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Wireless Connectivity Knowledge Base


This document describes how to update and sniff Bluetooth LE wireless applications on the USB-KW41 Programming the USB-KW41 as sniffer   It was noticed that there are some issues trying to follow a Bluetooth LE connection, even if the sniffer catches the connection request. These issues have been fixed in the latest binary file which can be found in the Test Tool for Connectivity Products or newest.   After the Test Tool Installation, you’ll find the sniffer binary file at the following path. C:\NXP\Test Tool\images\KW41_802.15.4_SnifferOnUSB.bin   Programming Process. 1. Connect the USB-KW41Z to your PC, and it will be enumerated as Mass Storage Device 2. Drag and drop the "KW41_802.15.4_SnifferOnUSB.bin" included in Test tool for Connectivity Products.    "C:\NXP\Test Tool\images\KW41_802.15.4_SnifferOnUSB.bin"   3. Unplug the device and hold the RESET button of the USB-KW41Z, plug to your PC and the K22 will enter in bootloader mode. 4. Drag and drop the "sniffer_usbkw41z_k22f_0x8000.bin" included in Test tool for Connectivity Products.    "C:\NXP\Test Tool\images\sniffer_usbkw41z_k22f_0x8000.bin"   5. Then, unplug and plug the USB-KW41Z to your PC.                                                                                                          Note: If the USB-KW41 is not enumerated as Mass Storage Device, please look at the next thread https://community.nxp.com/thread/444708   General Recommendations   Software Tools  Kinetis Protocol Analyzer Wireshark version (2.4.8) Hardware Tools 1 USB-KW41 (updated with KW41_802.15.4_SnifferOnUSB.bin from Test Tool 12.8 or later)   The Kinetis Protocol Analyzer provides the ability to monitor the Bluetooth LE Advertisement Channels. It listens to all the activity and follows the connection when capturing a Connection Request.   Bluetooth LE Peripheral device transmits packets on the 3 advertising channels one after the other, so the USB-KW41 will listen to the 3 channels one by one and could or not catch the connection request.   Common use case The USB-KW41 will follow the Bluetooth LE connection if the connection request happens on the same channel that It is listening. If is listening to a different channel when the connection request is sent, it won't be able to follow it.   A Simple recommendation is the Bluetooth LE Peripheral should be set up to send the adv packets only to one channel and the sniffer just capturing on the same channel.   Improvement Use 3 USB-KW41, each of them will be dedicated to one channel and will catch the connection request.   Configure Kinetis Protocol Analyzer and Wireshark Network Analyzer   Note: For better results, address filter can be activated. When you are capturing all the packets in the air, you will notice 3 adv packets. Each packet will show the adv channel that is getting the adv frame.       One of the three sniffers will capture the Connection Request. In this case, it happens on channel 38.       You will be able to follow the connection, see all the data exchange.   For a better reference, you can look at the USB-KW41 Getting Started     Hope it helps   Regards, Mario
Introduction This document guides to load a new software image in a KW41 device through Over The Air Programming bootloader. Also, are explained the details of how to set up the client software to change the storage method of the image. Software Requirements IAR Embedded Workbench IDE or MCUXpresso IDE Download both, SDK FRDM-KW41Z and SDK USB-KW41Z. Hardware Requirements FRDM-KW41Z board OTAP Memory Management During the Update Process The KW41 has a 512KB Program Flash with a flash address range from 0x0000_0000 to 0x0007_FFFF.     The OTAP application splits the flash into two independent parts, the OTAP Bootloader, and the OTAP Client. The OTAP Bootloader verifies if there is a new image available at the OTAP Client to reprogram the device. The OTAP Client software provides the Bluetooth LE custom service needed to communicate the OTAP Client device with the OTAP Server that contains the new image file (The OTAP Server device could be another FRDM-KW41Z connected to a PC with Test Tool or a Smartphone with IoT Toolbox app). Therefore, the OTAP Client device needs to be programmed twice, first with the OTAP Bootloader, then with the Bluetooth LE application supporting OTAP Client. The mechanism created to have two different software coexisting in the same device is storing each one in different memory regions. This functionality is implemented by the linker file. In the KW41 device, the bootloader has reserved a 16 KB slot of memory from 0x0000_0000 to 0x0003_FFFF, thus the left memory is reserved among other things, by the OTAP Client demo. To create a new image file for the client device, the developer needs to specify to the linker file that the code will be built with an offset of 16 KB since the first addresses must be reserved for the OTAP Bootloader. In connection state, the OTAP server sends the image packets (known as chunks) to the OTAP Client device via Bluetooth LE. The OTAP Client device can store these chunks, in first instance, at the external SPI flash or the On-Chip Flash. The destination of the code is selectable in the OTAP Client software. When the connection has finished and all chunks were sent from the OTAP Server to the OTAP Client device, the OTAP Client software writes information, such as the source of the image update (external flash or internal flash) in a portion of memory known as Bootloader Flags and then resets the MCU to execute the OTAP Bootloader code. The OTAP Bootloader reads the Bootloader Flags to get the information needed to program the device and triggers a commando to reprogram the MCU with the new application. Due to the new application was built with an offset of 16 KB, the OTAP Bootloader programs the device starting from the 0x0000_4000 address and the OTAP Client application is overwritten by the new image, therefore, after the device has been reprogrammed through this method, cannot be programmed a second time as same. Finally, the OTAP Bootloader triggers a command to start the execution of the new code automatically.     Preparing the Software to Test the OTAP Client for KW41Z Device Using IAR Embedded Workbench Program the OTAP Bootloader on the FRDM-KW41Z. Program the OTAP Bootloader software from the project included in the SDK FRDM-KW41Z at the following path, or you can simply drag and drop the pre-built binary from the following path.           OTAP Bootloader Project:          <SDK_2.2.0_FRDM-KW41Z_download_path>\boards\frdmkw41z\wireless_examples\framework\bootloader_otap\bm\iar\bootloader_otap_bm.eww            OTAP Bootloader pre-built binary:            <SDK_2.2.0_FRDM-KW41Z_download_path>\tools\wireless\binaries\bootloader_otap_frdmkw41z.bin   Open the OTAP Client project included in the SDK FRDM-KW41Z located in the following path.          <SDK_2.2.0_FRDM-KW41Z_download_path>\boards\frdmkw41z\wireless_examples\bluetooth\otap_client_att\freertos\iar\otap_client_att_freertos.eww   Customize the OTAP Client software to select the storage method. Locate the app_preinclude.h header file inside the source folder at the workspace. To select the External Flash storage method, set the "gEepromType_d" define to "gEepromDevice_AT45DB041E_c"                      To select the Internal Flash storage method, set the "gEepromType_d" define to "gEepromDevice_InternalFlash_c"   Configure the linker flags. Open the project options window (Alt + F7). In "Linker->Config" window, locate the "Configuration file symbol definitions" pane. To select the External Flash storage method, remove the "gUseInternalStorageLink_d=1" linker flag To select the Internal Flash storage method, add the "gUseInternalStorageLink_d=1" linker flag     Load the OTAP Client software on the FRDM-KW41Z board (Ctrl + D). Stop the debug session (Ctrl + Shift + D). The default linker configurations of the project allow the OTAP Client application to be stored with the proper memory offset.   Preparing the Software to Test the OTAP Client for KW41Z Device Using MCUXpresso IDE Program the OTAP Bootloader on the FRDM-KW41Z. Program the OTAP Bootloader software from the project included in the SDK FRDM-KW41Z at the following path, or you can simply drag and drop the pre-built binary from the following path.           OTAP Bootloader Project:          wireless_examples->framework->bootloader_otap->bm            OTAP Bootloader pre-built binary:            <SDK_2.2.0_FRDM-KW41Z_download_path>\tools\wireless\binaries\bootloader_otap_frdmkw41z.bin   Click on "Import SDK examples(s)" option in the "Quickstart Panel" view. Click twice on the frdmkw41z icon.     Open the OTAP Client project included in the SDK FRDM-KW41Z located in the following path.wireless_examples->bluetooth->otap_client_att->freertos     Customize the OTAP Client software to select the storage method. Locate the app_preinclude.h header file inside the source folder at the workspace. To select the External Flash storage method, set the "gEepromType_d" define to "gEepromDevice_AT45DB041E_c"                      To select the Internal Flash storage method, set the "gEepromType_d" define to "gEepromDevice_InternalFlash_c"   Configure the linker file. To select the External Flash storage method, are not required any changes in the project from this point. You can skip this step. To select the Internal Flash storage method, search the linker file located in the SDK USB-KW41Z at the following path and replace instead of the default linker file at the source folder in the OTAP Client project. You can copy (Ctrl + C) the linker file from SDK USB-KW41Z and paste (Ctrl + V) on the workspace directly. A warning message will be displayed, select "Overwrite".           Linker file at the SDK USB-KW41Z:        <SDK_2.2.0_USB-KW41Z_download_path>\boards\usbkw41z_kw41z\wireless_examples\bluetooth\otap_client_att\freertos\MKW41Z512xxx4_connectivity.ld     Save the changes in the project. Select "Debug" in the "Quickstart Panel". Once the project is already loaded on the device, stop the debug session.   Creating an S-Record Image File for FRDM-KW41Z OTAP Client in IAR Embedded Workbench Open the connectivity project that you want to program using the OTAP Bootloader from your SDK FRDM-KW41Z. This example will make use of the glucose sensor project, this is located at the following path. <SDK_2.2.0_FRDM-KW41Z_download_path>\boards\frdmkw41z\wireless_examples\bluetooth\glucose_sensor\freertos\iar\glucose_sensor_freertos.eww   Open the project options window (Alt+F7). In Linker->Config window, add the following linker flag in the “Configuration file symbol definitions” textbox.         gUseBootloaderLink_d=1     Go to the “Output Converter” window. Deselect the “Override default" checkbox, expand the “Output format” combo box and select Motorola S-records format. Click the OK button.     Rebuild the project. Search the S-Record file (.srec) in the following path.<SDK_2.2.0_FRDM-KW41Z_download_path>\boards\frdmkw41z\wireless_examples\bluetooth\glucose_sensor\freertos\iar\debug   Creating an S-Record Image File for FRDM-KW41Z OTAP Client in MCUXpresso IDE Open the connectivity project that you want to program using the OTAP Bootloader from MCUXpresso IDE. This example will make use of the glucose sensor project, this is located at the following path.        wireless_examples->bluetooth->glucose_sensor->freertos   Search the linker file located in the SDK FRDM-KW41Z at the path below and replace instead of the default linker file at the source folder in the Glucose Sensor project. You can copy (Ctrl + C) the linker file from SDK FRDM-KW41Z and paste (Ctrl + V) on the workspace directly. A warning message will be displayed, select "Overwrite".          Linker file at the SDK FRDM-KW41Z:        <SDK_2.2.0_FRDM-KW41Z_download_path>\boards\frdmkw41z\wireless_examples\bluetooth\otap_client_att\freertos\MKW41Z512xxx4_connectivity.ld     Open the new "MKW41Z512xxx4_connectivity.ld" linker file. Locate the section placement of the figure below and remove the "FILL" and the "BYTE" statements.         Build the project. Deploy the “Binaries” icon in the workspace. Click the right mouse button on the “.axf” file. Select the “Binary Utilities/Create S-Record” option. The S-Record file will be saved at “Debug” folder in the workspace with “.s19” extension.     Testing OTAP Client Demo Using IoT Toolbox App Save the S-Record file created with the steps in the last section in your smartphone at a known location. Open the IoT Toolbox App and select OTAP demo. Press “SCAN” to start scanning for a suitable advertiser. Press the “SW4” button on the FRDM-KW41Z board to start advertising. Create a connection with the found device. Press “Open” and search the S-Record file. Press “Upload” to start the transfer. Once the transfer is complete, wait a few seconds until the bootloader has finished programming the new image. The new application will start automatically. 
This guide will show a way to set up and enable an I2C Serial Interface to send a string of data instances using one of the Wireless Bluetooth SDK examples and the Serial Manager API.
URL : https://community.nxp.com/docs/DOC-343990 版本:3 最后更新:09-14-2020 更新:EdgarLomeli 介绍 本文档介绍了如何通过无线编程引导加载程序将新的软件镜像加载到KW41 设备中。此外, 还将详细说明如何设置客户端软件以更改镜像文件的存储方式。 软件要求 1. IAR 嵌入式集成开发环境或MCUXpresso IDE 2. 下载两个软件包,SDK FRDM-KW41Z 和SDK USB-KW41Z。 硬件要求 1. FRDM-KW41Z 板 更新过程中的OTAP 内存管理 KW41 具有512KB 程序闪存,其闪存地址范围为0x0000_0000 至0x0007_FFFF。 1. OTAP 应用程序将闪存分为两个独立的部分,即OTAP 引导加载程序(Bootloader)和 OTAP 客户端。OTAP Bootloader 会验证OTAP 客户端上是否有可用的新镜像文件要对 设备进行重新编程。OTAP 客户端软件提供了将OTAP 客户端设备与包含新镜像文件 的OTAP 服务器进行通信所需的Bluetooth LE 自定义服务(OTAP 服务器设备可以是连 接到安装有测试工具的PC 或安装有IoT 工具箱应用的智能手机的另一个FRDM-KW41Z 板)。因此,需要对OTAP 客户端设备进行两次编程,首先编程OTAP Bootloader,然后 编程支持OTAP 客户端的Bluetooth LE 应用程序。为使两个不同的软件共存于同一设备 而使用的方法是将每个软件存储在不同的存储区域中。此功能由链接器文件实现。在 KW41 设备中,引导加载程序已从0x0000_0000 到0x0003_FFF 保留了16 KB 的内存区 域,因此OTAP Client 演示程序保留了其余的内存空间。 2. 要为客户端设备创建新的镜像文件,开发人员需要在链接文件中指定将以16 KB 的偏移 量放置代码,因为必须把最前面的地址空间预留给OTAP Bootloader。 3. 在连接状态下,OTAP 服务器通过蓝牙LE 将镜像数据包(称为块)发送到OTAP 客户 端设备。OTAP 客户端设备可以首先将这些块存储在外部SPI 闪存或片上闪存中。在 OTAP 客户端软件中可以选择代码存储的目的地。 4. 当连接完成,并将所有块都从OTAP 服务器发送到OTAP 客户端设备后,OTAP 客户端 软件会将信息,比如镜像更新的来源(外部闪存或内部闪存)写入称为Bootloader 标 志的内存部分中并复位MCU 以执行OTAP Bootloader 代码。OTAP 引导加载程序 (Bootloader)会读取引导加载程序(Bootloader)标志以获取对设备进行编程所需的信 息,并触发编程以使用新应用程序对MCU 进行重新编程。由于新应用程序的偏移地 址为16 KB,因此OTAP Bootloader 从0x0000_4000 地址开始对设备进行编程,并且 OTAP 客户端应用程序将被新镜像文件所覆盖,因此,通过该方法对设备重新编程后, 将无法二次以同样的方法对设备再次编程。最后,OTAP 引导加载程序(Bootloader) 会触发命令以自动开始执行新代码。 使用IAR 嵌入式开发工具准备软件以测试KW41Z 设备的OTAP 客户端 ⚫ 加载OTAP Bootloader 到FRDM-KW41Z 上。可以通过以下路径从SDK FRDM-KW41Z 中包含的项目中编程OTAP Bootloader 软件,也可以从以下路径中拖放已编译好的二进 制文件。 ⚫ OTAP Bootloader 项目: <SDK_2.2.0_FRDM-KW41Z_download_path>\boards\frdmkw41z\wireless_examples\framework\bootloader_otap\bm\iar\bootloader_otap_bm.eww OTAP Bootloader 已编译好的二进制文件: <SDK_2.2.0_FRDM-KW41Z_download_path>\tools\wireless\binaries\bootloader_otap_frdmkw41z.bin ⚫ 打开位于以下路径的SDK FRDM-KW41Z 中包含的OTAP Client 项目。 <SDK_2.2.0_FRDM-KW41Z_download_path>\boards\frdmkw41z\wireless_examples\bluetooth\otap_client_att\freertos\iar\otap_client_att_freertos.eww ⚫ 自定义OTAP 客户端软件以选择存储方式。在工作区的源文件夹中找到 app_preinclude.h 头文件。 1. 要选择外部闪存存储方式,请将“gEepromType_d”定义为 “gEepromDevice_AT45DB041E_c” 2. 要选择内部闪存存储方式,请将“gEepromType_d”定义为 “gEepromDevice_InternalFlash_c” ⚫ 配置链接标志。打开项目选项窗口(Alt + F7)。在“Linker->Config”窗口中,找到 “Configuration file symbol definitions”窗格。 1. 要选择外部闪存存储方式,请删除“gUseInternalStorageLink_d = 1”链接标志 2. 要选择内部闪存存储方式,请添加“gUseInternalStorageLink_d = 1”链接标志 ⚫ 加载OTAP 客户端软件到FRDM-KW41Z 板上(Ctrl + D).停止调试会话(Ctrl + Shift + D). 项目默认的链接器配置会把OTAP 客户端应用程序存储到相应的内存偏移位置上。 使用MCUXpresso IDE准备软件以测试KW41Z 设备的OTAP 客户端 ⚫ 加载OTAP Bootloader 到FRDM-KW41Z 上。可以通过以下路径从SDK FRDM-KW41Z 中包含的项目中编程OTAP Bootloader 软件,也可以从以下路径中拖放已编译好的二进 制文件。 OTAP Bootloader项目: wireless_examples->framework->bootloader_otap->bm OTAP Bootloader 已编译好的二进制文件 <SDK_2.2.0_FRDM-KW41Z_download_path>\tools\wireless\binaries\bootloader_otap_frdmkw41z.bin • 单击"Quickstart Panel"视窗中的"Import SDK examples(s)"选项 • 双击frdmkw41z 图标 • 打开位于下列路径中包含在SDK FRDM-KW41Z 中的OTAP 客户端项目 wireless_examples->bluetooth->otap_client_att->freertos • 自定义OTAP 客户端软件以选择存储方式。在工作区的源文件夹中找到 app_preinclude.h 头文件。 1. 要选择外部闪存存储方式,请将“gEepromType_d”定义为 “gEepromDevice_AT45DB041E_c” 2. 要选择内部闪存存储方式,请将“gEepromType_d”定义为 “gEepromDevice_InternalFlash_c” • 配置链接文件 1. 若选择外部闪存存储方式,从此时起无需对项目中做任何修改,可跳过此步骤。 2. 若选择内部闪存存储方式,搜索位于下列路径中SDK USB-KW41Z 中的链接文件, 替换OTAP 客户端项目中源文件夹中的默认链接文件。你可以从SDK USB-KW41Z 复制(Ctrl+C ) 链接文件,并直接粘贴(Ctrl + V)在工作区中。这将显示一条警告消息,选择”Overwrite "。 SDK USB-KW41Z 上的链接文件: <SDK_2.2.0_USB-KW41Z_download_path>\boards\usbkw41z_kw41z\wireless_examples\bluetooth\otap_client_att\freertos\MKW41Z512xxx4_connectivity.ld • 保存项目中的更改。在“Quickstart Panel”中选择“Debug”。一旦项目已经加载到 设备上,请停止调试会话。 在IAR 嵌入式工作台中为FRDM-KW41Z OTAP 客户端创建S 记录镜像文件 • 从SDK FRDM-KW41Z 中打开要使用OTAP Bootloader 进行编程的一个无线连接的 项目。本示例是一个使用葡萄糖传感器的项目,该项目位于以下路径。 <SDK_2.2.0_FRDM-KW41Z_download_path>\boards\frdmkw41z\wireless_examples\bluetooth\glucose_sensor\freertos\iar\glucose_sensor_freertos.eww • 打开项目选项窗口(Alt + F7)。在“Linker->Config”窗口中,在“Configuration file symbol definitions”文本框中添加以下链接标志。 gUseBootloaderLink_d=1 • 转到“Output Converter”窗口。取消选择“Override default”复选框,展开“Output format”组合框,然后选择Motorola S-records 格式,然后单击“确定”按钮。 • 重编译项目。 • 在以下路径中搜索S-Record 文件(.srec)<SDK_2.2.0_FRDM-KW41Z_download_path>\boards\frdmkw41z\wireless_examples\bluetooth\glucose_sensor\freertos\iar\debug 在MCUXpresso IDE 中为FRDM-KW41Z OTAP 客户端创建S-Record 镜像文件 • 从MCUXpresso IDE 中打开要使用OTAP Bootloader 进行编程的一个无线连接的项 目。本示例是一个使用葡萄糖传感器的项目,该项目位于以下路径。 wireless_examples->bluetooth->glucose_sensor->freertos • 搜索位于以下路径的SDK FRDM-KW41Z 中的链接文件,并替换Glucose Sensor 项 目中源文件夹中的默认链接文件。你可以从SDK FRDM-KW41Z 复制(Ctrl + C) 链接文件,然后直接粘贴(Ctrl + V)到工作区中。这将显示一条警告消息,请选择“Overwrite”。 SDK FRDM-KW41Z 上的链接文件: <SDK_2.2.0_FRDM- KW41Z_download_path>\boards\frdmkw41z\wireless_examples\bluetooth\otap_client_att\freertos\MKW41Z512xxx4_connectivity.ld • 打开新的“MKW41Z512xxx4_connectivity.ld”链接文件。找到下图的段位置,并删除 “FILL”和“BYTE”语句。 • 编译项目。 在工作区中找到“Binaries”图标。在“.axf”文件上单击鼠标右键。选择“Binary Utilities/Create S-Record”选项。S-Record 文件将保存在工作区中带有“.s19”扩展名的 “Debug”文件夹中。 使用IoT Toolbox App 测试OTAP 客户端演示 1. 将通过上一节中的步骤创建的S-Record 文件保存在智能手机中的已知位置。 2. 打开IoT Toolbox App,然后选择OTAP 演示。按“SCAN”开始扫描合适的广告客户。 3. 按下FRDM-KW41Z 板上的“SW4”按钮开始广告。 4. 与找到的设备建立连接。 5. 按“Open”并搜索S-Record 文件 6. 按“Upload”开始传输。 7. 传输完成后,请等待几秒钟,直到引导加载程序(bootloader)完成对新镜像文件 的编程。新的应用程序将自动启动。 标签:KW KW41Z | 31Z | 21Z frdm-kw41
This document describes a simple process for enabling the user controls the radio through serial commands. Hardware requirements: • FRDM-KW41Z/QN902x board or a board programmed with HCI black box application. Software requirements: • Test Tool 12 application. It can be downloaded from the NXP web page. • HCI Black Box binary.   Running Demo 1. Load the board with hci_black_box example. 2. Open the Test Tool 12 software 3. Set up the correct Serial Configuration. If there were no changes in the application the default configuration will correspond to the one showed in the following figure. 4. Double click on the active device that you want to test, this will open the COM port in the command console. 5. Set the command set to the BLE_HCI.xml. This file has a list of the HCI commands that the user can send to the device, some of the commands have some options to be configured if necessary or some data to be filled. 6. To make easier the use of frequent commands, there is the option to add a shortcut to the command and the chosen behavior will be added to the panel. 7. Once you add the shortcut or choose the command or your preference, just double click over it and the tool will send the command to the device. In this case, we will send a reset on the board, this command does not receive any extra parameters, data or need any extra configuration.   8. If successful there will be a response or acknowledge of the behavior that will be shown in the right panel. Hope it helps. Regards, Mario