I understand from the Iot Modular framework - Volansys Gateway (as attached), the Zigbee module can connect up to a minimum of 255 nodes per gateway.
Can I also check, with the Zigbee chip itself, how many nodes can it connect? If I were to set up/program my own module and not use the give source code by NXP or Volansys.
Can't seem to find this specification from the JN5169 datasheet.
Hi ,
Definitely you can use the chip itself to validate/build a new ZigBee network.
My recommendation is to start from an application note provided by NXP: ZigBee 3.0|NXP .
(To flash the chip you can use a FTDI cable. The following user guide explained the steps to flash the board: https://www.nxp.com/docs/en/user-guide/JN-UG-3099.pdf or you can use directly the Beyond Studio for NXP -> Devices->Program Device).
If you need more details, let us know.