In the RT1061(cortex M7) SDK, there are __DSB() in every interrupt handler last position. The S32K344 is cortex M7, but the S32K344 SDK didn't add __DSB() in the interrupt, why not??
RT106x SDK :
* ARM errata 838869, affects Cortex-M4, Cortex-M4F Store immediate overlapping
* exception return operation might vector to incorrect interrupt.
* For Cortex-M7, if core speed much faster than peripheral register write speed,
* the peripheral interrupt flags may be still set after exiting ISR, this results to
* the same error similar with errata 83869.
#if (defined __CORTEX_M) && ((__CORTEX_M == 4U) || (__CORTEX_M == 7U))
void CAN0_DriverIRQHandler(void)
assert(NULL != s_flexcanHandle[0]);
s_flexcanIsr(CAN0, s_flexcanHandle[0]);
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