The best way to build a PCB using a KW38 the first time right !

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The best way to build a PCB using a KW38 the first time right !

The best way to build a PCB using a KW38 the first time right !

Please, find the important link to build a PCB using a KW38 and all concerning the radio performances, low power and radio certification (CE/FCC/IC).

Your first task before to send any inquiry to NXP support is to fill the KW38 Design In CHECK LIST available in this ticket.


KW38 product NXP web page:

KW39/38/37 32-bit Bluetooth 5.0 Long-Range MCUs|NXP | NXP Semiconductors


FRDM-KW38 getting started NXP web page

Getting Started with the FRDM-KW38 | NXP Semiconductors



FRDM-KW38 User Guide: FRDM-KW38 Freedom Development Board User’s Guide (

Hardware design consideration: Hardware Design Considerations for MKW39A/38A/37A/38Z/37Z Bluetooth LE Devices (

Minimum BoM: KW37_38_39 Minimum BoM Presentation.pdf - NXP Community

DCDC management guide : MKW4xZ/3xZ/3xA/2xZ DC-DC Power Management (

         Migration guide: KW36 to KW38: Migration Guide from MKW36A512xxx4 to MKW38A512xxx4 (

         Design-In check list: attached excel file

        Configuration for Unused Pins/GPIOs on Kinetis


RF report:

Annex: MIIT (China) sharpened Homologation on FRDM-KW38 &... - NXP Community

         Radio co-existance: FRDM-KW38 Co-existence with RF System Evaluation Report for Bluetooth® Low Energy Application (nxp.c...

Low Power Consumption:

Distance performances: KW37_38_39_Bluetooth LE Range Performance.pdf - NXP Community


         Generic FSK Link Layer Quick Start: Connectivity test SW user guide in attached pdf file

         Binary file attached: Connectivity test frdmkw38.bin

         Return loss (S11) measurement: attached file

         Loadpull: attached file

Low Power:

         Low power estimator tool link:

SW tools:

         IoT Tool box

         Connectivity test tool for connectivity products

KW39/38/37 32-bit Bluetooth 5.0 Long-Range MCUs|NXP | NXP Semiconductors

         DTM: How to use the HCI_bb on Kinetis family products a... - NXP Community


         Zip attached file and the community link:

KW39 KW38 KW37 Radio certification documents - NXP Community


KW36 - Trimming adjust of 32MHz XTAL external oscillator

KW36 - Trimming adjust of 32MHz XTAL external osci... - NXP Community

100% helpful (1/1)
Version history
Last update:
‎11-08-2021 06:49 AM
Updated by: