I use the i.MX6Q VPU to decode jpeg image and then encode to h264 file.
The input is a jpeg image with YUV422 color format, whereas i want to encode to YUV420 h264 stream file. For this reasons I use the IPU CSC to convert from YUV422 color format to YUV420.
Therefore the conversion flow is:
1) Decode jpeg image with VPU
2) Convert raw data from YUV422 to YUV420 color format whit IPU CSC
3) Encode raw data converted to h264 stream
I use this libraries / examples to manage easily VPU and CSC:
VPU: https://github.com/Freescale/libimxvpuapi
CSC: https://github.com/jafp/imx6_ipu_csc
I think that jpeg image decoding and color format conversion works well. So much so that I tested the raw data images (before and after color format conversion) by this link http://rawpixels.net/ and all seems ok.
That said, I have problems with h264 encoding.
Reading the h264 encoding flow with VLC I see an overlay green image and I don't know the reasons. Why?!
I attach the raw data images (before and after color format conversion), orignal image and output h264 file.
Thank you to all.
void init(FILE *input_file, FILE *output_file) {ImxVpuEncOpenParams open_params;ImxVpuRawFrame input_frame;ImxVpuEncodedFrame output_frame;ImxVpuEncParams enc_params;unsigned int output_code;long size;void *buf;ImxVpuJPEGDecInfo info;uint8_t *mapped_virtual_address;size_t num_out_byte;encContex = calloc(1, sizeof(EncContex));jpegContex = calloc(1, sizeof(JpegContex));jpegContex->fin = input_file;encContex->fout = output_file;/* Open the JPEG decoder */imx_vpu_jpeg_dec_open(&(jpegContex->jpeg_decoder), NULL, 0);/* Decode Jpeg and retrive image size *//* Determine size of the input file to be able to read all of its bytes in one go */fseek(jpegContex->fin, 0, SEEK_END);size = ftell(jpegContex->fin);fseek(jpegContex->fin, 0, SEEK_SET);/* Allocate buffer for the input data, and read the data into it */buf = malloc(size);fread(buf, 1, size, jpegContex->fin);/* Perform the actual JPEG decoding */ImxVpuDecReturnCodes dec_ret = imx_vpu_jpeg_dec_decode(jpegContex->jpeg_decoder, buf, size);if (dec_ret != IMX_VPU_DEC_RETURN_CODE_OK){fprintf(stderr, "could not decode this JPEG image : %s\n", imx_vpu_dec_error_string(dec_ret));return;}/* Input data is not needed anymore, so free the input buffer */free(buf);/* Get some information about the the frame* Note that the info is only available *after* calling imx_vpu_jpeg_dec_decode() */imx_vpu_jpeg_dec_get_info(jpegContex->jpeg_decoder, &info);fprintf(stderr,"aligned frame size: %u x %u pixel actual frame size: %u x %u pixel Y/Cb/Cr stride: %u/%u/%u Y/Cb/Cr size: %u/%u/%u Y/Cb/Cr offset: %u/%u/%u color format: %s\n",info.aligned_frame_width, info.aligned_frame_height,info.actual_frame_width, info.actual_frame_height,info.y_stride, info.cbcr_stride, info.cbcr_stride,info.y_size, info.cbcr_size, info.cbcr_size,info.y_offset, info.cb_offset, info.cr_offset,imx_vpu_color_format_string(info.color_format));if (info.framebuffer == NULL){fprintf(stderr, "could not decode this JPEG image : no framebuffer returned\n");return;}FILE* shm_fd = fopen("/dev/shm/tmp.raw", "wb");/* Map the DMA buffer of the decoded picture, write out the decoded pixels, and unmap the buffer again */num_out_byte = info.y_size + info.cbcr_size * 2;fprintf(stderr, "decoded output picture: writing %u byte\n", num_out_byte);mapped_virtual_address = imx_vpu_dma_buffer_map(info.framebuffer->dma_buffer, IMX_VPU_MAPPING_FLAG_READ);fwrite(mapped_virtual_address, 1, num_out_byte, shm_fd);imx_vpu_dma_buffer_unmap(info.framebuffer->dma_buffer);/* Decoded frame is no longer needed, so inform the decoder that it can reclaim it */imx_vpu_jpeg_dec_frame_finished(jpegContex->jpeg_decoder, info.framebuffer);fclose(shm_fd);{ // color space conversionint file_fd;FILE* file_out;file_fd = open("/dev/shm/tmp.raw", O_RDWR, 0);printf("color space conversion init\n");int file_size = lseek(file_fd, 0, SEEK_END);printf("post lseek, file_size:%i\n", file_size);void * raw_image = mmap(0, file_size, PROT_READ, MAP_SHARED, file_fd, 0);printf("post mmap\n");ipu_csc_t csc;ipu_csc_format_t input_format = { info.aligned_frame_width, info.aligned_frame_height, 16, V4L2_PIX_FMT_YUV422P };// ipu_csc_format_t output_format = { info.aligned_frame_width, info.aligned_frame_height, 16, V4L2_PIX_FMT_YUV420 };ipu_csc_format_t output_format = { info.aligned_frame_width, info.aligned_frame_height, 12, V4L2_PIX_FMT_YUV420 };if (ipu_csc_init(&csc, &input_format, &output_format) < 0) {perror("ipu csc init failed");return;}printf("post ipu_csc_init\n");// Output bufferprintf("output_image size: %i\n", info.aligned_frame_width * info.aligned_frame_height * output_format.bpp / 8);unsigned char output_image[ info.aligned_frame_width * info.aligned_frame_height * output_format.bpp / 8 ];memset(output_image, 0, sizeof(output_image));printf("post memset\n");if (ipu_csc_convert(&csc, raw_image, output_image) < 0) {perror("ipu_csc_convert");} else {printf("Conversion done.\n");}close(file_fd);file_out = fopen("/dev/shm/tmp_conv.raw", "wb");fwrite(output_image, sizeof(output_image), 1, file_out);fclose(file_out);ipu_csc_close(&csc);printf("color conversion end\n");} // color space conversion end/* Init h264 encoder */memset(&open_params, 0, sizeof(open_params));imx_vpu_enc_set_default_open_params(IMX_VPU_CODEC_FORMAT_H264, &open_params);open_params.bitrate = 0;open_params.frame_width = info.aligned_frame_width;open_params.frame_height = info.aligned_frame_height;open_params.frame_rate_numerator = 25;open_params.frame_rate_denominator = 1;open_params.color_format = IMX_VPU_COLOR_FORMAT_YUV420;/* Load the VPU firmware */imx_vpu_enc_load();/* Retrieve information about the required bitstream buffer and allocate one based on this */imx_vpu_enc_get_bitstream_buffer_info(&(encContex->bitstream_buffer_size), &(encContex->bitstream_buffer_alignment));encContex->bitstream_buffer = imx_vpu_dma_buffer_allocate(imx_vpu_enc_get_default_allocator(),encContex->bitstream_buffer_size,encContex->bitstream_buffer_alignment,0);/* Open an encoder instance, using the previously allocated bitstream buffer */imx_vpu_enc_open(&(encContex->vpuenc), &open_params, encContex->bitstream_buffer);/* Retrieve the initial information to allocate framebuffers for the* encoding process (unlike with decoding, these framebuffers are used* only internally by the encoder as temporary storage; encoded data* doesn't go in there, nor do raw input frames) */imx_vpu_enc_get_initial_info(encContex->vpuenc, &(encContex->initial_info));encContex->num_framebuffers = encContex->initial_info.min_num_required_framebuffers;fprintf(stderr, "num framebuffers: %u\n", encContex->num_framebuffers);/* Using the initial information, calculate appropriate framebuffer sizes */imx_vpu_calc_framebuffer_sizes(info.color_format, info.actual_frame_width, info.actual_frame_height, encContex->initial_info.framebuffer_alignment, 0, 0, &(encContex->calculated_sizes));fprintf(stderr,"calculated sizes: frame width&height: %dx%d Y stride: %u CbCr stride: %u Y size: %u CbCr size: %u MvCol size: %u total size: %u\n",encContex->calculated_sizes.aligned_frame_width, encContex->calculated_sizes.aligned_frame_height,encContex->calculated_sizes.y_stride, encContex->calculated_sizes.cbcr_stride,encContex->calculated_sizes.y_size, encContex->calculated_sizes.cbcr_size, encContex->calculated_sizes.mvcol_size,encContex->calculated_sizes.total_size);/* Allocate memory blocks for the framebuffer and DMA buffer structures,* and allocate the DMA buffers themselves */encContex->framebuffers = malloc(sizeof(ImxVpuFramebuffer) * encContex->num_framebuffers);encContex->fb_dmabuffers = malloc(sizeof(ImxVpuDMABuffer*) * encContex->num_framebuffers);for (unsigned int i = 0; i < encContex->num_framebuffers; ++i){/* Allocate a DMA buffer for each framebuffer. It is possible to specify alternate allocators;* all that is required is that the allocator provides physically contiguous memory* (necessary for DMA transfers) and respecs the alignment value. */encContex->fb_dmabuffers[i] = imx_vpu_dma_buffer_allocate(imx_vpu_dec_get_default_allocator(), encContex->calculated_sizes.total_size, encContex->initial_info.framebuffer_alignment, 0);imx_vpu_fill_framebuffer_params(&(encContex->framebuffers[i]), &(encContex->calculated_sizes), encContex->fb_dmabuffers[i], 0);}/* allocate DMA buffers for the raw input frames. Since the encoder can only read* raw input pixels from a DMA memory region, it is necessary to allocate one,* and later copy the pixels into it. In production, it is generally a better* idea to make sure that the raw input frames are already placed in DMA memory* (either allocated by imx_vpu_dma_buffer_allocate() or by some other means of* getting DMA / physically contiguous memory with known physical addresses). */encContex->input_fb_dmabuffer = imx_vpu_dma_buffer_allocate(imx_vpu_dec_get_default_allocator(), encContex->calculated_sizes.total_size, encContex->initial_info.framebuffer_alignment, 0);imx_vpu_fill_framebuffer_params(&(encContex->input_framebuffer), &(encContex->calculated_sizes), encContex->input_fb_dmabuffer, 0);/* Actual registration is done here. From this moment on, the VPU knows which buffers to use for* storing temporary frames into. This call must not be done again until encoding is shut down. */imx_vpu_enc_register_framebuffers(encContex->vpuenc, encContex->framebuffers, encContex->num_framebuffers);/* Set up the input frame. The only field that needs to be* set is the input framebuffer. The encoder will read from it.* The rest can remain zero/NULL. */memset(&input_frame, 0, sizeof(input_frame));// input_frame.framebuffer = info.framebuffer;input_frame.framebuffer = &(encContex->input_framebuffer);/* Set the encoding parameters for this frame. quant_param 0 is* the highest quality in h.264 constant quality encoding mode.* (The range in h.264 is 0-51, where 0 is best quality and worst* compression, and 51 vice versa.) */memset(&enc_params, 0, sizeof(enc_params));enc_params.quant_param = 0;enc_params.acquire_output_buffer = acquire_output_buffer;enc_params.finish_output_buffer = finish_output_buffer;enc_params.output_buffer_context = NULL;/* Set up the output frame. Simply setting all fields to zero/NULL* is enough. The encoder will fill in data. */memset(&output_frame, 0, sizeof(output_frame));for (int nframe = 0; nframe < 100; nframe++){uint8_t *mapped_virtual_address;void *output_block;FILE* raw_file;raw_file = fopen("/dev/shm/tmp_conv.raw", "rb");/* Read uncompressed pixels into the input DMA buffer */mapped_virtual_address = imx_vpu_dma_buffer_map(encContex->input_fb_dmabuffer, IMX_VPU_MAPPING_FLAG_WRITE);fread(mapped_virtual_address, 1, num_out_byte, raw_file);imx_vpu_dma_buffer_unmap(encContex->input_fb_dmabuffer);/* The actual encoding */imx_vpu_enc_encode(encContex->vpuenc, &input_frame, &output_frame, &enc_params, &output_code);/* Write out the encoded frame to the output file. The encoder* will have called acquire_output_buffer(), which acquires a* buffer by malloc'ing it. The "handle" in this example is* just the pointer to the allocated memory. This means that* here, acquired_handle is the pointer to the encoded frame* data. Write it to file, and then free the previously* allocated block. In production, the acquire function could* retrieve an output memory block from a buffer pool for* example. */output_block = output_frame.acquired_handle;fwrite(output_block, 1, output_frame.data_size, encContex->fout);free(output_block);fclose(raw_file);}/* Close the previously opened encoder instance */imx_vpu_enc_close(encContex->vpuenc);/* Free all allocated memory (both regular and DMA memory) */imx_vpu_dma_buffer_deallocate(encContex->input_fb_dmabuffer);free(encContex->framebuffers);for (unsigned int i = 0; i < encContex->num_framebuffers; ++i)imx_vpu_dma_buffer_deallocate(encContex->fb_dmabuffers[i]);free(encContex->fb_dmabuffers);imx_vpu_dma_buffer_deallocate(encContex->bitstream_buffer);/* Unload the VPU firmware */imx_vpu_enc_unload();free(encContex);/* Shut down the JPEG decoder */imx_vpu_jpeg_dec_close(jpegContex->jpeg_decoder);free(jpegContex);}
Original Attachment has been moved to: prova.h264.zip
Original Attachment has been moved to: tmp.raw.zip
Original Attachment has been moved to: tmp_conv.raw.zip
Hi Simone
for vpu encoding examples one can look at imx-test package examples (../mxc_vpu_test)
or check attached Linux Guide sect.7.3.3 Video encoding.
Use official nxp bsps on link
Best regards
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