I try to build a ADC project triggered by pdb using s32ds with autosar mcal,whether just the mcal module ADC is needed,should the drivers module Adc_Ip and pdb_Adc_Ip is needed? thanks
If you added Adc in MCAL module, don't need to add PDB_Adc_Ip under Driver layer
thinks for your replying,I want the pdb trigger by Lpit ,but in mcal ADC module,i can not configure the pdb to trigger by hardware,it seems that pdb can only triggered by software.My ultimate aim is just using mcal to configure a project that adc is triggered by pdb ,and pdb is triggered by Lpit.
HI,thanks.does the example project you provided is mistake? it seems about i2c. in addition,my RTD is 1.01and this example use RTD1.0.0, so i can not open it
Sorry, I make mistake when upload the example
I re-attached the ADC project for K1 RTD 1.0.1
Can you give me the information of hardware target and RTD version you're using?
i use the s32k144,and RDT version is 1.0.1.