Dear Sirs,
I have one question about MMA8652.
When the acceleration more than a setting range is added to an accelerometer,
how is the output data value ?
Off course, it is under the Absolute maximum ratings.
Is the value saturation (7FF or 800) ?
Or is the value unstable ?
For example.
When the full-scale is set to +- 2g ,
if the accelerometer will be accelerated to 3g,
how is the output data value ?
Best Regards,
Koichi Sakagami
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Dear Koichi-san,
When acceleration on any axis exceeds the accelerometer’s measurement range (±2g, ±4g or ±8g depending on FS[1:0] bits), the corresponding output is clipped at the full-scale value (0x7FF or 0x800). Considering your example, the 12-bit output value would be 0x7FF.
I hope it helps.
PS: If my answer helps to solve your question, please mark it as "Correct" or “Helpful”. Thank you.

Dear Koichi-san,
When acceleration on any axis exceeds the accelerometer’s measurement range (±2g, ±4g or ±8g depending on FS[1:0] bits), the corresponding output is clipped at the full-scale value (0x7FF or 0x800). Considering your example, the 12-bit output value would be 0x7FF.
I hope it helps.
PS: If my answer helps to solve your question, please mark it as "Correct" or “Helpful”. Thank you.