Hello ,
we are trying to do Can_Llce_DS_Can2Can_S32G274A Example given by NXP.
we have modified linker file as per Light Up RGB LED Based On Real Time Drivers example provided by NXP.
we have made the connections are per the NXP instructions.
when we board is booted, No frames are transmitted from M7 (verified in CANoe with Configured BaudRate as per the example).
1. Not sure what is going wrong here , can you pls guide us .
we have modified the Configuration for LLCE CAN Channel 0 to Receive and Transmit the message on LLCE Channel 1. As of now we are not able to receive the CAN Messages but able transmit dummy message on LLCE CAN 1 Channel. we observe that Can_RxIndication counter which Indicates that Rx Frame is recived is not updating (for the debugging purpose updated the local PDU data with Can_RxIndication & Can_TxConfirmation in CAN PDU and transmitted on LLCE_CAN1 Channel , in the CANoe Trace we found that Can_RxIndication is always 0 & Can_TxConfirmation is updating sequentially).
we traced back the code w.r.t. Rx channel interrupts used and calling functions seems to be defined okay but in the Board these seems to be not called or not processed.
2. Please look into the attached S32DS project and guide us any configuration changes need to be done .
Santhosh .
Hi Tushar,
Hope you are doing well and Thank You for the reply.
My Apologies for the late reply.
We did run the NXP given example without Modification but None of the frames were Transmitted or Recived.
With Modification of we made now we are able to Recieve Frames on Configured Channels and Transmit as per our requirements with Slow Path ( with routing done by M7).
we are trying to configure Fast path with Advance Features But it is not working .
Here are the modification we have done in LLCE_AF
We have configured 6 Adance Features such that each channel should recieve Rx CAN Frames and Transmit to Destination Channels .
Configgured the HOH as below
confgured the above HOH Advanced Features with Can_43_LLCE_CreateAfDestination and Can_43_LLCE_SetAfFilter API's
after the CAN Controller initialization , added below code such that it would configure the destination filters and re-route the recieved frames to Destination Channels as per the defination ( this is our understanding , Please let us know if we are wrong and please correct us what are need to be configured and corresponding Advance Feature setting).
Can_Af_DestRulesType Can2CanRule = {
{.Can2Can = {
/* ======= Routing Rule ======= */
/* ======= Destination rule type ======= */
Can_SetAfFilterType Can2CanFilter = {
{ /* RxFilter */
(Can_IdType)800U, /* uIdMask = RangeEnd */
(Can_IdType)700U, /* MessageId = RangeStart*/
(uint16)0x14, /* MBCount */
(Can_HwHandleType)0x6U, /* FilterId */
(uint8)0U, /* Rx is reported through this interface . */
{ /* AdvancedFeature */
LLCE_AF_AUTHENTICATION_DISABLED, /* Option for frame authentication feature */
LLCE_AF_HOSTRECEIVE_DISABLED, /* Option for host receive feature */
LLCE_AF_LOGGING_DISABLED, /* Option for logging feature */
LLCE_AF_CUSTOMPROCESSING_DISABLED, /* Option for custom processing in FDK */
(uint8)0U, /* Reference to Can2Can routing entry */
(uint8)LLCE_CAN_ADVANCED_FILTER_NOT_USED, /* Can2Eth not used */
Can2CanFilter.AdvancedFeature.u8Can2CanRoutingTableIdx = RuleIndex;
with the above changes , when a Frame given within Range of HOH filter , LLCE should Recive frame and FastRoute to Destination Channels , but it is not happening.
1. Could you pls let us know what is the procedure for Fast path Implementation?
2. whether do we need to buy the separate packages for LLCE Fast path routing from NXP?
Thanks for your time in guiding us .
Hi Santosh
Hope you are doing well.
1. Could you pls let us know what is the procedure for Fast path Implementation?
A. Read the Document Number: AN13423 for this. i have also attached here.
2. whether do we need to buy the separate packages for LLCE Fast path routing from NXP?
A. No, you have not to buy separate for same.
Hope this helps you.
Regards ,