I uses SGTL5000 with i.mx6SL using Android 4.4.2.
Above audio codec can play wav file without problem.
While recording MIC input to wav file, audio broken sometimes.
for example, just record about 10 seconds but just plays about 8 seconds. that means some region plays shortly than expected time, 2 second voice just omitted(compressed).
we just no connected VDDD.
Please let us know where should I check.
Additionally I have below results.
1. record by tinycap to wav file, then recorded sound file sometimes broken,
2. record by Android Sound Recorder using codec AMR(Adaptive Multi Rate), file does not have noise.
so it can record succesfully.
Does anybody have any idea why tinycap's recorded wav file are broken?
Imx6 Solo: imx-sgtl5000 driver.
Mic recording comes only for 10 secs. When I playback (using android application), audio comes for only first 10 secs and after that no audio till the end of the recording. But the player continues till the end of recording.
There can't be a problem on the application. Is there any limitation in sgtl5000 driver??
Pls. advise.