Extend Evaluations license error: License can not be generated, it is already expired.

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Extend Evaluations license error: License can not be generated, it is already expired.

Contributor IV

In the day Feb 24, 2016 8:19:24 AM PST I have downloaded Codewarrior 10.6 for evaluation.

Today, after the Easter holidays, I noticed that the evaluation license has expired, so I went on the NXP website to request an extension of the trial period (as on the website it was written that I still had a chance to get 3 licenses).

I went in my own area and I followed all the steps as are indicated in the tutorial video.

When I press the "GENERATE" button I get the following error: License can not be generated, it is already expired.

I looked for information and found that this error has happened in the past to other users, but in their case they had performed the download many previous months and therefore the maximum trial period (3 months) was terminated.

But in my case, the 3-month period has not been exceeded, but I always get the error.

What can I do?

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2 Replies

Contributor IV

Hi Jennie.

I have see the article you suggest, but i have always the same error.

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NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport


I suggest you refer this article to see if it can help

How to extend my evaluation license file for CodeWarrior

if can't I suggest you submit a case to NXP support:

To submit your case into the system, please follow below steps:

1) Go to http://www.nxp.com/support/sales-and-support:SUPPORTHOME.

2) On the bottom of the page under Submit New Issues, click Hardware & Software.

3) Register with your business email to access NXP technical online support.

4) A verification email will be sent to your account. Click the link embedded in that email to verify your access.

5) On the NXP online support page, select Contact Support from the top menu and click “submit a new case” to start the process.

Have a great day,
Jennie Zhang

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