We are currently using AAOS version 12.1.0_2.1.0 on our i.MX 8QuadMax MEK and we have found out that M4 is able to receive/send some vehicle properties from/to Application Processors through RPMsg.
We have ported FlexCAN into M4 therefore we're able to read/write CAN messages.
Since we need to replace such vehicle properties with the corresponding signals provided by a dbc file, is there a mapping mechanism already available in Android VHAL? If not, can you share some guidelines about this topic?
Thank you for your support.
Hi @Felice ,
I hope you're doing great! Support for Android Auto is limited and any customization is out of the scope of this support channel. For this I recommend contacting Pro Support directly: Professional Support for Processors and Microcontrollers | NXP Semiconductors
They'll be able to help you with your inquiry. Just contacting them doesn't require any payment but the service itself does.
Best regards,