I.MX6SX M4 on U-Boot-FSLC
Hello All,
I'm currently trying to set up a MX6SXSABRESD evaluation board using the latest yocto fsl-community-bsp of 1.8 (Fido). This builds the distro with a 3.14 linux-imx kernel and a 2015 u-boot-fslc bootloader.
The kernel boots on the A9 fine, and I can access Linux with no problem. However, I'm unable to get the M4 running. I had the M4 running fine under the distribution that is provided by Freescale with the evaluation board (L3.10.53_1.1.0_ga_images).
My procedure (under u-boot) is such:
1) Load the M4 binary into QSPI
fatload mmc 2:1 0x80800000 m4_qspi.bin
sf probe 1:0
sf erase 0x0 9000
sf write 0x80800000 0x0 9000
2) Start the M4
sf probe 1:0
cp 0x78000000 0x007F8000 8
mw.l 0x020D8000 0xA0480529
The binary that I'm flashing with is a simple "Hello World" program. I'm seeing no output on the M4 terminal when starting the M4. I can also do an sf read and see that the program is properly written. So the flashing of the QSPI is working fine as far as I can tell.
However, if I do a memory dump with the md command at address 0x78000000 after sf probe 1:0, I do not see the program in my current distribution. In the original distribution I would. What's going on here? Any ideas?

Hi Nathan
seems u-boot-fslc (community uboot) has not sufficient SX support so far,
as mentioned in
you can post this on for obtaining details
differencies between u-boot-fslc and u-boot-imx :
Best regards
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I also tried a program which triggers a reset on the A9 from the M4. As soon as I run it on an image from L3.10.53_1.1.0_ga_images, the A9 resets. When I run it on the Yocto u-boot-fslc, it does nothing. So it does not appear to be a UART configuration issue.