S32design studio does not show any example projects

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S32design studio does not show any example projects

Contributor II


When I look for Example projects the following is the view,



Additionally, when I Help -> check for updates will lead to following error log.

Some sites could not be found. See the error log for more detail.
No repository found at http://www.nxp.com/lgfiles/updates/Eclipse/APSW/S32DS_3.5.
HTTP Server 'Bad Gateway' : http://gnuarmeclipse.sourceforge.net/updates/content.xml
HttpComponents connection error response code 502.


I have already tried the following,



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1 Reply

NXP Employee
NXP Employee

Hello @ArSa 

In order to have example projects, you need to install both the S32K1xx Development Package and the S32SDK S32K1XX RTM 4.0.1. These must be installed using the S32DS Extensions and Updates menu. This menu is accessed by: Help -> S32DS Extensions and Updates.


The example projects are included as part of the S32SDK and the S32SDK requires the S32K1xx development package.

If you experience errors with this, as the error you provide may indicate, then you can try to download these packages from our website.

Login to your software account and proceed until you reach the Product List page. Then use this link to locate the 'S32 Design Studio 3.5 development packages for offline use':


Download the file associated with the name I just mentioned and add it to the S32DS Extensions and Updates menu using the 'Add Update Sites' link.

Now you should see both of the packages listed in the image above. Install them both and after a restart of S32DS, you should be able to find many example projects for the S32K1xx family.


Best Regards,


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