M7 运行autosar,A核使用linux
The M7 runs autosar and the A core uses linux
We want to use IPCF, I have already installed SW32G_IPCF_4.6.0_D2205
I see that IPCF is not configured on EB tool, is it only configured in S32DS and then integrated into autosar with complex drivers?
Is there a more detailed description of how to configure and integrate into autosar? I looked at the doc document in the ipcf installation package and felt that it was not very clear
Hi ianqun li
Hope you are doing well
Please install the IPCF 4.8.0, there is a example provide to show how to configure IPCF in EB tool. you will find it at the location SW32G_IPCF_4.8.0_D2212/eclipse/plugins/Ipcf_TS_T40D11M40I0R0/examples/EBT/S32G2/Ipcf_Example_S32G274A_M7
Regards ,
Hello, IPCF relies on a different version of RTD and BSP than BSP33
Yes, Software dependencies are RTD -> SW32G_RTD_4.4_4.0.0_D2207 and BSP-> BSP35.0
please read ReleaseNotes (SW32G_IPCF_4.8.0_D2212_ReleaseNotes.pdf) for more information
Regards ,
But we use the BSP33 version, and I see that version 4.7 also supports EB, but the RTD that he relies on is not available on your official website
Version 4.7 relies on RTD 3.0.4 . It is available on flexera site
Regards ,
I can't see IPCF4.7 version in my account. At present, our S32G274 is a new project, which BSP version do you officially recommend to use, BSP35 or BSP33