Program received signal SIGTRAP on S32K144 during debugging using S32 Design Studio

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Program received signal SIGTRAP on S32K144 during debugging using S32 Design Studio

Contributor I

After run debugging sample application (from NXP Autosar MCAL) in S32 Studio Design program immediately stops running with information "Program received signal SIGTRAP, Trace/breakpoint trap. 0x000004be in ?? ()".

Sometimes, when I put the breakpoint in the main or somewhere else there is chance program hit there, but after some steps there is the same TRAP. I also observed that program always hit breakpoint in function  Sys_GoToSupervisor().

Have anyone of you face such an issue? I went through the whole internet but nothing resolved my issue.


Details about sample application I'm running:

1. Sample application from Autosar 4.2 MCAL (QM) for S32K118 and S32K14x (

2. Compiled by GCC (Version: 10.3, GNU Arm Embedded Toolchain 10.3-2021.10)

3. Hardware: S32K144-Q100 Evaluation Board (S32K144EVB)

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1 Reply

Contributor I

Also observed another SIGTRAP:

"Program received SIGTRAP, Trace/breakpoint trap.

0x000004be in MCAL_LTB_TRACE_OFF ()"

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