EVK1170 - On board debug probe gone!
Hi Guys,
The on board probe seems to have disappeared, I can still flash with a jlink.
The usb comes up as "SE blank RT family".
Has anyone any idea of how to get this going again?

Hello Andy,
My apologies.
Have you tried to enter bootloader mode, by placing jumper J27 to 1-2 and pressing SW3 when powering on?
Alternatively, the PDF on the Knowledge Base document below covers updating the DAPLink Firmware version and also installing the LPC-Link2 Firmware, which may help.
This PDF is similar to AN13206, which would also apply to the i.MXRT1170 as it also has an LPC4322 to integrate the debug probe.

Hello Andy,
You may load the OpenSDA firmware for the i.MXRT1170-EVK from the link below.
You would need to choose the EVK from the dropdown menu first, and the available options and instructions on how to load the firmware will be shown.
I hope that this information helps!