I haven't tried to flash the board with WinCE7 but I'm not sure if you are setting the board's dip-switch setting to "2" and "7" so the board knows it has to boot from the SD Card.
AdeneoEmbedded do you have any information that might help?
Have a great day,
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Hi Sergio,
Yes I have set "2" and "7". And not able to see anything on the board. as the image of android that came by default in SD card Boots properly. after that i follow
the steps that i have mentioned .
Bipul Pandey
Thank you for your prompt response!,
Vipul, were you able to make it work with the suggestion from Adeneo?
Hi Sergio,
As still we are not able to UP the board so please help me on that.
Bipul Pandey
The CMD that Adeneo Support Team support suggested not working . i have tried but the result is same nothing is coming out through display .and same at com port
The things that I have done, I format the card as FAT32 by window machine then fire the cmd that suggested by the adeneo
below is the screen shot of cmd, here every thing looks very fine
after that i inserted the card into board,"nothing is happening " .then i inserted the card that boot the android , system boots properly i have seen the message at com port.(DIP Switch setting SW6 "2"and "7" set at booth case)
i want to know one thing.
1- first the boot loader run at the location 0x2 (are there any debug message came out when boot loader runs ?) if debug message are there that means boot loader is not running (i have not seen any message at com port)
please help me on that what to do next.
bipul pandey
Hi Team,
Have you got something Please solve the issue , I am waiting your reply
or is there any one who can help on that
@Sergio Do you have any point here ...
Bipul Pandey
I'm sorry Bipul, since WinCE is not developed by Freescale there isn't much I could know about it, besides I haven't actually installed WinCE in the i.MX6 board. Deactivated user developed this BSP, they are the team that has the experience with it.
Hi Team,
As i have tried your option here but no Luck :-(
1- I have change the SD card
2- check with the SW6 switch setting
3- the CheckSum of all image is correct
As now i have tried so many thing as you suggested . i have point here
1- There is no problem Of SD card slot, SD card is attaching properly (as android is booting).
3- No DIP Switch setting Issue.
2- No problem with Images (as all the check sum are correct)
Now the doubt on SD card partition and flashing the image on SD card.
So please think on that side and let me know please
1-how to verify that image and boot loader on the SD card flash properly(I have doubt only here)
2- how many partition SD card create when be it formatted by -a CMD and when files are copied
Please solve the issue on high priority
We have two board and no of use right now.
if possible please arrange the call or webex meeting.
Bipul Pandey
Hi Team
1- I tried with new SD card so there is no point here for using enough time
2- I also used to reset the board with SW2 and for info (android is booting)
3- I check the partition of SD card and I have found, There is no data at 400 ,80400,8080400 Location ,I will share the snapshot also, So problem is here in the SD card .It is not flashed correctly by your cmd . so please correct that or send new procedure to flash the image to up the board
And i found the data in android SD card.
Bipul Pandey
Sticker label near to power socket is MCIMX6DL-SDP
sticker near to SW6 is SCH-27417 REV C4 second sticker 700-27417 REV C
I have not try the option that you have told,i will try it tomorrow
any way I want to know
how is the partition done by the the cfimager -d f -f nk.nb0 -imx53 -a CMD ? , what is the partition name because i have not seen any partition after firing the CMD.
Bipul Pandey