Does i.MX8MQ GIC have legacy modes?What is the address of GIC CPU interface?
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What is i.MX8MQ GIC versoin number? GIC500?
Does i.MX8MQ GIC have legacy modes?
What is the memory address of GIC CPU interface?
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Anyone can help me? Thanks!
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According to the ARM processor documentation CBAR_EL1 register "holds the physical
base address of the memory-mapped GIC CPU interface registers”.
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I can detect imx8mq has GIC-500 according to IIDR and PIDR register.
And did not support memory mapped CPU interface by testing other registers.
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Recently I found that, software working in EL3 can change the SRE and ARE bit.
So if I want to use legacy mode for non-SRE, I must know the memory address of CPU-interface.
GICv3 is designed by ARM, that is right, but it is connect to NOC by NXP.
NXP should know the memory address of CPU-interface.
My question is I want to know the memory address of CPU-interface to use the legacy mode.
So I reopen this issue.
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Hi Peng
please refer to sect.4.1.4 Platform sub-blocks i.MX8MDQ Reference Manual
and arm documentation
core revision is r0p4-51rel0, as described in sect.4.1.2 Configuration.
Best regards
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Hi igor,
But you don't answer my questions. I knew the GIC is GIC v4.
But I do not want to use <system registers enable> method, instead I want to use the legacy mode which will operates CPU interface by using memory-mapped regions.
So, my main question is:
1. Does i.MX8MQ GIC have legacy modes?
2. What is the memory-mapped address of GIC CPU interface?
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Hi Peng
GIC is module designed by arm, suggest to post it on arm forum.
Arm Development Platforms forum - Arm Development Platforms - Arm Community
Best regards
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Hi igor,
I know GIC is designed by arm, but some parts are implemented by vendors. That is why I want to know which type is this GIC? GIC500?GIC600?
For example:
“Whether a GICv3 implementation includes a mechanism to support legacy operation of physical interrupts is
And also I think memory map is also implemented by vendors, ARM only support the register offset which are based on that memory block.
Am I right?
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GIC400 and its address is given in sect.2.1.2 Cortex-A53 Memory Map i.MX8MDQ Reference Manual
Best regards
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Hi igor,
1. I don't think GIC400 is correct.
In page 565 of IMX8MDQLQRM. It said:
"The Cortex-A53 processor implements the GIC CPU interface as described in the
Generic Interrupt Controller (GICv4) architecture."
I think GIC400 is not GICv4 based.
2. Also the memory map only refer that the GIC block.
"3880_0000 388F_FFFF GIC 1MB GIC REG"
But doesn't mention the address of CPU interface. And I can't find it in the linux code ether. I know it can be accessed by system register, but I still want to use legacy mode.So I want to know the address of CPU interface.