Hi NXP Team,
I am developing an application that is able to receive multiple bytes with variable length randomly through LPUART0. I modified the LPUART sample code as follows. Baud rate is 115200 with interrupt enabled.
void LPUART0_RxTx_IRQHandler (void) {
uint8_t recieve;
/* Clear interrupt flag */
LPUART0->STAT = LPUART0->STAT | 0x40000000;
/* Wait for received buffer to be full */
recieve= LPUART0->DATA; /* Read received data*/
int main(void) {
/* Configure PTC2 and PTC3 as LPUART0 RX and TX */
PINS_DRV_Init(NUM_OF_CONFIGURED_PINS, g_pin_mux_InitConfigArr);
INT_SYS_SetPriority(LPUART0_RxTx_IRQn, 10U);
PCC->PCCn[PCC_LPUART0_INDEX] &= ~PCC_PCCn_CGC_MASK; /* Ensure clk disabled for config */
PCC->PCCn[PCC_LPUART0_INDEX] |= PCC_PCCn_PCS(0b001) /* Clock Src= 1 (SOSCDIV2_CLK) */
| PCC_PCCn_CGC_MASK; /* Enable clock for LPUART1 regs */
LPUART0->BAUD = 0x16000003;
LPUART0->CTRL=0x02C0000; /* Enable receive interrupt */
/* Wait for the receive interrupt to get triggered */
I found that the interrupt could be triggered but I couldn't receive the right number of bytes with such implementation. For example, if 6 bytes were sent, I could only receive 2 bytes. That means "LPUART0_RxTx_IRQHandler" triggered 2 times continuously.
The API code (LPUART_DRV_ReceiveDataBlocking) was able to receive all the data sent but it requires a fix buffer size as an input parameter. Also, as the timing of receiving the data is random, I could not simply call "LPUART_DRV_ReceiveDataBlocking" function in my program and I have to write another function with interrupt enabled.
Please advice on how to receive multiple bytes (register settings etc.) with LPUART0 interrupt enabled. For example,
void LPUART0_RxTx_IRQHandler (void) {
/* receive 1st byte */
first_byte = LPUART0->DATA;
if (first_byte == 1) {
/* receive the remaining 1 bytes */
} else if (first_byte == 2) {
/* receive the remaining 2 bytes */
Thank you.
Best regards,
Jing Yin
Please refer to the attachment named "LPUART.ZIP" that can be found in the following thread.
Hope it helps.
Thanks and regards,
Jing Yin
3q very much!
I tried the link you provided.it's can work.
I want to develop based on the SDK model. In my proram ,it can send,But can't receive data by interrupt .
Do your have SDK-based project about LPUART?
Would you provide me with the name of the SDK model?
CAN you share your project with LPUART INTURRUPT . I have the same problem。
Hi Jing,
I could not make RxIsr() on UART0 work. Here is my post,
Could you give me hint(s) or share some codes?
Hi Kevin,
Would you try the following?
void LPUART0_NVIC_init_IRQs(void)
S32_NVIC->ICPR[1] = 1 << (31 % 32); /* IRQ31: clr any pending IRQ*/
S32_NVIC->ISER[1] = 1 << (31 % 32); /* IRQ31: enable IRQ */
S32_NVIC->IP[31] = 0xA; /* IRQ31: priority 10 of 0-15*/
Change "ICPR[1]" to "ICPR[0]" and "ISER[1]" to "ISER[0]".
2. LPUART0 control register setting for your reference.
Hope this helps.
Thanks and regards,
Jing Yin
Hi Jing Yin,
Your suggestions work!!
On Fri, Feb 15, 2019 at 11:07 AM jingyinwong <admin@community.nxp.com>
Could you check error flags like STAT[OR] Receiver Overrun Flag.
Have you considered using FIFO (FIFO[RXFE]). The interrupt is then called when a certain number of datawords (specified in WATER[RXWATER]) has been already received.
Unfortunately, we don’t have any example for this use case.