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Wireless Connectivity Knowledge Base


This patch fixes some minor issues with the Connectivity Software v1.0.2 when working with the Kinetis BLE Toolbox application for smartphones. Following issues are fixed. BLE OTAP Application: Fixes application failing to download the new image when the previous image upload has been interrupted due a disconnection. BLE Wireless UART: Fixes MTU exchange issue causing some characters not bein shown in the smartphone application in iOS and Android. Hybrid BLE + Thread console: Fixes MTU exchange issue causing some characters not bein shown in the smartphone application console in iOS and Android. Make sure the Connectivity Software version 1.0.2 is installed in your computer before proceeding to install this application.
This guide describes the hardware for the KW38 minimum BoM development board. The KW38 Minimum BoM development board is configurable, low-power, and cost-effective evaluation and development board for application prototyping and demonstration of the KW39A/38A/37A/39Z/38Z family of devices. The KW38 is an ultra-low-power, highly integrated single-chip device that enables Bluetooth Low Energy (Bluetooth LE) or Generic FSK (at 250, 500 and 1000 kbps) for portable, extremely low-power embedded systems. The KW38 integrates a radio transceiver operating in the 2.36 GHz to 2.48 GHz range supporting a range of GFSK, an ARM Cortex-M0+ CPU, up to 512 KB Flash and up to 64 KB SRAM, Bluetooth LE Link Layer hardware and peripherals optimized to meet the requirements of the target applications. MKW38 device is also available on the FRDM-KW38 Freedom Development Board. For more information about the FRDM-KW38 Freedom Development Board, see the FRDM-KW38 Freedom Development Board User's Guide (document FRDMKW38ZUG available in the NXP Connectivity website also).
As know, FSK and OOK are the modulation types that can be configured in the radio by setting the bits 4-3 from the RegDataModul register, as shown in below picture taken from Reference Manual:                                                          A common inquire you could have is: what modulation should I use? Let's first understand how these modulations work. FSK: Frequency Shift Keying is a modulation type that uses two frequencies, for 0 and 1. In a spectrum analyzer we can see a spectrum similar to the next picture, where the frequency for 0's is separated from the central frequency with FDev, and same case for the frequency for the 1's: OOK: On Off Keying is a modulation type that represents a logic 1 with the presence of the carrier frequency and a logic 0 with the absence of it. In a spectrum analyzer we can see a spectrum similar to the next picture, where the central frequency represents a logic 1. We can not see a logic 0 in the spectrum due to it's represented as the absence of power. Then what modulation should I use? FSK is most commonly used because is more spectral efficient so has better sensitivity. In the other hand, OOK modulation is commonly used in applications where the frequency accuracy can not be guaranteed. It also helps in conserving battery power due to the power absence for the logic 0's. Regards, Luis Burgos.
This document describes the implementation of the Connected Home Gateway for the Internet of Things (IoT) and its controller implemented in a Smart device (tablet) running Android OS. The gateway is intended to serve as a communication bridge between WiFi/Ethernet and ZigBee Protocol, making every ZigBee-enabled device accessible and controllable from any smart device with Wi-Fi capabilities such as a smart phone or tablet. This will remove the need of having a ZigBee transceiver in every mobile device attempting to control the house appliances. In general, users will be able to: Remote control of Home Appliances using ZigBee protocol Any WiFi-enabled device could control the appliances without a ZigBee transceiver Achieve bi-directional communication between users and appliances Real system implementation would require a powerful MCU to manage all WiFi/Ethernet communication and a second MCU to manage all ZigBee communications. The Kinetis K60 and KW24 were selected among the different options available.
[中文翻译版] 见附件   原文链接: https://community.nxp.com/docs/DOC-340508
This patch fix the issue in hdmi dongle JB4.2.2_1.1.0-GA release that wifi((STA+P2P)/AP) cann't be enabled properly. In the root directory of Android Source Code, use the following command to apply the patch: $ git apply hdmi_dongle_wifi_jb4.2.2_1.1.0.patch
[中文翻译版] 见附件   原文链接: https://community.nxp.com/docs/DOC-332703
[中文翻译版] 见附件   原文链接: https://community.nxp.com/docs/DOC-340993
When having several ZigBee Networks in the same area, and therefore several potential parents, it may become necessary to join one of them and discard the rest. While having a mechanism to only accept joining devices when desired is the best method (like using a button to trigger the joining), it might not always be possible since the parent nodes could be commercial devices or another vendor’s product without this feature. Below are some mechanisms that could be used for this purpose. In general, when searching for suitable parents, the process is as follows: ZDO of device to join sends a MAC scan request. The MAC layer starts scan. For every beacon it receives, it sends a beacon notify indication that is processed in ParseBeaconNotifincaiton() function from AppStackImpl.c The ParseBeaconNotifincaiton() function will add the relevant information in the discovery table and for this it needs a free entry, so it calls GetFreeEntryInDiscoveryTable() function with reuse parameter as FALSE. If the table is full, it will call GetFreeEntryInDiscoveryTable() with reuse set to TRUE to literally re-use low priority entries. When the MAC scan has finished, it will send a MAC scan confirm. When this reaches ZDO, the SearchForSuitableParent() function is called. At this point, there are several approaches that could be used: Use a specific Extended PAN ID to search only for a specific parent node Use a specific PAN ID to prioritize the network’s ID Search in a specific Channel where network is supposed to be operating in All these parameters are configurable in ApplicationConf.h file of the project’s Configure Folder and used in SearchForSuitableParent() function to filter Discovery table entries. Nevertheless, those solutions are not always the best for all applications since it may require hard-coding the network’s parameters. Fortunately, BeeStack leaves all this open for any modification in case it is necessary. In brief, if the discovery table gets full with suitable parents that you DO NOT want to use, you should update the "if(reuse)" statement of the GetFreeEntryInDiscoveryTable() function to replace an entry. In other words, if you think that the desired parent is not present in the discovery table (due to its size limitation or other reason), you should update the GetFreeEntryInDiscoveryTable() function to make sure discovery table contains only devices that are of interest to your node. Please note that the criteria used to select the desired parents is totally application specific. As mentioned, it is always best having a way to trigger the joining such as a button so the rest of parents have permit join set to FALSE and therefore join only to the desired parent without having to implement custom code. Anyway, you may select the solution that meets your application’s requirements the most.
There are two patches for HDMI Dongle JB4.2, one is remove the warning message, the other is fix to that sleep will not recover. Jack Mao
This document provides the calculation of the Bluetooth Low Power consumption linked to the setting of the Kinetis.   The Power Profile Calculator is build to provide the power consumption of your application. It's a mix between real measurements in voltage and temperature. The process is not taken into account which may create some variation.   DISCLAIMER: This excel workbook is provided as an estimation tool for NXP customers and is based on power profile measurements done on a set of randomly selected parts. A specific part may exhibit deviation from the nominal measurements used on this tool.   This document is the summary of all the information available in the AN12459 Power Consumption Analysis - FRDM-KW38 available in the NXP web page.   Several parameters could be fill-in: Buck or bypass mode (DCDC) Supply Voltage (2.4V to 3.6V) Temperature (-40°C to +105°C) Processor configuration (20MHz, 32MHz or 48MHz) 10 different deep sleep modes Different Tx output power (0dBm, +3.5dBm or +5dBm) Data rate (1Mbps, 2Mbps, 500kbps, 125kbps) Possibility to set the Advertising interval, connection interval, scan interval and active scan windows duration Fix the Bluetooth Packet sizes in Advertising and Connection  Tx/Rx payload.   One optional information is to provide an idea of the duration life time on 9 typical batteries.
[中文翻译版] 见附件   原文链接: https://community.nxp.com/docs/DOC-343043
Hello community, This time I bring to you a document which explains how easy is to add a new endpoint and a new cluster to a ZigBee device in the BeeStack in BeeKit. This document is based in the MC1323x MCUs but the procedure applies to the Kinetis devices. Before to start you need to install the BeeKit Wireless Connectivity Toolkit​. If you are interested about what an endpoint is, the document ZigBee Endpoints Reserved could be useful for you. I hope you find this guide useful. Enjoy this guide, enjoy ZigBee! Any feedback is welcome. Best regards, Earl Orlando Ramírez-Sánchez Technical Support Engineer NXP Semiconductors
This document describes a simple process for enabling the user controls the radio through serial commands. Hardware requirements: • FRDM-KW41Z/QN902x board or a board programmed with HCI black box application. Software requirements: • Test Tool 12 application. It can be downloaded from the NXP web page. • HCI Black Box binary.   Running Demo 1. Load the board with hci_black_box example. 2. Open the Test Tool 12 software 3. Set up the correct Serial Configuration. If there were no changes in the application the default configuration will correspond to the one showed in the following figure. 4. Double click on the active device that you want to test, this will open the COM port in the command console. 5. Set the command set to the BLE_HCI.xml. This file has a list of the HCI commands that the user can send to the device, some of the commands have some options to be configured if necessary or some data to be filled. 6. To make easier the use of frequent commands, there is the option to add a shortcut to the command and the chosen behavior will be added to the panel. 7. Once you add the shortcut or choose the command or your preference, just double click over it and the tool will send the command to the device. In this case, we will send a reset on the board, this command does not receive any extra parameters, data or need any extra configuration.   8. If successful there will be a response or acknowledge of the behavior that will be shown in the right panel. Hope it helps. Regards, Mario
1. Introduction of ZigBee and popular solutions in the market. 2. Introduction of Freescale ZigBee solution