, 0, OV7670_FRAME_WIDTH-1u, OV7670_FRAME_HEIGHT-1u, (uint16_t *)(horse16)); Display result: Fig 4 3 Test result and summarize    About RT1050-EVKB, use flexIO to collect OV7670 data and display the situation through TFT LCD. Please check the video for the specific code situation. Check the attached source code. You can see from the video results that the flexIO OV7670 camera data can be successfully displayed and the code can successfully run the function.
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  RT1050 CSI OV7670 camera eLCD display 1.Abstract OV7670 is a CMOS VGA image sensor with small size and low operating voltage. It is controlled by the SCCB bus and can output 8-bit image data of various resolutions with a frame rate of up to 30 frames/second and low cost. This article mainly implements the use of CSI on RT10XX to obtain OV7670 camera data, and displays it using the eLCDIF display module that comes with RT10XX. The camera and display use RGB565 format. The camera resolution configuration is QVGA 320*240, the LCD is NXP official EVKB matching LCD RK043FN02H, the resolution is 480*272, and the frame rate is 30FPS. This article is based on NXP official RT1050 SDK: SDK_2_14_0_EVKB-IMXRT1050\boards\evkbimxrt1050\driver_examples\csi\rgb565 Porting the OV7670 driver to implement the CSI method to collect OV7670 image data and display it on the LCD through the eLCDIF module   2. Principle explanation    Here is a brief explanation of relevant knowledge. 2.1 RGB565 Color mode As a basic color coding format for images, RGB565 refers to a pixel that occupies 2 bytes of data and is usually used in images and display devices. R red, G green, B blue, the actual display can obtain different other colors according to the configuration of the three primary colors. Each pixel bit can display 65536 (2^16) colors. The specific allocation is as follows:   Fig 1 From the above figure, we can know that the 2-byte data displayed in pure red, green and blue is: Red: 0xf800, Green: 0X07E0, Blue: 0X001F 2.2 OV7670 camera hardware and waveform situation The OV7670 module used is as follows: Fig 2 Pin situation No Signal Description 1 PWDN Power consumption selection mode, pull down for normal use 2 RET Reset port, pull high for normal use 3 D0 Data port output bit 0 4 D1 Data port output bit 1 5 D2 Data port output bit 2 6 D3 Data port output bit 3 7 D4 Data port output bit 4 8 D5 Data port output bit 5 9 D6 Data port output bit 6 10 D7 Data port output bit 7 11 XLK Clock signal input signal 12 PLK Pixel clock output signal 13 HS Horizontal synchronization signal output signal 14 VS Frame sync clock output signal 15 SDA SCCB Interface data control 16 SCL SCCB Interface clock control 17 GND GND 18 3.3V 3.3V power RGB565 output data timing: Fig 3 2.2 CSI frame synchronization signal timing waveform Fig 4 2.3 LCD display wave Fig 5 Therefore, the data of OV7670 is obtained through CSI and then stored in the buffer. The eLCDIF then retrieves the data from the buffer and displays it on the LCD screen to display the real-time collection and reality of the camera data. 3 Software and hardware realize    The test platform is based on NXP MIMXRT1050-EVKB revA1 version: https://www.nxp.com/design/development-boards/i-mx-evaluation-and-development-boards/i-mx-rt1050-evaluation-kit:MIMXRT1050-EVK LCD为:https://www.nxp.com/part/RK043FN02H-CT#/ 3.1 Hardware connection As can be seen from Figure 2, the universal module purchased is a 2.54mm direct plug mode, but the CSI interface used on the MIMXRT1050-EVKB board is an FPC interface, so an adapter board is required to switch from FPC to 2.54mm direct plug mode. The wiring diagram is as follows:    Fig 6 The actual overall hardware connection situation is as follows: Fig 7 3.2 Software prepare Regarding the SDK driver of OV7670, the RT SDK does not provide it directly, but the FRDM-K82 SDK provides relevant drivers that can be transplanted to the RT1050 SDK.       SDK version:SDK_2_14_0_EVKB-IMXRT1050\boards\evkbimxrt1050\driver_examples\csi\rgb565 The code replaces the original OV7725 code, replaces the relevant driver with the OV7670 driver, modifies the OV7670 code, matches it to the RT1050 CSI code, and adds IO signal control for OV7670 RST and PWDN. The reason for adding RST and PWDN control is that it was found Some modules, if the RST pin is not closed and delayed to open, will cause the problem of unsuccessful acquisition. However, with the addition of RST and PWDN control, currently OV7670 from different manufacturers can successfully acquire and display stably. For the specific OV7670 code, you can view the attached source code. The camera initialization code is as follows:   static void APP_InitCamera(void) { const camera_config_t cameraConfig = { .pixelFormat = kVIDEO_PixelFormatRGB565, .bytesPerPixel = APP_BPP, .resolution = FSL_VIDEO_RESOLUTION(320, 240), /* Set the camera buffer stride according to panel, so that if * camera resoution is smaller than display, it can still be shown * correct in the screen. */ .frameBufferLinePitch_Bytes = DEMO_BUFFER_WIDTH * APP_BPP, .interface = kCAMERA_InterfaceGatedClock, .controlFlags = DEMO_CAMERA_CONTROL_FLAGS, .framePerSec = 30, }; memset(s_frameBuffer, 0, sizeof(s_frameBuffer)); BOARD_InitCameraResource(); CAMERA_RECEIVER_Init(&cameraReceiver, &cameraConfig, NULL, NULL); if (kStatus_Success != CAMERA_DEVICE_Init(&cameraDevice, &cameraConfig)) { PRINTF("Camera device initialization failed\r\n"); while (1) { ; } } CAMERA_DEVICE_Start(&cameraDevice); /* Submit the empty frame buffers to buffer queue. */ for (uint32_t i = 0; i < APP_FRAME_BUFFER_COUNT; i++) { CAMERA_RECEIVER_SubmitEmptyBuffer(&cameraReceiver, (uint32_t)(s_frameBuffer[i])); } } The resolution here is QVGA 320*240, which does not match the 480*272 of the LCD, but it does not matter. In fact, the size of 320*240 is displayed in the LCD. If you want to display it to 480*272, you can also configure the size through PXP. For more code details, see the attached code package. 4. Summary This article aims to provide a demo of RT OV7670 CSI+eLCDIF acquisition and display. let’s go directly to the finished product effect video. You can see that the relative display is relatively clear, and the refresh effect is also good.
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LittleFS is a file system used for microcontroller internal flash and external NOR flash. Since it is more suitable for small embedded systems than traditional FAT file systems, more and more people are using it in their projects. So in addition to NOR/NAND flash type storage devices, can LittleFS be used in SD cards? It seems that it is okay too. This article will use the littlefs_shell and sdcard_fatfs demo project in the i.mxRT1050 SDK to make a new littefs_shell project for reading and writing SD cards. This experiment uses MCUXpresso IDE v11.7, and the SDK uses version 2.13. The littleFS file system has only 4 files, of which the current version shown in lfs.h is littleFS 2.5. The first step, of course, is to add SD-related code to the littlefs_shell project. The easiest way is to import another sdcard_fatfs project and copy all of the sdmmc directories into our project. Then copy sdmmc_config.c and sdmmc_config.h in the /board directory, and fsl_usdhc.c and fsl_usdhc.h in the /drivers directory. The second step is to modify the program to include SD card detection and initialization, adding a bridge from LittleFS to SD drivers. Add the following code to littlefs_shell.c. extern sd_card_t m_sdCard; status_t sdcardWaitCardInsert(void) { BOARD_SD_Config(&m_sdCard, NULL, BOARD_SDMMC_SD_HOST_IRQ_PRIORITY, NULL); /* SD host init function */ if (SD_HostInit(&m_sdCard) != kStatus_Success) { PRINTF("\r\nSD host init fail\r\n"); return kStatus_Fail; } /* wait card insert */ if (SD_PollingCardInsert(&m_sdCard, kSD_Inserted) == kStatus_Success) { PRINTF("\r\nCard inserted.\r\n"); /* power off card */ SD_SetCardPower(&m_sdCard, false); /* power on the card */ SD_SetCardPower(&m_sdCard, true); // SdMmc_Init(); } else { PRINTF("\r\nCard detect fail.\r\n"); return kStatus_Fail; } return kStatus_Success; } status_t sd_disk_initialize() { static bool isCardInitialized = false; /* demostrate the normal flow of card re-initialization. If re-initialization is not neccessary, return RES_OK directly will be fine */ if(isCardInitialized) { SD_Deinit(&m_sdCard); } if (kStatus_Success != SD_Init(&m_sdCard)) { SD_Deinit(&m_sdCard); memset(&m_sdCard, 0U, sizeof(m_sdCard)); return kStatus_Fail; } isCardInitialized = true; return kStatus_Success; } In main(), add these code if (sdcardWaitCardInsert() != kStatus_Success) { return -1; } status = sd_disk_initialize(); Next, create two new c files, lfs_sdmmc.c and lfs_sdmmc_bridge.c. The call order is littlefs->lfs_sdmmc.c->lfs_sdmmc_bridge.c->fsl_sd.c. lfs_sdmmc.c and lfs_sdmmc_bridge.c acting as intermediate layers that can connect the LITTLEFS and SD upper layer drivers. One of the things that must be noted is the mapping of addresses. The address given by littleFS is the block address + offset address. See figure below. This is a read command issued by the ‘mount’ command. The block address refers to the address of the erased sector address in SD. The read and write operation uses the smallest read-write block address (BLOCK) of SD, as described below. Therefore, in lfs_sdmmc.c, the address given by littleFS is first converted to the byte address. Then change the SD card read-write address to the BLOCK address in lfs_sdmmc_bridge.c. Since most SD cards today exceed 4GB, the byte address requires a 64-bit variable. Finally, the most important step is littleFS parameter configuration. There is a structure LittlsFS_config in peripherals.c, which contains not only the operation functions of the SD card, but also the read and write sectors and cache size. The setup of this structure is critical. If the setting is not good, it will not only affect the performance, but also cause errors in operation. Before setting it up, let's introduce some of the general ideal of SD card and littleFS. The storage unit of the SD card is BLOCK, and both reading and writing can be carried out according to BLOCK. The size of each block can be different for different cards. For standard SD cards, the length of the block command can be set with CMD16, and the block command length is fixed at 512 bytes for SDHC cards. The SD card is erased sector by sector. The size of each sector needs to be checked in the CSD register of the SD card. If the CSD register ERASE_BLK_EN = 0, Sector is the smallest erase unit, and its unit is "block". The value of sector size is equal to the value of the SECTOR_SIZE field in the CSD register plus 1. For example, if SECTOR_SIZE is 127, then the minimum erase unit is 512*(127+1)=65536 bytes. In addition, sometimes there are doubts, many of the current SD cards actually have wear functions to reduce the loss caused by frequent erasing and writing, and extend the service life. So in fact, delete operations or read and write operations are not necessarily real physical addresses. Instead, it is mapped by the SD controller. But for the user, this mapping is transparent. So don't worry about this affecting normal operation. LittleFS is a lightweight file system that has power loss recovery and dynamic wear leveling compared to FAT systems. Once mounted, littleFS provides a complete set of POSIX-like file and directory functions, so it can be operated like a common file system. LittleFS has only 4 files in total, and it basically does not need to be modified when used. Since the NOR/NAND flash to be operated by LittleFS is essentially a block device, in order to facilitate use, LittleFS is read and written in blocks, and the underlying NOR/NAND Flash interface drivers are carried out in blocks. Let's take a look at the specific content of LittleFS configuration parameters. const struct lfs_config LittleFS_config = { .context = (void*)0, .read = lfs_sdmmc_read, .prog = lfs_sdmmc_prog, .erase = lfs_sdmmc_erase, .sync = lfs_sdmmc_sync, .read_size = 512, .prog_size = 512, .block_size = 65536, .block_count = 128, .block_cycles = 100, .cache_size = 512, .lookahead_size = LITTLEFS_LOOKAHEAD_SIZE }; Among them, the first item (.context) is not used in this project, and is used in the original project to save the offset of the file system stored in Flash. Items two (.read) through five (.sync) point to the handlers for each operation. The sixth item (.read_size) is the smallest unit of read operation. This value is roughly equal to the BLOCK size of the SD card. In the SD card driver, this size has been fixed to 512. So for convenience, it is also set to 512. The seventh item (.prog_size) is the number of bytes written each time, which is 512 bytes like .read_size. The eighth item is .block_size. This can be considered to be the smallest erase block supported by the SD card when performing an erase operation. Here the default value is not important, you need to set it in the program according to the actual value after the SD card is initialized. The card used in this experiment is 64k bytes as an erase block, so 65536 is used directly here. Item 9 (.block_count) is used to indicate how many erasable blocks there are. Multiply the .block_size to get the size of the card. If the card is replaceable, it needs to be determined according to the parameters after the SD card is initialized. The tenth item (.block_cycles) is the number of erase cycles per block. Item 11 (.cache_size) is about the cache buffer. It feels like bigger is better, but actually modifies this value won't work. So still 512. Item 12 (lookahead_size), littleFS uses a lookahead buffer to manage and allocate blocks. A lookahead buffer is a fixed-size bitmap that records information about block allocations within an area. The lookahead buffer only records the information of block allocations in one area, and when you need to know the allocation of other regions, you need to scan the file system to find allocated blocks. If there are no free blocks in the lookahead buffer, you need to move the lookahead buffer to find other free blocks in the file system. The lookahead buffer position shifts one lookahead_size at a time. Use the original value here.  That’s all for the porting work. We can test the project now. You can see it works fine. The littleFS-SD project can read/write/create folder and erase. And it also support append to an exist file. But after more testing, a problem was found, if you repeatedly add->-close->-add-> close a file, the file will open more and more slowly, even taking a few seconds. This is what should be added and is not written directly in the last block of the file, but will apply for a new block, regardless of whether the previous block is full or not. See figure below. The figure above prints out all the read, write, and erase operations used in each write command. You can see that each time in the lfs_file_open there is one more read than the last write operation. In this way, after dozens or hundreds of cycles, a file will involve many blocks. It is very time-consuming to read these blocks in turn. Tests found that more than 100 read took longer than seconds. To speed things up, it is recommended to copy the contents of one file to another file after adding it dozens of times. In this way, the scattered content will be consolidated to write a small number of blocks. This can greatly speed up reading and writing.
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RT10XX RT-UFL modification for QSPI QE and DQS factor 1. Abstract Recently, a customer used a QSPI flash (Puya simi P25Q16H) as XIP memory in the RT1050 project, but always encountered the phenomenon that the first time download failed, the download succeeded again after powering on again, and the app could run. To the program algorithm, they use the RT-UFL. After analysis, this situation is usually related to the fact that the QE of the new QSPI flash is not enabled. Therefore, based on the QE position of the QSPI flash used by the customer, the author specially enabled the corresponding QE in the SDK flexspi_nor_polling_transfer code, let the customer try to run it in RAM to check whether still have the program issues after enabling QE in the new QSPI flash. However, the customer even can’t run flexspi_nor_polling_transfer project. According to the customer's previous description, the hardware can run RAM code, and the first flash download does not work, but it can run after re-downloading, so the hardware works. Based on the phenomenon, it is initially speculated that the new problem may be related to FlexSPI DQS being occupied. Under normal circumstances, it is recommended to leave FlexSPI DQS floating. Because the project flexSPI frequency given to customers is 120Mhz, if DQS is used, the internal sampling clock source of FlexSPI read data is: Read strobe provided by memory device and input from DQS pad. This method will have problems. So asked the customer to confirm the hardware again. The result is DQS is used as a control pin for other circuits on the customer's board. Usually there are two points to note in this situation: First, the FlexSPI clock is controlled within 60MHz. Second, the internal sampling clock source configuration of FlexSPI read data is: Dummy read strobe generated by FlexSPI controller and looped back internally (FlexSPIn_MCR0[RXCLKSRC] = 0x0)      Therefore, this article focuses on how to prepare the test code for the corresponding QE position based on the QSPI flash used by the customer, consider the operation when DQS is enabled, modify and test the RT-UFL downloading algorithm. 2. Hardware and software prepare To reproduce the customer issues, need to prepare the related software, hardware, and the flash programming flashdriver, and the code for testing the QE situation. 2.1 Hardware prepare MIMXRT1050-EVKB, modify the on board resistor, from the default hyperflash to QSPI flash. The modification points: USE QSPI FLASH(Mount R153~R158, DNP R356,R361~R366)。 Remove the on board U33 ISSI QSPI flash, burn the new QSPI flash with customer used Puya simi P25Q16H. Customer is using JLINK, so prepare JLINK plus for downloading. 2.2 flexspi_nor_polling_transfer software prepare SDK2.14.0 code:flexspi_nor_polling_transfer, used to test the QE situation. App project: led_blinky RT-UFL program algorithm code: https://github.com/JayHeng/RT-UFL JLINK driver: used JLINKV768B, higher version is also OK. 2.2.1 P25Q16H QE position Fig 1    We can see, it is still the typical Status register bit 9. The related LUT write and read commander is: Fig 2 We can see that for writing, it is command 0X01, and 2 consecutive bytes need to be written. But for the read command, the commands for the two status register bytes are separate. So you need to pay attention to this when operating the QE bit. 2.2.2 flexspi_nor_polling_transfer code prepare This code is mainly used to test the QE enablement and disabling, and the erase, write and read functions of external flash. The code modification points include: modifying the LUT command to comply with P25Q16H; adding QE read, write and erase functions; modifying the frequency of flexSPI and the situation of DQS loopback internal. The relevant code is as follows: LUT related commander: flexspi_nor_polling_transfer.c const uint32_t customLUT[CUSTOM_LUT_LENGTH] = { /* Normal read mode -SDR */ [4 * NOR_CMD_LUT_SEQ_IDX_READ_NORMAL] = FLEXSPI_LUT_SEQ(kFLEXSPI_Command_SDR, kFLEXSPI_1PAD, 0x03, kFLEXSPI_Command_RADDR_SDR, kFLEXSPI_1PAD, 0x18), [4 * NOR_CMD_LUT_SEQ_IDX_READ_NORMAL + 1] = FLEXSPI_LUT_SEQ(kFLEXSPI_Command_READ_SDR, kFLEXSPI_1PAD, 0x04, kFLEXSPI_Command_STOP, kFLEXSPI_1PAD, 0), /* Fast read mode - SDR */ [4 * NOR_CMD_LUT_SEQ_IDX_READ_FAST] = FLEXSPI_LUT_SEQ(kFLEXSPI_Command_SDR, kFLEXSPI_1PAD, 0x0B, kFLEXSPI_Command_RADDR_SDR, kFLEXSPI_1PAD, 0x18), [4 * NOR_CMD_LUT_SEQ_IDX_READ_FAST + 1] = FLEXSPI_LUT_SEQ( kFLEXSPI_Command_DUMMY_SDR, kFLEXSPI_1PAD, 0x08, kFLEXSPI_Command_READ_SDR, kFLEXSPI_1PAD, 0x04), /* Fast read quad mode - SDR */ [4 * NOR_CMD_LUT_SEQ_IDX_READ_FAST_QUAD] = FLEXSPI_LUT_SEQ(kFLEXSPI_Command_SDR, kFLEXSPI_1PAD, 0xEB, kFLEXSPI_Command_RADDR_SDR, kFLEXSPI_4PAD, 0x18), [4 * NOR_CMD_LUT_SEQ_IDX_READ_FAST_QUAD + 1] = FLEXSPI_LUT_SEQ( kFLEXSPI_Command_DUMMY_SDR, kFLEXSPI_4PAD, 0x06, kFLEXSPI_Command_READ_SDR, kFLEXSPI_4PAD, 0x04), /* Read extend parameters */ [4 * NOR_CMD_LUT_SEQ_IDX_READSTATUS] = FLEXSPI_LUT_SEQ(kFLEXSPI_Command_SDR, kFLEXSPI_1PAD, 0x81, kFLEXSPI_Command_READ_SDR, kFLEXSPI_1PAD, 0x04), /* Write Enable */ [4 * NOR_CMD_LUT_SEQ_IDX_WRITEENABLE] = FLEXSPI_LUT_SEQ(kFLEXSPI_Command_SDR, kFLEXSPI_1PAD, 0x06, kFLEXSPI_Command_STOP, kFLEXSPI_1PAD, 0), /* Erase Sector */ [4 * NOR_CMD_LUT_SEQ_IDX_ERASESECTOR] = FLEXSPI_LUT_SEQ(kFLEXSPI_Command_SDR, kFLEXSPI_1PAD, 0x20, kFLEXSPI_Command_RADDR_SDR, kFLEXSPI_1PAD, 0x18),//0xD7 /* Page Program - single mode */ [4 * NOR_CMD_LUT_SEQ_IDX_PAGEPROGRAM_SINGLE] = FLEXSPI_LUT_SEQ(kFLEXSPI_Command_SDR, kFLEXSPI_1PAD, 0x02, kFLEXSPI_Command_RADDR_SDR, kFLEXSPI_1PAD, 0x18), [4 * NOR_CMD_LUT_SEQ_IDX_PAGEPROGRAM_SINGLE + 1] = FLEXSPI_LUT_SEQ(kFLEXSPI_Command_WRITE_SDR, kFLEXSPI_1PAD, 0x04, kFLEXSPI_Command_STOP, kFLEXSPI_1PAD, 0), /* Page Program - quad mode */ [4 * NOR_CMD_LUT_SEQ_IDX_PAGEPROGRAM_QUAD] = FLEXSPI_LUT_SEQ(kFLEXSPI_Command_SDR, kFLEXSPI_1PAD, 0x32, kFLEXSPI_Command_RADDR_SDR, kFLEXSPI_1PAD, 0x18), [4 * NOR_CMD_LUT_SEQ_IDX_PAGEPROGRAM_QUAD + 1] = FLEXSPI_LUT_SEQ(kFLEXSPI_Command_WRITE_SDR, kFLEXSPI_4PAD, 0x04, kFLEXSPI_Command_STOP, kFLEXSPI_1PAD, 0), /* Read ID */ [4 * NOR_CMD_LUT_SEQ_IDX_READID] = FLEXSPI_LUT_SEQ(kFLEXSPI_Command_SDR, kFLEXSPI_1PAD, 0x9F, kFLEXSPI_Command_READ_SDR, kFLEXSPI_1PAD, 0x04), /* Enable Quad mode */ [4 * NOR_CMD_LUT_SEQ_IDX_WRITESTATUSREG] = FLEXSPI_LUT_SEQ(kFLEXSPI_Command_SDR, kFLEXSPI_1PAD, 0x01, kFLEXSPI_Command_WRITE_SDR, kFLEXSPI_1PAD, 0x04), /* Enter QPI mode */ [4 * NOR_CMD_LUT_SEQ_IDX_ENTERQPI] = FLEXSPI_LUT_SEQ(kFLEXSPI_Command_SDR, kFLEXSPI_1PAD, 0x35, kFLEXSPI_Command_STOP, kFLEXSPI_1PAD, 0), /* Exit QPI mode */ [4 * NOR_CMD_LUT_SEQ_IDX_EXITQPI] = FLEXSPI_LUT_SEQ(kFLEXSPI_Command_SDR, kFLEXSPI_4PAD, 0xF5, kFLEXSPI_Command_STOP, kFLEXSPI_1PAD, 0), /* Read status register */ [4 * NOR_CMD_LUT_SEQ_IDX_READSTATUSREG] = FLEXSPI_LUT_SEQ(kFLEXSPI_Command_SDR, kFLEXSPI_1PAD, 0x05, kFLEXSPI_Command_READ_SDR, kFLEXSPI_1PAD, 0x04), /* Read status register */ [4 * NOR_CMD_LUT_SEQ_IDX_READSTATUSREG1] = FLEXSPI_LUT_SEQ(kFLEXSPI_Command_SDR, kFLEXSPI_1PAD, 0x35, kFLEXSPI_Command_READ_SDR, kFLEXSPI_1PAD, 0x04), /* Erase whole chip */ [4 * NOR_CMD_LUT_SEQ_IDX_ERASECHIP] = FLEXSPI_LUT_SEQ(kFLEXSPI_Command_SDR, kFLEXSPI_1PAD, 0xC7, kFLEXSPI_Command_STOP, kFLEXSPI_1PAD, 0),//0xC7 }; flexspi_nor_flash_ops.c: QE read and write status_t flexspi_nor_enable_quad_mode(FLEXSPI_Type *base) { flexspi_transfer_t flashXfer; status_t status; uint32_t writeValue = FLASH_QUAD_ENABLE; #if defined(CACHE_MAINTAIN) && CACHE_MAINTAIN flexspi_cache_status_t cacheStatus; flexspi_nor_disable_cache(&cacheStatus); #endif /* Write enable */ status = flexspi_nor_write_enable(base, 0); if (status != kStatus_Success) { return status; } /* Enable quad mode. */ flashXfer.deviceAddress = 0; flashXfer.port = FLASH_PORT; flashXfer.cmdType = kFLEXSPI_Write; flashXfer.SeqNumber = 1; flashXfer.seqIndex = NOR_CMD_LUT_SEQ_IDX_WRITESTATUSREG; flashXfer.data = &writeValue; flashXfer.dataSize = writeValue <= 0xFFU ? 1 : 2; status = FLEXSPI_TransferBlocking(base, &flashXfer); if (status != kStatus_Success) { return status; } status = flexspi_nor_wait_bus_busy(base); /* Do software reset. */ FLEXSPI_SoftwareReset(base); #if defined(CACHE_MAINTAIN) && CACHE_MAINTAIN flexspi_nor_enable_cache(cacheStatus); #endif return status; } status_t flexspi_nor_disable_quad_mode(FLEXSPI_Type *base) { flexspi_transfer_t flashXfer; status_t status; uint32_t writeValue = 0x0;//FLASH_QUAD_ENABLE; #if defined(CACHE_MAINTAIN) && CACHE_MAINTAIN flexspi_cache_status_t cacheStatus; flexspi_nor_disable_cache(&cacheStatus); #endif /* Write enable */ status = flexspi_nor_write_enable(base, 0); if (status != kStatus_Success) { return status; } /* Enable quad mode. */ flashXfer.deviceAddress = 0; flashXfer.port = FLASH_PORT; flashXfer.cmdType = kFLEXSPI_Write; flashXfer.SeqNumber = 1; flashXfer.seqIndex = NOR_CMD_LUT_SEQ_IDX_WRITESTATUSREG; flashXfer.data = &writeValue; flashXfer.dataSize = 2; status = FLEXSPI_TransferBlocking(base, &flashXfer); if (status != kStatus_Success) { return status; } status = flexspi_nor_wait_bus_busy(base); /* Do software reset. */ FLEXSPI_SoftwareReset(base); #if defined(CACHE_MAINTAIN) && CACHE_MAINTAIN flexspi_nor_enable_cache(cacheStatus); #endif return status; } status_t flexspi_nor_QE_register(FLEXSPI_Type *base, uint32_t *QEvalue) { /* Wait status ready. */ bool isBusy; uint32_t readValue; status_t status; flexspi_transfer_t flashXfer; flashXfer.deviceAddress = 0; flashXfer.port = FLASH_PORT; flashXfer.cmdType = kFLEXSPI_Read; flashXfer.SeqNumber = 1; flashXfer.seqIndex = NOR_CMD_LUT_SEQ_IDX_READSTATUSREG1; flashXfer.data = &readValue; flashXfer.dataSize = 1; do { status = FLEXSPI_TransferBlocking(base, &flashXfer); if (status != kStatus_Success) { return status; } if (FLASH_BUSY_STATUS_POL) { if (readValue & (1U << FLASH_BUSY_STATUS_OFFSET)) { isBusy = true; } else { isBusy = false; } } else { if (readValue & (1U << FLASH_BUSY_STATUS_OFFSET)) { isBusy = false; } else { isBusy = true; } } *QEvalue = readValue; } while (isBusy); return status; } QE position:App.h #define FLASH_QUAD_ENABLE 0X0200 QE operation:flexspi_nor_polling_transfer.c PRINTF("Get the QE bit value before QE enable!\r\n"); uint32_t QEvalue=0; status = flexspi_nor_QE_register(EXAMPLE_FLEXSPI, &QEvalue); if (status != kStatus_Success) { return status; } PRINTF("QE=%X!\r\n",(uint8_t)QEvalue); #if 1 status = flexspi_nor_disable_quad_mode(EXAMPLE_FLEXSPI); if (status != kStatus_Success) { return status; } PRINTF("Get the QE bit value after QE disable!\r\n"); status = flexspi_nor_QE_register(EXAMPLE_FLEXSPI, &QEvalue); if (status != kStatus_Success) { return status; } PRINTF("QE=%X!\r\n",(uint8_t)QEvalue); #endif PRINTF("Enable the QE bit value !\r\n"); /* Enter quad mode. */ status = flexspi_nor_enable_quad_mode(EXAMPLE_FLEXSPI); if (status != kStatus_Success) { return status; } status = flexspi_nor_QE_register(EXAMPLE_FLEXSPI, &QEvalue); if (status != kStatus_Success) { return status; } PRINTF("QE=%X!\r\n",(uint8_t)QEvalue); FlexSPI frequency modification:flexspi_nor_polling_transfer.c,app.h flexspi_device_config_t deviceconfig = { .flexspiRootClk = 60000000, .flashSize = FLASH_SIZE, .CSIntervalUnit = kFLEXSPI_CsIntervalUnit1SckCycle, .CSInterval = 2, .CSHoldTime = 3, .CSSetupTime = 3, .dataValidTime = 0, .columnspace = 0, .enableWordAddress = 0, .AWRSeqIndex = 0, .AWRSeqNumber = 0, .ARDSeqIndex = NOR_CMD_LUT_SEQ_IDX_READ_FAST_QUAD, .ARDSeqNumber = 1, .AHBWriteWaitUnit = kFLEXSPI_AhbWriteWaitUnit2AhbCycle, .AHBWriteWaitInterval = 0, }; static inline void flexspi_clock_init(void) { const clock_usb_pll_config_t g_ccmConfigUsbPll = {.loopDivider = 0U}; CLOCK_InitUsb1Pll(&g_ccmConfigUsbPll); CLOCK_InitUsb1Pfd(kCLOCK_Pfd0, 24); /* Set PLL3 PFD0 clock 360MHZ. */ CLOCK_SetMux(kCLOCK_FlexspiMux, 0x3); /* Choose PLL3 PFD0 clock as flexspi source clock. */ CLOCK_SetDiv(kCLOCK_FlexspiDiv, 5); /* flexspi clock 60M. */ } Loop back internally:app.h #define EXAMPLE_FLEXSPI_RX_SAMPLE_CLOCK kFLEXSPI_ReadSampleClkLoopbackInternally 2.2.3 flexspi_nor_polling_transfer testing after modification Download the modified code to RT1050 RAM and run the results as follows:    Fig 3 From the figure, we can see, QE can normally implement the functions of reading, writing, erasing, and reading. It is read as 2 here which QE is enabled for the first time, because the QSPI in this article has been operated previously. If it is a new chip, it will read 0 by default, which means that QE is not enabled. And it can be seen that after modification, it can accurately erase, program, and read external flash, indicating that the current code modification is successful. LUT, QE position, DQS consideration (60Mhz+loopback internal) are all working. 2.3 APP prepare Use the led_blinky code in the SDK to mainly modify the frequency of FCB and readSampleClkSrc. evkbimxrt1050_flexspi_nor_config.c is modified as follows:    const flexspi_nor_config_t qspiflash_config = { .memConfig = { .tag = FLEXSPI_CFG_BLK_TAG, .version = FLEXSPI_CFG_BLK_VERSION, .readSampleClksrc=kFlexSPIReadSampleClk_LoopbackInternally, .csHoldTime = 3u, .csSetupTime = 3u, .controllerMiscOption = (1u << kFlexSpiMiscOffset_SafeConfigFreqEnable), .deviceType = kFlexSpiDeviceType_SerialNOR, .sflashPadType = kSerialFlash_4Pads, .serialClkFreq = kFlexSpiSerialClk_60MHz, .sflashA1Size = 8u * 1024u * 1024u, … }   This code will be used to test the new modified program flashdriver in debug mode, compile the project, generate the .srec, used for the JFLASH method flash program.   3. RT-UFL JLINK flash algorithm modification After downloading the super download algorithm RT-UFL, you need to modify the super download algorithm based on the two factors mentioned above: First, QE is enabled; second, DQS is used. For the solution in this article, RT-UFL still uses option ROM to initialize flexSPI. According to the options description, choose: OPTION 0: 0xc0000201 OPTION 1:0x0 Just like this situation: Fig 4 3.1 RT-UFL code modification Here, use the keil project: \RT-UFL-1.0\build\mdk The code modification is as follows: Ufl_main.c: ufl_set_target_property1 case kChipId_RT105x: uflTargetDesc->flexspiInstance = MIMXRT105X_1st_FLEXSPI_INSTANCE; uflTargetDesc->flexspiBaseAddr = MIMXRT105X_1st_FLEXSPI_BASE; uflTargetDesc->flashBaseAddr = MIMXRT105X_1st_FLEXSPI_AMBA_BASE; //p25q16h QESet bit 1 in Status Register 2 {.option0.U = 0xc0000201, .option1.U = 0x00000000}, uflTargetDesc->configOption.option0.U = 0xc0000201; uflTargetDesc->configOption.option1.U = 0x0; Ufl_romapi.c: readSampleClkSrc configuration status_t flexspi_nor_auto_config(uint32_t instance, flexspi_nor_config_t *config, serial_nor_config_option_t *option) { // Wait until the FLEXSPI is idle register uint32_t delaycnt = 10000u; while(delaycnt--) { } status_t status = flexspi_nor_get_config(instance, config, option); if (status != kStatus_Success) { return status; } config->memConfig.readSampleClksrc=kFlexSPIReadSampleClk_LoopbackInternally; //For DQS is used by other circuit return flexspi_nor_flash_init(instance, config); } FlashDev.c struct FlashDevice const FlashDevice = { FLASH_DRV_VERS, // Driver Version, do not modify! "MIMXRT_FLEXSPI", // Device Name EXTSPI, // Device Type 0x60000000, // Device Start Address 0x00800000, // Device Size in Bytes (8mB) 256, // Programming Page Size 0, // Reserved, must be 0 0xFF, // Initial Content of Erased Memory 100, // Program Page Timeout 100 mSec 5000, // Erase Sector Timeout 5000 mSec // Specify Size and Address of Sectors 0x1000, 0x00000000, // Sector Size 4kB (256 Sectors) SECTOR_END }; FlashOS.h: it will generate the UFL_L0 type, to define the flash page, sector size #define FLASH_DRV_SIZE_OPT (0) #if (FLASH_DRV_SIZE_OPT == 0) #define FLASH_DRV_PAGE_SIZE (0x100) #define FLASH_DRV_SECTOR_SIZE (0x1000) #elif (FLASH_DRV_SIZE_OPT == 1) #define FLASH_DRV_PAGE_SIZE (0x200) #define FLASH_DRV_SECTOR_SIZE (0x1000) #elif (FLASH_DRV_SIZE_OPT == 2) #define FLASH_DRV_PAGE_SIZE (0x200) #define FLASH_DRV_SECTOR_SIZE (0x10000) #endif Compile the code, it will get flashdriver firmware:MIMXRT_FLEXSPI_UV5_UFL.FLM Rename it to:MIMXRT_FLEXSPI_UV5_UFL_P25Q16H.FLM 3.2 JLINK driver flashdriver update After installing the JLINK driver,  modify it to use the RT-UFL algorithm.   According to this article, the driving algorithm of JLINK is modified to RT-UFL algorithm: https://www.cnblogs.com/henjay724/p/14942574.html   In fact, just copy: RT-UFL-1.0\RT-UFL-1.0\algo\SEGGER\JLink_Vxxx To the installed JLINK path: C:\Program Files\SEGGER\JLINKV768B   But this article need to based on this to add the modified flash algorithm for P25Q16H, the modification points are: (1)Copy attached file RT1050_P25Q16H_JLINK\program\ JLinkDevices.xml to: C:\Program Files\SEGGER\JLINKV768B Fig 5 The .xml modification is as follows, add the P25Q16H item and it’s algorithm: Fig 6 Note: device name is MIMXRT1050_UFL_P25Q16H (2) CopyRT1050_P25Q16H_JLINK\program\ IMXRT_FLEXSPI_UV5_UFL_P25Q16H.FLM to:C:\Program Files\SEGGER\JLINKV768B\Devices\NXP\iMXRT_UFL Fig 7 This MIMXRT_FLEXSPI_UV5_UFL_P25Q16H.FLM is the modified flashdriver algorithm in the above. (3)run C:\Program Files\SEGGER\JLINKV768B\JLinkDLLUpdater.exe, update the modified driver to the IDE IAR 3.3 Flashdriver algorithm downloading test For MIMXRT1050-EVKB, to use external JLINK, you need to disconnect J33 on the EVKB board and plug JTAG into J21. 3.3.1 Use JFLASH downloading test First, use the previously modified EVKB-IMXRT1050-flexspi_nor_polling_transfer, disable the QE bit, to simulate the new QSPI flash chip. The test is as follows:   Fig 8 JFlash test result is: Fig 9 We can see, use the Jflash with new flashdriver, can program the flash successfully. 3.3.2 led_blinky app debug test Disable the QE bit, to simulate the new QSPI flash chip, the test as Fig 8. APP demo use the IAR project(customer use it), option select JLINK: Fig 10 Fig 11 It should be noted here that the device is selected as the modified super download algorithm device name. The method is as follows. The settings->xxx.jlink generated by IAR debug is modified as follows: Fig 12 Two points: override =1, and device is the new modified algorithm device name. Debug test result: Fig 13 We can see that the algorithm can be successfully debugged and the algorithm is also modified by UFL. Run it at full speed and you can see the on board LED is flashing. It means that all flash driver algorithms, hardware, and codes already support the new P25Q16H QSPI flash. 4. Summary When using a new QSPI flash, first need to pay attention to the position of QE and whether DQS is used, and then prepare the corresponding RT-UFL programming algorithm. The UFL algorithm can usually support most flash chips by default. When QE and DQS are used, they only need to fine-tune the algorithm to support the new QSPI flash. Therefore, this article has successfully solved the problem of burning customer projects after modifying the algorithm. For other QSPI flash, you can also use the method in this article to modify the burning algorithm accordingly to ensure that it meets your own project needs.  
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Abstract Today I'd like to discuss a scenario that I will encounter in practical application. In the design phase, the Serial Nor flash is usually used as a code storage device for RT series MCUs, such as QSPI, HyperFlash, etc, as these devices all support XIP features. The flash usually is not only occupied by the code but also used to store data, such as device parameters, and log information, and even used as a file system. So we need to evaluate Flash's size. Is there any constraint to the manipulation of data space in the secure boot mode? And how to keep the data confidential? We'll talk about it below and let's get started. Secure boot mode HAB boot The bootable image is plaintext, and it may be changed after the writing operation of the FlexSPI module. If the digest algorithm obtains the different values will lead to the verification process fails, as the writing operation destroys the integrity of the data, regarding confidentiality, data is stored in plaintext in Serial Nor flash under HAB boot.   Fig1 Signature and verification process Encrypted XIP boot mode After enabling the Encrypted XIP boot mode, what is the impact on FlexSPI's read and write data operations? The first point is that the read data will be treated as encrypted data and decrypted by the BEE or OTFAD module. However, if a write operation is performed, the BEE or OTFAD module will be bypassed, in another word, the data will be written directly to the Serial Nor flash. in a short, it is not affected by the Encrypted XIP boot mode. 1) Read operation As shown in Fig 2, the encrypted code and data stored in Serial Nor flash need to be decrypted before they are sent to the CPU for execution. This is also the implementation mechanism of the Encrypted XIP boot mode. To enable the encrypted XIP boot mode, it needs to burn the keys to eFuse, after that, eFuse is impossible to restore, so the test cost seems a bit high, so I recommend you refer to the source code of the 《How to Enable the On-the-fly Decryption》application note to dynamically configure the key of the BEE module and read the encrypted array by DCP from Flash, then compare to plaintext array to verify BEE module participle the decryption flow. Fig 2 2) Write operation Modify the source code of the above application note, define s_nor_program_buffer [256], then set the values through the following code, and burn them to the 20th sector, the offset address is 0x14000. for (i = 0; i < 0xFFU; i++) { s_nor_program_buffer[i] = i; } status = flexspi_nor_flash_page_program(EXAMPLE_FLEXSPI, EXAMPLE_SECTOR * SECTOR_SIZE, (void *)s_nor_program_buffer); if (status != kStatus_Success) { PRINTF("Page program failure !\r\n"); return -1; } DCACHE_InvalidateByRange(EXAMPLE_FLEXSPI_AMBA_BASE + EXAMPLE_SECTOR * SECTOR_SIZE, FLASH_PAGE_SIZE); memcpy(s_nor_read_buffer, (void *)(EXAMPLE_FLEXSPI_AMBA_BASE + EXAMPLE_SECTOR * SECTOR_SIZE), sizeof(s_nor_read_buffer)); for(uint32_t i = 0; i < 256; i++) { PRINTF("The %d data in the second region is 0x%x\r\n", i, s_nor_read_buffer[i]); } After the programming finishes, connect to Jlink and use J-flash to check whether the burned array is correct. The results prove that the write operation will bypass the BEE or OTFAD module and write the data directly to the Serial Nor flash, which is consistent with Fig 2. Fig3 Sensitive data preservation As mentioned at the beginning, in the real project, we may need to use Flash to store data, such as device parameters, log information, or even as a file system, and the saved data is usually a bit sensitive and should prevent being easily obtained by others. For example, in SLN-VIZNAS-IoT, there is a dedicated area for storing facial feature data. Fig 4 Although the purely facial feature data is only meaningful for specific recognition algorithms, in another word, even if a third-party application obtains the original data, it is useless for hackers. In the development of real face recognization projects, it is usually to declare other data items associated with facial feature data, such as name, age, preferences, etc, as shown below: typedef union { struct { /*put char/unsigned char together to avoid padding*/ unsigned char magic; char name[FEATUREDATA_NAME_MAX_LEN]; int index; // this id identify a feature uniquely,we should use it as a handler for feature add/del/update/rename uint16_t id; uint16_t pad; // Add a new component uint16_t coffee_taste; /*put feature in the last so, we can take it as dynamic, size limitation: * (FEATUREDATA_FLASH_PAGE_SIZE * 2 - 1 - FEATUREDATA_NAME_MAX_LEN - 4 - 4 -2)/4*/ float feature[0]; }; unsigned char raw[FEATUREDATA_FLASH_PAGE_SIZE * 2]; } FeatureItem; // 1kB After enabling the Encrypted XIP boot mode, the above write operation test has proved that FlexSPI's write operation will program the data into Serial Nor flash directly, but during the reading process, the data will be decrypted by BEE or OTFAD, so we'd better use DCP or other modules to encrypt the data prior to writing, otherwise, the read operation will get the values that the plaintext goes through the decryption calculation. The risk of leakage Assume XIP encrypted boot is enabled, and whether it's okay to send the encrypted bootable image sent to the OEM for mass production. Moreover, is it able to allow the customers to access the encrypted bootable image without worrying about application image leakage? In order to verify the above guesses, I do the following testing on MIMXRT1060-EVK. Select the XIP encrypted mode in the MCUXpresso Secure Provisioning tool to generate and burn the bootable image of the Blink LED; Fig5 Observe the burned image through NXP-MCUBootUtility, you can find that the ciphertext image is very messy when compared to the plaintext image on the right border, so it seems like the NXP-MCUBootUtility can't obtain the plaintext image; Fig 6 Let's observe the ciphertext image in another way, read them through the pyocd command, as shown below; Fig 7 Open then 9_21_readback.Bin and compare it with the plain text image on the right border, they are the same actually, in other words, the plaintext image was leaked. Fig 8 Explanation As the above Fig 2 shows, the encrypted code and data stored in Serial Nor flash need to be decrypted before they are sent to the CPU for execution. When Jlink connects to the target MCU, it will load the corresponding flash driver algorithm to run in the FlexRAM. If the flash driver algorithm detects the boot type of the MCU just like the following code, then configures the BEE or OTFAD module according to the detecting result, after that, when reading the ciphertext in the Nor Flash, the data will be automatically decrypted. status = SLN_AUTH_check_context(SLN_CRYPTO_CTX_1); configPRINTF(("Context check status %d\r\n", status)); // DEBUG_LOG_DELAY_MS(1000); // Optional delay, enable for debugging to ensure log is printed before a crash if (SLN_AUTH_NO_CONTEXT == status) { configPRINTF(("Ensuring context...\r\n")); // DEBUG_LOG_DELAY_MS(1000); // Optional delay, enable for debugging to ensure log is printed before a crash // Load crypto contexts and make sure they are valid (our own context should be good to get to this point!) status = bl_nor_encrypt_ensure_context(); if (kStatus_Fail == status) { configPRINTF(("Failed to load crypto context...\r\n")); // DEBUG_LOG_DELAY_MS(1000); // Optional delay, enable for debugging to ensure log is printed before a crash // Double check if encrypted XIP is enabled if (!bl_nor_encrypt_is_enabled()) { configPRINTF(("Not running in encrypted XIP mode, ignore error.\r\n")); // DEBUG_LOG_DELAY_MS(1000); // Optional delay, enable for debugging to ensure log is printed before a // crash // No encrypted XIP enabled, we can ignore the bad status status = kStatus_Success; } } else if (kStatus_ReadOnly == status) // Using this status from standard status to indicate that we need to split PRDB { volatile uint32_t delay = 1000000; // Set up context as needed for this application status = bl_nor_encrypt_split_prdb(); configPRINTF(("Restarting BOOTLOADER...\r\n")); while (delay--) ; // Restart DbgConsole_Deinit(); NVIC_DisableIRQ(LPUART6_IRQn); NVIC_SystemReset(); } } else if (SLN_AUTH_OK == status) { configPRINTF(("Ensuring context...\r\n")); // DEBUG_LOG_DELAY_MS(1000); // Optional delay, enable for debugging to ensure log is printed before a crash // We will check to see if we need to update the backup to the reduced scope PRDB0 for bootloader space status = bl_nor_encrypt_ensure_context(); if (kStatus_Fail == status) { configPRINTF(("Failed to load crypto context...\r\n")); // DEBUG_LOG_DELAY_MS(1000); // Optional delay, enable for debugging to ensure log is printed before a crash // Double check if encrypted XIP is enabled if (!bl_nor_encrypt_is_enabled()) { configPRINTF(("Not running in encrypted XIP mode, ignore error.\r\n")); // No encrypted XIP enabled, we can ignore the bad status status = kStatus_Success; } } else if (kStatus_Success == status) // We have good PRDBs so we can update the backup { bool isMatch = false; bool isOriginal = false; configPRINTF(("Checking backup context...\r\n")); // DEBUG_LOG_DELAY_MS(1000); // Optional delay, enable for debugging to ensure log is printed before a crash // Check if we have identical KIBs and initial CTR status = bl_nor_crypto_ctx_compare_backup(&isMatch, &isOriginal, SLN_CRYPTO_CTX_0); if (kStatus_Success == status) { if (isMatch && isOriginal) { configPRINTF(("Updating backup context with valid address space...\r\n")); // DEBUG_LOG_DELAY_MS(1000); // Optional delay, enable for debugging to ensure log is printed before // a crash // Update backup PRDB0 status = SLN_AUTH_backup_context(SLN_CRYPTO_CTX_0); } } } } How to handle Now we already understand the cause of the leak, we must prohibit external tools from loading flashloader or flash driver algorithms into the FlexRAM to run, so in addition to disabling the Debug port, we also need to disable the Serial download method to prevent the hackers take advantage of the Serial Downloader method to make the ROM code load a special flashloader to run in RAM, then configure the BEE or OTFAD module prior to reading the image. However, compared to simply prohibiting the debug port, I'd highly recommend you select the Secure Debug method, because the debug feature requirement is important to return/filed testing, Secure Debug just is like adding a sturdy lock to the debug port, and only the authorized one can open this lock to enter the debugging mode successfully. Reference AN12852:How to Enable the On-the-fly Decryption 《The trust chain of HAB boot》
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Introduction NXP i.MX RT1xxx series provide the High Assurance Boot (HAB) feature which makes the hardware to have a mechanism to ensure that the software can be trusted, as the HAB feature enables the ROM to authenticate the program image by using digital signatures, which can assure the application image's integrity, authenticated and undeniable. So the OEM can utilize it to make their product reject any system image which is not authorized to run. However, what's the trust chain of HAB for implementing the purpose? How the key and certificate generate In the installation directory of MCUXpresso Secure Provisioning:  ~\nxp\MCUX_Provi_v3.1\bin\tools_scripts\keys , there are scripts for generating keys: hab4_pki_tree.sh and hab4_pki_tree.bat (both are applicable to Linux and Windows systems respectively), running any of the above scripts will generate 13 pairs of public and private keys in sequence through OpenSSL, which constitute the below tree structure. Fig1 Key Tree structure The public key and private key generated by OpenSSL are paired one by one, saving the private key and publishing the corresponding public key to the outside world can easily implement asymmetric encryption applications. But how to ensure that the obtained public key is correct and has not been tampered with? At this time, the intervention of authoritative departments is required. Just like everyone can print their resume and say who they are, but if they have the seal of the Public Security Bureau, only the household registration book can prove you are you. This issued by the authority is called a certificate. What's in the certificate? Of course, it should contain a public key, which is the most important; there is also the owner of the certificate, just like the household registration book with your name and ID number, indicating that the book is yours; in addition, there is the issuer of the certificate and the validity period of the ID card is a bit like the issuer institution on the ID card, and how many years of the validity period. If someone fakes a certificate issued by an authority, it's like having fake ID cards and fake household registration books. To generate a certificate, you need to initiate a certificate request, and then send the request to an authority for certification, which is called a CA(Certificate Authority). After sending this request to the authority, the authority will give the certificate a signature. Another question arises, how can the signature be guaranteed to be signed by a genuine authority? Of course, it can only be signed with something that is only in the hands of the authority, which is the CA's private key. The signature algorithm probably works like this: a Hash calculation is performed on the target information to obtain a Hash value. And this process is irreversible, that is to say, the original information content cannot be obtained through the Hash value. When the information is sent out, the hash value is encrypted and sent together with the information as a signature. The process is as follows. Fig2 Signature and verification process Looking at the content of the certificate (as shown below), we will find that there is an Issuer, that is, who issued the certificate; The subject is to who the certificate is issued; Validity is the certificate period; Public-key is the content of the public key, and related signature algorithm. You will find that in order to verify the certificate, the public key of the CA is required. Then a new question arises. How can we be sure that the public key of the CA is correct? This requires a superior CA to sign the CA's public key, and then form the CA's certificate. If you want to know whether a CA's certificate is reliable, you need to see if the public key of the CA's superior certificate can unlock the CA's signature. Just likes if you don’t trust the District Public Security Bureau, you can call the Municipal Public Security Bureau and ask the Municipal Public Security Bureau to confirm its legitimacy of the District Public Security Bureau. This goes up layer by layer until the root CA makes the final endorsement. Through this layer-by-layer credit endorsement method, the normal operation of the asymmetric encryption mode is guaranteed. How does the Root CA prove itself? At this time, Root CA will issue another certificate (as shown below), called the Self-Signed Certificate, which is to sign itself with its own private key, giving people a feeling of "I am me, whether you believe it or not", Therefore, its format content is slightly different from the above CA certificate. Its Issuer and Subject are the same, and its own public key can be used for authentication. So the certificate authentication process will also end here. In this way, in addition to generating the public key and private key through running the script, the OpenSSL will also generate the certificate chain shown below.  Fig3 certificates Boot flow of the HAB mode Figure 4 shows the boot flow of the HAB mode. And steps 1, 2, and 3 are essentially the signature verification process. Fig4 Boot flow of the HAB mode The verification process (as shown in Figure 2) can be used to detect data integrity, identity authentication, and non-repudiation when the public key is trusted, so hab4_pki_tree.sh and hab4_pki_tree.bat scripts can ensure the generated public key and private key pair and the certificate are trusted, it's the "perfectly closed loop". However, the Application image in Figure 4 is plaintext, and the confidentiality of the data is not implemented, so the encrypted boot is always a combination of the HAB boot and the encrypted boot is an advanced usage of an authenticated boot. Reference AN4581: i.MX Secure Boot on HABv4 Supported Devices AN12681: How to use HAB secure boot in i.MX RT10xx  
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RT10xx image reserve the APP FCB methods 1. Abstract     Regarding RT10XX programming, it is mainly divided into two categories: 1) Serial download mode with blhost proramming     To this method, we can use the MCUBootUtility tool, or blhost+elftosb+sdphost cmd method, we also can use the NXP SPT(MCUXpresso secure provisional Tool). This programming need to enter the serial download mode, then use the flashloader supported UART or the USB HID interface. 2) Use Programmer or debugger with flashdriver programming This method is usually through the SWD/JTAG download interface combined with the debugger + IDE, or directly software burning, the chip mode can be in the internal boot, or in the serial download mode, with the help of the flashloader to generate the flash burning algorithm file. Method 2, The burning method using the debugger tool usually ensures that the burning code is consistent with the original APP.     Method 1, Uses the blhost method to download, usually blhost will regenerate an FCB with a full-featured LUT to burn to the external flash, and then burn the app code with IVT, that is, without the FCB header of the original APP, and re-assemble a blhost generated FCB header and burn it separately. However, for some customers who need to read out the flash image and compare with the original APP image to check the difference after burning, the commonly used blhost method will have the problem of inconsistent FCB area matching. If the customer needs to use the blhost burning method in serial download mode, how to ensure that the flash image after burning is consistent with the original burning file? This article will take the MIMXRT1060-EVK development board as an example, and give specific methods for the command mode and SPT tool mode. 2 Blhost programming reserve APP FCB     From the old RT1060 SDK FCB file (below SDK2.12.0), evkmimxrt1060_flexspi_nor_config.c, we can see:   const flexspi_nor_config_t qspiflash_config = { .memConfig = { .tag = FLEXSPI_CFG_BLK_TAG, .version = FLEXSPI_CFG_BLK_VERSION, .readSampleClksrc=kFlexSPIReadSampleClk_LoopbackFromDqsPad, .csHoldTime = 3u, .csSetupTime = 3u, .sflashPadType = kSerialFlash_4Pads, .serialClkFreq = kFlexSpiSerialClk_100MHz, .sflashA1Size = 8u * 1024u * 1024u, .lookupTable = { // Read LUTs FLEXSPI_LUT_SEQ(CMD_SDR, FLEXSPI_1PAD, 0xEB, RADDR_SDR, FLEXSPI_4PAD, 0x18), FLEXSPI_LUT_SEQ(DUMMY_SDR, FLEXSPI_4PAD, 0x06, READ_SDR, FLEXSPI_4PAD, 0x04), }, }, .pageSize = 256u, .sectorSize = 4u * 1024u, .blockSize = 64u * 1024u, .isUniformBlockSize = false, };   This FCB LUT just contains the basic read command, normally, to the app booting, the FCB just need to provide the read command to the ROM, then it can boot normally.     But what happens to the memory downloaded by blhost? Based on the MIMXRT1060-EVK development board, the following shows how to use the command line mode corresponding to blhost to burn the SDK led_blinky project app, and read out the corresponding flash burning code to analysis. 2.1 Normal blhost download command line    This command line also the same as MCUBootUtility download log, source code is attached rt1060 cmd.bat. elftosb.exe -f imx -V -c imx_application_gen.bd -o ivt_evkmimxrt1060_iled_blinky_FCB.bin evkmimxrt1060_iled_blinky.s19 sdphost.exe -t 50000 -u 0x1FC9,0x0135 -j -- write-file 0x20208200 ivt_flashloader.bin sdphost.exe -t 50000 -u 0x1FC9,0x0135 -j -- jump-address 0x20208200 blhost.exe -t 50000 -u 0x15A2,0x0073 -j -- get-property 1 0 blhost.exe -t 50000 -u 0x15A2,0x0073 -j -- get-property 24 0 blhost.exe -t 5242000 -u 0x15A2,0x0073 -j -- fill-memory 0x20202000 4 0xc0000007 word  //option 0 blhost.exe -t 5242000 -u 0x15A2,0x0073 -j -- fill-memory 0x20202004 4 0 word                 //option1 blhost.exe -t 50000 -u 0x15A2,0x0073 -j -- configure-memory 9 0x20202000                    blhost -t 2048000 -u 0x15A2,0x0073 -j -- flash-erase-region 0x60000000 0x8000 9 blhost -t 5242000 -u 0x15A2,0x0073 -j -- fill-memory 0x20203000 4 0XF000000F word  blhost -t 50000 -u 0x15A2,0x0073 -j -- configure-memory 9 0x20203000                    blhost -t 5242000 -u 0x15A2,0x0073 -j -- write-memory 0x60001000 ivt_evkmimxrt1060_iled_blinky_FCB_nopadding.bin 9 blhost -t 5242000 -u 0x15A2,0x0073 -j -- read-memory 0x60000000 0x8000 flexspiNorCfg.dat 9 The normal blhost programming is to use the cmd line method, and provide an app which is without the FCB header(Even app with the FCB, will exclude the FCB header at first), then use the elftosb.exe generate the app with IVT, eg ivt_evkmimxrt1060_iled_blinky_FCB_nopadding.bin, download the flashloader file ivt_flashloader to internal RAM, and jump to the flashloader, then use the fill-memory to fill option0, option1 to choose the proper external flash, and use the configure-memory to configure the flexSPI module, with the SFDP table which is got from get configure command, then fill the flexSPI LUT internal buffer. Next, fill-memory 0x20203000 4 0XF000000F associate with configure-memory will generate the full FCB header, burn it from flash address 0x60000000. At last, burn the app which contains IVT from flash address 0X60001000, until now, realize the whole app image programming. Pic 1 shows the comparison between the data read after programming and the original app data. It can be seen that the LUT of the FCB actually programmed on the left is not only contains read, but also contains read status, write enable, program and erase commands. The one on the right is the original app with FCB. The LUT of FCB only contains read commands for boot. So, if you want to keep the FCB header of the original APP instead of the header generated and burned by option0,1 configure-memory, how to do it? The method is that you can also use Option0, 1 to generate and fill in the LUT for flexSPI for communication use, but do not burn the corresponding generated FCB, just burn the FCB that comes with the original APP. pic1 2.2 Reuse option0 and option1 to program the original APP LUT The following command gives reuse option0 and option1, generates LUT and fills in flexSPI LUT for connection with external flash interface, but does not call:  fill-memory 0x20203000 4 0XF000000F and configure-memory 9 0x20203000, so that the generated FCB will not be burned to external memory.    Source file is attached rt1060 cmd_option01.bat. elftosb.exe -f imx -V -c imx_application_gen.bd -o ivt_evkmimxrt1060_iled_blinky_FCB.bin evkmimxrt1060_iled_blinky.s19 sdphost.exe -t 50000 -u 0x1FC9,0x0135 -j -- write-file 0x20208200 ivt_flashloader.bin sdphost.exe -t 50000 -u 0x1FC9,0x0135 -j -- jump-address 0x20208200 blhost.exe -t 50000 -u 0x15A2,0x0073 -j -- get-property 1 0 blhost.exe -t 50000 -u 0x15A2,0x0073 -j -- get-property 24 0 blhost.exe -t 5242000 -u 0x15A2,0x0073 -j -- fill-memory 0x20202000 4 0xc0000007 word blhost.exe -t 5242000 -u 0x15A2,0x0073 -j -- fill-memory 0x20202004 4 0 word blhost.exe -t 50000 -u 0x15A2,0x0073 -j -- configure-memory 9 0x20202000 blhost -t 5242000 -u 0x15A2,0x0073 -j -- read-memory 0x60000000 1024 flexspiNorCfg.dat 9 blhost -t 2048000 -u 0x15A2,0x0073 -j -- flash-erase-region 0x60000000 0x8000 9 blhost -t 5242000 -u 0x15A2,0x0073 -j -- read-memory 0x60000000 1024 flexspiNorCfg.dat 9 blhost -t 5242000 -u 0x15A2,0x0073 -j -- write-memory 0x60000000 evkmimxrt1060_iled_blinky_FCB.bin 9 blhost -t 5242000 -u 0x15A2,0x0073 -j -- read-memory 0x60000000 0x8000 flexspiNorCfg.dat 9 Pic 2 is the comparison between the read data after programming and the original programming data. It can be seen that the FCB programmed at this time is exactly the same as the original code FCB. Pic 2 2.3 use 1bit FCB file to configure LUT    The used file cfg_fdcb_RTxxx_1bit_sdr_flashA.bin is copied from MCUBOOTUtility: \NXP-MCUBootUtility-3.4.0\src\targets\fdcb_model . The configuration of Option0 and Option1 is usually for chips that can support SFDP table, but some flash chips cannot support SFDP table. At this time, you need to fill in the flexSPI LUT for the full LUT manually. The so-called full LUT command is not only read commands, but also supports erasing, program, etc. In this way, the flexSPI interface can be successfully connected to the external FLASH, and the corresponding functions of reading, erasing, and writing can be realized. Therefore, the method in this chapter is to use a single-line command, which is also a command supported by general chips, to enable the corresponding function of flexSPI, so it can complete the subsequent APP code programming.   Pic 3     We can see: 03H is read, 05H is read status register, 06H is write enable, D8H is the block 64K erase, 02H is the page program, 60H is the chip erase. This is the 1bit SPI method full function LUT command, which can realize the chip read, write and erase function.     The command line is, source file is attached rt1060 cmd_fdcb_1bit_sdr_flashA.bat: elftosb.exe -f imx -V -c imx_application_gen.bd -o ivt_evkmimxrt1060_iled_blinky_FCB.bin evkmimxrt1060_iled_blinky.s19 sdphost.exe -t 50000 -u 0x1FC9,0x0135 -j -- write-file 0x20208200 ivt_flashloader.bin sdphost.exe -t 50000 -u 0x1FC9,0x0135 -j -- jump-address 0x20208200 blhost.exe -t 50000 -u 0x15A2,0x0073 -j -- get-property 1 0 blhost.exe -t 50000 -u 0x15A2,0x0073 -j -- get-property 24 0 blhost -t 5242000 -u 0x15A2,0x0073 -j -- write-memory 0x20202000 cfg_fdcb_RTxxx_1bit_sdr_flashA.bin blhost.exe -t 50000 -u 0x15A2,0x0073 -j -- configure-memory 9 0x20202000 blhost -t 5242000 -u 0x15A2,0x0073 -j -- read-memory 0x60000000 1024 flexspiNorCfg.dat 9 blhost -t 2048000 -u 0x15A2,0x0073 -j -- flash-erase-region 0x60000000 0x8000 9 blhost -t 5242000 -u 0x15A2,0x0073 -j -- read-memory 0x60000000 1024 flexspiNorCfg.dat 9 blhost -t 5242000 -u 0x15A2,0x0073 -j -- write-memory 0x60000000 evkmimxrt1060_iled_blinky_FCB.bin 9 blhost -t 5242000 -u 0x15A2,0x0073 -j -- read-memory 0x60000000 0x8000 flexspiNorCfg.dat 9 In the command line, where option0,1 was previously filled in, instead of filling in the data of option0,1, the 512-byte Bin file of the complete FCB LUT command is directly given, and then the configure-memory command is used to configure the flashloader’s FlexSPI LUT with the FCB file. so that it can support read and write erase commands, etc. The comparison between the flash data and the original APP data when burning and reading is in the Pic 4, we can see, the readout data from the flash is totally the same as the original APP FCB. Pic 4 3,SPT program reserve APP FCB The NXP officially released MCUXPresso Secure Provisional Tool can support the function of retaining the customer's FCB, but the SPT tool currently uses the APP FCB to fill in the flashloader FlexSPI FCB. Therefore, if the customer directly uses the old SDK demo which just contains the read command in the LUT to generate an APP with FCB, then use the SPT tool to burn the flash, and choose to keep the customer FCB in the tool, you will encounter the problem of erasing failure. In this case, analyze the reason, we can know the FCB on the customer APP side needs to fill in the full FCB LUT command, that is, including reading, writing, erasing, etc. The following shows how the old original SDK led_blinky generates an image with an FCB header and writes it in the SPT tool. As you can see in Pic 5, the tool has information that if you use APP FCB, you need to ensure that the FCB LUT contains the read, erase, program commands. Pic 6 shows the programming situation of APP FCB LUT only including read. It has failed when doing erase. The reason is that there is no erase, program and other commands in the FlexSPI LUT command, so it will fail when doing the corresponding erasing or programming.   Pic 5 Pic 6 Pic 7 If you look at the specific command, as shown in Pic 7, you can find that the SPT tool directly uses the FCB header extracted from the APP image to flash the LUT of the flashloader FlexSPI, so there will be no erase and write commands, and it will fail when erasing. The following is how to fill in the LUT in the FCB of the SDK, open evkmimxrt1060_flexspi_nor_config.c, and modify the FCB as follows: const flexspi_nor_config_t qspiflash_config = {     .memConfig =         {             .tag              = FLEXSPI_CFG_BLK_TAG,             .version          = FLEXSPI_CFG_BLK_VERSION,             .readSampleClksrc=kFlexSPIReadSampleClk_LoopbackFromDqsPad,             .csHoldTime       = 3u,             .csSetupTime      = 3u,             .sflashPadType    = kSerialFlash_4Pads,             .serialClkFreq    = kFlexSpiSerialClk_100MHz,             .sflashA1Size     = 8u * 1024u * 1024u,             .lookupTable =                 {                   // Read LUTs                   FLEXSPI_LUT_SEQ(CMD_SDR, FLEXSPI_1PAD, 0xEB, RADDR_SDR, FLEXSPI_4PAD, 0x18),                   FLEXSPI_LUT_SEQ(DUMMY_SDR, FLEXSPI_4PAD, 0x06, READ_SDR, FLEXSPI_4PAD, 0x04),                   // Read status                   [4*1] = FLEXSPI_LUT_SEQ(CMD_SDR, FLEXSPI_1PAD, 0x05, READ_SDR, FLEXSPI_1PAD, 0x04),                   //write Enable                   [4*3] = FLEXSPI_LUT_SEQ(CMD_SDR, FLEXSPI_1PAD, 0x06, STOP, FLEXSPI_1PAD, 0),                   // Sector Erase byte LUTs                   [4*5] = FLEXSPI_LUT_SEQ(CMD_SDR, FLEXSPI_1PAD, 0x20, RADDR_SDR, FLEXSPI_1PAD, 0x18),                   // Block Erase 64Kbyte LUTs                   [4*8] = FLEXSPI_LUT_SEQ(CMD_SDR, FLEXSPI_1PAD, 0xD8, RADDR_SDR, FLEXSPI_1PAD, 0x18),                    //Page Program - single mode                   [4*9] = FLEXSPI_LUT_SEQ(CMD_SDR, FLEXSPI_1PAD, 0x02, RADDR_SDR, FLEXSPI_1PAD, 0x18),                   [4*9+1] = FLEXSPI_LUT_SEQ(WRITE_SDR, FLEXSPI_1PAD, 0x04, STOP, FLEXSPI_1PAD, 0x0),                   //Erase whole chip                   [4*11] =FLEXSPI_LUT_SEQ(CMD_SDR, FLEXSPI_1PAD, 0x60, STOP, FLEXSPI_1PAD, 0),                                       },         },     .pageSize           = 256u,     .sectorSize         = 4u * 1024u,     .blockSize          = 64u * 1024u,     .isUniformBlockSize = false, }; Please note, after the internal SDK team modification, from SDK_2_12_0_EVK-MIMXRT1060, the evkmimxrt1060_flexspi_nor_config.c already add LUT cmd to the full FCB LUT function. Use the above FCB to generate the APP, then use the SPT tool to burn the app with customer FCB again, we can see, the programming is working now. Pic 8 In summary, if you need to reserve the customer FCB, you can use the above method, but if you use the SPT tool, you need to add read, write, and erase commands to the LUT of the code FCB to ensure that flexSPI successfully operates the external flash.
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Issue: 802.11 IEEE station Power Save mode is not working as expected with the latest SDK 2.11.1, supporting NXP wireless solutions 88W8987/88W8977/IW416.   Solution: Modify the structure in file : middleware/wifi/wifidriver/incl/mlan_fw.h, Replace  “ENH_PS_MODES action” to “uint16_t action”.    Note: This fix will officially be part of SDK: 2.12.0
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